The hopeless cluelessnes of anti gunners

This is a false self supporting argument. the bad guys got guns because they are so freely available, so if follows we NEED guns to protect us from the bad guys. IF nobody had firearms, that would end that vicious cycle. And, despite all the rhetoric, few if anyone really needs firearms.
Someone else's opinion of what I supposedly need or not is of no consequence.
They will manufacture firearms just as easily as they will manafa
This is a false self supporting argument. the bad guys got guns because they are so freely available, so if follows we NEED guns to protect us from the bad guys. IF nobody had firearms, that would end that vicious cycle. And, despite all the rhetoric, few if anyone really needs firearms.


Most gangs purchase weapons off of the black market. Usually from the Mexican drug cartels.

Take away firearms, and the gangs will manafacture weapons easier than they produce drugs.

Do any of you actually think you can fight a tyrant that has an army with A-10 Warthogs, Abrams tanks or Apache gunships with 38. pistols or AR 15s? Let's be real here. And second of all, if someone comes up to you out of the blue with a gun and sticks it in your face, I doubt you are going to be ready for it. The advantage goes to the robbers, the rapist, the home invaders WITH guns. Why give them THAT hedge? Nobody needs guns, and it's really a moot point. Don't care to argue about it anymore.
Do any of you actually think you can fight a tyrant that has an army with A-10 Warthogs, Abrams tanks or Apache gunships with 38. pistols or ar 15s?

Civil resistance can trigger a government collapse, as long as it is large and persistent.

The common man is not equipped to effectively defend against a statist military force.

My position attempts to change that, whereas yours wants to keep it that way.

And second of all, if someone comes up to you out of the blue with a gun and stick it in your face, I doubt you are going to be ready for it.

That rarely happens.

There are many situations where the defender is openly aware that a threat is going to come against his life.

Don't care to argue about it anymore.

Good. You sucked at it anyways.
Do any of you actually think you can fight a tyrant that has an army with A-10 Warthogs, Abrams tanks or Apache gunships with 38. pistols or AR 15s? Let's be real here.

A bunch of middle eastern goat daters still living in the 13th century seem to be doing a marginally effective job against an army that is using those weapons.

And second of all, if someone comes up to you out of the blue with a gun and sticks it in your face, I doubt you are going to be ready for it. The advantage goes to the robbers, the rapist, the home invaders WITH guns. Why give them THAT hedge? Nobody needs guns, and it's really a moot point. Don't care to argue about it anymore.
That's what martial arts and weapons training are for. Again, your opinion of what anybody needs is notwithstanding.
Actually, it’s a thread premise that fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
The video shows it to be no hasty generalization. Crowder clearly exposes gun grabbers for the ignoramuses that they are.
No. Crowder has presented a little video show that says precisely what he wants it to say. You and I could take the same bulk footage Crowder shot and edit it to say polar opposite opinions. If you are relying on cheap edited videos to get your information, I suggest you are not being honestly served, but your opinions are being reinforced.

There are common sense gun control measures, but if this is the level ammosexuals want to debate at, include me out. The topic is too important to mock with propaganda.
There are common sense gun control measures, but if this is the level ammosexuals want to debate at, include me out. The topic is too important to mock with propaganda.

Do they apply equally to the police and military? Will the local gangs adhere to them?

If not, then I do not want to hear them.

Gun control discriminates against the defense needs of the common man, much to the advantage of the police state and crime syndicates.
There are common sense gun control measures, but if this is the level ammosexuals want to debate at, include me out. The topic is too important to mock with propaganda.

Do they apply equally to the police and military? Will the local gangs adhere to them?

If not, then I do not want to hear them.

Gun control discriminates against the defense needs of the common man, much to the advantage of the police state and crime syndicates.
What type of weaponry do you require for personal security? What type of weaponry would be thought by you to be outside that realm?

Which do you constantly fear more, the criminal element or your local police force and why?
What type of weaponry do you require for personal security?

Enough for the armed citizenry and true public defenders to have the edge over abusive thugs.

What type of weaponry would be thought by you to be outside that realm?

Nuclear weapons and tactical ballistic missiles.

Which do you constantly fear more, the criminal element or your local police force and why?

I do not fear either. I worry about the state of my community when both the state and gangs have more power than the people.
What type of weaponry do you require for personal security?

Enough for the armed citizenry and true public defenders to have the edge over abusive thugs.

What type of weaponry would be thought by you to be outside that realm?

Nuclear weapons and tactical ballistic missiles.

Which do you constantly fear more, the criminal element or your local police force and why?

I do not fear either. I worry about the state of my community when both the state and gangs have more power than the people.
Do you believe you should be able to own a bazooka? A tank?

Have the police been attempting to take away your arsenal? Your property rights? Your liberties? If so, by what means?
Do you believe you should be able to own a bazooka? A tank?

Yes on both accounts (although bazookas are old as hell)

They are essential for organized militant groups, in order to effectively wage war against the state.

Have the police been attempting to take away your arsenal?

The police, at hands of the ruling class, have restricted the availability of guns to ineffective stone age firearms.

Your property rights?

I do not believe in rights.

The state however, burdens property owners with non-consensual fees, and steals their home and livelihood when they do not comply.

Your liberties?

The state can only take away the liberties it has already given.

I care for freedom, which is absent within the framework of abusive social constructs like the state.

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