The Homosexual Dilemma

They actually do, because they demonstrate the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality as a movement, thus demonstrating the nature of the slippery slope, as well as how the slope more closely resembles a cliff.
Fathers, step-fathers, and family friends in heterosexual relationships are the biggest danger to children sexually. And girls are victims way more....shall you blame that on gays too?
Furthermore, children are in much greater danger of being either physically or sexually assaulted by a hetero male family member or friend than any stranger.

Those damn heteros....

Here's something interesting: List of pedophile activist organizations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

  • [1]
  • Childhood Sesuality Circle (CSC). Founded in 1971 in San Diego (California) by a student of Wilhelm Reich.[3] CSC closed down in the mid-1980s, when Valida Davila became too frail to continue with it.
  • North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). 1978–present. Largely defunct.
  • Pedophile Information Society. Defunct?
  • Project Truth. One of the organizations which was expulsed from ILGA in 1994 as a pedophile organization.[14] Defunct.
  • B4U-ACT Established in 2003 as a 501(c)(3) organization in Westminster, MD. Co-founder and Board Chair, Russell A. Dick. Website, B4U-ACT
Ah, right. The "social overlay" again.

No, this one is the legal overlay since we are, after all, arguing law :)

Isn't that subjective and therefore an insufficient reason to deny that 12 year old girl her 14th Amendment rights to sex with an adult?

Nope. Children have never had the same rights as adults.

And there was a time when women and blacks didn't have the same rights as men and white people. Amazing how all the Leftist arguments are backfiring. Maybe children and their adult lovers are the new Selma and Alice Paul that you're oppressing. Why are you to say their love is wrong? Why aren't their constitutional rights to asymmetrical sex being respected?

Children have never constitutionally had the same rights as adults. Why is that?

You forgot all the groups who don't advertise the fact that they are pro-pedophile. Such as GLSEN for starters

You may also recall that Mr. Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of the “Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network,” or GLSEN, to the post of “safe schools czar.” The position is now defunct, ostensibly due to national outrage over Jennings’ appointment.

In keeping with the thinly veiled goals of B4U-ACT, GLSEN seems to be “running interference” for pedophiles, having tacitly advocated adult-child sex through its “recommended reading list” for kids.

Ref: The homosexual Left 8217 s new crusade Normalizing adult-child sex Opinion LifeSite

And I will say once again- bigots like yourself who attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophiles put children at risk.

And you don't care.

I didn't link them to pedophiles. They linked themselves. I am simply stating historical fact, And you would hide that association to make it easier for them to succeed.

Would you rather I lie?

BTW, why call me a bigot? I am arguing my points in a logical and factual manner? When people start to name call, it is evidence they are losing the debate.

Is that how you feel?

Child abuse isn't a human right, even if the child 'likes it'.

Your backward, narrow, religiously dogmatic views of morality will have to give way to love. Who are you to decide their love is wrong? Aren't you the guys telling us that there are different kinds of love and they're all equal? What happened that you became such a repressed pedophobe?
Well now. Now we know.

That homosexuality is inextricably linked to pederasty? Yes, that's been known for many centuries.

That bigots are inextricably linked to trying to call homosexuals pedophiles- yes thats been known for decades.

Actually, it was the homosexuals themselves that linked themselves to pedophilia. Read up on the history of the gay movement.


No Mark,

There are a very 'special' subset of bigots- homophobes- who always try to spread the message homosexual= pedophile.

if you want to read up on the complicated subject that is pedophilia- there is an excellent article by Dr Hall and Dr. Hall that Silhouette regularly misquotes and misidentifies.

Bottom line is something like this:
Pedophilia is technically not the same thing as child sex abuse- but we call child sex abuse pedophilia also.
Almost all pedophiles are men.
Pedophiles tend to molest either boys- they are then called homosexual pedophiles- or girls- they are then called heterosexual pedophiles.

There is no relationship between an adult male's sexual interest in other adults and his sexual attraction to children- a sizeable number of pedophiles have no sexual relationships with adults.

Efforts by bigots like Greenboy to tell people that homosexuals= pedophiles leaves children at risk from pedophiles.

Because child molesters don't go around with labels on themselves- and most child molesters who molest boys consider themselves heterosexuals- which is why you end up with an openly heterosexual husband and father like Jerry Sandusky also happening to be a monster who raped little boys.

As far as I am concerned- the bigots who try to claim that homosexuals are pedophiles are no different from the bigots who claim that Negroes are rapists.

Both sets of bigots put people at risk in order to further their own bigotry.
And there is no question that homosexuality is replicated in every generation. It is part of Nature and has never threatened the continuation of mankind.

