The Heart of the AGW Premise Fails Empirical Review.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who believes if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out because "thair cain't nunna thim photie thangs git sint owt to no Hoddurism!"

Go outside and turn your flashlight on and shine it at the sun, simpleton. Then when you've done that come back and tell us what happened.

We'll all wait.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who believes if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out because "thair cain't nunna thim photie thangs git sint owt to no Hoddurism!"

Go outside and turn your flashlight on and shine it at the sun, simpleton. Then when you've done that come back and tell us what happened.

We'll all wait.

I asked you a straight forward question...what's the matter Allen? Afraid to answer? Afraid to admit that you don't even know what the second law of thermodynamics means?
Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who thinks if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out.

Go outside, and point your flashlight at the sun. If no light comes out then sure enough, you're the physicist and I'm the guy whose degree in radiation engineering left me believing if I point my flashlight at the sun, some light will come out, when it won't.

And that when the ground heats up, no infrared energy will come out of it as long as the sun is in that direction.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who believes if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out because "thair cain't nunna thim photie thangs git sint owt to no Hoddurism!"

Go outside and turn your flashlight on and shine it at the sun, simpleton. Then when you've done that come back and tell us what happened.

We'll all wait.

I asked you a straight forward question...what's the matter Allen? Afraid to answer? Afraid to admit that you don't even know what the second law of thermodynamics means?

No, you have STUDIOUSLY AVOIDED ANSWERING any questions

about how your CLAIM that if you POINT your FLASHLIGHT at the SUN, no LIGHT will come out.
Do you hear yourself telling everyone ''YEW HAS DUN LOOK'T IN TWO the BIG BUK and IT SED that

IF the SUN is to the EAST

and a FLAT ROCK is facing the SUN,

"CAIN'T no INFURRED come OWT that SIDE, till it's HODDURN' the SUN,
yew noes,

"thim photie thangs cain't git sint owt two thim uthurnz what's Hoddur."
Well? Did any light come out of the flashlight when you pointed it at the sun? We're all waiting, with breath abate, for the big news about how

"a red l.e.d. won't come on in the sunshine" because

"the big buk sed, thim coolie thangs, can't sind owt no coolie-glow thangs twards thim uthurns, whats sindin' owt thim hoddie-photies."
Learn that name calling in the absence of any coherent argument is the surest way to have people simply ignore what you say.
Very ironic. Really, you should take your own advice.

That is your whole game here with your discarding of 150 years of science, and your caustic responses in place of coherent arguments. (CMB is a resonance frequency??? Jeez)
"No light will come out of a flashlight, if you turn it on in the daytime."


Yew could save a lot on batteries like that, though, I betcha.

"No light will come out of a flashlight, if you turn it on in the daytime."


Yew could save a lot on batteries like that, though, I betcha.

That is an excellent point.
Learn that name calling in the absence of any coherent argument is the surest way to have people simply ignore what you say.
Very ironic. Really, you should take your own advice.

That is your whole game here with your discarding of 150 years of science, and your caustic responses in place of coherent arguments. (CMB is a resonance frequency??? Jeez)

He's outside verifying that "YeP! If'n yew turn a flashlight own in tha DAY-TiYME, won't no light come out of it."
He think's he's on the edge of one of the biggest financial breakthroughs in all creeyashun. ''Hot D*MN, SoN!"

"We got more G-dD*mNeD PH0ToN's than we KNOW WHAT to DO WITH!!

HERE, STuFF SoME uVuM in this DaYLiGHT-PRoof BAiG!!"
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Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who thinks if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out.

Go outside, and point your flashlight at the sun. If no light comes out then sure enough, you're the physicist and I'm the guy whose degree in radiation engineering left me believing if I point my flashlight at the sun, some light will come out, when it won't.

And that when the ground heats up, no infrared energy will come out of it as long as the sun is in that direction.

An engineer...of any discipline would never eve propose such a stupid experiment and expect it to mean anything. Even the most fleeting though on the topic would tell you thant is is meaningless. Tell me watts per square meter, how much energy from the sun is reaching the ground? Now, consider the temperature of the filament in a flashlight is somewhere between 2700 and 3700 degrees kelvin. that means the temperature of that filament is going to be something between 4500 degrees and 6200 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, since you claim to be an engineer, what is the output in watts per square meter for an element at a temperature of say 5000 degrees? Now compare the output of the flashlight to the power of the incoming solar radiation. See where this is going?

Of course, that energy from the flashlight would never actually reach the sun, but it is easily enough to emit through the incoming radiation from the sun.

Again, no engineer, of any sort would have asked such a stupid assed question and thought that it would inivalidate the second law of thermodynamics.
Well I guess he got his feelings hurt.

ANYWAY, one of you magic gas barking, science darkening dimwit twits was just about to JUMP up on a BAG of BEANS and RICE and start bearin FERVENT TESTIMONY,

of the

of the

whut dun turn't uh COALD NIGHTCHuRGiN BaTH,
in two uh mighty, MiGHTY HEEDuR!
Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who thinks if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out.

Go outside, and point your flashlight at the sun. If no light comes out then sure enough, you're the physicist and I'm the guy whose degree in radiation engineering left me believing if I point my flashlight at the sun, some light will come out, when it won't.

And that when the ground heats up, no infrared energy will come out of it as long as the sun is in that direction.

