The guy Nazareth was a total fraud, get over it already...

No record of Pontius Pilot existed in Roman records. Then archeologists found a stone with his name in it.

Time and time again we learn the accuracy of the Bible.
Sure, small stuff like people and places, but not the big things, the flood, 6 day creation, all of Jesus' miracles, resurrection, the parting of the Red Sea... none of the big things can be proven. Not one.
Again, every crime has to have a motive. What’s the motive of someone fabricating a story that makes the author look like an idiot, provides him no rewards, and in most of the cases ended up costing them great pain and suffering, even death.
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.

So post your proof of the contrary, then.
What do you think that "Let us make man in our image and likeness" suggests?

It suggests

1. a total misunderstanding of how big the universe is
2. a total misunderstanding of Earth history
3. an excuse to explain why Jesus looked, aged, and died like a human
Don't pretend like you know anything about science.
You do know he thinks the Jews were behind 9-11 don’t you?
What do you think that "Let us make man in our image and likeness" suggests?

It suggests

1. a total misunderstanding of how big the universe is
2. a total misunderstanding of Earth history
3. an excuse to explain why Jesus looked, aged, and died like a human
Don't pretend like you know anything about science.
You do know he thinks the Jews were behind 9-11 don’t you?
La Dexter is a joke. He's a troll, but not a very good troll.
They were just humans.

Key question: If the story of Jesus were fictional why would they fabricate their failings over and over throughout the NT?

They wouldn't. Thus it adds to the validity that the stories are true.

NT is newer than OT, right? So the things in NT must have been a modified to build a divine image for Jesus Christ.

Its the interpretation that was modified when christianity was assimilated and perverted by the Roman empire.
>24,000 handwritten manuscripts say otherwise.

Not counting other non-ME versions, all of which are in agreement for 99% of what's written. But hey, if people want to prove they're morons by claiming some idiot conspiracy theory that a Roman pagan from France would just up and write a new set of books and then all the Xians would just go along with to without a peep, even after facing hundreds of years of being murdered and persecuted by the vilest of methods for their beliefs, then by all means just mock them and laugh at the utter stupidity of their theories. They're just mentally ill deviants and sociopaths anyway, so don't waste time on trying to make them sane, they're just here for their comedy value.
They were just humans.

Key question: If the story of Jesus were fictional why would they fabricate their failings over and over throughout the NT?

They wouldn't. Thus it adds to the validity that the stories are true.

NT is newer than OT, right? So the things in NT must have been a modified to build a divine image for Jesus Christ.
Every oldest records of both the OT and NT are identical to what we have today.

Nobody clams they faked the OT, for some reason, nor does anybody question the Torah, of which the oldest copy known is far far younger than most of the NT writings, some 800 years old.

And, going by every other extant historical source from the times of Jesus, there are no anachronisms, no cultural falsehoods, nothing, to indicate the writings didn't originate during the exact decades and time attributed to them of Jesus' ministry.

Wonder what the excuse is for some Roman who had never been to Jerusalem and writing a new New Testament being able to pull off such a feat without it being immediately obvious he was making it up, while knowing nothing at all about Jewish culture, the geography of the region, or even the names of tribes, never having been within 500 miles of the place? And, all of that while knowing in minute detail what the place was like some 300 years earlier.
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They were just humans.

Key question: If the story of Jesus were fictional why would they fabricate their failings over and over throughout the NT?

They wouldn't. Thus it adds to the validity that the stories are true.

NT is newer than OT, right? So the things in NT must have been a modified to build a divine image for Jesus Christ.
Every oldest records of both the OT and NT are identical to what we have today.

Nobody clams they faked the OT, for some reason, nor does anybody question the Torah, of which the oldest copy known is far far younger than most of the NT writings. And, going by every other extant historical source form the times of Jesus, there are no anachronisms, no cultural falsehoods, nothing, to indicate the writings didn't originate during the exact decades attributed to them of Jesus' ministry. Wonder what the excuse is for some Roman who had never been to Jerusalem and writing a new New Testament being able to pull off such a feat without it being immediately obvious he was making it up?
Nor can they state a valid downside to the NT.
They were just humans.

Key question: If the story of Jesus were fictional why would they fabricate their failings over and over throughout the NT?

They wouldn't. Thus it adds to the validity that the stories are true.

NT is newer than OT, right? So the things in NT must have been a modified to build a divine image for Jesus Christ.

Its the interpretation that was modified when christianity was assimilated and perverted by the Roman empire.
>24,000 handwritten manuscripts say otherwise.

Not counting other non-ME versions, all of which are in agreement for 99% of what's written. But hey, if people want to prove they're morons by claiming some idiot conspiracy theory that a Roman pagan from France would just up and write a new set of books and then all the Xians would just go along with to without a peep, even after facing hundreds of years of being murdered and persecuted by the vilest of methods for their beliefs, then by all means just mock them and laugh at the utter stupidity of their theories. They're just mentally ill deviants and sociopaths anyway, so don't waste time on trying to make them sane, they're just here for their comedy value.

