The gun lobby has politicized the American Senate, and many Right Wing POLS

Are you willing to raise the voting age to 21 also?
No. You’re trying to connect two things that don’t need to be connected as an excuse to justify your refusal to do anything about your stance on giving 18-yea—old psychopaths access to AR-15 rifles.
When Biden visits Chicago every week to mourn the kids shot and killed there every week then Dems can run their mouths about gun control. Until then Dems faux rage over a school shooting is phony.
Your inability to follow the conversation isn’t my problem.
Your post was stupid, hence I mocked it. Some states allow 18 year olds to purchase AR rifles, there the counter argument. Demonstrating how impotent your post was. Unless you propose that everyone do as Florida has done. I'm pretty sure that's not going to work if we discuss Florida election laws.
Your post was stupid, hence I mocked it. Some states allow 18 year olds to purchase AR rifles, there the counter argument. Demonstrating how impotent your post was. Unless you propose that everyone do as Florida has done. I'm pretty sure that's not going to work if we discuss Florida election laws.
The argument was that we need to raise the age of voting if we raise the age of purchasing AR rifles. I showed that that’s not the case.

You need to pay closer attention before you chime in.
Tue, May 31, 2022, 2:04 AM

Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, who represent the state where an 18-year-old gunman carried out one of the nation's deadliest school shootings last week, are among Congress' top recipients of contributions from pro-gun donors, campaign finance records show.
Cruz, in particular, has taken in the most money from pro-gun individuals and groups of anyone in the current Congress, amassing $442,000 over the course of his career, according to an analysis of disclosure reports by the nonpartisan campaign finance research group OpenSecrets.
Cornyn ranks third among current U.S. senators and representatives, receiving a total of $340,000 in contributions from pro-gun donors over his career, after Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., who has amassed $396,000, according to the analysis.

In Texas and beyond, many politicians receive mega donations from pro-gun supporters and lobbyists, and their dollars keep them in office.

In fact, our elections are flooded with emoluments given to Members of Congress, and that was made possible by a 5-4 decision in the Supreme Court.


A 5–4 majority of the Supreme Court sided with Citizens United, ruling that corporations and other outside groups can spend unlimited money on elections.

What was the rationale for the ruling?

In the court’s opinion, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote that limiting “independent political spending” from corporations and other groups violates the First Amendment right to free speech. The justices who voted with the majority assumed that independent spending cannot be corrupt and that the spending would be transparent, but both assumptions have proven to be incorrect.
It violates the First Amendment, moron.

Why do you object to the right wing doing the same thing the left does? How much do Dims receive from gun control groups? Tons.
No. You’re trying to connect two things that don’t need to be connected as an excuse to justify your refusal to do anything about your stance on giving 18-yea—old psychopaths access to AR-15 rifles.
If you dont trust 18 year olds to not become mass murderers then they should not be voting either
If you dont trust 18 year olds to not become mass murderers then they should not be voting either
Explain that to Florida who passed exactly what I’m proposing. They allow 18-year-olds to vote and they don’t allow them to legally purchase AR-15 rifles.

You just want to pretend the two need to be intertwined so you can have an excuse to justify why you think it’s ok to allow a psychotic 18-year-old to purchase an AR-15.

Great job. Way to keep America safe.
Explain that to Florida who passed exactly what I’m proposing. They allow 18-year-olds to vote and they don’t allow them to legally purchase AR-15 rifles.
Thats easy

I simply disagree with them on that topic - if that in fact is the case in florida

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