The heart of the liberal movement: "STOP thanking the military - they don't do shit "

Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

Don't you just love someone that likes to inflate a story about something they know nothing about. But then again I was young and dumb once also.

Oh i'm sorry it was 193 vets. Not my fault you don't know the definition of almost is.

Still waiting for your evidence that what you said is true and not just made up.
Look at the size of the D Day fleet (supported by total air superiority) needed to invade Normandy. Hitler did not have the fleet, he did not have the air power

He couldn't launch an invasion of England only 30 miles away and these morons think he could have pulled off an invasion of the US from 3000 miles away

Assuming Dointz got this 300 Uboats by early 1941 and starved England, I think the most likely scenario was the Germans held out against the Soviets long enough to get an A-Bomb, and then there was a status quo with the US.

Had the Germans been able to win the Battle of Britian, I don't think invasion was impossible. The Home Fleet was vulnerable to air attack ... even more so that our Pacific Fleet battleships. But, even though the Brits left their tanks and artillary at Dunkirk and France, the Germans loses in crossing the channel would have not made victory a sure thing. I'm not sure Hitler would even have chanced it. He wanted a negotiated armistace. That of course was just another of his political/economic miscalculations ... or delusions.

Massive bombing raids was a new tactic in 1940. I believe Hitler thought he could bomb the Brits into submission and later terrorize them with V1s and V2s. He thought they would quit and seek peace.

Yeah, the Thousand Year Reich and the Final Solution were not evidence of a sound political thinker. (-:
The Germans gave up on Britain when their air force could not destroy the British air force
We know how young, dumb and full of cum you are.

I honestly don't know that they'd have been able to import enough materials and food w/o FDR, but they certainly didn't need any outside help in developing radar and the other tech advances to hunt UBoats or crack German codes. Aside from that the posters and OP are amazingly ignorant that the non-interventionist's in the US were largely republican, and Wendel Wilke actually joined FDR in prosecuting the war .... and Vandenberg moved from isolationist to interventionist.
Before the war, many Republicans praised Hitler and the way he was running his country and Republican industrialists sold scrap metal to least they gave it back to us later on.

Look at how they pal around with the Russians when anything bad is said about the US.
I honestly don't know that they'd have been able to import enough materials and food w/o FDR, but they certainly didn't need any outside help in developing radar and the other tech advances to hunt UBoats or crack German codes. Aside from that the posters and OP are amazingly ignorant that the non-interventionist's in the US were largely republican, and Wendel Wilke actually joined FDR in prosecuting the war .... and Vandenberg moved from isolationist to interventionist.
Before the war, many Republicans praised Hitler and the way he was running his country and Republican industrialists sold scrap metal to least they gave it back to us later on.

Look at how they pal around with the Russians when anything bad is said about the US.

Party before Country.
So did kerry but the soldiers in his unit celebrated when he went home.

How do you know, you there? The fly on the wall in Nam was you!?

Close to two hundred soldiers that served with him, and the left makes kerry a hero. Another point that proves the liberal hate our military.

Kerry didn't hide in a safe National Guard unit. Kerry didn't receive multiple draft deferments because he "had better things to do". Kerry served in combat, was wounded, and still carries shrapnel in his body. The Navy awarded him honors. The right brought out people that didn't even serve with him to smear him and his record. If you have an issue with Kerry's medals, take it up with the Navy. Another point that proves that republicans of the op's ilk are full of shit. They use the military the same way they use flag lapel pins. They aren't above smearing vets like Kerry. You have wingnuts in this thread smearing liberal veterans and servicemen, saying that servicemen can only be conservative. Fuck that. There are lots of us right here on this board who are serving or have served honorably in harm's way. To say that we, who have put our lives on the line, hate the military is a slap in the face. We took the oath, wore the uniform, and served our country. I'll not stand for some pissant questioning my patriotism or my integrity.
Okay bodeccia,
" senator kerry, we were there. We know the truth. We have been silent long enough. The stakes are to great, not only for america in general but, most importantly, for those who have followed us into service in iraq and afganistan. We call upon you to provide a full accurate accouting of your conduct in vietnam."

Doesn't sound like the wanted kerry to hang around.
Did you actually read the article?

Her point is that our freedoms are not from the military, but due to the laws and consititution that we have, and popular support for them.

Respect the military because they are often doing a dangerous and difficult job, but they are not the source of our "Freedom". We are.
This guy speaks the truth. The military are not the source of freedom. Never were.
Did you actually read the article?

Her point is that our freedoms are not from the military, but due to the laws and consititution that we have, and popular support for them.

Respect the military because they are often doing a dangerous and difficult job, but they are not the source of our "Freedom". We are.
This guy speaks the truth. The military are not the source of freedom. Never were.

The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military
Kerry dishorned his service by his actions during his service and after he got out. There is a photo of kerry and vietnam's former general secretary of the communist party do muoi. The photo is part of an exhibit honoring heroes who had helped the vietnamese communist win the war against the united states. The photo is displayed in the war remnants museum in ho chi minh city. That represents the attitude of liberals.
Did you actually read the article?

Her point is that our freedoms are not from the military, but due to the laws and consititution that we have, and popular support for them.

Respect the military because they are often doing a dangerous and difficult job, but they are not the source of our "Freedom". We are.
This guy speaks the truth. The military are not the source of freedom. Never were.

