The Impeachment of Joe Biden

The President's malignant machinations are manifest and most odious, I'm continually told.

What baffles me is why such consummate perfidy never provokes legal or legislative sanction from those who, inexplicably, seem content to merely bray about it

Lots of theatrics, no action. Maybe Congressional Republicans know that their "evidence" won't survive the light of day?

berg80 pointed it out earlier -- they may think it's better NOT to impeach, and to just keep making accusations and assumptions. They know the base will swallow it with absolutely no questioning it, and that's their top priority.
The problem is we do not know if any of that is true or not, thus the need for someone sort of hearings/impeachment/indictment.

Just talking about it in a press conference is not really good enough for most people
I'm entirely sure they're working on the evidence.
@berg80 pointed it out earlier -- they may think it's better NOT to impeach, and to just keep making accusations and assumptions. They know the base will swallow it with absolutely no questioning it, and that's their top priority.
Yes, because we have to keep in mind the Repubs are not pursuing justice, or the truth, or a desire to do what's best for the country. Their goal is to gain and retain control and they don't care what methods they use to achieve that goal. If it means endlessly smearing Dems without actual evidence, so be it.
Yes, because we have to keep in mind the Repubs are not pursuing justice, or the truth, or a desire to do what's best for the country. Their goal is to gain and retain control and they don't care what methods they use to achieve that goal. If it means endlessly smearing Dems without actual evidence, so be it.

Mac likes this post and then claims he's not a leftard. :p

The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

How about asking why the FBI and the DOJ are MIA and actually hindering any investigation of the Bidens?
"bad orange man" isn`t going down. He is down and he`s not getting up from this one. The Georgia indictments are coming in August and Jack Smith still has the upcoming insurrection indictments to serve. The charges, when all is said and done, will likely number around 100.
LOL Trump is on the campaign trail today. Biden isn't
Lots of theatrics, no action. Maybe Congressional Republicans know that their "evidence" won't survive the light of day?

berg80 pointed it out earlier -- they may think it's better NOT to impeach, and to just keep making accusations and assumptions. They know the base will swallow it with absolutely no questioning it, and that's their top priority.
I expect that, for some, it'll be yet another "Landslide!" in 2024, and the advent of the anointed one's third term will witness repeated festivities at the Capitol.

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"Dang! I can actually see 'im treating Chris Christie
as if he couldn't tell 'im from Marla Maples!"

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