The History of The GOP Since 1980....In One Paragraph.....

Wow, that's a great improvement!!!

In what areas did Biden show his well-known budget hawkery?

Any specifics?
I’ve said over and over that that’s true (depending on what you’re talking about). You’re just avoiding the issue. You don’t really want to discuss anything. Name a policy you wan to discuss. That takes less time than doing what you’re currently doing.
I’ve said over and over that that’s true (depending on what you’re talking about). You’re just avoiding the issue.
The hell you say.
No, it wasn' ignored the question in my post to bripat.


My question was first.
Like other big players in Republican politics, the Club appears to have concluded that politicians whose only skill is setting fires, or pouring gasoline on those set by others, can be useful allies. “That’s sort of their strategy — that the prairie fire is going to help us because we’re going to burn down some things we want to burn down, or the smoke’s going to confuse enough that we can get some things done,” said Bob Inglis, a former Republican congressman from South Carolina. “But it’s just such a dangerous strategy. Because you cannot control where the prairie fire is going.”

How the Culture War Co-Opted a Free-Market Zealot

This is the problem with courting first they are your marks, but your dependence will lead to your subservience......and Trump, Boebert, and Greene.
Too many crackpots and religious yahoos in the GOP
To demonstrate

Here's a data series..

All Employees, Total Private

representing a headcount of private industry payrolls.

To gauge the effectiveness of the economic policies of each administration, we can easily look at the principal "headline" issues, jobs and economic growth - as measured by real GDP.

Does anyone want to volunteer the aggregate total NET additions to private payroll under GOP administrations since 1989?


The Duke

Nice site, notice the sharp uptick after 2020 here?

That uptick is double the angle.

This looks to be about right, too.

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