The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia
Klan was described a the military arm of the a Democrat party?
Grant, Reconstruction and the KKK | American Experience | PBS
The OPs post is accurate. Pigo, why do you not know history? I recommend buying a TV and watching the history channel

Pogo does not give a crap about the truth

AGAIN ---- just try to refute anything I lay out. Go ahead. Just try it. Ya feel lucky? Punk?

I don't come here unarmed. You post bullshit, it's gonna get shot down wid a quickness. Learn that.
I did refute it. Oh wait. Pigo blocked me. He cannot see my post. LMAO.
Lefties really need to block, govern, censor, or control speech in order for their ideology to work. Notice how pencil neck had to block speech in order to effectively run his kangaroo court? Lefties cannot engage in merit based debate.
Does this delusional belief of yours have anything to do with your hatred of Christmas?
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

ME: The entire history of the Democrat Party is that of slavery, hate, lies, brutality and violence, and they are no different today

It’s 2019 . It’s the gop flying the confederate flag and protecting confederate memorials . The kkk is made up of conservatives.

Just like CRCs have to reach back into the past to show Democrats as KKKrs, we have to reach way back in the past to show Republicans as decent human beings.
Democratic left are the 'real' fascists in US -- not Trump

Notice how CRCs have to go to convicted criminals for their sound bites?

WHO KNEW there were gadfly ignorancemonger klowns on the internet like CarCrash d'Souza, Zo Blow and Pregger Ewe, willing to lie all over YouTube for the purpose of fomenting ignorance and division. I certainly had no idea these demagogues existed before now. /sarc

There are a couple of others who we've also debunked over the years but we'll let the OP piss away her time looking for them so she can bring the great revelation :rofl: to the board and pretend she found something new.

OP is like a toddler just discovering poopoos for the first time. So cute.

Meanwhile no response at all to post 37. Just five more bullshit videos. :popcorn:
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

ME: The entire history of the Democrat Party is that of slavery, hate, lies, brutality and violence, and they are no different today

"Pregger U" :lmao:

That shit's been debunked from here to China, dickhead. Read the comments on that YouTube page.

The KKK was started by six ex-soldiers out for street theater out of boredom, none of whom had any political affiliations in a time and place where political parties didn't even exist anyway. And the Civil War was started by indolent wealthy planter-class aristocrats looking to prolong their hegemony in Southern economics. Not only did the Confederacy not have any political parties but in the 1860 election the Democrat got shut out in the South, pulling the same number of Electoral votes as Lincoln --- zero.

You must be sniffing paint fumes if you think this old shit is gonna fly. And you must be sniffing yuge mass quantities if you actually think political parties don't shift with the winds over time.

And PS you linked the wrong video anyway, moron.

FUCK outta here.

Which party was it who wore the white robes and burned crosses in front of the homes of Republicans and blacks?

Back then they were mostly Democrats, but as soon as President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, they all ran to the GOP.....perfectly willing to change parties....NOT willing to give up their racist ways.

/——/ 100% Bullshyt. I lived in the South during the CR era and that is not what happened. The South turned Republican because the new generation rejected the old school discrimination. The racist democRATs eventually died out, I was there, you were not. I rode on segregated busses, you did not. I went to Woolworths with separate lunch counters, water fountains and bathrooms, you did not.

Take your revisionist history and shove it.
And here we have the leader of the GOP with his BFF....View attachment 293896

Trump kicked him out of his country club for being a pedophile.

Crooked Hillary's husband and other Demcrats went on trips to Pedo Island with him.

You didn't vote for Crooked Hillary because that you make you a creep, wouldn't it?
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

ME: The entire history of the Democrat Party is that of slavery, hate, lies, brutality and violence, and they are no different today

"Pregger U" :lmao:

That shit's been debunked from here to China, dickhead. Read the comments on that YouTube page.

The KKK was started by six ex-soldiers out for street theater out of boredom, none of whom had any political affiliations in a time and place where political parties didn't even exist anyway. And the Civil War was started by indolent wealthy planter-class aristocrats looking to prolong their hegemony in Southern economics. Not only did the Confederacy not have any political parties but in the 1860 election the Democrat got shut out in the South, pulling the same number of Electoral votes as Lincoln --- zero.

You must be sniffing paint fumes if you think this old shit is gonna fly. And you must be sniffing yuge mass quantities if you actually think political parties don't shift with the winds over time.

And PS you linked the wrong video anyway, moron.

FUCK outta here.

Yeah! The Parties switched sides! FDR was a Republican....freaking morans
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

ME: The entire history of the Democrat Party is that of slavery, hate, lies, brutality and violence, and they are no different today

"Pregger U" :lmao:

That shit's been debunked from here to China, dickhead. Read the comments on that YouTube page.

The KKK was started by six ex-soldiers out for street theater out of boredom, none of whom had any political affiliations in a time and place where political parties didn't even exist anyway. And the Civil War was started by indolent wealthy planter-class aristocrats looking to prolong their hegemony in Southern economics. Not only did the Confederacy not have any political parties but in the 1860 election the Democrat got shut out in the South, pulling the same number of Electoral votes as Lincoln --- zero.

You must be sniffing paint fumes if you think this old shit is gonna fly. And you must be sniffing yuge mass quantities if you actually think political parties don't shift with the winds over time.

And PS you linked the wrong video anyway, moron.

FUCK outta here.

