The Impeachment of Joe Biden

"bad orange man" isn`t going down. He is down and he`s not getting up from this one. The Georgia indictments are coming in August and Jack Smith still has the upcoming insurrection indictments to serve. The charges, when all is said and done, will likely number around 100.
Jack Smith is a traitor. He corrupted the IRS.

That guy made Lois Lerner lose her job and the IRS pay out millions of dollars.

In the pursuit of targeting conservatives.
"bad orange man" isn`t going down. He is down and he`s not getting up from this one. The Georgia indictments are coming in August and Jack Smith still has the upcoming insurrection indictments to serve. The charges, when all is said and done, will likely number around 100.
Color me cynical, but I still don't expect him to either be convicted or spend a day in jail.

It's very difficult for me to believe that at least one True Believer won't make it on to any jury.
President Biden would welcome impeachment – the American people would correctly see impeachment as a bad-faith attack devoid of merit by the blind partisan right, and that Republicans have contempt for, and are incapable of, sound, responsible governance.
ya especially in scum bag cities like SF.

The mere fact that Old Joe's crackhead son earned millions of dollars yet has no viable skills, is evidence enough.
Like the RINOs have a spine. They won’t do the right thing, most of them are cowards.
In today's environment it takes a lot of courage to push what is right and just. The argument I have is, then why run for office. Do not run. That is the quandary. That then denotes there are people in office for their own selfish reasons with power and money part of the package.
The mere fact that Old Joe's crackhead son earned millions of dollars yet has no viable skills, is evidence enough.
Turley spells it out for you.

The House has shown millions of dollars going to at least nine Bidens like dividends from a family business. As a long-time critic of influence peddling among both Republicans and Democrats, I have never seen the equal of the Bidens.

The whole purpose of influence peddling is to use family members as shields for corrupt officials. Instead of making a direct payment to a politician, which could be seen as a bribe, you can give millions to his or her spouse or children.

Moreover, these emails include references to Joe Biden getting a 10 percent cut of one Chinese deal. It also shows Biden associates warning not to use Joe Biden’s name but to employ code names like “the Big Guy.” At the same time, the president and the first lady are referenced as benefiting from offices and receiving payments from Hunter.

Indeed, Hunter complains that his father is taking half of everything that he is raking in.

None of that matters. The New York Times ran a piece headlined, “House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden.”
America’s state media: The blackout on Biden corruption is truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’
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The mere fact that Old Joe's crackhead son earned millions of dollars yet has no viable skills, is evidence enough.
Worse than that, they say he actually owns a laptop. In any case, that won`t be of any help to Dear Leader. Now if he owned two (2) laptops, I would agree that he needs to be locked up, just like crooked Hillary was locked up for using email. Is she still in Leavenworth making license plates?
Worse than that, they say he actually owns a laptop. In any case, that won`t be of any help to Dear Leader. Now if he owned two (2) laptops, I would agree that he needs to be locked up, just like crooked Hillary was locked up for using email. Is she still in Leavenworth making license plates?
Nothing happens to dumb Joe, because our justice system is corrupt.
Nothing happens to dumb Joe, because our justice system is corrupt.
Yep. The present fucktards are completely corrupt. Not only that, they don't seem to realize they've crossed the line from a little acceptable graft to outright and flagrant abuse of the law.

We look the other way mostly, when someone skims a little off the top, but when they start trampling on people to do it we call them on their bullshit.
Have they drawn a clear and verifiable connection between the Ukraine source and the Chinese source?
How a Democrat forms guilt:

1) If the accused is a Republican - the accusation itself is all that is needed. No further explanation needed.
2) If the accused is a Democrat - you must have extreme proof. Money transferred to accounts with no explanation doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Biden's entire family could all be $millionaires with no explanation other than OBVIOUS corruption - no matter. You must have 100% verification from EXACTLY where the money came from... actual bank records themselves aren't even good enough. Unless those bank records are 100% provable to be owned by a foreign government. Which obviously isn't going to happen, because they are no so stupid as to give the Bidens money directly. It will OBVIOUSLY be laundered. OBVIOUSLY. And because of that, he will be 100% innocent in the eyes of Democrats no matter how obvious it looks.
President Biden would welcome impeachment – the American people would correctly see impeachment as a bad-faith attack devoid of merit by the blind partisan right, and that Republicans have contempt for, and are incapable of, sound, responsible governance.
You mean like Trump's two impeachments?

In before "Oh, but that was different".
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
They will impeach over a Laptop
Yep. The present fucktards are completely corrupt. Not only that, they don't seem to realize they've crossed the line from a little acceptable graft to outright and flagrant abuse of the law.

We look the other way mostly, when someone skims a little off the top, but when they start trampling on people to do it we call them on their bullshit.

What about your beloved party? Why are they not acting on all the information they have?
2) If the accused is a Democrat - you must have extreme proof. Money transferred to accounts with no explanation doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Biden's entire family could all be $millionaires with no explanation other than OBVIOUS corruption - no matter. You must have 100% verification from EXACTLY where the money came from... actual bank records themselves aren't even good enough. Unless those bank records are 100% provable to be owned by a foreign government. Which obviously isn't going to happen, because they are no so stupid as to give the Bidens money directly. It will OBVIOUSLY be laundered. OBVIOUSLY. And because of that, he will be 100% innocent in the eyes of Democrats no matter how obvious it looks.

All this needs to be presented to the American people in an official manner.

Talking about them during pressers is a waste of time.

The GOP either needs to start impeachment so they can present all this evidence to the American people, or they need to hold some sort of public hearings with people under oath so the American people can see the actual evidence.
He doesn't have to be kicked out.

Impeachment in the House alone would allow the Republicans to present their evidence to a national audience all at one time, and in a clear, organized, easily-digestible fashion. The final results of the impeachment proceedingss are almost irrelevant.
Waste of time, you can impeach but there would be no conviction. Why impeach, it was a waste under the last President and hope we learn by our stupidity.
Waste of time, you can impeach but there would be no conviction.

It would get all that information we are told the GOP has out into the public's eyes. Even if you cannot get the conviction, it would give the American people a chance to see if what we are being told is true or not.

Would that not be worth it? Is that not important to you?

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