The Great White Hope.

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?

You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
me? me? stating facts is ''evil''??
the truth hurts--yes? '''how I behave'''--please be specific...what have I done??

Your arrogant, like your people. Notice this list or two, how Whites dominate it; written by a White person;

The 10 Most Egotistical People In History - Sputnik Music Forums
really? for stating facts? calling out the lies?

  1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
I don't see anything about stating facts/truth in that definition

With your attitude, I don't expect you to see things about yourself; you'll defend yourself with impunity, such is your nature. And the strange thing is, you'll perhaps never see it. Notice;

When White People Are Too Hateful To Realize They Screwed Up
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With your attitude, I don't expect you to see things about yourself; you'll defend yourself with impunity, such is your nature. And the strange thing is, you'll perhaps never see it. Notice;

When White People Are Too Hateful To Realize They Screwed Up
I absolutely love your choice of antiwhite reading material.

Nice that some of you can use the white man's internet creation.

Here's the website of your african author

Breaking Normal

Well thank you, tell me how you like this one;

In Praise of White Selfishness | Western Spring
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?

You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
me? me? stating facts is ''evil''??
the truth hurts--yes? '''how I behave'''--please be specific...what have I done??

Your arrogant, like your people. Notice this list or two, how Whites dominate it; written by a White person;

The 10 Most Egotistical People In History - Sputnik Music Forums
really? for stating facts? calling out the lies?

  1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
I don't see anything about stating facts/truth in that definition

With your attitude, I don't expect you to see things about yourself; you'll defend yourself with impunity, such is your nature. And the strange thing is, you'll perhaps never see it. Notice;

When White People Are Too Hateful To Realize They Screwed Up
but this just an opinion--no facts...once again--no facts/evidence to back up your claim
however your article shows how blacks really, really hate whites--o my....very hate filled
the language is so professional vulgarity :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
this is your great link??!!--sounds like a 15 year old , grade school drop out wrote it

These people, the fucking poorest of the white people who thought being racist would solve their problems, will seek out those they think are weaker than them and do everything in their power to scare, threaten, and terrorize them.
wow--just wow..what a great article is worthless to discuss with you any further--since you reply with HATE and without facts
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With your attitude, I don't expect you to see things about yourself; you'll defend yourself with impunity, such is your nature. And the strange thing is, you'll perhaps never see it. Notice;

When White People Are Too Hateful To Realize They Screwed Up
I absolutely love your choice of antiwhite reading material.

Nice that some of you can use the white man's internet creation.

Here's the website of your african author

Breaking Normal

Well thank you, tell me how you like this one;

In Praise of White Selfishness | Western Spring

So, why are Whites taking in more Islamic refugees, than Blacks are?
You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
me? me? stating facts is ''evil''??
the truth hurts--yes? '''how I behave'''--please be specific...what have I done??

Your arrogant, like your people. Notice this list or two, how Whites dominate it; written by a White person;

The 10 Most Egotistical People In History - Sputnik Music Forums
really? for stating facts? calling out the lies?

  1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
I don't see anything about stating facts/truth in that definition

With your attitude, I don't expect you to see things about yourself; you'll defend yourself with impunity, such is your nature. And the strange thing is, you'll perhaps never see it. Notice;

When White People Are Too Hateful To Realize They Screwed Up
but this just an opinion--no facts...once again--no facts/evidence to back up your claim
however your article shows how blacks really, really hate whites--o my....very hate filled
the language is so professional vulgarity :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
this is your great link??!!--sounds like a 15 year old , grade school drop out wrote it

These people, the fucking poorest of the white people who thought being racist would solve their problems, will seek out those they think are weaker than them and do everything in their power to scare, threaten, and terrorize them.
wow--just wow..what a great article is worthless to discuss with you any further--since you reply with HATE and without facts

Hope does not need facts; both Whites and Blacks need Hope. This world has become a killing field that can drain the hopes of humanity; I think all races and cultures know how to kill and have killed.

Were missing out on something.
There isn't a nation in existence today that didn't steal it from someone before them, so you're weak attempt at a witty anecdote has fallen flat.

Out of curiosity, what race are you?

I am a Black man, and please give me the name of the Black country that stole a country ; and I do not consider Blacks in the country of Africa , who steal land in Africa, as stealing from another country.
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.

This is such bullshit.

White people are selfish and dangerous? LOL. White people are the ones who founded this country and worked hard to make it the most prosperous successful nation in the world. You have mostly white people to thank for your liberty.

I can conclude the same thing about blacks, there are good ones but not enough of them. The violent crime rate among blacks is astonishing.

Don’t even get me started on your black culture, especially rap. I can’t believe a song like this actually made it to #1 on the chart There was a time when hit music was good before this hip-hop shit took over. Yes I know there are some white rappers but they're white trash, and just as bad as the low-class black rappers.

Whites aren’t the ones destroying this country or this planet, we’ve tried to make it good for everyone. I can’t begin to imagine what this country would be like if blacks were the majority. It would be one huge fucking ghetto.
Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.
Very true.

Look at the Rocky films.

Rocky, the white guy, kicking ass on black ppl, in Philly, were Rocky was made they have a statue of him, a fictional character !

