The Great White Hope.

Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Millions? I doubt it.
Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.

Him, I always liked Hancock. Who couldent have mad respect for a super hero who shoves a mans head up another mans ass for running his mouth?
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Shut up inbred cuck.

Pretty much everyone is vastly more intelligent than you will ever be.
Wake up! You're dreaming again. Without my light in this thread there would be naught but insidious gloom here. And YOU, chuckles, have offered very little to the conversation.
But you do have a talent for posting smileys.
and the blacks honor CRIMINALS as their heroes:
ALL criminals--some with MULTIPLE arrest over MANY years
the blacks burn/loot/destroy when a CRIMINAL gets justifiably shot in self defense

St. Louis aldermen pass resolution remembering Anthony Lamar Smith, angering police
black aldermen..ASmith --a black CRIMINAL

the top anti-crime man--a black man--who is supposed to be against crime, goes to a criminal's family to COMFORT them when the CRIMINAL was justifiable shot:
after he stole, THEN attacked the clerk, THEN attacked a cop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
Holder said FU to the WHITE cop---doing his duty to protect the community!!!!!!!!!
but loves the criminal
Even as you launch yet another series of racist tirades against the black community Euro-peons are watching romanticized movies or DVDS glorifying Caucasian criminals.
Al Capone
Bonnie and Clyde
Jesse James
Frank Costello
Donald Trump
John Dillinger
Billy the Kid

And a cast of hundreds more. you really want to go there. Every criminal mentioned is an object of hero wordhip to
Millions of your brethren.
by inserting Trump in there, your reply turns to CRAP--total crap...
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
very hard to believe your opinion when the facts are blacks graduate high school at lower levels
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Shut up inbred cuck.

Pretty much everyone is vastly more intelligent than you will ever be.
Wake up! You're dreaming again. Without my light in this thread there would be naught but insidious gloom here. And YOU, chuckles, have offered very little to the conversation.
But you do have a talent for posting smileys.
You bring nothing but hypocritical anti-white bullshit.

I have kept much of this forum alive single-handedly.

You are too afraid to address the deep meanings behind my posts, so, like the typical demoncrat that you are, you simply pretend that my “smileys” are anything but a quick contributation to the forum while I am too busy to post.
whites didn't burn/steal/destroy for these criminals [ Trump isn't even a criminal--so you are UNDENIABLY wrong there ]
I hold to the premise that pale gangsters
are celebrated and their infamous exploits
have been woven into the fabric of Americana. The pink masses love them.
But rioting didn't occur when they were killed because they were usually armed and had reputations as killers. But if the police force at the time had been dominated by black cops who killed unarmed Euro-peons on a regular basis...there would have been riots.

Now i will address the foolish and ignorant notion that your ilk never burned pillaged or plundered. People like you destroyed two prosperous black enclaves in the early 20th century simply due to jealousy and just pure hate. Your kind even lynched black soldiers still in uniform after they survived enemy fire abroad and were just trying to get home. Bahs-turds like you rioted and attacked blacks
after Jack Johnson defeated the Great White Hope. The flesh colored criminals in those cases were never punished. They went on to become pillars of your community...Their descendants...YOU... now point your pink bloody clammy fingers at Black Lives Matter
with indignation while your selective memory waffles when it comes to the much greater crimes commited by your recent ancestry.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
very hard to believe your opinion when the facts are blacks graduate high school at lower levels
But many of those blacks who do graduate are smarter than you. Thats the point I was making. Graduation rates have no bearing on that. Case in point? Here ya go:

"A new report confirms that black women are now the most educated group in the United States. But we still have a long way to go for pay equity.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Millions? I doubt it.
Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Millions? I doubt it.
Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.
Why not 22 million? The number would be about as well supported as any of your other figures!
You bring nothing but hypocritical anti-white bullshit.

Well SOMEONE has to counter all the anti-black bullshit circulating in these boards.
I've found that the truth is a formidable tool
for attaining my goals here. That goal being to enlighten those with 3 digit IQs. You don't qualify.

I have kept much of this forum alive single-handedly.
Now is the time for raucous laughter!

You are too afraid to address the deep meanings behind my posts, so, like the typical demoncrat that you are, you simply pretend that my “smileys” are anything but a quick contributation to the forum while I am too busy to post.

Deep meaning? BWHAHAHA. Your kindergarten banter is about as deep as the crack of a buzzards ass and they don't have ANY butt cleavage.
Last edited:
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Millions? I doubt it.
Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.
Why not 22 million? The number would be about as well supported as any of your other figures!


It could be as high as 22 million...You probably top out at around yes... 22 million blacks could best that easily...
And that average national figure of 100 is also
Bypassed by millions of bright blacks.
Last edited:
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Millions? I doubt it.
Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.
Why not 22 million? The number would be about as well supported as any of your other figures!

View attachment 159781

It could be as high as 22 million...You probably top out at around yes... 22 million blacks could best that easily...
And that average national figure of 100 is also
Bypassed by millions of bright blacks.
More bullshit liberal "statistics."
You bring nothing but hypocritical anti-white bullshit.

