The guy Nazareth was a total fraud, get over it already...

"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
God made the herb for us to enjoy.

Yeah, I heard that it is written, on whatever it is that they write upon, that all seed bearing herbs are kosher.

Pop quiz time!

Who in the world would possibly be against what is clearly kosher according to the very word of God?

What mythological creature described in great detail in scripture does that most closely resemble?

not only would it be "kosher" to eat marijuana----it is not even on the list of agricultural produce that must be tithed-------the tithing list is quite limited.
You could also eat raw rhubarb as kosher----HOWEVER there are rabbinical edicts against poisoning oneself. Jesus said----in sum and substance "pay attention to the learned people"
The GREAT FISH in the Book of Jonah-----ate a person------people do not constitute kosher food.
"kosher" = enriching attorneys
"unkosher" = libertarianism that doesn't enrich attorneys - legalizing weed
"kosher" = enriching attorneys
"unkosher" = libertarianism that doesn't enrich attorneys - legalizing weed

JESUS TOLD YOU la la la la la
awaaay in the MAAAAANGER la la la la
Disclaimer----do not blame jesus for that which is written about him in the "new testament" or that which dexie says about him
you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.

View attachment 195782

your phony 4th century religion has been crucifying people since that time to the present day - it is the spoken religion of the 1st century you are at odds with in hatred {sic} you despise and that someday will hopefully bring you to justice. before the Almighty. for innocents to return to our Garden.
What verse says to torture people, bigot?
What verse says to torture people, bigot?


your 10,000 pg. 4th century document, sinner replete with forgeries used through the centuries to persecute and maim your victims in the name of christianity.
For the 574th time, name the verse that calls for that.

You can't. You're a liar who distorts truth by applying the actions of God haters like you with what the NT says.
For the 574th time, name the verse that calls for that.

You can't. You're a liar who distorts truth by applying the actions of God haters like you with what the NT says.

your 10,000 pg. 4th century document, sinner replete with forgeries used through the centuries to persecute and maim your victims in the name of christianity.

I gave you the answer - sinner

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

one of the forgeries used by your false religion to justify your sociopathic behavior ...


the above is not you christian, those people are before your 4th century book - it took you that long to confiscate the spoken religion of the Almighty into your own personal corruption.
You do know he thinks the Jews were behind 9-11 don’t you?

Once again, we have SUBs lying to attempt to discredit truth they hate...

The three players behind 911 were all Zionists, did not include "all Jews,." and included those who weren't Jews, like W....


Every life form on the planet with a brain knows 911 was a FRAUD, that the two towers and #7 were demo-ed, that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon etc.

But in the quest to discredit the truth that Jesus was a complete FRAUD, SUBs will never stop lying....
Share some of your herb with Taz and hobelim. This thread needs more humor.
Do not blame Jesus for the psychotic woodcuts
produced by Christians in medieval times
In a just world-----should jesus "reappear" -----he would have the right to a SUCCESSFUL lawsuit against the
writers of the "new testament"

that world is not what jesus left nor has it been brought to lite - by any of the desert religions. nor is it for those their goal.
You do know he thinks the Jews were behind 9-11 don’t you?

Once again, we have SUBs lying to attempt to discredit truth they hate...

The three players behind 911 were all Zionists, did not include "all Jews,." and included those who weren't Jews, like W....


Every life form on the planet with a brain knows 911 was a FRAUD, that the two towers and #7 were demo-ed, that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon etc.

But in the quest to discredit the truth that Jesus was a complete FRAUD, SUBs will never stop lying....
Share some of your herb with Taz and hobelim. This thread needs more humor.

