The History of The GOP Since 1980....In One Paragraph.....

Like other big players in Republican politics, the Club appears to have concluded that politicians whose only skill is setting fires, or pouring gasoline on those set by others, can be useful allies. “That’s sort of their strategy — that the prairie fire is going to help us because we’re going to burn down some things we want to burn down, or the smoke’s going to confuse enough that we can get some things done,” said Bob Inglis, a former Republican congressman from South Carolina. “But it’s just such a dangerous strategy. Because you cannot control where the prairie fire is going.”

How the Culture War Co-Opted a Free-Market Zealot

This is the problem with courting first they are your marks, but your dependence will lead to your subservience......and Trump, Boebert, and Greene.

Since Ronald Reagan made 'Stupid' popular, there has been a continuous back slide of the GOP into greater stupidity.

However, just saying 'Stupid' isn't enough to really see what is going on:

Everyone is born with instincts that were developed during the thousands of years our ancestors were 'hunter/gathers'. Everyone is also born with intelligence, to varying degrees, that allows us to adapt. Often there is a conflict between instinct & intelligence.

The progress of the human race depends on people choosing to follow their intelligence as opposed to their instincts. Unfortunately many people only use their intelligence to justify their primitive instincts.

Our instincts are based around violent domination over each other, which results in leadership by a dominant 'Strong Man'...the proverbial 'Alpha Male'. A Monarchial Hierarchy is as natural to humans as a wolf pack is to a wolf. Ideas such as 'Democracy' and 'All Men Created Equal' are the products of the evolution of human intelligence, and defy the primitive tendency towards a 'Monarchial hierarchy'.

The GOP's slide into ever increasing stupidity is leading us into a monarchial hierarchy or at least to a dictatorship. The MAGA crowd sees Trump as the 'Alpha Male/ Strong Man' and fully support ending Democracy to have him as our dictator. It is a revision to primitivism.

These "Americans" (and I use that term loosely), are driven by primitive instinct to compete mindlessly without limits and by force as needed. To defy all intelligence to destroy Democracy.

They themselves do not fully understand why or where they are leading us. They just follow their "gut" instinctual feelings and hate intelligence.

The most apparent example is the Conservatives continued denial of 'Global Warming'. They defy over a hundred years of scientific studies just because intelligent people and 'Liberals' are the ones to first sound the alarm on this issue.

So far it looks like they will continue to deny 'Global Warming' until their eye balls melt - which may not be very long from now!
Since Ronald Reagan made 'Stupid' popular, there has been a continuous back slide of the GOP into greater stupidity.

However, just saying 'Stupid' isn't enough to really see what is going on:

Everyone is born with instincts that were developed during the thousands of years our ancestors were 'hunter/gathers'. Everyone is also born with intelligence, to varying degrees, that allows us to adapt. Often there is a conflict between instinct & intelligence.

The progress of the human race depends on people choosing to follow their intelligence as opposed to their instincts. Unfortunately many people only use their intelligence to justify their primitive instincts.

Our instincts are based around violent domination over each other, which results in leadership by a dominant 'Strong Man'...the proverbial 'Alpha Male'. A Monarchial Hierarchy is as natural to humans as a wolf pack is to a wolf. Ideas such as 'Democracy' and 'All Men Created Equal' are the products of the evolution of human intelligence, and defy the primitive tendency towards a 'Monarchial hierarchy'.

The GOP's slide into ever increasing stupidity is leading us into a monarchial hierarchy or at least to a dictatorship. The MAGA crowd sees Trump as the 'Alpha Male/ Strong Man' and fully support ending Democracy to have him as our dictator. It is a revision to primitivism.

These "Americans" (and I use that term loosely), are driven by primitive instinct to compete mindlessly without limits and by force as needed. To defy all intelligence to destroy Democracy.

They themselves do not fully understand why or where they are leading us. They just follow their "gut" instinctual feelings and hate intelligence.

The most apparent example is the Conservatives continued denial of 'Global Warming'. They defy over a hundred years of scientific studies just because intelligent people and 'Liberals' are the ones to first sound the alarm on this issue.

So far it looks like they will continue to deny 'Global Warming' until their eye balls melt - which may not be very long from now!
As with other fascist movements before it this one is sliding into its homoerotic fetish phase..
That wasn't the point..

