The hypocrisy on the left lives on and on.

You're pointing out your own hypocrisy and don't even know it.

The Democrats dragging out a member of the Muslim Brotherhood to whore out their dead son to the Clinton cause is just fine with you, I see.

I love it when the RWnuts around here can be baited into melting down and revealing their true selves...

...military families? Under the bus!!!!
Yep! That's pretty much where you guys threw
You're pointing out your own hypocrisy and don't even know it.

The Democrats dragging out a member of the Muslim Brotherhood to whore out their dead son to the Clinton cause is just fine with you, I see.

I love it when the RWnuts around here can be baited into melting down and revealing their true selves...

...military families? Under the bus!!!!
yep! Under the bus is where you hypocritical libtards threw Chris Kyle and his wife Taya! Yes! We remember that.
Who threw Chris Kyle under the bus? What form did that "throwing under the bus" take?
You're pointing out your own hypocrisy and don't even know it.

The Democrats dragging out a member of the Muslim Brotherhood to whore out their dead son to the Clinton cause is just fine with you, I see.

I love it when the RWnuts around here can be baited into melting down and revealing their true selves...

...military families? Under the bus!!!!
Yep! That's pretty much where you guys threw
You're pointing out your own hypocrisy and don't even know it.

The Democrats dragging out a member of the Muslim Brotherhood to whore out their dead son to the Clinton cause is just fine with you, I see.

I love it when the RWnuts around here can be baited into melting down and revealing their true selves...

...military families? Under the bus!!!!
yep! Under the bus is where you hypocritical libtards threw Chris Kyle and his wife Taya! Yes! We remember that.
Who threw Chris Kyle under the bus? What form did that "throwing under the bus" take?
The left did and they did it by calling him a liar. Now try to deny that.
Objectively, you have two sets of grieving parents whose sons gave their lives for this country in conflict in the Middle East. They both are taking sides and calling the other candidate unfit. Here's the difference.....what decisions or non-decisions did Donald Trump make to impact the death of Khahn vs. the decisions and non decisions made by Hillary Clinton in the death of Smith?

Chris Matthews and Liberals have no logistically in losing their shit over Pat Smoth speaking while propping up the Kahns to speak.

Trump's Islamophobia is the issue here. That's it.

Trump's Islamophobia is actually anti-radical Islam. Why do you feel the need to defend radical Islam? WTH is wrong with the left? They defend religion as witnessed by their defense of radical Islam but Christians, the left attacks at will. And Christians are not beheading people. Something wrong with the liberal left.

No it isn't. It's a bigotry against Islam.
Objectively, you have two sets of grieving parents whose sons gave their lives for this country in conflict in the Middle East. They both are taking sides and calling the other candidate unfit. Here's the difference.....what decisions or non-decisions did Donald Trump make to impact the death of Khahn vs. the decisions and non decisions made by Hillary Clinton in the death of Smith?

Chris Matthews and Liberals have no logistically in losing their shit over Pat Smoth speaking while propping up the Kahns to speak.

Trump's Islamophobia is the issue here. That's it.
Do you even have the guts to admit Christianophobia exists?
Hypocrisy: Left Says It's Okay When They Use Grieving Parents to Make Points, but Not the Right | RedState

The news media is hammering Trump on the Muslim father who lost his son which is horrible and his boy is an American hero. But so was Pat Smith son. But she got vilified in the news and on twitter using your son for political reason. Didnt the Muslim father do the same thing?????
How was Pat Smith vilified in the news? And no one controls Twitter.....who do you want to blame that on?
You don't pay attention much do you?
Objectively, you have two sets of grieving parents whose sons gave their lives for this country in conflict in the Middle East. They both are taking sides and calling the other candidate unfit. Here's the difference.....what decisions or non-decisions did Donald Trump make to impact the death of Khahn vs. the decisions and non decisions made by Hillary Clinton in the death of Smith?

Chris Matthews and Liberals have no logistically in losing their shit over Pat Smoth speaking while propping up the Kahns to speak.

Trump's Islamophobia is the issue here. That's it.
Do you even have the guts to admit Christianophobia exists?

You're in the wrong thread.
Lets make it clear, Hillary was cleared of any wrongdoing in Benghazi... You had 9 investigations and endless unfounded allegations and you have nothing...

What was sick about that poor mother, Patricia Smith, is that the Right Wing lies had convinced her otherwise... And then the RNC decided to put her up there... That was sick part...

But did you see comment about her? No... Why? She has a bit of class..
Objectively, you have two sets of grieving parents whose sons gave their lives for this country in conflict in the Middle East. They both are taking sides and calling the other candidate unfit. Here's the difference.....what decisions or non-decisions did Donald Trump make to impact the death of Khahn vs. the decisions and non decisions made by Hillary Clinton in the death of Smith?

Chris Matthews and Liberals have no logistically in losing their shit over Pat Smoth speaking while propping up the Kahns to speak.

Trump's Islamophobia is the issue here. That's it.

Trump's Islamophobia is actually anti-radical Islam. Why do you feel the need to defend radical Islam? WTH is wrong with the left? They defend religion as witnessed by their defense of radical Islam but Christians, the left attacks at will. And Christians are not beheading people. Something wrong with the liberal left.

No it isn't. It's a bigotry against Islam.

Bullshit. Islamo terrorists killed the Kahn's son, not Trump. Crying Bigotry when it is not present is the easy out card for you people when you cannot debate. The people who defend Kahn are in no legitimate position to trash Pat Smith.
You're pointing out your own hypocrisy and don't even know it.

The Democrats dragging out a member of the Muslim Brotherhood to whore out their dead son to the Clinton cause is just fine with you, I see.

I love it when the RWnuts around here can be baited into melting down and revealing their true selves...

...military families? Under the bus!!!!

Isn't that where progressives and the democrats threw Cindy Sheehan after Bush was out of office and her narrative was no longer useful?
More can Kahn and Hillary supporters question Trump's lack of sacrifice in Military context? Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton had the same level of Military Service as Trump: Zero. Further, the majority of the Armed Forces don't vote Democrat. Democrats know this all to well as evidenced by the first order of business by the DNC lawyers in the 2000 Florida Election was to make damn sure that absentee ballots of service members out of the Florida were nulled and void over a minute postmark technicality. In other words, they disenfranchised members of the military.
Where is mac1958 in all of this? He's the one always decrying PC and here we have an example of why people are PC and he is silent as a lamb. I think he might be working a crooked Hillary phone bank.

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