Now that depends. Every other generation didn't celebrate it.


Most don't "celebrate it". Wanting to not be forced to hide it is not "celebrating" it. They want to be treated the same way you are - like people.

The militiant straights want to "celebrate" their sexuality. Of course. So do gays.

The straights do not want gays to have the same rights under law.

That is deviant.

Deviancy is away from the norm. You are using the term in the wrong context. But, I figure you know that already.

Fathers, step-fathers, and family friends in heterosexual relationships are the biggest danger to children sexually. And girls are victims way more....shall you blame that on gays too?
Furthermore, children are in much greater danger of being either physically or sexually assaulted by a hetero male family member or friend than any stranger.

Those damn heteros....

Here's something interesting: List of pedophile activist organizations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

  • [1]
  • Childhood Sesuality Circle (CSC). Founded in 1971 in San Diego (California) by a student of Wilhelm Reich.[3] CSC closed down in the mid-1980s, when Valida Davila became too frail to continue with it.
  • North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). 1978–present. Largely defunct.
  • Pedophile Information Society. Defunct?
  • Project Truth. One of the organizations which was expulsed from ILGA in 1994 as a pedophile organization.[14] Defunct.
  • B4U-ACT Established in 2003 as a 501(c)(3) organization in Westminster, MD. Co-founder and Board Chair, Russell A. Dick. Website, B4U-ACT
No, this one is the legal overlay since we are, after all, arguing law :)

Nope. Children have never had the same rights as adults.

And there was a time when women and blacks didn't have the same rights as men and white people. Amazing how all the Leftist arguments are backfiring. Maybe children and their adult lovers are the new Selma and Alice Paul that you're oppressing. Why are you to say their love is wrong? Why aren't their constitutional rights to asymmetrical sex being respected?

Children have never constitutionally had the same rights as adults. Why is that?

You forgot all the groups who don't advertise the fact that they are pro-pedophile. Such as GLSEN for starters

You may also recall that Mr. Obama appointed Kevin Jennings, founder of the “Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network,” or GLSEN, to the post of “safe schools czar.” The position is now defunct, ostensibly due to national outrage over Jennings’ appointment.

In keeping with the thinly veiled goals of B4U-ACT, GLSEN seems to be “running interference” for pedophiles, having tacitly advocated adult-child sex through its “recommended reading list” for kids.

Ref: The homosexual Left 8217 s new crusade Normalizing adult-child sex Opinion LifeSite

And I will say once again- bigots like yourself who attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophiles put children at risk.

And you don't care.

I didn't link them to pedophiles. They linked themselves. I am simply stating historical fact, And you would hide that association to make it easier for them to succeed.

Would you rather I lie?

BTW, why call me a bigot? I am arguing my points in a logical and factual manner? When people start to name call, it is evidence they are losing the debate.

Is that how you feel?


I was responding to the post by Greenboy- not a post by you- quoting
Ref: The homosexual Left 8217 s new crusade Normalizing adult-child sex Opinion LifeSite
A tiny group does. A minority does not a slippery slope make. Westboro Baptists anyone?

It literally does... because the minority is pushing the agenda.

There is no Christian acceptance of Westboro, unanimously the Christian community rejects them OVERTLY.

Such is not the case with the mouthy, would-be minority of the Militant sect of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality cult.

In thread after thread, I have set forth the the request for the professed homosexuals participating in such, IF they rejected the Adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification... to this moment, I have not had a single one stand up against it.

You included...

But I sense that you're desirous to separate yourself from the pack...

Do you accept or reject the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification?

If no, why not?

If so, on what basis do you reject it?
I don't recall you asking me. But as I've already said....I am glad to see the age of consent trending UP and not down (except for in the bible belt). Of course I reject the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification....and if you paid attention to my posting history, you would already have known that.

How long will the "age of consent" line hold sway against a waxing tide of depravity?

We could start a betting pool on that.

I am sure that Conservatives will be trying to lower the age of Consent any time now.
A tiny group does. A minority does not a slippery slope make. Westboro Baptists anyone?

It literally does... because the minority is pushing the agenda.

There is no Christian acceptance of Westboro, unanimously the Christian community rejects them OVERTLY.

Such is not the case with the mouthy, would-be minority of the Militant sect of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality cult.

In thread after thread, I have set forth the the request for the professed homosexuals participating in such, IF they rejected the Adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification... to this moment, I have not had a single one stand up against it.

You included...

But I sense that you're desirous to separate yourself from the pack...

