The guy Nazareth was a total fraud, get over it already...

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
God made the herb for us to enjoy.

Yeah, I heard that it is written, on whatever it is that they write upon, that all seed bearing herbs are kosher.

Pop quiz time!

Who in the world would possibly be against what is clearly kosher according to the very word of God?

What mythological creature described in great detail in scripture does that most closely resemble?
What "very word of god"? Where's that?
lol.... Its that book of fairytales...

ListenTaz, you are the guy who says he can't see any evidence of God. More than a few people have pointed to the bible as a source of instruction. God is not in the book, and you won't find God by reading it word by word passage by passage every other sunday. You have to read it, understand it, and then follow the instruction, actually do it, to find what you profess to be looking for.

Its like you woke up one day lost in a very dark and scary forest and can't find your way home. Someone took pity on you while you were crying your eyes out, gave you a map, and a tissue, told you to man up and read it, and then follow a very straight and narrow clearly defined road until you arrive at your destination.

Instead of doing it, without taking even one single step, you start blubbering about "where's the proof"....All you have is a

Suit yourself Taz, remain lost..."There is no proof of God, why follow a bunch of fairy tales? what about the kangaroos? my mind is pure, God is a meanie! anal sex, cum dribbles, gay Jesus! All you have is a map!"

Here's a box of tissues.

I'm going to get my aura massaged by invisible sky fairies.....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
God made the herb for us to enjoy.

Yeah, I heard that it is written, on whatever it is that they write upon, that all seed bearing herbs are kosher.

Pop quiz time!

Who in the world would possibly be against what is clearly kosher according to the very word of God?

What mythological creature described in great detail in scripture does that most closely resemble?
What "very word of god"? Where's that?
lol.... Its that book of fairytales...

ListenTaz, you are the guy who says he can't see any evidence of God. More than a few people have pointed to the bible as a source of instruction. God is not in the book, and you won't find God by reading it word by word passage by passage every other sunday. You have to read it, understand it, and then follow the instruction, actually do it, to find what you profess to be looking for.

Its like you woke up one day lost in a very dark and scary forest and can't find your way home. Someone took pity on you while you were crying your eyes out, gave you a map, and a tissue, told you to man up and read it, and then follow a very straight and narrow clearly defined road until you arrive at your destination.

Instead of doing it, without taking even one single step, you start blubbering about "where's the proof"....All you have is a

Suit yourself Taz, remain lost..."There is no proof of God, why follow a bunch of fairy tales? what about the kangaroos? my mind is pure, God is a meanie! anal sex, cum dribbles, gay Jesus! All you have is a map!"

Here's a box of tissues.

I'm going to get my aura massaged by invisible sky fairies.....
So if god isn't in the bible, how can it be the "very word of god"?

You really think that some ignorant sheep shaggers left you a breadcrumb trail through those fairy tales to find an actual god that you can't find otherwise? Does that sounds as dumb to you as it does to me?
"where's the proof"

The PROOF is the fact that Jesus' disciples BOLTED on him.

They KNEW.

They FLED.

If they thought he was really who he said he was, they would not have fled...
Good grief, man. Flight from a dust-up is not proof of disbelief. Did you know that the apostles defended Jesus when he was arrested? One even drew blood.

Did you know that the guards separated Jesus and the arresting party from the apostles? And that one of the apostles followed them anyway, and waited outside the courtyard during the trial?

Did you know that after the crucifixion and the whole afaiir, the apostles did believe that Jesus was who he said he was? They wrote a book about it. Perhaps you've heard of it.

In case you didn't hear, the apostles did believe Jesus was who he said he was.
Because it wasn't until after he rose that they understood who he was.

what a joke, the OP is correct in their description - and did they tell him their not coming to his aid was only a temporary distraction ... were there a resurrection .:eusa_hand:

The PROOF is the fact that Jesus' disciples BOLTED on him.

bolted or not they were not arrested only Jesus. in what was the true motivation of those involved during the closing scene for the events of the 1st century.
Because it wasn't until after he rose that they understood who he was.

