The Hill Poll: Majority of voters blame president for bad economy

Here's the only important part of that poll:

"If there is a silver lining for Obama in the poll results, it’s that centrist voters, who may well decide the 2012 outcome, tend to blame Republicans in Congress more than the president for hindering a more robust recovery.

Twenty-six percent of centrists cited Congress as most to blame for U.S. economic woes, compared to 20 percent who blame Obama.

Similarly, 53 percent of centrists said Obama has taken the right actions as president to boost the economy, compared with 38 percent who said he had taken the wrong steps.

Seventy-nine percent of centrist voters said Republicans had slowed the economy by taking wrong actions. Only 13 percent of centrists credited GOP lawmakers with policies that have helped the economy".

Centrists, aka swing voters, are the voters that decide elections. Everyone else has pretty much decided who they're going to vote for.

Swing voters in swing states with a 7 to 1 negative view of the GOP's actions on the economy? That's supposed to hurt Obama?


ok, if you think so

So you post a poll but you don't even believe the accuracy of the poll you posted?

What was your point then?
The Republican Party started two unnecessary wars, drove us over an economic cliff, and let bin Laden get away.

Obama has done the opposite.

Obama's killed more US troops in Afghanistan than Bush did in two terms. Why aren't you rioting with Code Pink?

Oh I remember. It's because when a Democrat President kills men and women in uniform due to their foreign policy, that's AOK.
We have just had the fastest 6 month drop in unemployment since 1984.

Thanks, President Obama.

hahaha! Now that's how you want to spin it huh? Not that the unemployment has never been above 8% longer in the last 50 years?
America has added 4.2 million private sector jobs since the stimulus.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

In case you haven't noticed, it is now
July 2012

Did you also notice, Vel that those years were with a democrat Congress and a democrat Senate?
Here's the only important part of that poll:

"If there is a silver lining for Obama in the poll results, it’s that centrist voters, who may well decide the 2012 outcome, tend to blame Republicans in Congress more than the president for hindering a more robust recovery.

Twenty-six percent of centrists cited Congress as most to blame for U.S. economic woes, compared to 20 percent who blame Obama.

Similarly, 53 percent of centrists said Obama has taken the right actions as president to boost the economy, compared with 38 percent who said he had taken the wrong steps.

Seventy-nine percent of centrist voters said Republicans had slowed the economy by taking wrong actions. Only 13 percent of centrists credited GOP lawmakers with policies that have helped the economy".

Centrists, aka swing voters, are the voters that decide elections. Everyone else has pretty much decided who they're going to vote for.

Swing voters in swing states with a 7 to 1 negative view of the GOP's actions on the economy? That's supposed to hurt Obama?


ok, if you think so

So you post a poll but you don't even believe the accuracy of the poll you posted?

What was your point then?

oh dear gawd, don't play games
Rightfully so. He's been a real disaster for Businesses that are trying to get back on their feet. His Class Warfare shtick has worn very thin. I believe common sense thinking Independents will go Romney's way in November. But i guess we'll see.
The fact that the Obamabots are stuck yammering on and on about Bain Capital & tax returns pretty much says it all... four years in they should be touting his record, but they cannot.

He's toast.
He turned the economy around in 10 months- Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING in congress sine 2/2010 (and lie nonstop about it), and their huge propaganda machine has fear mongered everything. This is their economy more than Obama's.

Just one real jobs bill fcs...Those Pub "jobs bills" are ALL Pubcrappe propaganda that would do nothing for years, are all based on screwing the environment or the workers. READ SOMETHING!
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"If there is a silver lining for Obama in the poll results, it’s that centrist voters, who may well decide the 2012 outcome, tend to blame Republicans in Congress more than the president for hindering a more robust recovery.

Centrists like myself watched Obama only compound the problem.
We have just had the fastest 6 month drop in unemployment since 1984.

Thanks, President Obama.

hahaha! Now that's how you want to spin it huh? Not that the unemployment has never been above 8% longer in the last 50 years?

It only took dropping millions from the roles,

I see why they are so proud. They got disability...........:lol:
A deflationary spiral is a situation where decreases in price lead to lower production, which in turn leads to lower wages and demand, which leads to further decreases in price. Since reductions in general price level are called deflation, a deflationary spiral is when reductions in price lead to a vicious circle, where a problem exacerbates its own cause. The Great Depression was a deflationary spiral.

In a deflationary spiral the government HAS to be the demand of last resort. Obama and Congress handled this well in 2009 and should be commended for saving us from another Great Depression.

Where have you seen a decrease in prices? Other than housing which was falsely inflated and which is still higher than it should be.
Remember the days when the libturds used to crow with glee when the polls showed that President Bush was to blame?

cry us a fucking river whydonchya? :eusa_boohoo:
I see this poll, but then I look at the latest RCP polls in the swing states, and Obama is leading or close in most of 'em. Don't get it, people know the economy sucks, they don't seem to like the job Obama is doing, but his approval rating is about even and he's got a reasonable chance of getting re-elected.

Truly amazing, that's all I can say. This election looks like it's going to be decided in the last month. Most people have probably already decided which way they're going to vote by now; but there's also a number of undecideds who aren't paying much attention and will make up their minds in the last 4-6 weeks. Even if things do not improve, it still looks like Obama has a shot.

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