The Hate Is Swelling Among The Sith

But in their case, anger just makes them funnier.

Liz Peek: At Kavanaugh hearing, Democratic anger boils over

The author pretty much nails it. The whole thing is a farce because the democrats had already made up their minds against Kavanaugh BEFORE the hearing even started! Everything else is the usual smokescreen of lies and defection; the Left is watching their Obama-hewed bubble burst all around them and as someone said it best here, the Left simply has no desire to live in a country they are not in charge of running. Meantime, in the hour or two I watched the presentation, including hearing from an attorney who was both an avowed liberal leftist and Obama supporter, I heard enough adamantine accolades for this guy like he was in the Who's Who of ideal judges for the Supreme Court! So all of this comes down to little more than a dog and pony show for a bunch of sad idiots who are either just trying to make a case for their own reelection or simply a wave to their own base.

So let the ass-kicking begin: time for the GOP to take the Kavanaugh nomination and ram it right up the asses of the Left. The Democrats have no honest, legitimate concerns over this guy, and will oppose him on purely partisan grounds till hell freeze over. Nuke 'em high. Nuke 'em hard. Nuke the bastards often.
But in their case, anger just makes them funnier.

Liz Peek: At Kavanaugh hearing, Democratic anger boils over
I had someone ask why this is important and I gave him a copy of this posting.

Both Marxists Obama and Hillary raised their arms covenanting to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Then they broke that solemn oath by following Saul Alinsky’s plan to des troy it (numbered below). 1. Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people 2. Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. 3. Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. 4. Gun Control - Remove the ability of the citizens to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state. 5. Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). 6. Education - Take control of what people read and listen to - take control of what children learn in school. 7. Religion - Remove the belief in God from the government and schools. 8. Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy
They do not belong in the halls of the Capital of a great nation. They shouldn’t be heard and they shouldn’t be coddled. They lost big. Every branch of government. And they didn’t lose with dignity. The GOP should go straight to a vote. We have enough footage of these frothing lunatics on the left now to use in the next election so let’s take the pleasure of stuffing it slowly and painfully down their throats without even asking their opinion.
But in their case, anger just makes them funnier.
Liz Peek: At Kavanaugh hearing, Democratic anger boils over

Love that. And this one quote is a nice succinct summation of recent Democrat experience and their inability to change ther disastrous path or keep hidden their real intentions.

“During that agonizing descent into impotence – as Democrats lost the House in 2010, the Senate in 2012 and the White House in 2016 – not once did the party veer from policies that clearly were unpopular with voters.”

And also add their loss of the Supreme Court in 2018. They are toast.
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They do not belong in the halls of the Capital of a great nation. They shouldn’t be heard and they shouldn’t be coddled. They lost big. Every branch of government. And they didn’t lose with dignity. The GOP should go straight to a vote. We have enough footage of these frothing lunatics on the left now to use in the next election so let’s take the pleasure of stuffing it slowly and painfully down their throats without even asking their opinion.
They may have won every branch of the government , but they did not hire the employees who clean the offices, or type the letters, or handle the files. They are the Deep states employees. Here is just one example:
The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son.Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America.Her fellowship began in March and pays a $30,000 stipend."We want to help amplify the work of each of our fellows, both to help them better articulate and reach their target audience, and to raise their profiles as change-makers," according to the group.Since leaving the FEC, Ravel has continued to speak out for more election regulation, especially on the internet where she sees political advertising shifting to in the next presidential contest.Was A Special Prosecutor For President Trump Inevitable?
She has applauded calls for regulating political speech and spending on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and this week endorsed tracing the funding of online ads and regulating individual Twitter accounts. In a tweet, for example, she drew attention to a report of a Twitter supporter of Donald Trump named "Amy" who the San Francisco Examiner could not find.Ravel tweeted, "Searching for proof of Amy. FEC allows anonymous internet political ads & refuses to regulate foreign $-leads 2 this."
New America receives funding from the Soros group Open Society Foundations and it is run by Soros son Jonathan Soros.Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at [email protected] Report YouTube George Soros Twitter FEC Facebook Washington Secrets Paul Bedard
those people are there with tickets from senators on the left. I love it, I especially loved the auctioneer that developed.
What is it with these liberal subhuman animal droppings and their inability to behave in a civilized, professional manner? Do they think being screaming train wrecks is something to be proud of? Do they need an exorcism? Oh, why am I even asking that question? OF COURSE they do!
They do not belong in the halls of the Capital of a great nation. They shouldn’t be heard and they shouldn’t be coddled. They lost big. Every branch of government. And they didn’t lose with dignity. The GOP should go straight to a vote. We have enough footage of these frothing lunatics on the left now to use in the next election so let’s take the pleasure of stuffing it slowly and painfully down their throats without even asking their opinion.
They may have won every branch of the government , but they did not hire the employees who clean the offices, or type the letters, or handle the files. They are the Deep states employees. Here is just one example:
The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son.Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America.Her fellowship began in March and pays a $30,000 stipend."We want to help amplify the work of each of our fellows, both to help them better articulate and reach their target audience, and to raise their profiles as change-makers," according to the group.Since leaving the FEC, Ravel has continued to speak out for more election regulation, especially on the internet where she sees political advertising shifting to in the next presidential contest.Was A Special Prosecutor For President Trump Inevitable?]