Who saw him "rise?"

A few of those same DISCIPLES that BOLTED on him.

Where did he go after he "rose?"

A: nowhere where anyone could actually see him other than his completely discredited "Disciples"

Indeed, all the "miracles" are observed by just the disciples.... who outed themselves as total frauds by bolting...
They wrote a book about it.

That came out 200-300 years later....

and finished with a prediction that something would happen "soon," and now "soon" in the bible means


since it still has not happened... and never will. The guy is DEAD. He ain't coming back.
Because it wasn't until after he rose that they understood who he was.

Who saw him "rise?"

A few of those same DISCIPLES that BOLTED on him.

Where did he go after he "rose?"

A: nowhere where anyone could actually see him other than his completely discredited "Disciples"

Indeed, all the "miracles" are observed by just the disciples.... who outed themselves as total frauds by bolting...
You're getting pretty worked up, Dex. Chill, bro.
Old Testament MATH

God took 7 days to make Planet Earth.... and while Earth is a small planet, smaller than several moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn, we can take Earth=average planet and calculate how long it took God to make the universe....

Our solar system has 9 planets... but several of the planets, Mercury and Pluto, are really small, and several of the moons are larger than Earth. So let's be conservative and start

10 planets per star

as an assumption.

100 billion stars
1 trillion planets in just the Milky Way

It took God 7 trillion days to make the planets in the Milky Way....

which is about 20 billion years... for just the planets in the MW.... never mind the stars, asteroids etc...

Now, God had to do that for the other 100 billion galaxies we can see now...

20 billion times 100 billion = number of years it took God to make the planets in the universe....

20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years....

and in all that time, God just had "one Son..."

Old Testament MATH

God took 7 days to make Planet Earth.... and while Earth is a small planet, smaller than several moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn, we can take Earth=average planet and calculate how long it took God to make the universe....

Our solar system has 9 planets... but several of the planets, Mercury and Pluto, are really small, and several of the moons are larger than Earth. So let's be conservative and start

10 planets per star

as an assumption.

100 billion stars
1 trillion planets in just the Milky Way

It took God 7 trillion days to make the planets in the Milky Way....

which is about 20 billion years... for just the planets in the MW.... never mind the stars, asteroids etc...

Now, God had to do that for the other 100 billion galaxies we can see now...

20 billion times 100 billion = number of years it took God to make the planets in the universe....

20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years....

and in all that time, God just had "one Son..."

Not much on understanding allegory I see.

Actually the Bible called that the universe had a beginning about 6000 years before science did.

As always, laughing leads to crying.
bolted or not they were not arrested only Jesus

There were "warrants" for them. They were wanted too. The "son of God" scam wasn't just the phony at the top of it....
There were "warrants" for them. They were wanted too. The "son of God" scam wasn't just the phony at the top of it....

the son of god scam was written in the 4th century - pilate saw that as Jesus defense who never claimed the fallacy to be true as proof no one else was arrested because no laws were broken.
The whole "last supper" story is total BS to "explain" why the disciples bolted.

The "last supper" was the loaves and fishes "miracle," everyone gets an ounce of fish and a piece of bread...

When pyramid schemes go bad, the rats ditch the ship. Judas bolted that evening. The authorities showed up the next day. The "followers" who were bilked out of "everything" were the ones voting for Barabbas....
The whole "last supper" story is total BS to "explain" why the disciples bolted.

The "last supper" was the loaves and fishes "miracle," everyone gets an ounce of fish and a piece of bread...

When pyramid schemes go bad, the rats ditch the ship. Judas bolted that evening. The authorities showed up the next day. The "followers" who were bilked out of "everything" were the ones voting for Barabbas....
I already explained this to you. They did not understand who he was or what his purpose was. They ran away faster than you ran away from the science discussion with me.

Can you imagine that? You - a supposedly intelligent person - running away from a discussion about science with a dumb Christian like me?

Amazing. Let me know when you grow a pair. OK?
The whole "last supper" story is total BS to "explain" why the disciples bolted.

