The Hard Reality: Ukraine’s Last-Gasp Offensive Has Failed

But....but...but....but that Zionist crackpot Litwin sez that they're winning like no army has ever won before! :laugh2:
They are winning, by not losing. Where are those promised Abrams tanks and the F16s?
But....but...but....but that Zionist crackpot Litwin sez that they're winning like no army has ever won before! :laugh2:
But Saint Luiza has given you the blow by blow facts for months, and if I knew that the Kyiv Nazis had and have 0% chance of victory , you should ask the obvious . Namely , why has Western officialdom and all of the MSM been deliberately lying daily and non stop . Over every single aspect . And you should also question your own news sources here . Because there is one thing the majority of you can repeat without fear of sensible disagreement --- they are no fucking good .Fake .
It’s time to stop this war. The only thing keeping it going is the western nations (I.e., America) continuing to arm Ukraine. You cannot give Ukraine enough weapons to defeat Russia. This is a fallacy.

The USA should broker a peace. We encourage Russia to talk on the basis that we could keep sending Ukraine weapons and drag this war out forever, which many in America are foolishly ready to do. We encourage Ukraine to the table by telling them that if they don’t play ball we can stop funding them altogether and given them over to Russia.

Russia will negotiate because they are more than happy to have the land bridge to Crimea and some of the southern, majority Russian, territories. Essentially, they have already everything they want, except to have to keep fighting off counter-attacks from Ukraine.

Russia will be easy. We will have to lean on Ukraine. Clearly, we would have to get some security guarantees for them. But the war has to stop.
The casualty numbers I saw say Russia is losing badly.
So quote your source(s) and we can then pass sensible comment . The ball -park figure that I am convinced of is up to 500 000 for the Kyiv Nazis and ca. 40 000 for Russia . I have gven my main source recommendations several times .
Horseshit, Ukraine has made slow but steady advancement through heavily mined territories and deep dug in Russian defense lines.

It's hard fought but Ukes have the will and initiative to keep thrashing Russian hardware and morale everyday.

Russia is running short on personel in both domestic economy and front lines. Kremlin is dreading yet another round of mobilization, but Ukrainian pressure at the front is forcing their hand.

Doing this comes at a heavy economic and political cost. It hits them right where it hurts the most - prime age workers in the middle of a demographic decline. For every prime age worker they will throw to get chewed up on the front lines they will lose two more who are smart enough to get the f out of Russia for good.
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US military estimates
Thanks . With the best will in the world they have been biased and even silly from the beginning . For 18 months they gave consistently highly positive reaction and claims for the Kyiv Nazis and only in the last 3 weeks , say , have opinions changed completely, as it has become obvious that no amount of fudging and plain lying can continue .In actual fact the official daily Russian Ministry of Defence reports have always looked much more honest and realistic with internal consistency becoming increasingly evident as time went by . But , as I have reported several times, Simplicius the Thinker and Moon of Alabama are way out in the lead for long term accuracy and reliability .Scott Ritter and ex Colonel Douglas Mcgregor are also front line with top direct contacts ."My"main sources are all non MSM and independent . The US Military Estimates are otherwise and, bluntly , deliberate FakeNews .

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