No doubt. But that isnt what I was referring to. I was speaking to the fact that these Marxists are actual fact or culturally. It is not only that they have no respect for our institutions..they despise our institutions. As a minority they are allowed to speak, to raise concerns, to be consulted. Instead they have decided to behave like third world peasants to grind our institutions to a halt.
Lets stop playing with them and move straight to a vote which will confirm Kavanaugh. And when Trump appoints the replacement for Ginsberg lets skip hearings and do the same thing. They deserve it having proven that they are not fit for civilized government.
What is it with these liberal subhuman animal droppings and their inability to behave in a civilized, professional manner? Do they think being screaming train wrecks is something to be proud of? Do they need an exorcism? Oh, why am I even asking that question? OF COURSE they do!

They believe, deeply, that since they lost they get to run things. Weird I know but remember...liberalism is a mental illness. Not a political persuasion.
They do not belong in the halls of the Capital of a great nation. They shouldn’t be heard and they shouldn’t be coddled. They lost big. Every branch of government. And they didn’t lose with dignity. The GOP should go straight to a vote. We have enough footage of these frothing lunatics on the left now to use in the next election so let’s take the pleasure of stuffing it slowly and painfully down their throats without even asking their opinion.
They may have won every branch of the government , but they did not hire the employees who clean the offices, or type the letters, or handle the files. They are the Deep states employees. Here is just one example:
The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son.Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America.Her fellowship began in March and pays a $30,000 stipend."We want to help amplify the work of each of our fellows, both to help them better articulate and reach their target audience, and to raise their profiles as change-makers," according to the group.Since leaving the FEC, Ravel has continued to speak out for more election regulation, especially on the internet where she sees political advertising shifting to in the next presidential contest.Was A Special Prosecutor For President Trump Inevitable?]

No doubt. But that isnt what I was referring to. I was speaking to the fact that these Marxists are actual fact or culturally. It is not only that they have no respect for our institutions..they despise our institutions. As a minority they are allowed to speak, to raise concerns, to be consulted. Instead they have decided to behave like third world peasants to grind our institutions to a halt.
Lets stop playing with them and move straight to a vote which will confirm Kavanaugh. And when Trump appoints the replacement for Ginsberg lets skip hearings and do the same thing. They deserve it having proven that they are not fit for civilized government.
but if they were actually in their third world country, they wouldn't be allowed the privilege we give them. they love to spit on the very thing that gives them the right. something I have never understood.
They do not belong in the halls of the Capital of a great nation. They shouldn’t be heard and they shouldn’t be coddled. They lost big. Every branch of government. And they didn’t lose with dignity. The GOP should go straight to a vote. We have enough footage of these frothing lunatics on the left now to use in the next election so let’s take the pleasure of stuffing it slowly and painfully down their throats without even asking their opinion.

Yet the Dems keep winning the popular vote.

If it weren't for extreme gerrymandering and the electoral college the GOP would have squat.

