The Impeachment of Joe Biden

Why are you sure?
Oh. Because the banks are cooperating and providing banking records. Unraveling financial trails is a well known skill for Senators, and a piece of cake these days - Senators are powerful, they can see a lot of things. If you go to your local welfare office they can pull up your banking records, and the banks have you 40 years back - so you can imagine what Senators can see. If you spent 20 grand in a hotel in Hong Kong they'll find out about it. Every single credit card transaction is there.

The Impeachment of Joe Biden​

Moving title, Mac! Kinda reminds me of The Passion Of The Christ!!! :whip:

The alleged corruption of our current President
Is THAT what Joe is doing in Washington? Pretending to be the president? And alleged? Nothing is alleged by the FBI file documents released detailing Biden criminal activity, nor is anything alleged in Hunter laptop files full of salacious criminal documents and photos.
Moving title, Mac! Kinda reminds me of The Passion Of The Christ!!! :whip:

Is THAT what Joe is doing in Washington? Pretending to be the president? And alleged? Nothing is alleged by the FBI file documents released detailing Biden criminal activity, nor is anything alleged in Hunter laptop files full of salacious criminal documents and photos.
Oh. Because the banks are cooperating and providing banking records. Unraveling financial trails is a well known skill for Senators, and a piece of cake these days - Senators are powerful, they can see a lot of things. If you go to your local welfare office they can pull up your banking records, and the banks have you 40 years back - so you can imagine what Senators can see. If you spent 20 grand in a hotel in Hong Kong they'll find out about it. Every single credit card transaction is there.

You have more faith in the Repubs than I do...odd for someone that claims not to be partisan.

But I guess time will tell.
Like the RINOs have a spine. They won’t do the right thing, most of them are cowards.

The GOP reminds me of a blobfish.


No, wait. Sorry--- That was my file photo of Mitch McConnell's colon.
You didn't read ary a damn thing.

Impeaching Biden is not worth the time it takes and it will not be effective.

I presented you with a new piece of information, but you chose to ignore it and remain ignorant. That's fine.

You're a leftist ShitLord, MacBoi, just like all the rest of them.

I have a clear, direct, and reasonable question for you: Why are you OK with US government agencies

that affect everyone being corrupted?
They were voted out of office, some were indicted for their corruption, some were pardoned for their corruption.
NOW, the person that pardoned the criminals got indicted.............FOR being CORRUPT.

So.............NO..........No one is OK with corruption, except republicans, who have endorsed corruption, since 1974.

You celebrate the two tiered system of justice. Sad. Just ... sad.
You have contempt for America's system of jurisprudence because it is not treating your anointed one as if he is above the law.

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Democrats WANT Biden to be impeached, that way they don't have to run him in 24.
I say go for it and I say to Schumer, have the trial and appoint Raskin and Schiff, and Cheney as defenders in the trial with permission to take questioning wherever it leads.

The House GOP will look like idiots, the Senate GOP will vote "present" and Biden will cruise to victory bringing 300 members to the house and 55 to the Senate.
Is THAT what Joe is doing in Washington? Pretending to be the president? And alleged? Nothing is alleged by the FBI file documents released detailing Biden criminal activity, nor is anything alleged in Hunter laptop files full of salacious criminal documents and photos.
Joe Biden was elected President based upon the certified electoral votes of all 50 state, and the election was formally recognized by the United States Congress, Vice President Pence presiding. There are no legal challenges to the 2020 election by anyone, anywhere.

As to why the Republican-controlled Congress has not been able to contrive any charges against the President, you'll have to ask them.

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You have contempt for America's system of jurisprudence because it is not treating your anointed one as if he is above the law.

I have contempt for Biden's DOJ. They are not even familiar with justice in a passing fashion. They are thouroughly corrupt partisans It's sad that they've convinced seemingly intelligent people such as yourself otherwise.
I have contempt for Biden's DOJ. They are not even familiar with justice in a passing fashion. They are thouroughly corrupt partisans It's sad that they've convinced seemingly intelligent people such as yourself otherwise.
Your hyper-partisan hysteria is conspicuously lacking in credible evidence, as confirmed by the Republican-controlled Congress's impotence in contriving any such charges.

Who is putting such unfounded notions in your head bone?

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Your hyper-partisan hysteria is conspicuously lacking in credible evidence, as confirmed by the Republican-controlled Congress's impotence in contriving any such charges.

Let me take back that "seemingly intelligent people such as yourself" part.
Hmmm, I have noticed that many of the Trumpsters here will IMMEDIATELY run away when asked a direct question about supporting their claims. Seems like there are some parallels with the Republicans in the House, which makes sense.

It’s so much easier to throw around accusations than it is to back those accusations up. They’re perfectly happy with the red meat, gatewaypundit headlines, and bumper sticker slogans. They’re not interested in slowing things down with the burden of evidence or facts, or any of that boring stuff.
Joe Biden was elected President based upon the certified electoral votes of all 50 state,
Sorry, but 4 of the key swing states all had illegal laws violating state charters and millions of contested ballots lacking chain of custody proving them valid. All of these should have been contested and thrown out or returned to the states for clarification, but the judges were either crooked or afraid of harming their careers and Pence was a coward.

There are no legal challenges to the 2020 election
Trump had 29 of them, but in 27 of the cases, the judges would not even look at the evidence for fear of 10,000 lunatics attacking his home and family like they did to the Supreme Court.
So, the reason that even the most rabid Biden-haters in Congress are unable to contrive any credible charges is...?
They've had less than six months of investigation. The most rabid Trump haters in Congrees and the DOJ have had seven years and they haven't come up with jack shit.

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