The House Impeachment Report

From your link:
Hey Dumbass, the President sets foreign policy, so explain how he can "subvert foreign policy".

I'll wait for your answer........

I have your answer.

He took US foreign policy, which is intended to be for the benefit of the country and instead used it for his own personal benefit.


What was that personal benefit?

Oh, the same personal benefit found in all of the evidence that the House Intel Committee apparently forgot is inadmissible or doesn't exist?
What was that personal benefit?

To get people, the voters, to believe this about Biden.....

Joe Biden's asshole just tightened up because he did that very thing and bragged about it.
According to witnesses Trump never wanted nor did he ask for or get a quid pro quo

The mere suggestion has you dopes hooked. Bigly.
Biden is on video admitting he pressured the Ukraine to back off from looking into Burisma

That is not what Biden did, dope.

It's that very narrative that it was done for corrupt purposes that is the benefit to Trump campaign. You dopes swallowed it whole at the first suggestion. Now Trump has an army of dishonest losers like yourself who continue to propogate this lie at every opportunity.

The Stalinist democrat Party is fucked out in the tens of trillions column

I have your answer.

He took US foreign policy, which is intended to be for the benefit of the country and instead used it for his own personal benefit.


What was that personal benefit?

Oh, the same personal benefit found in all of the evidence that the House Intel Committee apparently forgot is inadmissible or doesn't exist?
What was that personal benefit?

To get people, the voters, to believe this about Biden.....

Joe Biden's asshole just tightened up because he did that very thing and bragged about it.
According to witnesses Trump never wanted nor did he ask for or get a quid pro quo

The mere suggestion has you dopes hooked. Bigly.
Biden is on video admitting he pressured the Ukraine to back off from looking into Burisma

That is not what Biden did, dope.

It's that very narrative that it was done for corrupt purposes that is the benefit to Trump campaign. You dopes swallowed it whole at the first suggestion. Now Trump has an army of dishonest losers like yourself who continue to propogate this lie at every opportunity.

That's exactly what Biden did, he admitted on tape, and the former prosecutor backs up the story with his own words, DOPE.
The former prosecutor was corrupt. Everyone knew it. He was removed because he’s corrupt and now the corrupt prosecutor is trying to piggy back our corrupt president to help himself.
I don't see anything suspicious about phone calls between people who all work together. Furthermore, Schiff violated the 4th Amendment. How did he get these phone records? Its illegal for him to have them without a warrant.

Not illegal at all. There is no expectation of privacy when it comes to phone call records. This was decided decades ago in the SCOTUS decision Katz v United States.

Do you know what a phone call record is? It's the record of what number called who and when. It's NOT the actual conversation. Yes. You have a right to privacy when making a private phone call. Otherwise it wouldn't be illegal for hackers to listen in on cell phone conversations and as a registered FCC license holder, I can tell you that is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. It is illegal to even manufacture a scanner capable of listening in on cell phone conversations in the USA.

Cell Phone Privacy and Warrant Requirements - FindLaw

As far as the simple records go, you must get a warrant to obtain them. You can't just walk into your local ATT office and say give me the phone records of John Smith.
Christ, I know what phone call record is. I know that it didn’t include the actual conversation. How the hell did you get the impression I thought otherwise.

And no, you’re incorrect that you need a warrant for them. If I’m correct, ATT has no obligation to honor anyone’s request without a warrant.
What was that personal benefit?

Oh, the same personal benefit found in all of the evidence that the House Intel Committee apparently forgot is inadmissible or doesn't exist?
What was that personal benefit?

To get people, the voters, to believe this about Biden.....

Joe Biden's asshole just tightened up because he did that very thing and bragged about it.
According to witnesses Trump never wanted nor did he ask for or get a quid pro quo

The mere suggestion has you dopes hooked. Bigly.
Biden is on video admitting he pressured the Ukraine to back off from looking into Burisma

That is not what Biden did, dope.

It's that very narrative that it was done for corrupt purposes that is the benefit to Trump campaign. You dopes swallowed it whole at the first suggestion. Now Trump has an army of dishonest losers like yourself who continue to propogate this lie at every opportunity.

That's exactly what Biden did, he admitted on tape, and the former prosecutor backs up the story with his own words, DOPE.
The former prosecutor was corrupt. Everyone knew it. He was removed because he’s corrupt and now the corrupt prosecutor is trying to piggy back our corrupt president to help himself.

He was "corrupt" but Trump should just drop hundreds of millions to get laundered to democrats because.....
Actually you should learn a thing or two. Schitt has NO right to those records as Giuliani and Nunes are NOT being investigated. Thus he has ZERO legal reason to have them. And messing with Solomon will get Schitt in a hell of a lot more trouble than he can handle. Solomon will wipe the deck with him should this get to court. Schitt CAN and SHOULD be arrested for this. But continue to kiss his ass as you clowns get destroyed in 2020.

Giuliani is definitely part of this investigation. Nunes is just an idiot who got caught up in the mess but is going to be subject to an ethics investigation shortly. Solomon is in deep shit. He's been found to be pumping basically propaganda bought and paid for by corrupt Ukrainians. He's been canned from The Hill and is trying to salvage what scraps of credibility he has left.

