The guy Nazareth was a total fraud, get over it already...

ou think Jesus being killed 2000 years ago somehow absolves you

What they "really believe" is absolutely pathetic....

WHY didn't the "Son of God" provide some evidence at his trial?

When presented with sick people, Jesus refused to heal them at his trial. Was that "Christian" of Jesus to refuse to heal if he had the power to do so?

Or, more precisely, didn't that prove HE COULDN'T HEAL A HANGNAIL.....

Either that or he just let them condemn themselves for eternity. He was probably wasn't very attached to life in first century Judea at that point so dying alone and living forever in heaven among higher intelligences probably seemed a much better choice than living a long smooth and easy life on earth among the insane only to face permanent destruction after living in a Roman wilderness of pain for decades.
”among higher intelligences”, so there’s more than one invisible alien?
Of course. What do you think that "Let us make man in our image and likeness" suggests?

"For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that the Son might be the firstborn among many brothers."

Aside from that, the resurrected dead are always standing all around you, watching.
What are you quoting?
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.

Its the exact opposite.The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible. If you set aside this instruction you will lose control of your mind, confusion will set in, and any foul and loathsome creature that comes along will fuck you up real good every day for the rest of your life.

He didn't take that advice and lost his mind. Now he's a patsy for some asshole peddling godflesh baked over burning human dung and he even pays for the privilege of being a rube on a very short leash..

and some people don't believe in fairy tales.....

Imagine that!
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:
Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

" Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

the faith and belief of christianity stems from a selfserving 4th century book of forgeries yet the result of the spoken religion of the times true events depicting the gross inadequacies of humanity - fear.

christianity is the motivation of those that abandoned the 1st century cause in an attempt to make their skewed views appear as a legitimate religion, abandoning the pursuit of justice against the sinners (crucifiers) for the sake of their own sin.
Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

" Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

the faith and belief of christianity stems from a selfserving 4th century book of forgeries yet the result of the spoken religion of the times true events depicting the gross inadequacies of humanity - fear.

christianity is the motivation of those that abandoned the 1st century cause in an attempt to make their skewed views appear as a legitimate religion, abandoning the pursuit of justice against the sinners (crucifiers) for the sake of their own sin.
Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.
.Israel hasn't seemed to have benefited much historically from the madness that has popped up every now and then among Christianity.

Israel would never have attempted 911 without SUBS like "weatherman" giving total credibility to JDAACs like Murdoch, Graham, and Hagee....

You miss my point.

Son of God arrested, given trial, shows nothing, has no witnesses on his behalf saying they were healed, disciples bolt....

END OF FRAUD, right?


How TF does this fraud get off the ground?

A: Judaism wanted it so that unCHOSEN would SERVE ISRAEL when needed, like being duped on 911 and starting wars over lies to SERVE ISRAEL
Israel would never have attempted 911 without SUBS like "weatherman" giving total credibility to JDAACs like Murdoch, Graham, and Hagee....

Moonbat Central, one escaped.
Again, every crime has to have a motive. What’s the motive of someone fabricating a story that makes the author look like an idiot, provides him no rewards, and in most of the cases ended up costing them great pain and suffering, even death.
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.

Its the exact opposite.The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible. If you set aside this instruction you will lose control of your mind, confusion will set in, and any foul and loathsome creature that comes along will fuck you up real good every day for the rest of your life.

He didn't take that advice and lost his mind. Now he's a patsy for some asshole peddling godflesh baked over burning human dung and he even pays for the privilege of being a rube on a very short leash..

and some people don't believe in fairy tales.....

Imagine that!
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:

What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
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Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

" Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

the faith and belief of christianity stems from a selfserving 4th century book of forgeries yet the result of the spoken religion of the times true events depicting the gross inadequacies of humanity - fear.

christianity is the motivation of those that abandoned the 1st century cause in an attempt to make their skewed views appear as a legitimate religion, abandoning the pursuit of justice against the sinners (crucifiers) for the sake of their own sin.
Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.


your phony 4th century religion has been crucifying people since that time to the present day - it is the spoken religion of the 1st century you are at odds with in hatred {sic} you despise and that someday will hopefully bring you to justice. before the Almighty. for innocents to return to our Garden.
Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

" Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

the faith and belief of christianity stems from a selfserving 4th century book of forgeries yet the result of the spoken religion of the times true events depicting the gross inadequacies of humanity - fear.

christianity is the motivation of those that abandoned the 1st century cause in an attempt to make their skewed views appear as a legitimate religion, abandoning the pursuit of justice against the sinners (crucifiers) for the sake of their own sin.
Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.

View attachment 195782

your phony 4th century religion has been crucifying people since that time to the present day - it is the spoken religion of the 1st century you are at odds with in hatred {sic} you despise and that someday will hopefully bring you to justice. before the Almighty. for innocents to return to our Garden.
What verse says to torture people, bigot?
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.

Its the exact opposite.The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible. If you set aside this instruction you will lose control of your mind, confusion will set in, and any foul and loathsome creature that comes along will fuck you up real good every day for the rest of your life.

He didn't take that advice and lost his mind. Now he's a patsy for some asshole peddling godflesh baked over burning human dung and he even pays for the privilege of being a rube on a very short leash..

and some people don't believe in fairy tales.....

Imagine that!
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:

What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.

Its the exact opposite.The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible. If you set aside this instruction you will lose control of your mind, confusion will set in, and any foul and loathsome creature that comes along will fuck you up real good every day for the rest of your life.

He didn't take that advice and lost his mind. Now he's a patsy for some asshole peddling godflesh baked over burning human dung and he even pays for the privilege of being a rube on a very short leash..

and some people don't believe in fairy tales.....

Imagine that!
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:

What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:

Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Actually, there’s no proof that we don’t all go to the same place.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.

Its the exact opposite.The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible. If you set aside this instruction you will lose control of your mind, confusion will set in, and any foul and loathsome creature that comes along will fuck you up real good every day for the rest of your life.

He didn't take that advice and lost his mind. Now he's a patsy for some asshole peddling godflesh baked over burning human dung and he even pays for the privilege of being a rube on a very short leash..

and some people don't believe in fairy tales.....

Imagine that!
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:

What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:

Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?
Its the exact opposite.The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible. If you set aside this instruction you will lose control of your mind, confusion will set in, and any foul and loathsome creature that comes along will fuck you up real good every day for the rest of your life.

He didn't take that advice and lost his mind. Now he's a patsy for some asshole peddling godflesh baked over burning human dung and he even pays for the privilege of being a rube on a very short leash..

and some people don't believe in fairy tales.....

Imagine that!
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:

What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:

Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
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Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Actually, there’s no proof that we don’t all go to the same place.
So there’s still a chance for you to be Charles Manson’s roommate.
Again, every crime has to have a motive. What’s the motive of someone fabricating a story that makes the author look like an idiot, provides him no rewards, and in most of the cases ended up costing them great pain and suffering, even death.
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
So John Newton would have been better to remain a slave ship captain and not write Amazing Grace?
Interesting view of what you consider a quality life.
Why was Jesus sleeping on the boat in the storm?

Ask his Disciples, since they were the only ones who saw that.... and then ask them why they BOLTED on Jesus when the "cops" showed up....
I don't need to ask his disciples, I know the answer.

They ran away for the same reason you ran away from me. They were scared. :lol:

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