Well, the 2nd Amend has its roots at least partially in a fear that the the Fed Govt would use a standing army to impose tryanny. And, that fear is the genesis of the US military's strict political impartiality .... which has led to angst among some of the right on this board over restrictions of 1st Amend rights of military members.

And I got tired a long time ago of the right bringing up Kerry's past for political posturing ... not that I'd vote for a guy who did winter soldier and then tried to run for potus by saying he was ready to lead the military. But, we don't vote for sec of state, and what Mass voters do, isn't my biz.
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Did you actually read the article?

Her point is that our freedoms are not from the military, but due to the laws and consititution that we have, and popular support for them.

Respect the military because they are often doing a dangerous and difficult job, but they are not the source of our "Freedom". We are.
This guy speaks the truth. The military are not the source of freedom. Never were.

The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military

Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.
Two hundred now? You sure it wasn't two thousand?

The left did not make Kerry a hero....Winning a Silver Star does that

So you voted for bush instead of kerry? Kerry ran on his service in vietnam and liberals ran with the idea of kerry being a hero. I remember cause it made me sick. Kerry should've been tried for treason.

Of course I voted for Kerry. Kerry volunteered to serve under fire, Bush volunteered to remain in the states

Bush was the worst excuse for a President in modern history

No, obama has taken that title.
Kerry dishorned his service by his actions during his service and after he got out. There is a photo of kerry and vietnam's former general secretary of the communist party do muoi. The photo is part of an exhibit honoring heroes who had helped the vietnamese communist win the war against the united states. The photo is displayed in the war remnants museum in ho chi minh city. That represents the attitude of liberals.

Fine. This is the attitude of conservatives then. The military is just a commodity to be used when needed, and casually discarded when not.

Air Force dumped ashes of more troops? remains in Va. landfill than acknowledged - Washington Post
This guy speaks the truth. The military are not the source of freedom. Never were.

The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military

Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized
Kerry dishorned his service by his actions during his service and after he got out. There is a photo of kerry and vietnam's former general secretary of the communist party do muoi. The photo is part of an exhibit honoring heroes who had helped the vietnamese communist win the war against the united states. The photo is displayed in the war remnants museum in ho chi minh city. That represents the attitude of liberals.

Fine. This is the attitude of conservatives then. The military is just a commodity to be used when needed, and casually discarded when not.

Air Force dumped ashes of more troops? remains in Va. landfill than acknowledged - Washington Post

That is not the right if it's true, but what does that have to do with kerry being awarded for helping the communist win the vietnam war?
The press does more to preserve our freedom than the military

Yeah the liberal press that won't ask obama a tough question and buries any of obama's wrong doings, but watched bush like a hawk. Freddom for one but not the other. Got it.

The pen is mightier than the sword

It is a free press that has ensured our freedoms as citizens and brought to light those cases where individual freedom is jeopardized
Yeah i'm sure the victims of fast and furious, bengazi, and the thousands of people that lost their insurance would agree. The press is silent on that.
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This is simply astounding. The left's favorite website actually wrote an article demanding that we stop thanking the military because they don't provide freedom... :bang3:

Stop thanking the troops for me: No, they don't protect our freedoms! -

The lefts favorite website? Lol
I haven't read the Salon, well since the first time I read it.
Hack much?

You're one person [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]. Are you really so arrogant (not to mention ignorant) as to believe that you are the standard for the entire Dumbocrat party and that if you don't do something, no liberal does? :cuckoo:

This entire board is filled with links by your fellow Dumbocrats to (hell, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] adds at least 3 per thread on average). But hey, when has a Dumbocrat ever let the facts get in the way of their narrative, right Luissa?

So you should judge all liberals by what a few post on a message board?
Should I judge you by what a few post here?
Yes, you are ignorant.
Kerry dishorned his service by his actions during his service and after he got out. There is a photo of kerry and vietnam's former general secretary of the communist party do muoi. The photo is part of an exhibit honoring heroes who had helped the vietnamese communist win the war against the united states. The photo is displayed in the war remnants museum in ho chi minh city. That represents the attitude of liberals.

Fine. This is the attitude of conservatives then. The military is just a commodity to be used when needed, and casually discarded when not.

Air Force dumped ashes of more troops? remains in Va. landfill than acknowledged - Washington Post

That is not the right if it's true, but what does that have to do with kerry being awarded for helping the communist win the vietnam war?

Really? It happened during the Bush administration, when the right was all gung ho about the military, sending troops on multiple deployments. I guess they didn't want the flag draped coffins to be shown because they were busy dumping the remains in landfills.
Okay bodeccia,
" senator kerry, we were there. We know the truth. We have been silent long enough. The stakes are to great, not only for america in general but, most importantly, for those who have followed us into service in iraq and afganistan. We call upon you to provide a full accurate accouting of your conduct in vietnam."

Doesn't sound like the wanted kerry to hang around.

The link to the original, please.
Kerry dishorned his service by his actions during his service and after he got out. There is a photo of kerry and vietnam's former general secretary of the communist party do muoi. The photo is part of an exhibit honoring heroes who had helped the vietnamese communist win the war against the united states. The photo is displayed in the war remnants museum in ho chi minh city. That represents the attitude of liberals.

Fine. This is the attitude of conservatives then. The military is just a commodity to be used when needed, and casually discarded when not.

Air Force dumped ashes of more troops? remains in Va. landfill than acknowledged - Washington Post

That is not the right if it's true, but what does that have to do with kerry being awarded for helping the communist win the vietnam war?

What does Kerry have to do with Obama and Nam?

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