An engineer...of any discipline would never eve propose such a stupid experiment and expect it to mean anything. Even the most fleeting though on the topic would tell you thant is is meaningless. Tell me watts per square meter, how much energy from the sun is reaching the ground? Now, consider the temperature of the filament in a flashlight is somewhere between 2700 and 3700 degrees kelvin. that means the temperature of that filament is going to be something between 4500 degrees and 6200 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, since you claim to be an engineer, what is the output in watts per square meter for an element at a temperature of say 5000 degrees? Now compare the output of the flashlight to the power of the incoming solar radiation. See where this is going?

Of course, that energy from the flashlight would never actually reach the sun, but it is easily enough to emit through the incoming radiation from the sun.

Again, no engineer, of any sort would have asked such a stupid assed question and thought that it would inivalidate the second law of thermodynamics.

YEAH I SEE where this is GOIN: if a ROCK on the ground is FACING the SUN, it won't glow at ALL on that side, until it's HOTTER than the SUN.
Learn that name calling in the absence of any coherent argument is the surest way to have people simply ignore what you say.
Very ironic. Really, you should take your own advice.

That is your whole game here with your discarding of 150 years of science, and your caustic responses in place of coherent arguments. (CMB is a resonance frequency??? Jeez)

Yank your chain if it gets you through life...I am asking for physical evidence that demonstrates that the statements of the physical laws are mistaken as you claim. You can't provide any such evidence and it frustrates damned bad.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Tell me Allen...what do you think that statement means with regard to energy from a cooler object moving towards a warmer object? Do you think the second law of thermodynamics is a rule of thumb or a physical law which actually describes the movement of energy?

You tell me, you're the one who thinks if you shine your flashlight at the sun, no light will come out.

Go outside, and point your flashlight at the sun. If no light comes out then sure enough, you're the physicist and I'm the guy whose degree in radiation engineering left me believing if I point my flashlight at the sun, some light will come out, when it won't.

And that when the ground heats up, no infrared energy will come out of it as long as the sun is in that direction.

An engineer...of any discipline would never eve propose such a stupid experiment and expect it to mean anything. Even the most fleeting though on the topic would tell you thant is is meaningless. Tell me watts per square meter, how much energy from the sun is reaching the ground? Now, consider the temperature of the filament in a flashlight is somewhere between 2700 and 3700 degrees kelvin. that means the temperature of that filament is going to be something between 4500 degrees and 6200 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, since you claim to be an engineer, what is the output in watts per square meter for an element at a temperature of say 5000 degrees? Now compare the output of the flashlight to the power of the incoming solar radiation. See where this is going?

Of course, that energy from the flashlight would never actually reach the sun, but it is easily enough to emit through the incoming radiation from the sun.

Again, no engineer, of any sort would have asked such a stupid assed question and thought that it would inivalidate the second law of thermodynamics.

YEAH I SEE where this is GOIN: if a ROCK on the ground is FACING the SUN, it won't glow at ALL on that side, until it's HOTTER than the SUN.

Every time you speak, you demonstrate that you know even less than your previous comment suggested. You are talking about visible light. The light came from a source. What is the temperature of the source that lit the rock compared to the temperature of the surrounding area in which it is being viewed? Clearly you don't even have a high school level back ground in science...Hell, a 6th grader could figure that out. Any time you are speaking about visiblie light, you have to consider the temperature of the light source.
So Todd, are you and your other magic gas barking kook buddies trying to FIND OUT the NAME of the LAW of PHYSICS you don't even know the NAME of, that - you're claiming you understand so well, that you've discovered it says a

COLD nitrogen bath is a HEATER
and the
light blocking REFRIGERANTS

chilling not just the ROCK but the entire nitrogen BATH,

I'm noticing you're not even able to make that sweaty mouse hand of yours even bring you to TRY to answer even BASIC questions about your KOOK pseudo-science church.

Still no link?

That one is incoherent
No b***ch YOU'RE a shoe salesman at a mall. As is Todd the Hick.

I'm the radiation engineer and atmospheric chemist MOCKING your dumb b**ch @#$ for letting somebody tell you a cold nitrogen bath's a heater.

You're a dummy. GFY
So Todd, are you and your other magic gas barking kook buddies trying to FIND OUT the NAME of the LAW of PHYSICS you don't even know the NAME of, that - you're claiming you understand so well, that you've discovered it says a

COLD nitrogen bath is a HEATER
and the
light blocking REFRIGERANTS

chilling not just the ROCK but the entire nitrogen BATH,

I'm noticing you're not even able to make that sweaty mouse hand of yours even bring you to TRY to answer even BASIC questions about your KOOK pseudo-science church.

Still no link?

That one is incoherent
No b***ch YOU'RE a shoe salesman at a mall. As is Todd the Hick.

I'm the radiation engineer and atmospheric chemist MOCKING your dumb b**ch @#$ for letting somebody tell you a cold nitrogen bath's a heater.

You're a dummy. GFY

Do you have any idea what the connection might be between a cold nitrogen bath and air at ambient temperature? Any idea at all?
No? "I ain't clymmidie like yew caws yew dun look't in thuh big buk werds, an' squigglie t?"
Learn that name calling in the absence of any coherent argument is the surest way to have people simply ignore what you say.
Very ironic. Really, you should take your own advice.

That is your whole game here with your discarding of 150 years of science, and your caustic responses in place of coherent arguments. (CMB is a resonance frequency??? Jeez)

Yank your chain if it gets you through life...I am asking for physical evidence that demonstrates that the statements of the physical laws are mistaken as you claim. You can't provide any such evidence and it frustrates damned bad.

Actually, I'm not frustrated at all. You're the one who claims yew dun "look't in thuh big buk, and thairs powurf'l thangs cain't be undurstood by hardly nobodie but thim clymmidy'unz



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