The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

100% of them (hell, even with our military, you Dumbocrats have managed to destroy about 65% of the freedoms we once enjoyed).

Now come on RW, give us one of your classic desperate arguments to defend this pathetic and indefensible article. I mean, you can't afford to be an unbiased, rational human who rightly denounces something despicable if it's done by the left, right? Have to be the good little partisan hack for the cause at all costs! Including the cost of your credibility, which you lost about 6 years ago.

That's all the democrats fault???

Are republicans the only party allowed to join the military? That dog don't hunt.

Why are you attacking RW's credibility? If your case is so strong, why not just disprove his rebuttal? Why go after him, personally?

Well Republicans sure as hell didn't pass the ACA which forces American citizens to purchase a good or service.

And sure as hell isn't Republicans which have ordered the NSA to spy on 100% of all communications (phone calls, texts, internet, etc.) of the American people.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Social Security.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicare.

And it sure as hell wasn't Republicans which forced the American people to join Medicaid.

I could go on, but this is more than enough for anyone who is informed about history and which party rammed through which bill against the will of another party (obviously, being "informed" immediately disqualifies Dumbocrats).

Now toe the party line again and tell us how great this article is :eusa_doh:

I thought this was a discussion about the military. Did you lose your way?
You mean ballots that were postmarked after the election and wouldn't have been legally counted? THOSE troops?

I could imagine if there was a troop who cast his vote for Bush in 2000, he probably quickly regretted it when he was patrolling the streets of Baghdad wondering which faction of crazy muslims was our ally this week.

Concerned about legality of a ballot? How Jim Crowe of you. You confirmed my point.....The Troops do NOT vote for Liberals. Liberals know this and Troops know this. Yes, those troops signed up to go into Baghdad and still don't support Liberals. Had those troops' ballots been those of a Liberal voting block, the Left would have sued to make sure they were included instead of not being counted.


I was a troop. I voted liberal. Fuck you and your generalizations.

Same here.
So did kerry but the soldiers in his unit celebrated when he went home.

How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

I never once voted or supported Kerry, so you are wrong as usual, or, you are having problems with your statements being fallacious and illogical.
So did kerry but the soldiers in his unit celebrated when he went home.

How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that
Now they attack Salon...never seen it before this, how funny

but really I do think this is how the majority on the left/liberals/Democrats/progressives feel...Just look at Obama for an example
He takes very little time for the military he is CIC of, and then it's when he needs an umbrella held for him...

yep, Salon pegged them this time for sure

This is what I frequently see...."Now they attack Salon". I see no attack, I see disagreement. To people like you (hysterical state of mind), any disagreement is an ATTACK.

That biotch is always on meds for her compulsive incoherent disease.
I call bullshit

I call the samething on the subject of liberals being patiotic and supporting our troops.

I am a member of the First Cav , a member organization for troops stationed with the First Cav. Division, Ft. Hood Texas. I have two honorable discharges from serving with pride, honor and dignity in the US Army.
I am also a member of Wounded Warrior. My family at one time over the last 20 years has had 4 members in the military, all branches.
You again want to tell this liberal soldier about how we, liberals do not support the military?
Some liberals do not support the military, but that is also true about conservatives.

I have personally, in RL and on message boards had known conservatives ask me, when they learned I was in the military, why I couldn't get a "real" job.
How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

Don't you just love someone that likes to inflate a story about something they know nothing about. But then again I was young and dumb once also.
Hitler wasn't capable of invading England?!?! Dude, England was all but dead. They were begging us 24x7 to join the war to save them. The only reason the Nazi's didn't take control of England was because Hitler inexplicably turned on the Soviets in the middle of the war. Had he not done that, England would have fallen under control of Hitler. How dumb are you RM? :bang3:

The Germans gave up on Britain when their air force could not destroy the British air force
We know how young, dumb and full of cum you are.

Look at the size of the D Day fleet (supported by total air superiority) needed to invade Normandy. Hitler did not have the fleet, he did not have the air power

He couldn't launch an invasion of England only 30 miles away and these morons think he could have pulled off an invasion of the US from 3000 miles away

Assuming Dointz got this 300 Uboats by early 1941 and starved England, I think the most likely scenario was the Germans held out against the Soviets long enough to get an A-Bomb, and then there was a status quo with the US.

Had the Germans been able to win the Battle of Britian, I don't think invasion was impossible. The Home Fleet was vulnerable to air attack ... even more so that our Pacific Fleet battleships. But, even though the Brits left their tanks and artillary at Dunkirk and France, the Germans loses in crossing the channel would have not made victory a sure thing. I'm not sure Hitler would even have chanced it. He wanted a negotiated armistace. That of course was just another of his political/economic miscalculations ... or delusions.
I call the samething on the subject of liberals being patiotic and supporting our troops.

I am a member of the First Cav , a member organization for troops stationed with the First Cav. Division, Ft. Hood Texas. I have two honorable discharges from serving with pride, honor and dignity in the US Army.
I am also a member of Wounded Warrior. My family at one time over the last 20 years has had 4 members in the military, all branches.
You again want to tell this liberal soldier about how we, liberals do not support the military?
Some liberals do not support the military, but that is also true about conservatives.