The "last supper" was the loaves and fishes "miracle," everyone gets an ounce of fish and a piece of bread...

When pyramid schemes go bad, the rats ditch the ship. Judas bolted that evening. The authorities showed up the next day. The "followers" who were bilked out of "everything" were the ones voting for Barabbas....
Hey, want to take me on in the Bull Ring? One on one?

Or you could just show everyone that you are afraid of a dumb Christian, right?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....

One of two things was true ...

there are other options you omit that using your own logic would prove a more plausible explanation for the events involving Jesus, the 1st century.

would someone that became relevant in the 1st century claim all people are sinners without hope for change, they could only become immortal through the judgement of a living person, himself and that no means otherwise were possible to overcome previous sins, theirs or not or to live a sinless life as being even posible. -

rather as more likely to absolve previous sins, live a sinless life thereafter and be rewarded for their own accomplishment by being Admitted to the Everlasting .... your thread would be more accurate to specify the 4th century christian bible as a total fraud than risk your own well being on the same accusation against a person crucified on a cross that subsequently was misrepresented again in the 4th century by the same illness that killed them in the 1st.
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....

One of two things was true ...

there are other options you omit that using your own logic would prove a more plausible explanation for the events involving Jesus, the 1st century.

would someone that became relevant in the 1st century claim all people are sinners without hope for change, they could only become immortal through the judgement of a living person, himself and that no means otherwise were possible to overcome previous sins, theirs or not or to live a sinless life as being even posible. -

rather as more likely to absolve previous sins, live a sinless life thereafter and be rewarded for their own accomplishment by being Admitted to the Everlasting .... your thread would be more accurate to specify the 4th century christian bible as a total fraud than risk your own well being on the same accusation against a person crucified on a cross that subsequently was misrepresented again in the 4th century by the same illness that killed them in the 1st.

Sin is disobedience to the law of God. Jesus did away with sin by teaching and demonstrating the only right way to interpret and conform to these commands that fulfills the promise of eternal life. By doing this the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for failure to comply with the law, is removed. This is how death was defeated for all those who accepted his revelation and acted on it, ate his flesh and drank his blood.

This is the good news of the gospels. The good news of the good news.

Living without sin is easy if you understand the wisdom of God and hidden subjects of the law, and do it..

The only fraud or forgeries are the idiotic teachings that sins have something to do with human sexuality, diet, and fashion based on gross misunderstanding and thousands of years of confusion resulting from perverse oral interpretations of the figurative language used in the written texts in the book of the law, what Jesus called the traditions of men..
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One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....

One of two things was true ...

there are other options you omit that using your own logic would prove a more plausible explanation for the events involving Jesus, the 1st century.

would someone that became relevant in the 1st century claim all people are sinners without hope for change, they could only become immortal through the judgement of a living person, himself and that no means otherwise were possible to overcome previous sins, theirs or not or to live a sinless life as being even posible. -

rather as more likely to absolve previous sins, live a sinless life thereafter and be rewarded for their own accomplishment by being Admitted to the Everlasting .... your thread would be more accurate to specify the 4th century christian bible as a total fraud than risk your own well being on the same accusation against a person crucified on a cross that subsequently was misrepresented again in the 4th century by the same illness that killed them in the 1st.

Sin is disobedience to the law of God. Jesus did away with sin by teaching and demonstrating the only right way to interpret and conform to these commands that fulfills the promise of eternal life. By doing this the burden of the law, which is the death consequent for failure to comply with the law, is removed. This is how death was defeated for all those who accepted his revelation and acted on it, ate his flesh and drank his blood.

This is the good news of the gospels. The good news of the good news.

Living without sin is easy if you understand the wisdom of God and hidden subjects of the law, and do it..

The only fraud or forgeries are the idiotic teachings that sins have something to do with human sexuality, diet, and fashion based on gross misunderstanding and thousands of years of confusion resulting from perverse oral interpretations of the figurative language used in the written texts in the book of the law, what Jesus called the traditions of men..
"Sin is disobedience to the law of God." What IS the "law of God"? Where can I find that so that I won't be disobedient?

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