The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.

Yeah, good point [MENTION=16831]Tuatara[/MENTION]. Just like poor Al Qaeda. I mean, those peace loving, God-fearing men never threatened any freedom in the U.S. either.

I mean, sure they collapsed two of our buildings instantly killing 3,000 Americans - but none of my freedoms were threatened that day. Were yours?

I just love the modern day ignorant left-wing hippie. Their entire appeasement strategy is comical. It basically states, wait until your nation has been captured by <insert nation or radical movement here> and then you have a right to feel threatened and respond... :lmao:

It's always good to close the barn door after the horses have all run away... :eusa_doh:
I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.

Yeah, good point [MENTION=16831]Tuatara[/MENTION]. Just like poor Al Qaeda. I mean, those peace loving, God-fearing men never threatened any freedom in the U.S. either.

I mean, sure they collapsed two of our buildings instantly killing 3,000 Americans - but none of my freedoms were threatened that day. Were yours?

I just love the modern day ignorant left-wing hippie. Their entire appeasement strategy is comical. It basically states, wait until your nation has been captured by <insert nation or radical movement here> and then you have a right to feel threatened and respond... :lmao:

It's always good to close the barn door after the horses have all run away... :eusa_doh:

^Another idiot who believes that Iraq was involved with 9/11. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fine. This is the attitude of conservatives then. The military is just a commodity to be used when needed, and casually discarded when not.

Air Force dumped ashes of more troops? remains in Va. landfill than acknowledged - Washington Post

That is not the right if it's true, but what does that have to do with kerry being awarded for helping the communist win the vietnam war?

Really? It happened during the Bush administration, when the right was all gung ho about the military, sending troops on multiple deployments. I guess they didn't want the flag draped coffins to be shown because they were busy dumping the remains in landfills.[/.QUOTE]
There was no need to hide the deaths. Liberals were to busy counting the dead daily
The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized

Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

Sounds good, but it is not supported by history

The United States has been blessed in that we are surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans that kept us thousands of miles away from any potential invading Army. We never needed our military to "preserve our freedom" because no foreign army was ever a threat to take it away

That does not mean our freedom was not challenged. Women and blacks were denied the vote. Blacks were denied the freedom to publicly mix with whites. Native Americans were sent to reservations and denied their culture. Workers did not have freedom to organize. Gays were openly attacked and denied basic rights.

We relied on a free press to report on these outrages. To give the common American a taste of what it was like to live in anothers shoes.

It is the free press that has defended our freedom at home while our military fought for the freedom of others around the globe

If only there was some way for people to cross oceans! :lmao:

Thank God those two oceans protected us from muslim terrorists in the Middle East. Just think - if not for those two oceans, they could have come over here and killed 3,000 Americans while collapsing our two largest buildings.

But alas, those oceans were there to save us!

RW - taking stupid to new levels since birth!
I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.

Yeah, good point [MENTION=16831]Tuatara[/MENTION]. Just like poor Al Qaeda. I mean, those peace loving, God-fearing men never threatened any freedom in the U.S. either.

I mean, sure they collapsed two of our buildings instantly killing 3,000 Americans - but none of my freedoms were threatened that day. Were yours?

I just love the modern day ignorant left-wing hippie. Their entire appeasement strategy is comical. It basically states, wait until your nation has been captured by <insert nation or radical movement here> and then you have a right to feel threatened and respond... :lmao:

It's always good to close the barn door after the horses have all run away... :eusa_doh:

This old hippie is a veteran, how many years have you served your nation?
The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized

Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.

I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:
Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.

I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:

How do you feel about the government forcing you to buy auto insurance? And for banks forcing you to buy home insurance?
I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.

Yeah, good point [MENTION=16831]Tuatara[/MENTION]. Just like poor Al Qaeda. I mean, those peace loving, God-fearing men never threatened any freedom in the U.S. either.

I mean, sure they collapsed two of our buildings instantly killing 3,000 Americans - but none of my freedoms were threatened that day. Were yours?

I just love the modern day ignorant left-wing hippie. Their entire appeasement strategy is comical. It basically states, wait until your nation has been captured by <insert nation or radical movement here> and then you have a right to feel threatened and respond... :lmao:

It's always good to close the barn door after the horses have all run away... :eusa_doh:

^Another idiot who believes that Iraq was involved with 9/11. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And where exactly did I say that Iraq was "involved" with 9/11? Please give us the exact quote along with the post number. Can't do it? Really?

Once again [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] displays her illiteracy for the world. No wonder she's a parasite who needs to live off of government.
Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.

I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:

I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA. I have not been forced onto the rolls of the ACA.
I already have medical coverage.
How can I make it any clearer?

I can see that your use of profanity brings you closer to God and the Bible.
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I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.

I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:

How do you feel about the government forcing you to buy auto insurance? And for banks forcing you to buy home insurance?

that is state and not the Federal government.. and banks are private business
so you fail
I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:

How do you feel about the government forcing you to buy auto insurance? And for banks forcing you to buy home insurance?

that is state and not the Federal government.. and banks are private business
so you fail

So there is a difference that whether it is at fed, state or at a commercial level you are forced to do something you do not wish to?
Yeah, good point [MENTION=16831]Tuatara[/MENTION]. Just like poor Al Qaeda. I mean, those peace loving, God-fearing men never threatened any freedom in the U.S. either.