But it gets worse.

Smokin Joe Frazier, one of the great heavyweights of the past fifty yrs, also from Philly, has not a statue, not a street, nothing named after him. Joe Frazier a real great fighter !
Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.
Very true.

Look at the Rocky films.

Rocky, the white guy, kicking ass on black ppl, in Philly, were Rocky was made they have a statue of him, a fictional character !

But it gets worse.

Smokin Joe Frazier, one of the great heavyweights of the past fifty yrs, also from Philly, has not a statue, not a street, nothing named after him. Joe Frazier a real great fighter !
It is a movie set piece in a much whiter Philadelphia, idiot.

No boxer deserves a statue anywhere.
I am a Black man, and please give me the name of the Black country that stole a country ; and I do not consider Blacks in the country of Africa , who steal land in Africa, as stealing from another country.
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.

This is such bullshit.

White people are selfish and dangerous? LOL. White people are the ones who founded this country and worked hard to make it the most prosperous successful nation in the world. You have mostly white people to thank for your liberty.


I have mostly White people to thank for my freedoms? Are you suggesting that White people freed us from White people?
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.

This is such bullshit.

White people are selfish and dangerous? LOL. White people are the ones who founded this country and worked hard to make it the most prosperous successful nation in the world. You have mostly white people to thank for your liberty.


I have mostly White people to thank for my freedoms? Are you suggesting that White people freed us from White people?
They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.

This is such bullshit.

White people are selfish and dangerous? LOL. White people are the ones who founded this country and worked hard to make it the most prosperous successful nation in the world. You have mostly white people to thank for your liberty.


I have mostly White people to thank for my freedoms? Are you suggesting that White people freed us from White people?

Duh, one of the most profound answers in the universe. If that's all you get, pray for the one who gave it to you.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.

Your the Average White band, because you sound Black.
and the blacks honor CRIMINALS as their heroes:
ALL criminals--some with MULTIPLE arrest over MANY years
the blacks burn/loot/destroy when a CRIMINAL gets justifiably shot in self defense

St. Louis aldermen pass resolution remembering Anthony Lamar Smith, angering police
black aldermen..ASmith --a black CRIMINAL

the top anti-crime man--a black man--who is supposed to be against crime, goes to a criminal's family to COMFORT them when the CRIMINAL was justifiable shot:
after he stole, THEN attacked the clerk, THEN attacked a cop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Holder said FU to the WHITE cop---doing his duty to protect the community!!!!!!!!!
but loves the criminal
Even as you launch yet another series of racist tirades against the black community Euro-peons are watching romanticized movies or DVDS glorifying Caucasian criminals.
Al Capone
Bonnie and Clyde
Jesse James
Frank Costello
Donald Trump
John Dillinger
Billy the Kid

And a cast of hundreds more. you really want to go there. Every criminal mentioned is an object of hero wordhip to
Millions of your brethren.
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Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.

This is such bullshit.

White people are selfish and dangerous? LOL. White people are the ones who founded this country and worked hard to make it the most prosperous successful nation in the world. You have mostly white people to thank for your liberty.


I have mostly White people to thank for my freedoms? Are you suggesting that White people freed us from White people?

Duh, one of the most profound answers in the universe. If that's all you get, pray for the one who gave it to you.
Your question was anything but profound.

Stop asking dumbass questions and expecting “profound” answers.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Shut up inbred cuck.

Pretty much everyone is vastly more intelligent than you will ever be.
and the blacks honor CRIMINALS as their heroes:
ALL criminals--some with MULTIPLE arrest over MANY years
the blacks burn/loot/destroy when a CRIMINAL gets justifiably shot in self defense

St. Louis aldermen pass resolution remembering Anthony Lamar Smith, angering police
black aldermen..ASmith --a black CRIMINAL

the top anti-crime man--a black man--who is supposed to be against crime, goes to a criminal's family to COMFORT them when the CRIMINAL was justifiable shot:
after he stole, THEN attacked the clerk, THEN attacked a cop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Holder said FU to the WHITE cop---doing his duty to protect the community!!!!!!!!!
but loves the criminal
Even as you launch yet another series of racist tirades against the black community Euro-peons are watching romanticized movies or DVDS glorifying Caucasian criminals.
Al Capone
Bonnie and Clyde
Jesse James
Frank Costello
Donald Trump
John Dillinger
Billy the Kid

And a cast of hundreds more. you really want to go there. Every criminal mentioned is an object of hero wordhip to
Millions of your brethren.
not even close to to being the same
1. whites didn't burn/steal/destroy for these criminals [ Trump isn't even a criminal--so you are UNDENIABLY wrong there ]
---do you even think and see what you write?? yes--the MOVIES!!....the movie makers are trying to make money!!
people going to the movies are NOT honoring the criminals !!!! that is ridiculous and you know it

2. another huge point--the AG did NOT go and comfort the families of these criminals

3. they shot B and C, Dillinger---no riots/burning/looting
the preachers and aldermen didn't vote to honor them
...all these stores and museums are out to make money--not honor the criminal
--so you are TOTALLY wrong
please give comparable examples next time

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