Do you accept or reject the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification?

If no, why not?

If so, on what basis do you reject it?
I don't recall you asking me. But as I've already said....I am glad to see the age of consent trending UP and not down (except for in the bible belt). Of course I reject the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification....and if you paid attention to my posting history, you would already have known that.

How long will the "age of consent" line hold sway against a waxing tide of depravity?

We could start a betting pool on that.
It's going UP at the same time that gays are gaining more rights. Except for in the bible belt of course.

Children are being sexualized more than any other time in history, being literate in all kinds of sexual deviancy that wasn't even whispered about in the days of our grandparents. Child exposure to your sexual filth is on the increase, not the decrease....maybe less so in the Bible belt.

Children are being sexualized more- by their heterosexual parents.

The sex that children are most exposed to is again- heterosexual.

And back on topic- the age of consent has been going up.
]It all boils down to what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business - so why does the Gay machine insist on getting into everybody else faces ?

Because the far right social cons want to dictate what grown adults do sexually.

That's over and done with. You've lost.

Who said that? I don't care if gay men want to fuck each other, or a goat for that matter. I DO CARE that by normalizing homosexual marriage by force of law will harm society and the family unit.


I have been married for over 20 years to my wife. I have a wonderful child.

My family unit is not harmed in the least by allowing two persons of the same gender to marry.
Nor will it harm society at all.

As someone else so succintly put it- if your marriage will be harmed by gay marriage- then the problem is with your marriage.

I am sure that people said the same thing about divorce. Suddenly, people found a "problem" with their marriage when divorce became easy to get, and the state would subsidize the womans expenses.

The result? Divorce skyrocketed. Personally, I'm not worried about my marriage, but everyone elses.


And again- how does the marriage between two persons of the same gender change any of that- other than there will now be homosexuals who divorce each other also?
The result? Divorce skyrocketed. Personally, I'm not worried about my marriage, but everyone elses.

You need to worry about your ilk, not the marriage equality folks.

10 poorest States are Red States
7 obesity States are Red States
8 of the top 10 States for internet porn are Red States
9 of the top 10 States for divorce are Red States
12 of the top 15 States for HS drop out rates are Red States
9 of the top 10 States for women's health are Red States
The top 7 States for teen pregnancy's are Red States
9 of the top 10 States for overall health are Red States, including; 8 of the top 10 for Diabetes, childhood poverty, cancer deaths, infant mortality,public assistance, and drug abuse
Top 10 States that are most religious are Red States
By statistics we know the Red States loves Jesus and Internet Porn, but they seem to not care about reality!
And there is no question that homosexuality is replicated in every generation. It is part of Nature and has never threatened the continuation of mankind.

Now that depends. Every other generation didn't celebrate it.


Most don't "celebrate it". Wanting to not be forced to hide it is not "celebrating" it. They want to be treated the same way you are - like people.

By allowing gays to marry, it is normalizing a deviant behavior. It is condoning it. That would be a better term.


No more than allowing heterosexuals who enjoy oral sex to marry is.

Do you know that up until just about 20 years ago- mixed race relationships were considered deviant behavior by most Americans?

I have as much respect for your condemnation of gay sex as deviant as I do those who think mixed race sex is deviant.

Who is condemning gay sex? Like I stated earlier, I could care less.

If you oppose marriage equality, then you are lying above.
Heterosexuality has always been inextricably linked to pederasty and pedophilia. The dolts on the far social con right should read up on that history.
[Deviancy is away from the norm. You are using the term in the wrong context. But, I figure you know that already.

The norm is to approve marriage equality, and you, deviantly, oppose it. It is the norm for heterosexuality to be linked to pederasty and pedophilia and other child abuse. But you already know that.
The failure in mores overall in America can be found in the evangelical, fundamentalist, and Pentecostal households of America.
I could choose to be a criminal. Does that make me one?

I don't find men sexually attractive either because I choose not to.

You can't choose your attraction, only whether to act on them or not. If you are not attracted to men, you can't make yourself attracted to men, trust me on this. (It's why reparative "therapy" has such a high failure rate)

It would be interesting to know what other psychiatric problems have a "high failure rate" and if we simply gave up because of it.

Did you ever stop to think that this "high failure rate" is because we haven't been been trying reparative therapy that long?

I mean fuck, we have been trying to cure cancer, diabetes, and heart disease forever.

Maybe you think we should stop trying?

Reparative therapy has a high failure rate, Mark. Your suggestion from that fact is useless, meaningless.

Why? I have proven that gays can change. Are you really going to deny those that want to try to change the right to these treatments?


