The Gun Control Debate will continue until we find solutions that make sense for people on both sides of the issue.

Once again I never voted for Trump never will vote for Trump but it obviously hurts your tiny brain because you are intellectually handicapped.

It doesn't matter. YOu MAGAts were always there even before Rump. He just did his conn on all of you. I can almost bet that you are a Meatball Ron supporter, right?
Give it up. Things are changing and you won't be able to hold America hostage anymore soon.

So you really have no comprehension of the current state of gun control in this nation?

Does the abbreviation "GVR" mean anything to you?
It doesn't matter. YOu MAGAts were always there even before Rump. He just did his conn on all of you. I can almost bet that you are a Meatball Ron supporter, right?

So you admit that you are a limited thinker and on top of that you are convinced you are always right.

There you go again proudly putting your idiocy on public display.

If there was a pride month for morons you would be the poster child.
We are getting rid of the ARs while you are having your children mudered enmass.
/-----/ Get rid of the loony, homicidal maniacs and leave the guns alone. They belong in mental institutions where they can get the care they need.
So you admit that you are a limited thinker and on top of that you are convinced you are always right.
While you are telling me about me, suggest what I should have for breakfast. Or do I choose the brown sox of the cadagans.

While you are telling me about me, suggest what I should have for breakfast. Or do I choose the brown sox of the cadagans.

You are the one who willingly proved that you are a limited thinker
limited thinker. Is that like the Woke thing where no one has a clear definition that most will agree on?
You said yourself that you don't care if I'm a republican or that I never voted for Trump but you continue to say I'm MAGA so it's obvious the only thing that matters in your tiny mind is your own bullshit opinion.

You can't even conceive that a person isn't either a republican or a democrat in your little 2 dimensional world.
We are getting rid of the ARs

So you really have no comprehension of the current state of gun control in this nation?

Does the abbreviation "GVR" mean anything to you?

while you are having your children mudered enmass.

Perhaps when Democrats finally believe enacting constitutional laws is more important than demonizing gun owners and excluding them from the public policy discussion, we will see our children be better protected from violence.

Why is it so important to you to poke a stick in the eye of gun owners?
So you really have no comprehension of the current state of gun control in this nation?

Does the abbreviation "GVR" mean anything to you?

Sure does. It means since those GVRs are being toss out left and right that you gunnutters should start sweating.

Perhaps when Democrats finally believe enacting constitutional laws is more important than demonizing gun owners and excluding them from the public policy discussion, we will see our children be better protected from violence.

Or is it, in your case, your AR is worth more than your children's life. It's not guns that are being slaughtered in the schools, it's children.

Why is it so important to you to poke a stick in the eye of gun owners?

You do know you could have just let it go and all this would not have come up, right?
Perhaps when Democrats finally believe enacting constitutional laws is more important than demonizing gun owners and excluding them from the public policy discussion, we will see our children be better protected from violence.
This will never happen.
Democrats want to restrict the exercise of the rghjt to keep and bear arms by the law abiding as much as they possible can; they are more than happy to ignore the constitution to do it.

They don't care about kids, they want to get rid of guns.
Sure does. It means since those GVRs are being toss out left and right that you gunnutters should start sweating.

That's funny. The GVR's show that the momentum of gun control in the USA is not towards new enactments, it is towards removing / invalidating hundreds of illegitimate gun laws now on the books.

Or is it, in your case, your AR is worth more than your children's life. It's not guns that are being slaughtered in the schools, it's children.

Pure raw emotionalism. Do you really think you are arguing points of substance with that crap?

You do know you could have just let it go and all this would not have come up, right?

Where's the fun in that? I do find it amusing that you are playacting like you are this formidable intellectual warrior on this subject . . .

That's funny. The GVR's show that the momentum of gun control in the USA is not towards new enactments, it is towards removing / invalidating hundreds of illegitimate gun laws now on the books.
Exactly this. The SCOTUS is reviewing many state laws. This Youtuber has a pretty good channel and provides a lot of updates on what's happening.
Exactly this. The SCOTUS is reviewing many state laws.

No doubt. But if the Circuits that have been GVR'ed decide correctly, SCOTUS won't need to revisit those cases unless a party files for certiorari.

GVR's are great but without SCOTUS taking up the case, it could partition the decisions just to the particular Circuit jurisdictions, the 3rd and 9th for Cali's and NJ's mag bans, the 4th for Maryland's salty weapon ban.

We've seen even since the GVR's, new salty weapon bans have since been enacted in Oregon (9th Circuit) and Illinois (7th Circuit). I want more states and cities to ban shit, the more unconstitutional laws that are enacted by these idiots, the more comprehensive the slap-downs will be.

This Youtuber has a pretty good channel and provides a lot of updates on what's happening.

He's OK, only relevant about 30% of the time. I was subscribed to his channel for a while but I couldn't handle all the click-bait headlines and re-re-re-churned "GROUNDBREAKING!" content.

The best legal content is presented by Washington Gun Law:

That's funny. The GVR's show that the momentum of gun control in the USA is not towards new enactments, it is towards removing / invalidating hundreds of illegitimate gun laws now on the books.

Pure raw emotionalism. Do you really think you are arguing points of substance with that crap?

Where's the fun in that? I do find it amusing that you are playacting like you are this formidable intellectual warrior on this subject . . .