The will of the people will not continue to be ignored!
What is it with these liberal subhuman animal droppings and their inability to behave in a civilized, professional manner? Do they think being screaming train wrecks is something to be proud of? Do they need an exorcism? Oh, why am I even asking that question? OF COURSE they do!

They believe, deeply, that since they lost they get to run things. Weird I know but remember...liberalism is a mental illness. Not a political persuasion.

I know of course, but I'm always surprised that not one of them has enough brains to do it in more shrewd, clever ways that would generate better PR and therefore more influence over things. I guess I'm not brain-damaged enough to understand their thought process: screaming more hatred and bloodthirst at the American public will somehow convince Americans of the error of their ways. The funny irony is that (while sober now) back in my early 20s I abused far more drugs than most liberalfilth you'll see, and they STILL manage to be sicker and more fucked-up than I ever was.
They do not belong in the halls of the Capital of a great nation. They shouldn’t be heard and they shouldn’t be coddled. They lost big. Every branch of government. And they didn’t lose with dignity. The GOP should go straight to a vote. We have enough footage of these frothing lunatics on the left now to use in the next election so let’s take the pleasure of stuffing it slowly and painfully down their throats without even asking their opinion.
They may have won every branch of the government , but they did not hire the employees who clean the offices, or type the letters, or handle the files. They are the Deep states employees. Here is just one example:
The former chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, who famously eyed regulating the politics of conservative outlets like the Drudge Report, has joined an advocacy group funded by George Soros and run by his son.Ann Ravel is the first fellow listed with the California advocacy group New America.Her fellowship began in March and pays a $30,000 stipend."We want to help amplify the work of each of our fellows, both to help them better articulate and reach their target audience, and to raise their profiles as change-makers," according to the group.Since leaving the FEC, Ravel has continued to speak out for more election regulation, especially on the internet where she sees political advertising shifting to in the next presidential contest.Was A Special Prosecutor For President Trump Inevitable?]

No doubt. But that isnt what I was referring to. I was speaking to the fact that these Marxists are actual fact or culturally. It is not only that they have no respect for our institutions..they despise our institutions. As a minority they are allowed to speak, to raise concerns, to be consulted. Instead they have decided to behave like third world peasants to grind our institutions to a halt.
Lets stop playing with them and move straight to a vote which will confirm Kavanaugh. And when Trump appoints the replacement for Ginsberg lets skip hearings and do the same thing. They deserve it having proven that they are not fit for civilized government.
but if they were actually in their third world country, they wouldn't be allowed the privilege we give them. they love to spit on the very thing that gives them the right. something I have never understood.

That is because you are a decent human being. And, despite your obvious ability to see their bullshit, you still dont see them for what they actually are.

In any third world country these people would be doing the same thing but from a position of power. In the Soviet Union they would be the Bolsheviks running show trials. In Nazi Germany they would be marching people into concentration camps.

They are cowards. Like their slavish followers on this board. Their every position is given to them by and then protected by the media outlets, by Hollywood, by the newspapers, by awards shows, by tenured the comedians they watch with slack jaws when they should be reading. They are in a soft comfort bubble of being protected by power.

As you your ass they would not open a mouth if there were any danger in doing so.
What is it with these liberal subhuman animal droppings and their inability to behave in a civilized, professional manner? Do they think being screaming train wrecks is something to be proud of? Do they need an exorcism? Oh, why am I even asking that question? OF COURSE they do!

They believe, deeply, that since they lost they get to run things. Weird I know but remember...liberalism is a mental illness. Not a political persuasion.

I know of course, but I'm always surprised that not one of them has enough brains to do it in more shrewd, clever ways that would generate better PR and therefore more influence over things. I guess I'm not brain-damaged enough to understand their thought process: screaming more hatred and bloodthirst at the American public will somehow convince Americans of the error of their ways. The funny irony is that (while sober now) back in my early 20s I abused far more drugs than most liberalfilth you'll see, and they STILL manage to be sicker and more fucked-up than I ever was.

Will...they dont have to worry about PR! The richest, most powerful media corporations the world has ever seen are already behind them. They only have to worry about firing up their base.

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