The Gun Control Laws The United States Needs

Good luck with that. There were an estimated 357 million firearms in this country in 2013, with a population of 317 million. That rounds out to about 113 guns per 100 people, or 1.13 guns per person. And since gun sales have been increasing faster than the population, the divide has likely only massively widened since then.

Now your statistics give a 31% number, which would mean that those 31% own an average of 3 firearms. That's BS. I don't know anyone who owns a measly 3 firearms. Most people in my neck of the woods own anywhere between 10-50.

Someone's math isn't adding up.

Well, then according to your math I guess as little as 2% of the households in the United States own firearms. Or maybe its 10%. Either way, the non-gun owning households have the numbers to change the laws and restrict gun ownership for the smaller minority!
The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy – citizens’ rights and protected liberties are not subject to majority rule.

Indeed, Constitutional case law exists to protect the minority from government excess and overreach, to protect the minority from the capricious whims of the majority.

Any part of the constitution can be amended if you get enough votes. That's the reality. The non-gun owning population, at 70% and rising, will at some point in the future, demand these laws and regulations. Its only a matter of time.
View attachment 273605

Well, your free to try to tell them that if your possession of firearms in the future causes you to be in conflict with the law.
I have no problem putting a bullet in a tyrant
Again, the fate of world freedom is on the brink, and American gun ownership is the only thing holding back the oppressors.


Japan is a democracy, a free country. But when it comes to firearms, they have the same laws that are proposed here. Freedom is not about gun ownership.
The Japanese are much more of one culture. They have their ways like most people of the world. But they are much more respectful and clean up behind themselves just to start. There is more garbage in the streets of a few blocks of Baltimore then in the whole city of Tokyo. I always love the comparisons when it is in the favor of Progs. Progs hate the whites and then compare the socialism that seems to work in nations affected. Tell that to the nations of Central America, the Islands, Mexico, South America, Africa, parts of Europe and many parts of Asia where it does not.
On top of that, Japan relies on our military for protection.

Half the world relies on our military for protection.

Our military is under the control of our government, and WE THE PEOPLE keep it in check because we are armed.

I am SICK of this FACT being ignored and dismissed.


Only 31% of households in the United States have guns. They don't keep anything in check, let alone the U.S. military that would easily slaughter them in a shoot out.
history has proven that lightly armed civilian forces had held at bay and even defeated heavily armed professional armies
the Viet Cong is a prime example
Why do you think you can get 38 states to agree with you?
01. Because the number of households that own guns has fallen from 50% in 1977 to 31% in 2014.
02. The non-gun owning population have the numbers on their side.
03. It will be the majority vs. the minority.
04. The NRA and gun owners continue to resist any regulation while mass shootings increase shocking the public.
05. The media and non-gun owning population will eventually be able to get the laws and regulations in place that they want. Its only a matter of time.
So, you have no - rational - reason to believe 38 states will agree with you and repeal the 2nd.
I just listed it for you. 70% of households don't own guns.
Which does nothing to support your fantasy that 38 states will agree with you and repeal the 2nd.
You have no - rational - reason to believe 38 states will agree with you and repeal the 2nd.

It shows you that the non-gun owning population is rising. The gun owning population is decreasing. Eventually, the numbers will line up for those advocating the gun control restrictions I mentioned at the start of this thread.
Actually, that is wrong there is no poll that shows true gun ownership.
I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission
I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission

Did Trump receive a ribbon from the foreign leader? This is why no one trusts you. I look at it one day to be you are I being killed. When it gets her in totality you will not think it a joke. The taxes keep going up as a percentage of income. The Obamacare was a swindle tax and people rebelled. The swamp knows they need resources.
I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission

Did Trump receive a ribbon from the foreign leader? This is why no one trusts you. I look at it one day to be you are I being killed. When it gets her in totality you will not think it a joke. The taxes keep going up as a percentage of income. The Obamacare was a swindle tax and people rebelled. The swamp knows they need resources.
He is simply making the case for our continued gun ownership.

I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission

That's not bowing he had to lean over to get the gift that was given to him

explains why the saudi prince has him by the ear pulling his head down ....

to "thank him" for the bling .
I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission

That's not bowing he had to lean over to get the gift that was given to him

explains why the saudi prince has him by the ear pulling his head down ....

to "thank him" for the bling .
He just put the necklace around his neck dumb ass.
I am terrified at the easy at which tyrants can manipulate the masses to give up freedom for the false sense of security.

We are in big trouble.


it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission

That's not bowing he had to lean over to get the gift that was given to him

explains why the saudi prince has him by the ear pulling his head down ....

to "thank him" for the bling .
So, the commander of the most powerful military the world has ever known is bowing to a foreign power....

...and you want to take away our only means of keeping that power in check?

The defense rests, your honor.

it bothers me more Trump SALUTES the SOB's
better then bowing


A salute is a show of respect bowing is a show of submission

That's not bowing he had to lean over to get the gift that was given to him

explains why the saudi prince has him by the ear pulling his head down ....

to "thank him" for the bling .
He just put the necklace around his neck dumb ass.

yeah, sure - whatever you say.

Again, the fate of world freedom is on the brink, and American gun ownership is the only thing holding back the oppressors.


Japan is a democracy, a free country. But when it comes to firearms, they have the same laws that are proposed here. Freedom is not about gun ownership.
----------------------------------- as I have said a few times over the last few days , 'japan' is a Police State U2Edge.
Again, the fate of world freedom is on the brink, and American gun ownership is the only thing holding back the oppressors.


Japan is a democracy, a free country. But when it comes to firearms, they have the same laws that are proposed here. Freedom is not about gun ownership.
----------------------------------- as I have said a few times over the last few days , 'japan' is a Police State U2Edge.

Japan is a Democracy that was created by the United States General Douglas Macarthur after the conclusion of World War II. Japan has been a democracy and ally of the United States since that time.
Any part of the constitution can be amended if you get enough votes. That's the reality. The non-gun owning population, at 70% and rising, will at some point in the future, demand these laws and regulations. Its only a matter of time.
It takes 13 states to stop an amendment.
The 13 states most likely to vote against a repeal of the 2nd - that is, the 13 most pro-gun states - contain about 7% of the US population.
Why do you think you will get 38 states to agree with you?
Eventually, even in the 13 most pro gun owning states, non-gun owning households will become the majority.
And thus, you reinforce the fact you have no - rational - reason to believe 38 states will agree with you.

I give you a C+ on your trolling. Try harder.

If you don't understand trends, you're in for a big surprise in the future.

Slave owners used to say the same thing as you.

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