The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

The lefts favorite website? Lol
I haven't read the Salon, well since the first time I read it.
Hack much?

You're one person [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]. Are you really so arrogant (not to mention ignorant) as to believe that you are the standard for the entire Dumbocrat party and that if you don't do something, no liberal does? :cuckoo:

This entire board is filled with links by your fellow Dumbocrats to (hell, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] adds at least 3 per thread on average). But hey, when has a Dumbocrat ever let the facts get in the way of their narrative, right Luissa?

So you should judge all liberals by what a few post on a message board?
Should I judge you by what a few post here?
Yes, you are ignorant.

That's funny. I've never posted from Salon. I didn't even know it existed. But I don't post many OP's. I let the hard core people do that.
This guy speaks the truth. The military are not the source of freedom. Never were.

The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military

Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

RWrs are such victims. Hard to believe that any are willing to join the military. Not the place for victimology.
Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized
Yeah i'm sure the victims of fast and furious, bengazi, and the thousands of people that lost their insurance would agree. The press is silent on that.

If the press was silent, how come we keep hearing about those things?
Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized
Yeah i'm sure the victims of fast and furious, bengazi, and the thousands of people that lost their insurance would agree. The press is silent on that.

Is that why it was headline news for many weeks? because they ignored it.

To be so blind one must be not have sight, be ignorant or a liar.
I would like to know what branch of the military the OP creator have served with?
I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.
The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military

Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized

Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?
I remember seeing a bumper sticker at a restaraunt in Arizona that read "My son is in Iraq so you can have your freedom." When the occupant of the vehicle came to his vehicle I challenged him to provide evidence that Iraq was threatening any freedom in the US. He couldn't but he threatened me with violence. Typical.

Yeah...not surprised.
I remember back in the throes of the Iraq disaster, when those of us opposed to that war brought up the casualties,

warmongers on the Right used to say that was irrelevant, because, afterall,

our military was all volunteers, and they chose to go, and they knew what they were getting into.
That's all the democrats fault???

Are republicans the only party allowed to join the military? That dog don't hunt.

Why are you attacking RW's credibility? If your case is so strong, why not just disprove his rebuttal? Why go after him, personally?

Well Republicans sure as hell didn't pass the ACA which forces American citizens to purchase a good or service.

And sure as hell isn't Republicans which have ordered the NSA to spy on 100% of all communications (phone calls, texts, internet, etc.) of the American people.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Social Security.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicare.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicaid.

I could go on, but this is more than enough for anyone who is informed about history and which party rammed through which bill against the will of another party (obviously, being "informed" immediately disqualifies Dumbocrats).

Now toe the party line again and tell us how great this article is :eusa_doh:

I thought this was a discussion about the military. Did you lose your way?

No - your fellow Dumbocrat lost their way. I simply responded to them.

But I love the fact that you can't dispute what I post so you quickly try to change the subject and run from it! :lol:
Interesting thought

Hitler wasn't capable of invading England. What makes you think he could invade the US over 3000 miles away?

Hitler wasn't capable of invading England?!?! Dude, England was all but dead. They were begging us 24x7 to join the war to save them. The only reason the Nazi's didn't take control of England was because Hitler inexplicably turned on the Soviets in the middle of the war. Had he not done that, England would have fallen under control of Hitler. How dumb are you RM? :bang3:

The Germans gave up on Britain when their air force could not destroy the British air force
We know how young, dumb and full of cum you are.

The Germans "gave up" on Britain... :lmao:

Ah yes, I just love the libtard Dumbocrats "special" version of history.

Hey, I know, why don't you tell us again how Abraham Lincoln was a Dumbocrat and that it was actually Republicans who supported slavery? That's always one of my favorite stories from the left.

The other is when RW tries to tell people that it was big government, communist liberals who created the Constitution which is adamant about small government and maximum freedom for the people.

When you're on the wrong side of the facts, all you have left are lies...
The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military

Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

RWrs are such victims. Hard to believe that any are willing to join the military. Not the place for victimology.

Wait, the party that cries all day about being victims and how they need government to redistribute wealth for them is really accusing someone else of playing the victim? :lmao:

Projecting is the one thing Dumbocrats do better than anyone else... :lol:
How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Kerry didn't hide in a safe National Guard unit. Kerry didn't receive multiple draft deferments because he "had better things to do". Kerry served in combat, was wounded, and still carries shrapnel in his body. The Navy awarded him honors. The right brought out people that didn't even serve with him to smear him and his record. If you have an issue with Kerry's medals, take it up with the Navy. Another point that proves that republicans of the op's ilk are full of shit. They use the military the same way they use flag lapel pins. They aren't above smearing vets like Kerry. You have wingnuts in this thread smearing liberal veterans and servicemen, saying that servicemen can only be conservative. Fuck that. There are lots of us right here on this board who are serving or have served honorably in harm's way. To say that we, who have put our lives on the line, hate the military is a slap in the face. We took the oath, wore the uniform, and served our country. I'll not stand for some pissant questioning my patriotism or my integrity.