I mean, sure they collapsed two of our buildings instantly killing 3,000 Americans - but none of my freedoms were threatened that day. Were yours?

I just love the modern day ignorant left-wing hippie. Their entire appeasement strategy is comical. It basically states, wait until your nation has been captured by <insert nation or radical movement here> and then you have a right to feel threatened and respond... :lmao:

It's always good to close the barn door after the horses have all run away... :eusa_doh:

^Another idiot who believes that Iraq was involved with 9/11. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And where exactly did I say that Iraq was "involved" with 9/11? Please give us the exact quote along with the post number. Can't do it? Really?

Once again [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] displays her illiteracy for the world. No wonder she's a parasite who needs to live off of government.

that's their standard's hard to imagine she was in the military and I believe it less every day
I remember when Barry was elected. He stood up there on the podium and wailed about how horrible it was that veterans were being treated like they are. That it was HIM and only HIM who would bring about the programs that would finally give veterans all that they needed and were promised.

On this forum, I made the prediction and the statement that Barry and his group of cronies were only 'singing a song' that they thought others wanted to hear. The left absolutely, positively HATES the United States military and has absolutely no use what so ever for those who have served. The progressives that I have had the 'opportunity' to speak with at length have no frame of reference for the beliefs held closely by veterans or those currently serving. Patriotism? Honor? Duty? Sacrifice? The preservation of liberty? Mere words which deserve only ridicule and derision from the left. After all, as Barry and his minions have repeatedly claimed, the basis for all of the evil in this world is the United States, so those who serve in its military are worthy of only contempt.

My great-great-great grandfather served with Sheridan and marched to Atlanta. His brother served with Longstreet and died. We have served in Cuba, the Phillipines, WW1, and my father walked ashore on Omaha beach in WWII. Uncles and cousins served in Korea, some as Marines at Chosin and my brothers and I served in Vietnam. Nephews have served in Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. And each and every one of us joined up. No one was drafted. We did it because we KNOW that freedom does not perpetuate itself. That it is one generation away from disappearing forever. We did it because if you wait for someone else, it will NEVER get done.

This article on was of the same vein as the rest of the crap they publish. That's fine, they can. It is after all the reason for the first amendment which rests on a document that has been defended by some. Some with their very lives. You'll NEVER understand. And that's fine. But if you believe what this idiot has written then you are an idiot as well, not worthy of the sweat off of my balls.

Now, you whiney-ass liberals can sit in your mother's basement and go back to playing games on your XBox. There are men and women out there who stand ready because there is evil in this world. And THEY are the only thing between that evil and getting your ass kicked...
This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

Patriot: The person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he's hollering about.
--Mark Twain

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
--Oscar Wilde

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other others because you were born in it.
--George Bernard Shaw

I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.

The article you linked to is challenging, a devils advocate look at commercialized patriotism -- but tell me how you can disagree with this:

We need not thank the troops for every breath we take. When we do, we reduce our entire existence as free people to something that only exists at the whim of the U.S. military, and suffocate critical thought about the military and what it&#8217;s actually doing in the world.

That was the point of the piece and you seemed to have missed it.
Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

Sounds good, but it is not supported by history

The United States has been blessed in that we are surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans that kept us thousands of miles away from any potential invading Army. We never needed our military to "preserve our freedom" because no foreign army was ever a threat to take it away

That does not mean our freedom was not challenged. Women and blacks were denied the vote. Blacks were denied the freedom to publicly mix with whites. Native Americans were sent to reservations and denied their culture. Workers did not have freedom to organize. Gays were openly attacked and denied basic rights.

We relied on a free press to report on these outrages. To give the common American a taste of what it was like to live in anothers shoes.

It is the free press that has defended our freedom at home while our military fought for the freedom of others around the globe

If only there was some way for people to cross oceans! :lmao:

Thank God those two oceans protected us from muslim terrorists in the Middle East. Just think - if not for those two oceans, they could have come over here and killed 3,000 Americans while collapsing our two largest buildings.

But alas, those oceans were there to save us!

RW - taking stupid to new levels since birth!

Ummmm....the Military didn't exactly protect us from those attacks

Terorist attacks are a horror but they did not bring down our country. As I recall, our Constitutional freedoms were still in effect the day after the attacks.
I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.

Yeah, good point [MENTION=16831]Tuatara[/MENTION]. Just like poor Al Qaeda. I mean, those peace loving, God-fearing men never threatened any freedom in the U.S. either.

I mean, sure they collapsed two of our buildings instantly killing 3,000 Americans - but none of my freedoms were threatened that day. Were yours?

