The Impeachment of Joe Biden

All this needs to be presented to the American people in an official manner.

Talking about them during pressers is a waste of time.

The GOP either needs to start impeachment so they can present all this evidence to the American people, or they need to hold some sort of public hearings with people under oath so the American people can see the actual evidence.
That is not going to happen.
The alphabet news - all of them Fox/CNN/MSNBC - networks...every newspaper... all of them, are owned by large corporations that have absolutely ZERO interest in taking down Biden. None. Nada. Zip.
Fox News itself is a mere shadow of what it once was. All if does now is yell "Democrats! Democrats! Democrats!" there is virtually no one left on the entire network worth watching because they are all silenced and controlled.
Watch the videos of Megyn Kelley talking about it, because she now can since her contracts expired. She talks about how so many stories they were forbidden to talk about, or LOUDLY instructed to not report certain aspects.

No. There isn't any large media outlet that is going to push this story in the manner you speak. All they will do is yell "Democrats!! Democrats" - and the liberal news will yell "But Trump! But Trump!"
How a Democrat forms guilt:

1) If the accused is a Republican - the accusation itself is all that is needed. No further explanation needed.
2) If the accused is a Democrat - you must have extreme proof. Money transferred to accounts with no explanation doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Biden's entire family could all be $millionaires with no explanation other than OBVIOUS corruption - no matter. You must have 100% verification from EXACTLY where the money came from... actual bank records themselves aren't even good enough. Unless those bank records are 100% provable to be owned by a foreign government. Which obviously isn't going to happen, because they are no so stupid as to give the Bidens money directly. It will OBVIOUSLY be laundered. OBVIOUSLY. And because of that, he will be 100% innocent in the eyes of Democrats no matter how obvious it looks.
Is that a "no, they haven't drawn a clear and identifiable connection between Ukraine and China"?
It would get all that information we are told the GOP has out into the public's eyes. Even if you cannot get the conviction, it would give the American people a chance to see if what we are being told is true or not.

Would that not be worth it? Is that not important to you?
You would think this would be fine for them. At least THIS. Let's get it all out in the open so we can all get to the facts.

So I wonder why they get so angry over my question.
Is that a "no, they haven't drawn a clear and identifiable connection between Ukraine and China"?
You are not that stupid are you?
The same person who ran with every accusation against Trump for 6 years... but with Biden... exactly like I said... you need 100% verifiable and irrefutable evidence even though there is no way that evidence is going to exist.
Verifiable payments to Hunter of almost $2,000,000 from Chinese investment firms that just happened to coincide - to the day - of when the President and him met with the same people. Nope - that overwhelming coincidence means nothing to you. Nothing. The fact Hunter did exactly zero to earn that money? Who cares. You will scoff that off in a nano second.

The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

Let's ask former Speaker Boehner when they will proceed

Um.........................never mind.
You are not that stupid are you?
The same person who ran with every accusation against Trump for 6 years... but with Biden... exactly like I said... you need 100% verifiable and irrefutable evidence even though there is no way that evidence is going to exist.
Verifiable payments to Hunter of almost $2,000,000 from Chinese investment firms that just happened to coincide - to the day - of when the President and him met with the same people. Nope - that overwhelming coincidence means nothing to you. Nothing. The fact Hunter did exactly zero to earn that money? Who cares. You will scoff that off in a nano second.

Actually I haven't "run with every accusation", but I realize you folks need to try to put me on the defensive.

So, when are you folks going to stop making claims and impeach?

Are you afraid that, in an impeachment, the other side of the story gets to be told?

That appears to be the case.
You are not that stupid are you?
The same person who ran with every accusation against Trump for 6 years... but with Biden... exactly like I said... you need 100% verifiable and irrefutable evidence even though there is no way that evidence is going to exist.
Verifiable payments to Hunter of almost $2,000,000 from Chinese investment firms that just happened to coincide - to the day - of when the President and him met with the same people. Nope - that overwhelming coincidence means nothing to you. Nothing. The fact Hunter did exactly zero to earn that money? Who cares. You will scoff that off in a nano second.

How do you know what services Hunter provided?

You assume it was preferential treatment from his father but you can’t point to any actual money being transferred to his father or any unexplained wealth.
You also can’t point to any preferential treatment China received. You all taunt that the President is on China’s payroll but you have no evidence of any of it
How do you know what services Hunter provided?