I have personally, in RL and on message boards had known conservatives ask me, when they learned I was in the military, why I couldn't get a "real" job.

same here, and to boot they ask me if I got to wear my hair long in the military since no one like me should have ever been allowed to serve.
Hitler wasn't capable of invading England?!?! Dude, England was all but dead. They were begging us 24x7 to join the war to save them. The only reason the Nazi's didn't take control of England was because Hitler inexplicably turned on the Soviets in the middle of the war. Had he not done that, England would have fallen under control of Hitler. How dumb are you RM? :bang3:

The Germans gave up on Britain when their air force could not destroy the British air force
We know how young, dumb and full of cum you are.

I honestly don't know that they'd have been able to import enough materials and food w/o FDR, but they certainly didn't need any outside help in developing radar and the other tech advances to hunt UBoats or crack German codes. Aside from that the posters and OP are amazingly ignorant that the non-interventionist's in the US were largely republican, and Wendel Wilke actually joined FDR in prosecuting the war .... and Vandenberg moved from isolationist to interventionist.
Before the war, many Republicans praised Hitler and the way he was running his country and Republican industrialists sold scrap metal to least they gave it back to us later on.
That must be why Republicans block jobs bills for vets, try to cut their healthcare and recently cut food stamps for nearly a million veterans.

GOP blocks veterans jobs bill with budget vote | TheHill

The Veterans Jobs Corp Act would have created new job-training programs to help veterans find work in targeted fields such as national park conservation, historic preservation projects, police work and firefighting, among others.

Sens. Scott Brown (Mass.), Susan Collins (Maine), Dean Heller (Nev.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Olympia Snowe (Maine) were the only Republicans who voted for the waiver, in a 58-40 vote.

The Coming Food Stamp Cut Will Hit 900,000 Veterans

Oh SNAP, veterans get dissed by the GOP

OP posts an opinion piece.
You post provable facts.

Anyone wanna guess which the rw nutters will go for?

They are nuthin if not predictable.
The Germans gave up on Britain when their air force could not destroy the British air force
We know how young, dumb and full of cum you are.

I honestly don't know that they'd have been able to import enough materials and food w/o FDR, but they certainly didn't need any outside help in developing radar and the other tech advances to hunt UBoats or crack German codes. Aside from that the posters and OP are amazingly ignorant that the non-interventionist's in the US were largely republican, and Wendel Wilke actually joined FDR in prosecuting the war .... and Vandenberg moved from isolationist to interventionist.
Before the war, many Republicans praised Hitler and the way he was running his country and Republican industrialists sold scrap metal to least they gave it back to us later on.

They also hid nazi's in the US.
How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

So you voted for bush instead of kerry? Kerry ran on his service in vietnam and liberals ran with the idea of kerry being a hero. I remember cause it made me sick. Kerry should've been tried for treason.
So did kerry but the soldiers in his unit celebrated when he went home.

How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Well then, you will be able to prove (a) those 200 actually served with him, and (b) they celebrated after he was gone.
Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

So you voted for bush instead of kerry? Kerry ran on his service in vietnam and liberals ran with the idea of kerry being a hero. I remember cause it made me sick. Kerry should've been tried for treason.

Well, you know, one needs EVIDENCE to try someone for treason. Got some?
The Germans gave up on Britain when their air force could not destroy the British air force
We know how young, dumb and full of cum you are.

Look at the size of the D Day fleet (supported by total air superiority) needed to invade Normandy. Hitler did not have the fleet, he did not have the air power

He couldn't launch an invasion of England only 30 miles away and these morons think he could have pulled off an invasion of the US from 3000 miles away

Assuming Dointz got this 300 Uboats by early 1941 and starved England, I think the most likely scenario was the Germans held out against the Soviets long enough to get an A-Bomb, and then there was a status quo with the US.

Had the Germans been able to win the Battle of Britian, I don't think invasion was impossible. The Home Fleet was vulnerable to air attack ... even more so that our Pacific Fleet battleships. But, even though the Brits left their tanks and artillary at Dunkirk and France, the Germans loses in crossing the channel would have not made victory a sure thing. I'm not sure Hitler would even have chanced it. He wanted a negotiated armistace. That of course was just another of his political/economic miscalculations ... or delusions.

Massive bombing raids was a new tactic in 1940. I believe Hitler thought he could bomb the Brits into submission and later terrorize them with V1s and V2s. He thought they would quit and seek peace.
Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

Don't you just love someone that likes to inflate a story about something they know nothing about. But then again I was young and dumb once also.

Oh i'm sorry it was 193 vets. Not my fault you don't know the definition of almost is.
How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Well then, you will be able to prove (a) those 200 actually served with him, and (b) they celebrated after he was gone.

Those Swift Boats were pretty big. You could fit 200-300 men down below if they hunkered down
Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

So you voted for bush instead of kerry? Kerry ran on his service in vietnam and liberals ran with the idea of kerry being a hero. I remember cause it made me sick. Kerry should've been tried for treason.

Of course I voted for Kerry. Kerry volunteered to serve under fire, Bush volunteered to remain in the states

Bush was the worst excuse for a President in modern history

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