I was right behind the 9-11-01 bombing of the
world trade center. --------I saw it happen from
my living room window-----behind it by (??) maybe ten miles-----The mossad forgot to inform me. If the event took place just 30 minutes later-----I probably would have been right under the disaster on the "A" train. I am planning on a lawsuit against the Mossad for failing to notify me
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...

by convention at that time ----he could have been called Notzri even if that word had not
yet been associated with Christians-----just based on the fact that he was FROM NAZARETH
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...

by convention at that time ----he could have been called Notzri even if that word had not
yet been associated with Christians-----just based on the fact that he was FROM NAZARETH
He was born in Bethlehem, but he grew up in Nazareth.
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...
The amount of theological knowledge the haters have could fill a thimble.
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...
The amount of theological knowledge the haters have could fill a thimble.
This guy doesn't understand why Jesus was here in the first place.
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...

by convention at that time ----he could have been called Notzri even if that word had not
yet been associated with Christians-----just based on the fact that he was FROM NAZARETH
He was born in Bethlehem, but he grew up in Nazareth.

that makes him a NOTZRI. The geographical thing is interesting even today. Lots of people have such monikers as a "last name". In some cases they are inherited from situations that existed centuries ago. ----ie some great great...great grandfather who lived in some specific PLACE-----LONG AGO. <<<<not just a Hebrew thing------most people today named
SMITH-------are not iron smiths. Irving Berlin-----was not born in Berlin. Way back 2000 years ago it was COMMON PLACE to name a person according to where he had LIVED----not necessarily where he was born. The FOMAL name was "first {ie given} name plus "ben"---the son of this or that person. Sometimes ---
other stuff was added like TRIBE (eg LEVITE)
or place of residence---recent or remote.
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...

by convention at that time ----he could have been called Notzri even if that word had not
yet been associated with Christians-----just based on the fact that he was FROM NAZARETH
He was born in Bethlehem, but he grew up in Nazareth.

that makes him a NOTZRI. The geographical thing is interesting even today. Lots of people have such monikers as a "last name". In some cases they are inherited from situations that existed centuries ago. ----ie some great great...great grandfather who lived in some specific PLACE-----LONG AGO. <<<<not just a Hebrew thing------most people today named
SMITH-------are not iron smiths. Irving Berlin-----was not born in Berlin. Way back 2000 years ago it was COMMON PLACE to name a person according to where he had LIVED----not necessarily where he was born. The FOMAL name was "first {ie given} name plus "ben"---the son of this or that person. Sometimes ---
other stuff was added like TRIBE (eg LEVITE)
or place of residence---recent or remote.
I won't tell you my name, but it is derived from where my ancestors house was located.
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
God made the herb for us to enjoy.

Yeah, I heard that it is written, on whatever it is that they write upon, that all seed bearing herbs are kosher.

Pop quiz time!

Who in the world would possibly be against what is clearly kosher according to the very word of God?

What mythological creature described in great detail in scripture does that most closely resemble?
What "very word of god"? Where's that?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....
His name wasn't Nazareth...

by convention at that time ----he could have been called Notzri even if that word had not
yet been associated with Christians-----just based on the fact that he was FROM NAZARETH
He was born in Bethlehem, but he grew up in Nazareth.

that makes him a NOTZRI. The geographical thing is interesting even today. Lots of people have such monikers as a "last name". In some cases they are inherited from situations that existed centuries ago. ----ie some great great...great grandfather who lived in some specific PLACE-----LONG AGO. <<<<not just a Hebrew thing------most people today named
SMITH-------are not iron smiths. Irving Berlin-----was not born in Berlin. Way back 2000 years ago it was COMMON PLACE to name a person according to where he had LIVED----not necessarily where he was born. The FOMAL name was "first {ie given} name plus "ben"---the son of this or that person. Sometimes ---
other stuff was added like TRIBE (eg LEVITE)
or place of residence---recent or remote.
I won't tell you my name, but it is derived from where my ancestors house was located.

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now I know !!!!!!! muddy's name is GRUNBAUM-----the house was under a green
tree. ------righttt????? say yes
They ran away for the same reason you ran away from me. They were scared.

Scared of what?

Hell? They just betrayed the SON OF GOD = they are going to HELL with 100% certainty - right???

The CROSS = yeah, that is what they feared, not HELL.

Why did they fear the CROSS if Jesus was really the SON OF GOD??

A: that is the ultimate fail of trying to argue Jesus was who he said he was. The "miracles" were all just observed by the Disciples and nobody else. The Disciples know whether Jesus was a fraud or not, and if he was a fraud, the Disciples were co -conspirators...

When the Disciples bolted, and then Jesus was convicted... there was nothing with which to defend the FRAUD....
In your case, scared of being made to look like a fool.

In their case, dying.

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