The Impeachment of Joe Biden

If Trump and family make millions abroad, not a problem.

But if Hunter and siblings make money abroad, that's a problem .

Not to mention the small detail that there is no evidence of Joe Biden wrong doing.

So, what is the problem? (I mean the kind that you can prove)
Trump makes money abroad because that’s his business, that’s what he does….crack head/Hunter and the Big Guy make money abroad because they can pull strings within U.S. government….see the difference?
Then why waste time and money, oh wait political points, that’s what’s important.

It was a question, you can tell by the "?" at the end of the sentence.

Let me try again....what is it we already know?
Trump makes money abroad because that’s his business, that’s what he does….crack head/Hunter and the Big Guy make money abroad because they can pull strings within U.S. government….see the difference?

You mean strings pulled like how Ivana got her Chinese trademarks accellerated while her pappy was negotiating with China, whereupon she profited millions?

You mean strings pulled like how Jared scored a $2,000,000,000 fund from Mohammed Bin Salman, you know, the dude who butchered WaPo journalist Jamal khashoggi, whereupon Jared got a $125,000,000 blood money management fee, one he would not have obtained but for his father-in-law being president?

Not to mention Hunter is a private citizen but Ivana and Jared were SENIOR WHITE HOUSE ADVISORS.

That kind of difference?

You mean strings pulled like how Ivana got her Chinese trademarks accellerated while her pappy was negotiating with China, whereupon she profited millions?
You mean when Trump was leveraging tariffs on China? The ones that were costing China billions?

You mean strings pulled like how Jared scored a $2,000,000,000 fund from Mohammed Bin Salman, you know, the dude who butchered WaPo journalist Jamal khashoggi, whereupon Jared got a $125,000,000 blood money management fee, one he would not have obtained but for his father-in-law being president?
Wasn’t that deal made months after Kushner left the White House? Again, doesn’t Kushner run a private equity firm? Isn’t hat was he does?
What credentials did Crack Head Hunter have that Burisma could make use of for millions of dollars?

Not to mention Hunter is a private citizen but Ivana and Jared were SENIOR WHITE HOUSE ADVISORS.
Hunter was simply a ‘vehicle’, a pass-through for the Big Guy….ask Tony Bobulinski.
Any impeachment of Potato is meaningless unless the GOP has a supermajority in the Senate (barring having a Democrat Senator or two with integrity and the guts to deserve a section in Profiles in Courage).
You mean when Trump was leveraging tariffs on China? The ones that were costing China billions?
Wrong, the cost of tariffs are imposed on US citizens, who must pay higher prices for China goods.
Wasn’t that deal made months after Kushner left the White House? Again, doesn’t Kushner run a private equity firm? Isn’t hat was he does?
The deal was negotiated before, and immediately after, he left office, which could not have been consummated without his father-in-laws connection to MBS, who, in exchange, gave MBS light treatment over the murder of Khashoggi. Kushner's experience is in Real Estate -- his 'private equity fund' has little track record, and few investors but the Saudis, whose experts questioned the investment yet MBS decided to give Jared the funds, anyway, for which Jared received an 1.25% management fee ($125,000,000) nice work if your daddy in law can get you it.

But the point is hypocrisy, Comer and the right are harping about Hunter's biz deals, though he is a private citizen, while there is NO hard evidence of anything illegal by Joe Biden, and are IGNORING the HARD EVIDENCE against Jared Kushner, who was a SENIOR WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR.
What credentials did Crack Head Hunter have that Burisma could make use of for millions of dollars?
courtesy of AI:

Give Hunter Biden's Resume, and whether or not it's a fallacy to assert he is not qualified to sit on the board of Burisma:

Hunter Biden is an American lawyer and businessman. Here are some key points from his background:

  1. Education: Hunter Biden obtained a bachelor's degree in history from Georgetown University and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Yale Law School.
  2. Legal Career: After completing his law degree, Hunter Biden worked as an attorney at a law firm specializing in corporate governance and mergers and acquisitions. He also served as an executive vice president at a financial services firm.
  3. Business Ventures: Hunter Biden has been involved in various business ventures throughout his career. He co-founded a private equity firm called Rosemont Seneca Partners and served as a managing partner. He has also been involved in investment and consulting work, particularly in sectors such as energy and finance.
  4. Public Service: Hunter Biden has held positions related to public service. He worked as a lobbyist and served on the board of Amtrak, a federally funded national railroad corporation.
Regarding the assertion that Hunter Biden is not qualified to sit on the board of Burisma, it's important to note that this assertion stems from a specific controversy and political debate. Some critics argue that his involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian natural gas company, was influenced by his father's political position at the time. This controversy has raised questions about potential conflicts of interest and whether Hunter Biden had sufficient expertise in the energy sector.

However, it is also worth mentioning that board positions in companies are not solely determined by technical qualifications. Boards often seek individuals who can bring a diverse range of skills and experiences to the table, including legal, business, and geopolitical expertise. While Hunter Biden's exact qualifications and expertise in the energy sector are a matter of debate, it is not accurate to assert categorically that he was unqualified based solely on this controversy.

It's important to consider that political debates and controversies surrounding individuals can often be polarizing and subjective. Different perspectives exist, and opinions may vary regarding qualifications, conflicts of interest, and ethical considerations.

Now then, as for his compensation, you forget that this is a free market, and things like compensation are based on bargaining positions and various free market concerns. If Burisma wanted to pay him that much, that's up to them. Would you turn down an $80k month job, though you know you might not have been offered the job but for your famous father? If you say 'no', I don't believe you.
Hunter was simply a ‘vehicle’, a pass-through for the Big Guy….ask Tony Bobulinski.
He's been asked for evidence. He has none.
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You'll stand by your sexual abuser, regardless of the damning evidence accruing, no doubt.

The sad thing about you lunatic leftoids is you really truly believe this is about adoration of a person.

Which makes you so completely fucking STUPID my best advice becomes pull your head out of your ass and start over.

You leftards are dense and stupid. Not only that, your shit is falling apart.

America has no confidence in you.

Are you still screeching, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" after so many years of a Republican-run Congress and the Trump Justice Department failing to contrive a pretext?

Well, you figure it out. Thousands of classified emails on a private server, which was then hacked, and the emails somehow ended up on Anthony Wiener's laptop.

Then after a subpoena, not only did she refuse to give them back, SHE DELETED THEM! That would be like Trump burning all those classified folders before the FBI could get to them.

This singling out of Trump for LESSER crimes is a stain on all of America. But ESPECIALLY the corrupt fucktards who brought it to the table. Those rotten bastards should hang. They're destroying the country with their asinine bullshit.
The sad thing about you lunatic leftoids is you really truly believe this is about adoration of a person.

Which makes you so completely fucking STUPID my best advice becomes pull your head out of your ass and start over.

You leftards are dense and stupid. Not only that, your shit is falling apart.

America has no confidence in you.

Well, you figure it out. Thousands of classified emails on a private server, which was then hacked, and the emails somehow ended up on Anthony Wiener's laptop.

Then after a subpoena, not only did she refuse to give them back, SHE DELETED THEM! That would be like Trump burning all those classified folders before the FBI could get to them.

This singling out of Trump for LESSER crimes is a stain on all of America. But ESPECIALLY the corrupt fucktards who brought it to the table. Those rotten bastards should hang. They're destroying the country with their asinine bullshit.
Your irrational rant speaks for itself.

Your desperate attempts at diversion have no impact upon the adjudication of the case under America's system of jurisprudence.
I'm still waiting for someone to attempt to make the case why a Loser - who refuses to acknowledge democracy and the expressed will of the People as certified by all fifty states - has the right to abscond with a plethora of classified government documents, refuse to return them to their legal custodian when formally asked to do so, lies about keeping them, and treats them with reckless indifference, is entitled to do so.