I just love the modern day ignorant left-wing hippie. Their entire appeasement strategy is comical. It basically states, wait until your nation has been captured by <insert nation or radical movement here> and then you have a right to feel threatened and respond... :lmao:

It's always good to close the barn door after the horses have all run away... :eusa_doh:
Iraq is now Al Queda??? Also what Al Queda did is a drop in the bucket compared to what the US has done in the region the last 50 years.
I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.

I didn't say "FROM" anything. Nice twist - but the ACA forces you to purchase health insurance asshole. If you had any reading comprehension (and, well, clearly you do not), you would have realized that your desperate attempt to spin on a single word was destined to fail since that single word was not there! :eusa_shhh:

How do you feel about the government forcing you to buy auto insurance? And for banks forcing you to buy home insurance?

A bank is a private institution which I can choose to do business with or choose not to do business with. Want to try again? :lol:

As far as auto insurance, driving is also a choice and I can choose not to drive if I don't want to purchase auto insurance. Want to try again? :lol:

Furthermore, both of those exist because of person A's potential liability to person B. But there is no liability to anyone else with my own health. If I choose not to carry health insurance, and I suffer a stroke, that SHOULD not effect anyone else in any capacity. The only reason it does is because you idiot Dumbocrat parasites dictated that someone who goes to the hospital is somehow magically "entitled" to treatment even if they can't afford it. If we undid that Dumbocrat disaster, there would be no reason for the new Dumbocrat disasters.

This is the M.O. of the modern day Dumbocrat. It is literally Atlas Shrugged. Unconstitutionally involve the government is something they have zero authority to be invovled in (healthcare). Mandate something (people are entitled to treatment even if they can't pay). When that mandate creates a crisis (healthcare costs go up to cover the costs of the assholes getting freebies), create a new mandate (ACA - force people to purchase something). When that mandate fails (and we see it already has with millions losing their existing coverage), create yet another mandate (say, insurance companies are now forced to provide coverage at the price government dictates). Lather. Rinse. Repeat. And the downward spiral continues until the whole thing collapses just like the former U.S.S.R. (Dumbocrats aren't smart enough to study history and learn from it, so they make the same mistakes that collapsed other nations).

Now that we see how your analogies are an apples-to-radiation comparison does not apply, what else have you got for me sweetie? I need you to make more of an effort thinking so I can have a challenge for once. The inferior intellect of you Dumbocrats is making this no fun.
I remember when Barry was elected. He stood up there on the podium and wailed about how horrible it was that veterans were being treated like they are. That it was HIM and only HIM who would bring about the programs that would finally give veterans all that they needed and were promised.

On this forum, I made the prediction and the statement that Barry and his group of cronies were only 'singing a song' that they thought others wanted to hear. The left absolutely, positively HATES the United States military and has absolutely no use what so ever for those who have served. The progressives that I have had the 'opportunity' to speak with at length have no frame of reference for the beliefs held closely by veterans or those currently serving. Patriotism? Honor? Duty? Sacrifice? The preservation of liberty? Mere words which deserve only ridicule and derision from the left. After all, as Barry and his minions have repeatedly claimed, the basis for all of the evil in this world is the United States, so those who serve in its military are worthy of only contempt.

My great-great-great grandfather served with Sheridan and marched to Atlanta. His brother served with Longstreet and died. We have served in Cuba, the Phillipines, WW1, and my father walked ashore on Omaha beach in WWII. Uncles and cousins served in Korea, some as Marines at Chosin and my brothers and I served in Vietnam. Nephews have served in Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. And each and every one of us joined up. No one was drafted. We did it because we KNOW that freedom does not perpetuate itself. That it is one generation away from disappearing forever. We did it because if you wait for someone else, it will NEVER get done.

This article on was of the same vein as the rest of the crap they publish. That's fine, they can. It is after all the reason for the first amendment which rests on a document that has been defended by some. Some with their very lives. You'll NEVER understand. And that's fine. But if you believe what this idiot has written then you are an idiot as well, not worthy of the sweat off of my balls.

Now, you whiney-ass liberals can sit in your mother's basement and go back to playing games on your XBox. There are men and women out there who stand ready because there is evil in this world. And THEY are the only thing between that evil and getting your ass kicked...

And again you speak with passion and I thank you for your service, but, liberals serve in the military also.
I have no basement or parents as they have died off many years ago. What I do have is my own house on my own 43 acres that I bought with sweat and hard work.
Now, as you said it is their right to print what they want within reason as is yours, but remember that rwer's and conservatives do not make up the entire military.
I wish I had an X-box but my youngest does, he's eleven.he is already prepping for a job in the Air Force so he can be an astronaut.
How do you feel about the government forcing you to buy auto insurance? And for banks forcing you to buy home insurance?

that is state and not the Federal government.. and banks are private business
so you fail

So there is a difference that whether it is at fed, state or at a commercial level you are forced to do something you do not wish to?

Yes stupid! You didn't know that? :bang3:

It's called the Constitution. See, if a state does something I don't like, I can LEAVE the state. I cannot leave the country. I am a citizen of the United States and am not entitled to live anywhere else unless another nation grants me citizenship with them.

Damn [MENTION=30820]Moonglow[/MENTION], I knew you were stupid, but come on...

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