You have just proven that some persons have changed who they have sex with.

There is no evidence that reparative therapy changes sexual attraction.
That's why dickheads like you asking for proof isn't worth providing. When it's shown, if you don't agree, you discount it. Typical of your lowlife existence.
And there is no question that homosexuality is replicated in every generation. It is part of Nature and has never threatened the continuation of mankind.

Now that depends. Every other generation didn't celebrate it.


And yet here it is. Now the question you have to ask yourself what?

There are certain things that are wrong because they cause genuine harm (rape, murder, theft) and certain things that are wrong because someone believes the are (pork, gays, cheeseburgers, working on sunday). We're rational enough in this day and age to glean that homosexuality is clearly in that latter camp.

Which begs the question, why should we give a fuck? They're just people. Treat them like people and be done with it. Generally speaking, how a person gets their nut is about the least interesting thing about them.

I posted this before. The left has cheapened marriage and family by the relaxation of societal rules concerning divorce, welfare, and single motherhoodk

No one enjoys the divorce more than Conservatives- the states with the highest rates of divorce tend to be Conservative- and your fellow Conservatives- Reagan- Gingrich and others have all taken advantage of divorce.

Single motherhood? What were the 'societal rules' about single motherhood- my great grandmother raised her kids as a single mom through the depths of the depression.

Like many Conservatives- you just cherry pick what you don't like- and blame it all on liberals.

Just the effect of wearing partisan goggles.
Does that mean it's Conservatives divorcing? Where's your proof?
[Deviancy is away from the norm. You are using the term in the wrong context. But, I figure you know that already.

The norm is to approve marriage equality, and you, deviantly, oppose it. It is the norm for heterosexuality to be linked to pederasty and pedophilia and other child abuse. But you already know that.
So you approve of a brother/ sister marriage?
1. It is about science and how different conlcusions can come from the same research.

People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Except that's not what happened. What happened was an anti gay group misinterpreted the study.

UK ‘gay cure’ group red-faced as psychiatrists point out they are wrong

Speaking to Gay Star News, a Royal College of Psychiatrists spokeswoman said it was a clear ‘misinterpretation’ of their actual statement.

‘Homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder,’ it reads. ‘The College believes strongly in evidence-based treatment. There is no sound scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed.

‘The College would not support a therapy for converting people from homosexuality any more than we would do so from heterosexuality.

‘Psychiatrists should be committed to reducing inequalities, not supporting practices that are explicitly based on pathologizing homosexuality. As such, the College remains in favor of legislative efforts to ban such conversion therapies.’

There was a lot more than just "saying something" in that case. Also, you can't "say anything" at work, you know that right? Your "free speech" goes only as far as your employer allows.

Tebow's action of praying got media attention. However, had he not scored a toughdown, etc. there would have been no attention because he wouldn't have Tebowed. For Sam, the attention came before ever stepping foot on an NFL field. Tebow also had high school accomplishments. You don't start at Florida and win the Heisman if you don't.

You can't pretend Michael Sam didn't have accomplishments prior to coming out. He was SEC defensive player of the year and I think would be on a roster right now if he hadn't come out as gay.

Do you think role models are important? You obviously see Tebow as a role model for Christians and have no problem with that. Why can't Michael Sam be a role model for gay athletes? You may not realize it, but it is important for the gay High School football player in Iowa to see that there are others like him and it's okay to be athletic and gay.

5. Define equal. It doens't mean you get to do exactly the same things I do or vice versa.

Just ask them about polygamy or a sibling marriage. They are quicker to say no to it coming up with why equality should be denied than they are about bending over and taking one in the ass for the homos.

Polygamy and incest are both illegal so bringing them up is what is referred to in polite circles as a "slippery slope fallacy". They are completely unrelated to gays having equal access to civil marriage, and would either have a valid argument for legalization or they would not regardless of gays civilly marrying.

Quite a few countries have been marrying the gays for a while now. Even more countries perform legal polygamist marriages. None do both. There is no slippery slope.

There is a slippery slope. It started with the leftists instituting welfare, easy divorce, and single motherhood to destroy families.

Gay marriage is simply the latest step in that direction.


There is such a thing as a "slippery slope fallacy".

Yes, there is a slippery slope fallacy... however, that fallacy only exists where the appeal is to a slippery slope that does not exist.

Read the second to the last line of his post: an appeal to a slippery slope.

The Slope relevant to the Normalizing of Sexual Abnormality is steep and makes wet ice look like a well treated drag strip (They're covered in adhesive, thus incredibly sticky.)