Say goodnight, Gracie.
It doesn't matter. YOu MAGAts were always there even before Rump. He just did his conn on all of you. I can almost bet that you are a Meatball Ron supporter, right?
Meanwhile you stupid uneducated Moon Bats loved The Worthless Negro, adored the Crooked Hillary bitch and thinks that Joe Potatohead is the Cat's Meow.
It doesn't matter. YOu MAGAts were always there even before Rump. He just did his conn on all of you. I can almost bet that you are a Meatball Ron supporter, right?
Here is something for you Moon Bat.

How come Hunter Biden is not charged with the same crime? He did the same damn thing. He was a drug user that lied about it on a 4473 Form.

Deja Taylor, mother of 6-year-old who shot his teacher in Virginia, to face new federal gun charges of lying on 4473.

Deja Taylor, mother of 6-year-old who shot teacher in Virginia, to face new federal gun charges

The mother of the 6-year-old boy who shot his first-grade teacher in Virginia earlier this year will plead guilty to new federal charges related to her owning the gun the boy used.

Deja Taylor was charged in federal court Monday with illegally using drugs while owning a firearm and making a false statement when she purchased the gun claiming she was not an unlawful drug user despite using marijuana, court records show.

Taylor will plead guilty to the fed gun charges, her attorney James Ellenson told USA TODAY.
WTKR met with her attorney, Jimmy Ellenson who said his client plans to plead guilty to the new charges.
"We’ve come to an agreement and a resolution, which I think will be satisfactory to all parties," he said.

According to documents filed in the US District Court in Newport News on Monday, Ms Taylor "knowingly made a false and fictitious written statement" on her federal background check form when she purchased the Taurus 9mm semi-automatic weapon from a local shop.

The form asks whether the buyer is "an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance".

Ms Taylor is accused of checking "no" on that question despite being a cannabis user. Although the drug is legal for recreational use in several states, cannabis remains a controlled substance at the federal level and it is a federal felony to use it while armed
Gun control is a legal, philosophical and moral issue.

About half the country wants to live in a society where citizens have the right to buy and carry firearms. Given our country's history, many of them raise valid points. Our country was founded because of a revolution against England and would not have won that war had the citizens not had firearms. Most people back then lived in rural areas where having firearms was essential for both protection and hunting. (Which still holds true in many areas throughout the country, especially in smaller communities and very rural areas where it could take the police a very long time to respond)

Our country also has had somewhat of a violent past, if you think of the Wild West, the Civil War, and numerous other wars internationally. So "Gun Culture" is somewhat embedded in a large part of American Society.

The other half of the country wants to live in a society where most (if not all) firearms are used primarily for hunting purposes but rarely for self defense reasons. They've witnessed the alarming amount of gun violence that's plagued many of the cities throughout the country for decades now. They've also witnessed the increased amount of mass shootings and school shootings over the past few decades. They're also tired of fearing for their lives over road rage incidents, bar fights, sporting event fights, etc etc.

The debate over gun control will likely continue until people on both sides of the issue have a reason to "change" their opinion on the matter.

A good start (in my humble opinion) would be figuring out a way to drastically reduce inner city gun violence. How do you do it? Well, let's take a look at why there's so much violence in some of our cities. It's common knowledge that a large part of the violence is related to various networks of illegal drug trade, human trafficking and various other criminal enterprises.

Our current "War on Drugs" has been going on for 50+ years, yet the violence in most cities hasn't decreased. Is it time for a different approach? Decriminalization of possessing a small amount of drugs could be a start. Decriminalization is NOT legalization. It would simply treat drug possession cases as a civil infraction instead of a criminal infraction. It would also do wonders for our Criminal Justice System, incarceration rates, facilities, etc. It would likely save billions of dollars, which then could be used for rehabilitation programs, etc. Rehabilitating people involved with drugs, instead of sending them to prison, where many come out even more violent than when they went in.

Think of it like this: If you're a drug dealer or drug user, you won't go to jail for the drugs you possess but you will likely face heavy jail time for possessing a gun. The smart ones will likely figure it out pretty quickly and not carry guns. If you're a police officer, how much better would it feel knowing that the drug dealer you just pulled over probably won't shoot you, since he knows he won't go to jail for drugs. Decriminalization won't necessarily end the higher level trafficking but it certainly could help with the street-level drug trade. And could likely drastically reduce street-level gun violence.

The first thing that comes into the minds of gun advocates nowadays when a progressive talks about gun regulation, etc is, "They want to regulate our guns when most of the gun violence is in the cities and they can't even get that under control, despite heavy regulation in many cities". And they have a valid point. BUT if pro-gun culture folks see that inner city gun crime has finally been reduced, would they be more willing to listen to the other side of the argument? I would think so.

There are many other ways to help resolve the gun control issue within the US, including better education, better mental health programs and various other programs that can gradually change our "gun culture".

Mandatory background checks, including gun shows and private trade should be standard. I would also look into mental health screenings, classes, tests, etc If we need to take a class and a test to drive a car, we should require something similar to possess a firearm. I (and I'm assuming most people) would want the peace of mind knowing that if someone legally owns a gun, they are: A. Mentally stable. and: B. They know how to safely use it.

My 2 cents.

The answer really is quite simple.

But first I pose a question. Which would you rather have....

1 America that is free of guns?


2 America that is free of criminals and nutballs?

I mean if we treat criminals and crazies like what they are and keep them away from society do we really need gun control? If you vanish every single gun in America right now all the criminals and crazies that use guns to hurt people are still left behind.

So the answer is simple. Take the people who want to hurt others the criminals, dopeheads thieves, nutballs, thugs and so on and take them out of society so the vast majority of people can live safe and happier lives.

Gun control is just averting a solution and ignoring the real source of the problem.

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