Yeah and every version and commentary about kosher law details what can or cannot be eaten and why, but only Jesus revealed the wisdom of God by showing that the law is not about what you eat however many copies and commentaries were written.

And no, anyone who made a peep about the desecration of the teachings of Jesus was slaughtered just like they were slaughtered before Rome usurped authority over Jewish manuscripts and stories that they could never comprehend.

But that really doesn't matter, does it. The power of death consequent to violating the law of God is very real.

Get someone on their knees before an unequalled coequal trinity, a god made man made matzo made by human hands, and then they are cut of from both sanity and any connection to God.

Then you can prance around defying the law of God openly and the deluded will think you are some sort of holy man and throw spare change at you..

Very clever. Perverse, but clever.

I can see that you have your reward already!
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They were just humans.

Key question: If the story of Jesus were fictional why would they fabricate their failings over and over throughout the NT?

They wouldn't. Thus it adds to the validity that the stories are true.

NT is newer than OT, right? So the things in NT must have been a modified to build a divine image for Jesus Christ.

Its the interpretation that was modified when christianity was assimilated and perverted by the Roman empire.
>24,000 handwritten manuscripts say otherwise.

Not counting other non-ME versions, all of which are in agreement for 99% of what's written. But hey, if people want to prove they're morons by claiming some idiot conspiracy theory that a Roman pagan from France would just up and write a new set of books and then all the Xians would just go along with to without a peep, even after facing hundreds of years of being murdered and persecuted by the vilest of methods for their beliefs, then by all means just mock them and laugh at the utter stupidity of their theories. They're just mentally ill deviants and sociopaths anyway, so don't waste time on trying to make them sane, they're just here for their comedy value.

Yeah and every version and commentary about kosher law details what can or cannot be eaten and why, but only Jesus revealed the wisdom of God by showing that the law is not about what you eat however many copies and commentaries were written.

And no, anyone who made a peep about the desecration of the teachings of Jesus was slaughtered just like they were slaughtered before Rome usurped authority over Jewish manuscripts and stories that they could never comprehend.

But that really doesn't matter, does it. The power of death consequent to violating the law of God is very real.

Get someone on their knees before an unequalled coequal trinity, a god made man made matzo made by human hands, and then they are cut of from both sanity and any connection to God.

Then you can prance around defying the law of God openly and the deluded will think you are some sort of holy man and throw spare change at you..

Very clever. Perverse, but clever.

I can see that you have your reward already!

What's this rant about? Seems to be sniveling about those idiotic Gnostic gimps and their imaginary persecutions, but who knows.
NT is newer than OT, right? So the things in NT must have been a modified to build a divine image for Jesus Christ.

Its the interpretation that was modified when christianity was assimilated and perverted by the Roman empire.
>24,000 handwritten manuscripts say otherwise.

Not counting other non-ME versions, all of which are in agreement for 99% of what's written. But hey, if people want to prove they're morons by claiming some idiot conspiracy theory that a Roman pagan from France would just up and write a new set of books and then all the Xians would just go along with to without a peep, even after facing hundreds of years of being murdered and persecuted by the vilest of methods for their beliefs, then by all means just mock them and laugh at the utter stupidity of their theories. They're just mentally ill deviants and sociopaths anyway, so don't waste time on trying to make them sane, they're just here for their comedy value.

Yeah and every version and commentary about kosher law details what can or cannot be eaten and why, but only Jesus revealed the wisdom of God by showing that the law is not about what you eat however many copies and commentaries were written.

And no, anyone who made a peep about the desecration of the teachings of Jesus was slaughtered just like they were slaughtered before Rome usurped authority over Jewish manuscripts and stories that they could never comprehend.

But that really doesn't matter, does it. The power of death consequent to violating the law of God is very real.

Get someone on their knees before an unequalled coequal trinity, a god made man made matzo made by human hands, and then they are cut of from both sanity and any connection to God.

Then you can prance around defying the law of God openly and the deluded will think you are some sort of holy man and throw spare change at you..

Very clever. Perverse, but clever.

I can see that you have your reward already!

What's this rant about? Seems to be sniveling about those idiotic Gnostic gimps and their imaginary persecutions, but who knows.

Your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

but you'll probably be the last to know..