Schiff isn't in any trouble. He's a Stanford graduate, Harvard law graduate, former federal prosecutor. Nunes is a hayseed. Solomon is a hack. Giuliani has dementia. He'll be fine, mostly because he knows the law and hasn't violated anything. A pen register is not protected by the 4th amendment.
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!
Giuliani is definitely part of this investigation. Nunes is just an idiot who got caught up in the mess but is going to be subject to an ethics investigation shortly. Solomon is in deep shit. He's been found to be pumping basically propaganda bought and paid for by corrupt Ukrainians. He's been canned from The Hill and is trying to salvage what scraps of credibility he has left.

Schiff isn't in any trouble. He's a Stanford graduate, Harvard law graduate, former federal prosecutor. Nunes is a hayseed. Solomon is a hack. Giuliani has dementia. He'll be fine, mostly because he knows the law and hasn't violated anything. A pen register is not protected by the 4th amendment.
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!

Sorry that Trump is butt hurt about his corruption being exposed.
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!

Sorry that Trump is butt hurt about his corruption being exposed.

But the Court ruled in favor of Katz 7-1! It's the OPPOSITE of what you say
Katz established the modern test for what constitutes an illegal search and seizure. Basically, when you dial a phone, you transmit the number to the telephone company. You cannot reasonably claim an expectation of privacy for information you have submitted to the telephone company. Therefore a pen register is not covered under the 4th amendment. It's "outside the envelope" type of information.
So Trump can get Schiff and Ciaramellas phone records just by asking? Does he have to say, "please"?
The phone company has to agree to the request. The DoJ issues subpoenas for them all the time.

The DOJ requires a WARRANT, per our Constitution. Is Adam Schitt SUPERIOR TO THE CONSTITUTION?

They don’t. The Supreme Court decided decades ago these records requests don’t require a warrant.

You cannot fucking read. Proof contrary to what you just claimed has already been posted many times, you incredible moron!

Get off this message board, dumbass! This is for educated adults, not functional illiterates. Come back when you graduate your local reading comprehension remediation course.
Last edited:
Actually you should learn a thing or two. Schitt has NO right to those records as Giuliani and Nunes are NOT being investigated. Thus he has ZERO legal reason to have them. And messing with Solomon will get Schitt in a hell of a lot more trouble than he can handle. Solomon will wipe the deck with him should this get to court. Schitt CAN and SHOULD be arrested for this. But continue to kiss his ass as you clowns get destroyed in 2020.

Giuliani is definitely part of this investigation. Nunes is just an idiot who got caught up in the mess but is going to be subject to an ethics investigation shortly. Solomon is in deep shit. He's been found to be pumping basically propaganda bought and paid for by corrupt Ukrainians. He's been canned from The Hill and is trying to salvage what scraps of credibility he has left.

Schiff isn't in any trouble. He's a Stanford graduate, Harvard law graduate, former federal prosecutor. Nunes is a hayseed. Solomon is a hack. Giuliani has dementia. He'll be fine, mostly because he knows the law and hasn't violated anything. A pen register is not protected by the 4th amendment.
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.

The House Intel Committee did't seem to care about any factual matters. All we heard from them was hearsay except the testimony that Trump wanted no quid pro quo. Why did they ignore that?
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!

Sorry that Trump is butt hurt about his corruption being exposed.
You're butthurt that your Stalinist hero Schiff for Brains will be wriggling on the hot seat in about a month and that all his nefarious activities will be exposed.

Find: Russia
Replace: Ukraine

"Talk to Rudy"
Impeachment report: Giuliani spoke to White House, Nunes and OMB at key points in Ukraine campaign
he's not allowed? why?
Giuliani is definitely part of this investigation. Nunes is just an idiot who got caught up in the mess but is going to be subject to an ethics investigation shortly. Solomon is in deep shit. He's been found to be pumping basically propaganda bought and paid for by corrupt Ukrainians. He's been canned from The Hill and is trying to salvage what scraps of credibility he has left.

Schiff isn't in any trouble. He's a Stanford graduate, Harvard law graduate, former federal prosecutor. Nunes is a hayseed. Solomon is a hack. Giuliani has dementia. He'll be fine, mostly because he knows the law and hasn't violated anything. A pen register is not protected by the 4th amendment.
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.

The House Intel Committee did't seem to care about any factual matters. All we heard from them was hearsay except the testimony that Trump wanted no quid pro quo. Why did they ignore that?
Dims have a special device implanted in their brain that filters out any facts that contradict the narrative their party masters have dispensed.
For anyone interested, turn to page 34 of the report to find the factual evidence revealed by the House inquiry.
Listened to the hearings and heard no evidence, only hearsay nonsense. Is that what's now described as "factual evidence"?
Well, if you listened to the hearings you actually did hear plenty of first person evidence. But no one can stop you from kidding yourself.

From who? It was "I heard ...."!