Kerry served FOUR months in people can't put Kerry serving down but you can put down Bush serving in if our National guard is some pos branch of our military, is that what you're implying?

the twisted double standard shining bright...and a TWO faced hypocrite and man was it ugly
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Well Republicans sure as hell didn't pass the ACA which forces American citizens to purchase a good or service.

And sure as hell isn't Republicans which have ordered the NSA to spy on 100% of all communications (phone calls, texts, internet, etc.) of the American people.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Social Security.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicare.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicaid.

I could go on, but this is more than enough for anyone who is informed about history and which party rammed through which bill against the will of another party (obviously, being "informed" immediately disqualifies Dumbocrats).

Now toe the party line again and tell us how great this article is :eusa_doh:

I thought this was a discussion about the military. Did you lose your way?

No - your fellow Dumbocrat lost their way. I simply responded to them.

But I love the fact that you can't dispute what I post so you quickly try to change the subject and run from it! :lol:

Asking to go back on topic is a bad thing now? For you....maybe. :D
Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Kerry didn't hide in a safe National Guard unit. Kerry didn't receive multiple draft deferments because he "had better things to do". Kerry served in combat, was wounded, and still carries shrapnel in his body. The Navy awarded him honors. The right brought out people that didn't even serve with him to smear him and his record. If you have an issue with Kerry's medals, take it up with the Navy. Another point that proves that republicans of the op's ilk are full of shit. They use the military the same way they use flag lapel pins. They aren't above smearing vets like Kerry. You have wingnuts in this thread smearing liberal veterans and servicemen, saying that servicemen can only be conservative. Fuck that. There are lots of us right here on this board who are serving or have served honorably in harm's way. To say that we, who have put our lives on the line, hate the military is a slap in the face. We took the oath, wore the uniform, and served our country. I'll not stand for some pissant questioning my patriotism or my integrity.

Kerry served FOUR months in people can't put Kerry serving down but you can put down Bush serving in if our National guard is some pos branch of our military, is that what you're implying?

the twisted double standard shining bright... and man was it ugly

That's four months more than Bush....or you.
Kerry didn't hide in a safe National Guard unit. Kerry didn't receive multiple draft deferments because he "had better things to do". Kerry served in combat, was wounded, and still carries shrapnel in his body. The Navy awarded him honors. The right brought out people that didn't even serve with him to smear him and his record. If you have an issue with Kerry's medals, take it up with the Navy. Another point that proves that republicans of the op's ilk are full of shit. They use the military the same way they use flag lapel pins. They aren't above smearing vets like Kerry. You have wingnuts in this thread smearing liberal veterans and servicemen, saying that servicemen can only be conservative. Fuck that. There are lots of us right here on this board who are serving or have served honorably in harm's way. To say that we, who have put our lives on the line, hate the military is a slap in the face. We took the oath, wore the uniform, and served our country. I'll not stand for some pissant questioning my patriotism or my integrity.

Kerry served FOUR months in people can't put Kerry serving down but you can put down Bush serving in if our National guard is some pos branch of our military, is that what you're implying?

the twisted double standard shining bright... and man was it ugly

That's four months more than Bush....or you.

well ok little miss nasty troll
did that make you happy, feel good, tingles or what?
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Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized

Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

Sounds good, but it is not supported by history

The United States has been blessed in that we are surrounded by peaceful neighbors and two oceans that kept us thousands of miles away from any potential invading Army. We never needed our military to "preserve our freedom" because no foreign army was ever a threat to take it away

That does not mean our freedom was not challenged. Women and blacks were denied the vote. Blacks were denied the freedom to publicly mix with whites. Native Americans were sent to reservations and denied their culture. Workers did not have freedom to organize. Gays were openly attacked and denied basic rights.

We relied on a free press to report on these outrages. To give the common American a taste of what it was like to live in anothers shoes.

It is the free press that has defended our freedom at home while our military fought for the freedom of others around the globe
Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized

Oh, you mean like how Obamacare has forced citizens to purchase a good or service? :lol:

Yeah - thank God the "free press" was there to stop that unconstitutional, oppressive, fiasco!

By the way - take away the U.S. military, and the "free press" disappears by sun down as muslim terrorist implement Sharia law. But hey, RW was never one to let reality or facts get in the way of a good Dumbocrat narrative. Why start now, right?

I have not been forced to buy anything from the ACA.
Kerry served FOUR months in people can't put Kerry serving down but you can put down Bush serving in if our National guard is some pos branch of our military, is that what you're implying?

the twisted double standard shining bright... and man was it ugly

That's four months more than Bush....or you.

well ok little miss nasty troll
did that make you happy, feel good, tingles or what?

Again...that's four more months than Bush...or you. Apparently the truth hurts.

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