The Green Deal of the Future


Gold Member
Aug 6, 2017
Pundits of the green deal have their heads stuck in the sand

China plans ban on petrol and diesel cars
China plans ban on petrol and diesel cars

China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars
China looks at ending sales of gasoline cars

China to ban all petrol and diesel cars

China to ban all petrol and diesel cars

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 | Reuters

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 | Reuters

China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020

China intends to spend more than $360 billion through 2020 on renewable power sources like solar and wind, the government’s energy agency said on Thursday.
China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020

2017 China Electric Car Sales Blow World Out Of The Water — BAIC EC-Series Is A Superstar
The rise and rise of the Chinese plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) market is unstoppable, with yet another record performance in December. A total of 102,000 new passenger PEVs were registered last month, up 130% year over year.
2017 China Electric Car Sales Blow World Out Of The Water — BAIC EC-Series Is A Superstar | CleanTechnica

Israel getting off of oil
The country hopes to reduce coal consumption by half again in 2022 and to phase it out entirely by 2026.

The country is also betting big on transportation by abandoning the import of gasoline and diesel-powered automobiles by 2030, allowing only electric, hydrogen, and compressed natural gas vehicles. “We are actively transferring manufacturing and power generation plants to natural gas from fuel oil, but transportation is the sector showing the largest improvement through the next decade,” Luvshis said.


German electric cars
Telekom, a large European telecommunications company headquartered in Germany are putting in place a massive plan to more than double the current electric car charging infrastructure by converting their distribution boxes. The company is in the process of updating 12,000 distribution boxes in their network in Germany.

They plan to build charging stations out of those distribution boxes – including 500 100-kW fast-charging stations.

The rest will be level 2 charge points capable of a charge rate up to 22 kW.

With around 10,800 public charge points in Germany at the moment, the plan alone would double the current charging infrastructure in the country.

Germany is getting 12,000 new electric car charging stations by converting distribution boxes

BMW has committed to further expanding its charging networks in the world’s largest auto market 0 China. By the end of this year, BMW plans to install more than 80,000 public charging poles in more than 100 Chinese cities.

“BMW is already the market leader of the premium electric car segment.

BMW also provides a 1,680-hour or two-year free charging service to car owners who don’t have their own private charging facilities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Chengdu.

As of 2017, BMW had installed more than 65,000 charging poles scattered across more than 90 Chinese cities

China is the host of the world’s largest public charging network for electric vehicles, with a total of more than 440,000 charging poles in the country, including 213,903 public charging poles and 231,820 private charging poles.

BMW to install 80,000 public charging poles in China

UPS believes the innovation will allow it to convert all 170 of its vehicles operating in the greater London area to fully electric vehicles.

The team added onsite grid-scale batteries. The prototype installation utilizes new batteries but the team envisions used batteries from older electric delivery vehicles being given a second life as stationary storage at its charging depots to maximize the value it gets out of existing assets and reduce the need to purchase new batteries at every location, every time.
head in sand.jpg

UPS Pursuing Fully Electric Delivery Vehicle Fleet In London Thanks To Stationary Storage | CleanTechnica

Wake up folks the world is passing us by ~~~~~~~~~~~


And every link is from a far left hack site that is questionable at best..
Pundits of the green deal have their heads stuck in the sand......

.......Wake up folks the world is passing us by ~~~~~~~~~~~


Didn't they say that about bullet trains in California and Solyndra Electric Company?


China is up-fitting their coal fired plants with US scrubbing technology that cleaned up our atmosphere in the US.. You can bet the communists and others wont destroy their economies for this AGW bull shit. They are going to lie to your face and do what they want...
And every link is from a far left hack site that is questionable at best..

I doubt that you even looked at one link. You just wasted real time on a real subject just to hear your own bla, bla
No offence intended or implied,
Your lack of self awareness is evident in the parroting of left wing talking points..

THe BBC, electrek, and other far left wing sites your using are fact-less..
Electric cars are more of an energy loss than petro-fuels.

No they are not; but you are welcome to stay in the 19th century if you choose, the rest of us are going to wave as we pass you on by :)-

lets see how you do in -20 deg F in your electric car.... I hope your life insurance is paid up... ICE CUBE is what you will have and it wont keep you warm or move for very long.
Electric cars are more of an energy loss than petro-fuels.

No they are not; but you are welcome to stay in the 19th century if you choose, the rest of us are going to wave as we pass you on by :)-

Indeed they are, by the time the coal gets burned and the batteries are manufactured.

There's not enough trace elements for everyone to have battery cars. It's simply not viable.
This forum is getting all the dooms day pundits in first and I can only hope real people with a brain further along than a third grader comes along and then we can have an adult discussion

I'll be back then :)-
Electric cars are more of an energy loss than petro-fuels.

No they are not; but you are welcome to stay in the 19th century if you choose, the rest of us are going to wave as we pass you on by :)-

Indeed they are, by the time the coal gets burned and the batteries are manufactured.

There's not enough trace elements for everyone to have battery cars. It's simply not viable.
These parrots don't do critical thinking skills.. And just how are they going to charge their cars when the wind isn't blowing and its night time at -20 deg below zero... Commonsense is just something they have no grasp of. They believe the green lies they are told and they don't think things through long enough to find out that they will die, for the cause....
This forum is getting all the dooms day pundits in first and I can only hope real people with a brain further along than a third grader comes along and then we can have an adult discussion

I'll be back then :)-

Having an adult discussion with a child who has no ability to think cognitively about what it is you are spouting...?? Priceless ... We cant have a discussion because you believe every lie your told and you cant take the truth and facts...

The reality is you don't know what your pontificating about... Do you know how much amperage loss you get for every decrease in 10 deg F starting at 60 deg F?
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