The one person who talked to President Trump said "no quid pro quo". That should have ended it, but the Dems had to showcase how stupid they are to their constitutions who will then sit on their hands in 2020.
ahhhhh, I missed that legislation. how are they going to vote in congress than?
I don't see anything suspicious about phone calls between people who all work together. Furthermore, Schiff violated the 4th Amendment. How did he get these phone records? Its illegal for him to have them without a warrant.

Not illegal at all. There is no expectation of privacy when it comes to phone call records. This was decided decades ago in the SCOTUS decision Katz v United States.

Do you know what a phone call record is? It's the record of what number called who and when. It's NOT the actual conversation. Yes. You have a right to privacy when making a private phone call. Otherwise it wouldn't be illegal for hackers to listen in on cell phone conversations and as a registered FCC license holder, I can tell you that is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. It is illegal to even manufacture a scanner capable of listening in on cell phone conversations in the USA.

Cell Phone Privacy and Warrant Requirements - FindLaw

As far as the simple records go, you must get a warrant to obtain them. You can't just walk into your local ATT office and say give me the phone records of John Smith.
Christ, I know what phone call record is. I know that it didn’t include the actual conversation. How the hell did you get the impression I thought otherwise.

And no, you’re incorrect that you need a warrant for them. If I’m correct, ATT has no obligation to honor anyone’s request without a warrant.

Your own link to Katz says that you MUST have a warrant! Stop taking, "How stupid can you get?" as a challenge. You are being way too successful!
I don't see anything suspicious about phone calls between people who all work together. Furthermore, Schiff violated the 4th Amendment. How did he get these phone records? Its illegal for him to have them without a warrant.

Not illegal at all. There is no expectation of privacy when it comes to phone call records. This was decided decades ago in the SCOTUS decision Katz v United States.

Do you know what a phone call record is? It's the record of what number called who and when. It's NOT the actual conversation. Yes. You have a right to privacy when making a private phone call. Otherwise it wouldn't be illegal for hackers to listen in on cell phone conversations and as a registered FCC license holder, I can tell you that is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. It is illegal to even manufacture a scanner capable of listening in on cell phone conversations in the USA.

Cell Phone Privacy and Warrant Requirements - FindLaw

As far as the simple records go, you must get a warrant to obtain them. You can't just walk into your local ATT office and say give me the phone records of John Smith.
Christ, I know what phone call record is. I know that it didn’t include the actual conversation. How the hell did you get the impression I thought otherwise.

And no, you’re incorrect that you need a warrant for them. If I’m correct, ATT has no obligation to honor anyone’s request without a warrant.

Your own link to Katz says that you MUST have a warrant! Stop taking, "How stupid can you get?" as a challenge. You are being way too successful!
Katz set out the rules for “expectation of privacy”. It didn’t rule directly on a pen registry. That came about a decade later in Smith v Maryland where it was decided that a person has no expectation of privacy when it comes to recording what number you’ve dialed.
I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along!

Sorry that Trump is butt hurt about his corruption being exposed.
You're butthurt that your Stalinist hero Schiff for Brains will be wriggling on the hot seat in about a month and that all his nefarious activities will be exposed.
If you say so chief. I’m not worried. Neither is Schiff. This is just more attempts at obfuscation and distraction.
Giuliani is definitely part of this investigation. Nunes is just an idiot who got caught up in the mess but is going to be subject to an ethics investigation shortly. Solomon is in deep shit. He's been found to be pumping basically propaganda bought and paid for by corrupt Ukrainians. He's been canned from The Hill and is trying to salvage what scraps of credibility he has left.

Schiff isn't in any trouble. He's a Stanford graduate, Harvard law graduate, former federal prosecutor. Nunes is a hayseed. Solomon is a hack. Giuliani has dementia. He'll be fine, mostly because he knows the law and hasn't violated anything. A pen register is not protected by the 4th amendment.
You're a delusional idiot. You will say anything to defend Schiff and his kangaroo court. If anyone is in trouble, it's Schiff. He has already committed perjury dozens of times. That will come to light when he is sitting in the hot seat during the Senate trial.

I can’t tell if this is satire or if you actually are this dumb.

Schiff can’t commit perjury if he isn’t under oath. He hasn’t been under oath. He’s not going to be called as a witness in the Senate Trial. This isn’t a kangaroo court, it’s an investigation and quite successful despite Trump’s clear obstruction of Constitutional Congressional powers.

He most certainly will be called in a Senate trial. You can take that to the bank. Hos conflicting statements regarding the whistle blower's contacts with him or his staff are evidence of his collusion with him or her to prompt the inquiry.
Who cares how the inquiry started? It’s irrelevant to the factual matter at hand.

The House Intel Committee did't seem to care about any factual matters. All we heard from them was hearsay except the testimony that Trump wanted no quid pro quo. Why did they ignore that?

They sought as much factual matter as they could. And they did a pretty good job given Trump has decided to obstruct all attempts at getting to the heart of the matter.

Trump’s phone call with Sondland, if it even occurred, was after he was made aware of the whistleblower’s report. Sorry that I don’t take his attempt to cover his ass as entirely exculpatory.

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