The gun lobby has politicized the American Senate, and many Right Wing POLS

Thats easy

I simply disagree with them on that topic - if that in fact is the case in florida
Of course you disagree with them. They don’t follow the ridiculous connection that you insist on.

Your idea of keeping Americans safe is to allow psychotic 18-year-olds to purchase AR-15 rifles. What could possibly go wrong, right?
Explain that to Florida who passed exactly what I’m proposing. They allow 18-year-olds to vote and they don’t allow them to legally purchase AR-15 rifles.

You just want to pretend the two need to be intertwined so you can have an excuse to justify why you think it’s ok to allow a psychotic 18-year-old to purchase an AR-15.

Great job. Way to keep America safe.
So you will be voting Desantis in 2024.
Of course you disagree with them. They don’t follow the ridiculous connection that you insist on.

Your idea of keeping Americans safe is to allow psychotic 18-year-olds to purchase AR-15 rifles. What could possibly go wrong, right?
You think passing a law telling a phsychotic 18 year old he can’t have an “AR-15” will keep the psycho from getting one and killing people?

Why not just outlaw killing people, no matter how old you are?
You think passing a law telling a phsychotic 18 year old he can’t have an “AR-15” will keep the psycho from getting one and killing people?
Possibly. The guy was a loner, so it likely would have been difficult for him to obtain one illegally. Additionally, we need to heavily penalize people who participate in straw purchases.

Or we can just make it super easy for them to obtain one, which seems like your idea. Great plan.
Then you really don’t care about “gun control”.
Dumb argument.

I don’t know what his position on national gun laws is, I’m not a single issue voter, and I don’t know who his opposition would be assuming he even wins the nomination.
Possibly. The guy was a loner, so it likely would have been difficult for him to obtain one illegally. Additionally, we need to heavily penalize people who participate in straw purchases.

Or we can just make it super easy for them to obtain one, which seems like your idea. Great plan.
1. He had no problem illegally murdering 21 people, so why do you think he would have trouble illegally buying a gun?

2. How would penalizing someone for a “straw purchase“ after a mass shooting prevent that shooting?

3. I have never advocated for the mentally ill to have guns. You are making that up.
Dumb argument.

I don’t know what his position on national gun laws is, I’m not a single issue voter, and I don’t know who his opposition would be assuming he even wins the nomination.
Saving kids must be way down in your list. I bet being able to kill kids in the womb is high on your list.
We will keep buying the legislatures of every body in the US including Congress until we all own machine guns.

Fuck each and every last one of you gun grabbers right in the ass.

Machine guns or Valhalla
How do you propose we deal with 21 year old psychos?
Background checks.

I think there’s a stronger chance that a psycho under 21 does something stupid in their first few years of adulthood and gets flagged for being mentally unstable.

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