Please dispense with the implicit insistence that the Cry Baby Loser is above the law, the desperate diversion to contrived parallels, the hysterical revilements for my asking, and make your case.

Screen Shot 2023-06-13 at 7.30.25 PM.png

Your irrational rant speaks for itself.

Your desperate attempts at diversion have no impact upon the adjudication of the case under America's system of jurisprudence.
You libtards have pea sized brains.

It's not the law that matters, shit for brains.

What kind of idiot (YOU) looks squarely at corruption and then says that's what matters?

You dumbass motherfuckers need to go back to school. Take a course in remedial reading comprehension. Jesus H Christ - unfuckingbelievable
You libtards have pea sized brains.

It's not the law that matters, shit for brains.

What kind of idiot (YOU) looks squarely at corruption and then says that's what matters?

You dumbass motherfuckers need to go back to school. Take a course in remedial reading comprehension. Jesus H Christ - unfuckingbelievable
Your hyper-partisan hysteria is unfortunate.

Rational assessment of the evidence against the Mar-a-Lago Lardass is grim.

Watch the Big Silly indulge at length in one of his childish tantrumps, and try to postpone his rendezvous with justice for as long as he can.
Rep Bobert of Colorado has an impeachment resolution ready to be voted on this week. Will it be tabled & stopped first or will an up or down vote happen?

It is focused only on Biden's neglect of duties to protect citizens from drugs, sex trafficking & crime coming from our southern border with Mexico.
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

It's been 12 days since your post. Such a thing takes solidifying facts and that takes considerable time.

I'm still waiting for someone to attempt to make the case why a Loser - who refuses to acknowledge democracy and the expressed will of the People as certified by all fifty states - has the right to abscond with a plethora of classified government documents, refuse to return them to their legal custodian when formally asked to do so, lies about keeping them, and treats them with reckless indifference, is entitled to do so.

Please dispense with the implicit insistence that the Cry Baby Loser is above the law, the desperate diversion to contrived parallels, the hysterical revilements for my asking, and make your case.

That is private property, and the FBI was welcomed by President Trump to review whenever they wished.

Instead, the FBI invaded his private property with guns drawn and threats made. And instead of reading what was inside or even looking inside the boxes, they made off with President Trump's personal effects, correspondence, winter clothing, and more.

The FBI abused its powers against a former President whose properties were monitored by the Secret Service that is according to every past President we've ever had.

The purpose was malicious retributive political character assassination, and it was based on changing America into a communist hellhole presided over by only one party with no discouraging word from any citizen, who tend to have human rights ignored in the wake of communism and its subsequent suffocation of human rights freedoms.
That is private property, and the FBI was welcomed by President Trump to review whenever they wished.

Instead, the FBI invaded his private property with guns drawn and threats made. And instead of reading what was inside or even looking inside the boxes, they made off with President Trump's personal effects, correspondence, winter clothing, and more.

The FBI abused its powers against a former President whose properties were monitored by the Secret Service that is according to every past President we've ever had.

The purpose was malicious retributive political character assassination, and it was based on changing America into a communist hellhole presided over by only one party with no discouraging word from any citizen, who tend to have human rights ignored in the wake of communism and its subsequent suffocation of human rights freedoms.
Trump's weird worshipers have swallowed the fake version without even chewing.

Folks far more knowledgable in the matter and far better acquainted with the accused differ radically.

Just a few:

Clear and Present Danger to Democracy

Law enforcement recovered classified documents that Trump had lied about having and concealed with a wanton disregard for national security and the safety of dedicated public servants.
Is there any logical well founded reason to impeach President Brandon?

Yes. Of course there is.

Would impeaching President Brandon actually accomplish a fucking thing?

No. Almost certainly not.

Impeached Presidents get Senate trials. With the Senate being in Democrat control, there is absolutely zero chance of a Senate “conviction.”

The only thing left to do, therefore, according to recent precedent, would be to impeach him again
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

We need Kamala less than we need the facts. If that bitch takes over we're truly fucked.

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