You assume it was preferential treatment from his father but you can’t point to any actual money being transferred to his father or any unexplained wealth.
You also can’t point to any preferential treatment China received. You all taunt that the President is on China’s payroll but you have no evidence of any of it
They don't need to, in their world.

Imagine how easy that makes things.
Is a quixote-ish exercise in folly. In no way is 1/4 of Senators that are Democrat going to step out of lockstep and do the right thing.

I don't have that much faith in the Democrat party being Americans anymore, no.
The word you're looking for is quixotic.
Actually I haven't "run with every accusation", but I realize you folks need to try to put me on the defensive.

So, when are you folks going to stop making claims and impeach?

Are you afraid that, in an impeachment, the other side of the story gets to be told?

That appears to be the case.
Could you really be this clueless about yourself? Is it possible?
I suppose so. People are very good at justifying their own behavior.
You were one of the better posters on this forum. Trump ruined you.
He occupied your brain, rent free, and still does today.
If this story was about Trump, it was his family that received massive funds for no apparent reason - you would be all over it and every person on this forum knows it. But you.
But it is Biden's family. So... meh..pheh...
Could you really be this clueless about yourself? Is it possible?
I suppose so. People are very good at justifying their own behavior.
You were one of the better posters on this forum. Trump ruined you.
He occupied your brain, rent free, and still does today.
If this story was about Trump, it was his family that received massive funds for no apparent reason - you would be all over it and every person on this forum knows it. But you.
But it is Biden's family. So... meh..pheh...
More deflection, more avoidance behavior, more personal insults, on and on.

Good stuff. Turning you people into children is so damn easy.
How do you know what services Hunter provided?

You assume it was preferential treatment from his father but you can’t point to any actual money being transferred to his father or any unexplained wealth.
You also can’t point to any preferential treatment China received. You all taunt that the President is on China’s payroll but you have no evidence of any of it
That is really funny. Downright hilarious.
Hunter Bidens entire earnings his whole career is an enigma.
The man never stopped being a frat boy. What services did he provide... holy cow.
How much of your brain so you have to shut of to say such things?
It dawned on Repubs in power long ago they don't need evidence or facts or truth to convince the base of anything. It believes Trump is the victim of multiple witch hunts, Hillary lead a pedophilia ring, the 1/6 mob were tourists, and Italian satellites changed votes for Biden.
They also know it's better for them to continue to make baseless accusations without trying to prove them. Cuz that can go on forever.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
They will impeach over a Laptop
At least we'd be able to separate fact from fiction, so that would be a positive. And if some bad shit happened, we need to know.

But in an impeachment, the other side of the story would also be presented. It doesn't look like they want that to happen.

They just want to run with rumors and assumptions and type "Xiden" a lot.
The alleged corruption of our current President is brought up so frequently on this board, that we may as well ask when the impeachment proceedings will begin. If an American President is under the financial control of one of our two biggest adversaries, we need all the facts. Now.

As I understand it, the Republicans say they have bank documents that show several million dollars of payments from China to Biden family members (I think I saw 16 different family members?). So some obvious questions come to mind:
  • Are we waiting for the Republicans to confirm this, or are they ready to go with the impeachment?
  • What exactly are the original sources of the payments? Do we have a list, or has it come directly from the Chinese government?
  • Do they have bank records showing that the President himself has received money?
  • Has any of the Biden family tried to explain these payments?
  • What other information do you need before you impeach?

The President's malignant machinations are manifest and most odious, I'm continually told.

What baffles me is why such consummate perfidy never provokes legal or legislative sanction from those who, inexplicably, seem content to merely bray about it

There are mechanisms for credible evidence of malfeasance to be redressed, yet the blustering poseurs shun all the venues where substance is
de rigeur.

Their gaseous exudations, full of sound and fury, are an inexorable, foul prelude to nothing.

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You are not that stupid are you?
The same person who ran with every accusation against Trump for 6 years... but with Biden... exactly like I said... you need 100% verifiable and irrefutable evidence even though there is no way that evidence is going to exist.
Verifiable payments to Hunter of almost $2,000,000 from Chinese investment firms that just happened to coincide - to the day - of when the President and him met with the same people. Nope - that overwhelming coincidence means nothing to you. Nothing. The fact Hunter did exactly zero to earn that money? Who cares. You will scoff that off in a nano second.


The problem is we do not know if any of that is true or not, thus the need for someone sort of hearings/impeachment/indictment.

Just talking about it in a press conference is not really good enough for most people

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