Kudos to you for awesome imagery.

HOWEVER...let's examine this particular slope.

Allowing same-sex marriage will open the door to all kinds of "perversions" in marriage.

Will it?

The common denomenator between same sex marriages and hetero marriages in the US is what? (yes, there is one). It is between consenting adults, there is no coercion and no adverse effect to either the individuals involved or to public welfare.

Typical pervisions thrown up by the anti-pervert lobby:

"people will demand to marry their dogs" -- no consenting adults, dogs can't consent, and it is coercive.
"pedos will marry children" -- same argument and add to it is damaging to the child
"people will want to marry their siblings" -- consenting adults are possible, however it can be argued to be damaging to the public welfare if children are produced and this becomes an acceptable norm.

I'm not seeing a slippery slope but rather well sanded stairs with one exception - polygamy. I can't come up with any good arguments against polygamy.

Remember, in the 80s when the "Movement" was really getting traction, in public debate after debate, the advocates proclaimed that 'it was ludicrous to claim that if the US Culture just accepted the individual homosexuals and dropped the sodomy laws, that homosexuals would inevitably demand to be married; declaring THEN that the claim that such was inevitable was 'a slippery slope fallacy'.


Again... the facts demonstrate that the slope is steep and greasy, thus it is foolish to even consider going down it.

Suggestion - take off the dark glasses and you'll see well defined stairs.[/QUOTE]
Who decides adverse affects, you? Two fags marrying will never equal my marriage to a woman no matter how much you perverts support it.
And? My point was that some people have converted. Are you going to deny that? As for your link, if homosexuality is "ingrained", then I contend that every sexual deviancy is and that treatment should stop on all of them.

Homosexuality is not "special".


If only one changes, the argument that someone is born that way is invalid.

Heh. I know a woman who was straight, then gay, then straight again.

Lesbians especially have a high rate of "recovery".

Sounds like a pretty screwed up in the head chick to me - her name didn't happen to be "SeaWytch" did it ?
But Seawytch will tell you that someone is born gay.

And who would know better on how SeaWitch was born? You....or her?

I take it you don't understand the rise of laughter when some anonymous conservative starts dictating to individuals their own sexuality. And I doubt you ever will.

Seawytch said that my claim of choosing to be heterosexual was false. Who would know better about me? Me or her?

Are you laughing at her? Likely not as your kind are hypocrites.
[Deviancy is away from the norm. You are using the term in the wrong context. But, I figure you know that already.

The norm is to approve marriage equality, and you, deviantly, oppose it. It is the norm for heterosexuality to be linked to pederasty and pedophilia and other child abuse. But you already know that.
So you approve of a brother/ sister marriage?
Straw man fallacy.

Marriage law currently accommodates same-sex couples, which is not the case for siblings marrying.

Allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law they're already eligible to participate in doesn't 'change' marriage, marriage remains the same, unaltered, and not 'redefined.'
[Deviancy is away from the norm. You are using the term in the wrong context. But, I figure you know that already.

The norm is to approve marriage equality, and you, deviantly, oppose it. It is the norm for heterosexuality to be linked to pederasty and pedophilia and other child abuse. But you already know that.
So you approve of a brother/ sister marriage?
Straw man fallacy.

Marriage law currently accommodates same-sex couples, which is not the case for siblings marrying.

Allowing same-sex couples access to marriage law they're already eligible to participate in doesn't 'change' marriage, marriage remains the same, unaltered, and not 'redefined.'
Only to you hypocrites that argue equality of marriage then deny it when you don't like it.

Two fags marrying will never be the same as mine.
Those who are attracted to children can't make a different choice either. Compulsive hoarding isn't a choice. No compulsive disorder leaves the sufferer with a choice.

There is a choice in acting. For me, as a gay woman, the only choice is in acting upon my natural or god given inclinations. As long as I am acting upon those natural inclinations with another consenting adult, whose fucking business is it and why should I be denied the rights, benefits and privileges of civil marriage because my life partner of choice happens to be the same gender I am?
Notice how they no longer say, "What business is it of yours what we do in our own bedroom. This is because they know they've taken in out of the bedroom and shoved it in our faces. They hilariously push their lifestyle into the public while at the same time in this post saying it's none of our business. Just another daffy quirk of the faggoty Left.

No, our sex lives are still in our bedrooms, we just don't live in closets anymore. I'm sorry that gays living their lives exactly like heterosexuals live their lives, with families and stuff, makes you uncomfortable and that knowing gay people makes you think about them having sex, but that's your hangup not theirs.

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