The guy Nazareth was a total fraud, get over it already...

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?

Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?

What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.
No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

God is the judge, you are on death row, and I'm your attorney, a Jew, remember?

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.

Does God make you say stupid things? Does a book of fairy tales have anything to do with why you present yourself like a degenerate? Was God anywhere in sight when a low life got you on your knees to worship and eat the flesh of an edible triune mangod on the very same day that you died? Is it Gods fault that you haven't matured past the age of an emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent?
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Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?

What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.

No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.
So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
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You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?

What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.

No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.
So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?
What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.

No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.
So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?

You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
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So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.

No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.
So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?

You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:
No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.
So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?

You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....but seriously, can't you smell that smell?
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So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?

You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:
No, the hell that you have created for yourself has no real existence, its all in your head, and even though the pain of separation from everything that is good is very real, its all in your head.

So, get your head together already.
I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?

You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
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I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Actually, there’s no proof that we don’t all go to the same place.
So there’s still a chance for you to be Charles Manson’s roommate.
Prove to me that CM went somewhere special for bad people.
We've been thru this before, you are not interested in learning and have no intention to crawl out of your hole with the intent of looking at the evidence.
the stuff certainly smells like hell (disclaimer---not that I have first hand sniffing experience-----I ASSUME that
hell smells rotten)
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Actually, there’s no proof that we don’t all go to the same place.
So there’s still a chance for you to be Charles Manson’s roommate.
Prove to me that CM went somewhere special for bad people.
We've been thru this before, you are not interested in learning and have no intention to crawl out of your hole with the intent of looking at the evidence.

what evidence----for what? I like evidence
Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.

View attachment 195782

your phony 4th century religion has been crucifying people since that time to the present day - it is the spoken religion of the 1st century you are at odds with in hatred {sic} you despise and that someday will hopefully bring you to justice. before the Almighty. for innocents to return to our Garden.
What verse says to torture people, bigot?
What verse says to torture people, bigot?


your 10,000 pg. 4th century document, sinner replete with forgeries used through the centuries to persecute and maim your victims in the name of christianity.
For the 574th time, name the verse that calls for that.

You can't. You're a liar who distorts truth by applying the actions of God haters like you with what the NT says.
You do know he thinks the Jews were behind 9-11 don’t you?

Once again, we have SUBs lying to attempt to discredit truth they hate...

The three players behind 911 were all Zionists, did not include "all Jews,." and included those who weren't Jews, like W....


Every life form on the planet with a brain knows 911 was a FRAUD, that the two towers and #7 were demo-ed, that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon etc.

But in the quest to discredit the truth that Jesus was a complete FRAUD, SUBs will never stop lying....
They ran away for the same reason you ran away from me. They were scared.

Scared of what?

Hell? They just betrayed the SON OF GOD = they are going to HELL with 100% certainty - right???

The CROSS = yeah, that is what they feared, not HELL.

Why did they fear the CROSS if Jesus was really the SON OF GOD??

A: that is the ultimate fail of trying to argue Jesus was who he said he was. The "miracles" were all just observed by the Disciples and nobody else. The Disciples know whether Jesus was a fraud or not, and if he was a fraud, the Disciples were co -conspirators...

When the Disciples bolted, and then Jesus was convicted... there was nothing with which to defend the FRAUD....
You do know he thinks the Jews were behind 9-11 don’t you?

Once again, we have SUBs lying to attempt to discredit truth they hate...

The three players behind 911 were all Zionists, did not include "all Jews,." and included those who weren't Jews, like W....


Every life form on the planet with a brain knows 911 was a FRAUD, that the two towers and #7 were demo-ed, that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon etc.

But in the quest to discredit the truth that Jesus was a complete FRAUD, SUBs will never stop lying....
The OP just stepped into the Twilight Zone.:spinner:
Indeed, that weatherman cannot figure out what happened on 911 is par for the course.

weatherman is a complete SUB HUMAN who parrots JDAAC preacher and FOX and nothing else....

Controlled Demolition - weatherman didn't hear that in the Sunday sermon on how important it is for SUBs to SERVE ISRAEL....given by a jew disguised as a "Christian" preacher....

If you think this was not a controlled demolition, you are dumber than Geraldo....

I’m getting my head together with a joint right now, that’s way better than a fairy tale.

But how can I create something for myself that god didn’t create in the first place?

You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
God made the herb for us to enjoy.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Actually, there’s no proof that we don’t all go to the same place.
So there’s still a chance for you to be Charles Manson’s roommate.
Prove to me that CM went somewhere special for bad people.
We've been thru this before, you are not interested in learning and have no intention to crawl out of your hole with the intent of looking at the evidence.
So you have nothing. Got it.
In a just world-----should jesus "reappear" -----he would have the right to a SUCCESSFUL lawsuit against the
writers of the "new testament"
You, see , here is where I might be able to get you released from prison..You might not be entirely responsible for being in the hell that you are in.

I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on....You were never taught to reason, you were incapable of giving informed consent, even if you were 12.

If that is the case, and you were slaughtered and dragged into hell by demons through deceptive means, you may be acquitted. Given another chance and a correct knowledge of right and wrong you might not opt for death and hell.

You must accept the truth. If you do, the truth will set you free. And you don't even have to stop smoking pot. :rock:
"I see you as a victim of some other malicious creature, a hostage to the devil that murdered you before you were old enough to comprehend what was going on" You live in a fantasy world. Try some weed, it'll set you free. :biggrin:

Am I imagining that you are somewhat less sophisticated than you really are?

Even with gay Jesus, kangaroos, and cum dribbles on your lips?

All another toke....
You are imagining all kinds of things. What are YOU smoking? :biggrin:

Me? I just say't you ever hear those preachers preach about the evils of the demon weed?

Don't you remember the disastrous sixties when people started smoking that shit and suddenly no one wanted to kill anyone anymore?

What are you? some peace loving long haired hippie type commie pinko fag?
God made the herb for us to enjoy.

Yeah, I heard that it is written, on whatever it is that they write upon, that all seed bearing herbs are kosher.

Pop quiz time!

Who in the world would possibly be against what is clearly kosher according to the very word of God?

What mythological creature described in great detail in scripture does that most closely resemble?

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