Not to worry! at least theres the comedic
" Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

the faith and belief of christianity stems from a selfserving 4th century book of forgeries yet the result of the spoken religion of the times true events depicting the gross inadequacies of humanity - fear.

christianity is the motivation of those that abandoned the 1st century cause in an attempt to make their skewed views appear as a legitimate religion, abandoning the pursuit of justice against the sinners (crucifiers) for the sake of their own sin.
Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

Yeah, let's right fake stories that makes the authors look like idiots and gains them nothing but being imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Great theory, Inspector Clueless.

you have an issue of associating the events of the 1st century and those involved with the written 4th century document you worship as being the same, the irreality is your own madeup religion to satisfy your political persuasion rather than the true religion your document deliberately circumvents. as proven by their carnage throughout history for all three desert religions.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.
You have an issue with God and grasp at the most insane explanations ever to justify your hatred.

View attachment 195782

your phony 4th century religion has been crucifying people since that time to the present day - it is the spoken religion of the 1st century you are at odds with in hatred {sic} you despise and that someday will hopefully bring you to justice. before the Almighty. for innocents to return to our Garden.
What verse says to torture people, bigot?
What verse says to torture people, bigot?


your 10,000 pg. 4th century document, sinner replete with forgeries used through the centuries to persecute and maim your victims in the name of christianity.
"The teaching of the bible amounts to don't be gullible". Of course, it has to. :lol:

What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:

Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
I disobey God everyday. As well as every Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and whatever.

You can't name any downside to Christianity because there are none. Only positives, and you're pissed because you aren't taking part in the fun.
Ya, it'll be fun when you burn in Hell.
Not going to hell, I have a Golden Ticket.
Actually, there’s no proof that we don’t all go to the same place.
So there’s still a chance for you to be Charles Manson’s roommate.
Prove to me that CM went somewhere special for bad people.
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.
Talk about a moving target. Your entire premise was proven to be false by what I said so now you dance onto a new subject.

Your pathetic attempts to justify your denial is your right. But do yourself a favor, stop making yourself a clown in public while doing it.
Religion is all about mind control with scary stories. Obey god or he'll fuck you up good. You fell for it.
So John Newton would have been better to remain a slave ship captain and not write Amazing Grace?
Interesting view of what you consider a quality life.
You don't need an invisible alien to do the right thing. Only a simpleton does.
Sure, small stuff like people and places, but not the big things, the flood, 6 day creation, all of Jesus' miracles, resurrection, the parting of the Red Sea... none of the big things can be proven. Not one.
Again, every crime has to have a motive. What’s the motive of someone fabricating a story that makes the author look like an idiot, provides him no rewards, and in most of the cases ended up costing them great pain and suffering, even death.
Power and control. These days it would be a massive movie deal as the motive. :biggrin:
What power and control is that? Christianity is a one on one faith that has only one requirement for its followers - belief that Jesus is the Messiah.

That's it. Anything else is manmade BS.

So what was your point again?
The messiah thing is a myth, zero proof of that.

So post your proof of the contrary, then.
The fact that there's no proof of a messiah is my proof.
What happens if you don't learn that lesson to not be gullible? People start mutilating weenies, praying to a naked man, gibbering incoherently, celebrating the crucifixion, avoiding bacon, hating Jews, burning witches, gays, and know, spreading the "good news" about how God loves sinners so much....

Like you haven't already had intimate experiences with people suffering from the crazies for your entire life...

yeah, real funny, ha ha.
You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:

Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?

Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage that you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
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You obviously didn't learn the lesson not to be gullible. :lol:

Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?

Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?
Don't be silly. You'll never see me praying to an invisible sky fairy for special favors...

I always do exactly as God commands.
So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?

Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?

What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble with drugs, drinking, gambling, politics, whatever, and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
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So you hear voices that tell you to do stuff?

lol... No.

I read the fairy tales, I learned my lessons well. I know where right and wrong and judgement lie, the objective truth as revealed by superior intelligences thousands of years before I was born. I understand what to do and what not to do to attain eternal life. I love being a living being, life itself, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?

Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?

What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.
So if you don't hear voices, how do you know what a god wants? From a fucking book of fairy tales?

Its not about what God wants. God wants nothing. God needs nothing. You are the one whose existence is tenuous.

If you want your brain to function better so that your experience of life improves you will take the time and go through the trouble of cleaning out all of the garbage you have accumulated over the years in your head.

Its a very simple concept. Preserved in a fucking book of fairy tales.

Ancient people learned something of great value and put it in a book. Unfreakingbelievable. right?
You said this "so I did it, do it, and will always do it, whatever it may be...exactly as God commands." So god obviously wants something, otherwise, why all the threats...?

What threats?

If you have a friend in trouble and you told him that either he gets his shit together or he's going to end up dead or in jail, would that be you threatening him because you want something?

If he didn't listen and ended up dead or in jail, would it be your punishment or a predictable outcome of his own failure to take responsibility for his own future, the condition of his own mind, and the quality of his own life??
So god is my friend but made hell in case I don't listen to him.

No, God is not your friend. Maybe Jesus would have been a friend, but not likely anyone else.

And God did not make hell and does not send anyone to hell. hell is something of your own making.
So god didn't make everything in the universe? I made some of it? Um... no.

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