Well SOMEONE has to counter all the anti-black bullshit circulating in these boards.
I've found that the truth is a formidable tool
for attaining my goals here. That goal being to enlighten those with 3 digit IQs. You don't qualify.

I have kept much of this forum alive single-handedly.
Now is the time for raucous laughter!
View attachment 159773

You are too afraid to address the deep meanings behind my posts, so, like the typical demoncrat that you are, you simply pretend that my “smileys” are anything but a quick contributation to the forum while I am too busy to post.

Deep meaning? BWHAHAHA. Your kindergarten banter is about as deep as the crack of a buzzards ass and they don't have ANY butt cleavage.
You don’t have a clue what the “truth” is because your IQ actually isn’t triple digit. If you did have something resembling a decent IQ you would understand that “all the anti-black bullshit” is minuscule compared to the blatant anti-white racism that high school dropouts like Guno, Asclepias, and various other posters throughout the forum, including the OP of this thread, churn out on a daily basis with the consent and even praise of all the “progressives” on here.

You need to up your game if you want to dare confront me again little troll.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
Millions? I doubt it.
Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.
Why not 22 million? The number would be about as well supported as any of your other figures!

View attachment 159781

It could be as high as 22 million...You probably top out at around yes... 22 million blacks could best that easily...
And that average national figure of 100 is also
Bypassed by millions of bright blacks.
More bullshit liberal "statistics."
Prove it!
You bring nothing but hypocritical anti-white bullshit.

Well SOMEONE has to counter all the anti-black bullshit circulating in these boards.
I've found that the truth is a formidable tool
for attaining my goals here. That goal being to enlighten those with 3 digit IQs. You don't qualify.

I have kept much of this forum alive single-handedly.
Now is the time for raucous laughter!
View attachment 159773

You are too afraid to address the deep meanings behind my posts, so, like the typical demoncrat that you are, you simply pretend that my “smileys” are anything but a quick contributation to the forum while I am too busy to post.

Deep meaning? BWHAHAHA. Your kindergarten banter is about as deep as the crack of a buzzards ass and they don't have ANY butt cleavage.
You don’t have a clue what the “truth” is because your IQ actually isn’t triple digit. If you did have something resembling a decent IQ you would understand that “all the anti-black bullshit” is minuscule compared to the blatant anti-white racism that high school dropouts like Guno, Asclepias, and various other posters throughout the forum, including the OP of this thread, churn out on a daily basis with the consent and even praise of all the “progressives” on here.

You need to up your game if you want to dare confront me again little troll.
You bring nothing but hypocritical anti-white bullshit.

Well SOMEONE has to counter all the anti-black bullshit circulating in these boards.
I've found that the truth is a formidable tool
for attaining my goals here. That goal being to enlighten those with 3 digit IQs. You don't qualify.

I have kept much of this forum alive single-handedly.
Now is the time for raucous laughter!
View attachment 159773

You are too afraid to address the deep meanings behind my posts, so, like the typical demoncrat that you are, you simply pretend that my “smileys” are anything but a quick contributation to the forum while I am too busy to post.

Deep meaning? BWHAHAHA. Your kindergarten banter is about as deep as the crack of a buzzards ass and they don't have ANY butt cleavage.
You don’t have a clue what the “truth” is because your IQ actually isn’t triple digit. If you did have something resembling a decent IQ you would understand that “all the anti-black bullshit” is minuscule compared to the blatant anti-white racism that high school dropouts like Guno, Asclepias, and various other posters throughout the forum, including the OP of this thread, churn out on a daily basis with the consent and even praise of all the “progressives” on here.

You need to up your game if you want to dare confront me again little troll.
View attachment 159794
You better throw something a whole lot bigger than that, little troll.

Smashing anti-white racism and its supporters throughout the echelons of society is something that no one will be able to stop me from doing.
Little subtle manipulations, like this sites advertisement, all the models are White. Its the Great White Hope.
There's no law stopping negroes from advertising negroes (which is already done) or making movies with negro superheroes. I don't watch such movies because the idea of an intelligent negro is laughable. Sure some are smarter than others, but making a movie about it just screams PC.
Millions of Negroes are smarter than you. And no one cares what you watch nor does anyone care what you think because you are sick.
very hard to believe your opinion when the facts are blacks graduate high school at lower levels
But many of those blacks who do graduate are smarter than you. Thats the point I was making. Graduation rates have no bearing on that. Case in point? Here ya go:

"A new report confirms that black women are now the most educated group in the United States. But we still have a long way to go for pay equity.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students.
Millions? I doubt it.
Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.
Why not 22 million? The number would be about as well supported as any of your other figures!

View attachment 159781

It could be as high as 22 million...You probably top out at around yes... 22 million blacks could best that easily...
And that average national figure of 100 is also
Bypassed by millions of bright blacks.
More bullshit liberal "statistics."
Prove it!
JQPublic1: Oh, if 2 million or so out of a population of 42 million blacks were smarter than you that would be a conservative estimate. There are probably more.

JQPublic1: It could be as high as 22 million...

Enough said.

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