It is that POTUS has a DETERMINANT role in the establishment of fiscal policy.

Do you acknowledge this?
Do you mean he determines the budget? Because that’s just not Constitutionally or statutorily true. The Executive is required to submit a budget but Congress is under no obligation to follow that request. Are you under the delusion that they are? If so show me. Show me in the statutes or Constitution where it says that.

As far as other fiscal policy it depends on what you’re talking about. Presidents don’t set loan rates, or other monetary policy. Frankly most of the power the President wields has been wrongly abdicated to him by the Congress. Much to our nations detriment I might add.

So which specific policy that a President has actually put in place are you for or against and why?

Either you want to actually discuss policy issues or you don’t. Either way is fine with but stop with the bullshit.
Do you mean he determines the budget? Because that’s just not Constitutionally or statutorily true. The Executive is required to submit a budget but Congress is under no obligation to follow that request. Are you under the delusion that they are? If so show me. Show me in the statutes or Constitution where it says that.

As far as other fiscal policy it depends on what you’re talking about. Presidents don’t set loan rates, or other monetary policy. Frankly most of the power the President wields has been wrongly abdicated to him by the Congress. Much to our nations detriment I might add.

So which specific policy that a President has actually put in place are you for or against and why?

Either you want to actually discuss policy issues or you don’t. Either way is fine with but stop with the bullshit.


You either do, or don't.

Go back to the original question...

Under the presumption of what authority do Supply Side Hucksters promise you tax cuts?
You could have just said you didn’t really want to discuss actual policy.
Whose policy?

If POTUS can't effect the fiscal policy on which he/she runs, what's the point?

I proceed on the assumption that he/she can, and does.

This linkage ties policies to measurable results.

Results I am very eager to delve into.
Whose policy?

If POTUS can't effect the fiscal policy on which he/she runs, what's the point?

I proceed on the assumption that he/she can, and does.

This linkage ties policies to measurable results.

Results I am very eager to delve into.
Any policy you choose. You’re saying no one wants to debate policy. FUCKING PICK ONE YOUD LIKE TO DISCUSS OR STFU.
Since Ronald Reagan made 'Stupid' popular, there has been a continuous back slide of the GOP into greater stupidity.

However, just saying 'Stupid' isn't enough to really see what is going on:

Everyone is born with instincts that were developed during the thousands of years our ancestors were 'hunter/gathers'. Everyone is also born with intelligence, to varying degrees, that allows us to adapt. Often there is a conflict between instinct & intelligence.

The progress of the human race depends on people choosing to follow their intelligence as opposed to their instincts. Unfortunately many people only use their intelligence to justify their primitive instincts.

Our instincts are based around violent domination over each other, which results in leadership by a dominant 'Strong Man'...the proverbial 'Alpha Male'. A Monarchial Hierarchy is as natural to humans as a wolf pack is to a wolf. Ideas such as 'Democracy' and 'All Men Created Equal' are the products of the evolution of human intelligence, and defy the primitive tendency towards a 'Monarchial hierarchy'.

The GOP's slide into ever increasing stupidity is leading us into a monarchial hierarchy or at least to a dictatorship. The MAGA crowd sees Trump as the 'Alpha Male/ Strong Man' and fully support ending Democracy to have him as our dictator. It is a revision to primitivism.

These "Americans" (and I use that term loosely), are driven by primitive instinct to compete mindlessly without limits and by force as needed. To defy all intelligence to destroy Democracy.

They themselves do not fully understand why or where they are leading us. They just follow their "gut" instinctual feelings and hate intelligence.

The most apparent example is the Conservatives continued denial of 'Global Warming'. They defy over a hundred years of scientific studies just because intelligent people and 'Liberals' are the ones to first sound the alarm on this issue.

So far it looks like they will continue to deny 'Global Warming' until their eye balls melt - which may not be very long from now!
How many genders are there, genius?
You're calling Republicans stupid. Let's see how smart you are.

I'm an electrical engineer turned computer & network engineer. I couldn't care less about your opinion of my intelligence.

But why don't you tell me how many genders there are and see if you can pass your own test.
I'm an electrical engineer turned computer & network engineer. I couldn't care less about your opinion of my intelligence.

But why don't you tell me how many genders there are and see if you can pass your own test.
God fuck yourself, asshole. I'm not the one running around calling large groups of people stupid.

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