Yeah! The Parties switched sides! FDR was a Republican....freaking morans

The parties didn't "switch", FDR was not a Republican, and the freaking morans are Cardinal fans.

This incessant yapping of the word "\switch" is deliberately disingenuous. It's meant to imply that one day, like a light switch, the two party got together in some back alley and dressed up as each other by mutual agreement. That is of course ridiculous, which is why y'all keep characterizing it that way.

What the parties did was evolve in certain directions, as ANY political party does over time. Old ideals are abandoned, new interests taken on. If Party A drops some certain constituency, that leaves a vacuum for Party B to pick up (if they want it).

Such was the case around the turn of the 19th/20th century. The Republicans, born out of the Liberalism of Abolition, started oozing toward the interests of the wealthy, the railroads and increasingly powerful corporations, while the Democrats, in a corresponding move, took on the Populist Party/movement after experimenting with "fusion" parties, which brought on board the interests of labor unions, including the immigrant labor force, and with it the Catholics and Jews and other minorities --- all those who were not the wealthy, the powerful, the corporations. That doesn't mean the Democratic Party and Republican Party had a meeting and negotiated it and threw a 'switch' at midnight. It doesn't mean they communicated at all. It simply means that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So in, say, 1885, black voters who could vote were solidly Republican; fifty years later they were solidly Democratic. That shift happened because both the party that they saw as representing their interests in the present, and the party they saw as representing their interests in the past, were two different parties.

So no, parties don't "switch" --- Voters switch. Parties evolve.
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

ME: The entire history of the Democrat Party is that of slavery, hate, lies, brutality and violence, and they are no different today

"Pregger U" :lmao:

That shit's been debunked from here to China, dickhead. Read the comments on that YouTube page.

The KKK was started by six ex-soldiers out for street theater out of boredom, none of whom had any political affiliations in a time and place where political parties didn't even exist anyway. And the Civil War was started by indolent wealthy planter-class aristocrats looking to prolong their hegemony in Southern economics. Not only did the Confederacy not have any political parties but in the 1860 election the Democrat got shut out in the South, pulling the same number of Electoral votes as Lincoln --- zero.

You must be sniffing paint fumes if you think this old shit is gonna fly. And you must be sniffing yuge mass quantities if you actually think political parties don't shift with the winds over time.

And PS you linked the wrong video anyway, moron.

FUCK outta here.

Yeah! The Parties switched sides! FDR was a Republican....freaking morans

The parties didn't "switch", FDR was not a Republican, and the freaking morans are Cardinal fans.

This incessant yapping of the word "\switch" is deliberately disingenuous. It's meant to imply that one day, like a light switch, the two party got together in some back alley and dressed up as each other by mutual agreement. That is of course ridiculous, which is why y'all keep characterizing it that way.

What the parties did was evolve in certain directions, as ANY political party does over time. Old ideals are abandoned, new interests taken on. If Party A drops some certain constituency, that leaves a vacuum for Party B to pick up (if they want it).

Such was the case around the turn of the 19th/20th century. The Republicans, born out of the Liberalism of Abolition, started oozing toward the interests of the wealthy, the railroads and increasingly powerful corporations, while the Democrats, in a corresponding move, took on the Populist Party/movement after experimenting with "fusion" parties, which brought on board the interests of labor unions, including the immigrant labor force, and with it the Catholics and Jews and other minorities --- all those who were not the wealthy, the powerful, the corporations. That doesn't mean the Democratic Party and Republican Party had a meeting and negotiated it and threw a 'switch' at midnight. It doesn't mean they communicated at all. It simply means that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So in, say, 1885, black voters who could vote were solidly Republican; fifty years later they were solidly Democratic. That shift happened because both the party that they saw as representing their interests in the present, and the party they saw as representing their interests in the past, were two different parties.

So no, parties don't "switch" --- Voters switch. Parties evolve.

/——-/ Of all the twisted Bullshyt excuses to defend racist democrats- Yours by far is the funniest leap of logic.
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

ME: The entire history of the Democrat Party is that of slavery, hate, lies, brutality and violence, and they are no different today

"Pregger U" :lmao:

That shit's been debunked from here to China, dickhead. Read the comments on that YouTube page.

The KKK was started by six ex-soldiers out for street theater out of boredom, none of whom had any political affiliations in a time and place where political parties didn't even exist anyway. And the Civil War was started by indolent wealthy planter-class aristocrats looking to prolong their hegemony in Southern economics. Not only did the Confederacy not have any political parties but in the 1860 election the Democrat got shut out in the South, pulling the same number of Electoral votes as Lincoln --- zero.

You must be sniffing paint fumes if you think this old shit is gonna fly. And you must be sniffing yuge mass quantities if you actually think political parties don't shift with the winds over time.

And PS you linked the wrong video anyway, moron.

FUCK outta here.

Yeah! The Parties switched sides! FDR was a Republican....freaking morans

The parties didn't "switch", FDR was not a Republican, and the freaking morans are Cardinal fans.

This incessant yapping of the word "\switch" is deliberately disingenuous. It's meant to imply that one day, like a light switch, the two party got together in some back alley and dressed up as each other by mutual agreement. That is of course ridiculous, which is why y'all keep characterizing it that way.

What the parties did was evolve in certain directions, as ANY political party does over time. Old ideals are abandoned, new interests taken on. If Party A drops some certain constituency, that leaves a vacuum for Party B to pick up (if they want it).

Such was the case around the turn of the 19th/20th century. The Republicans, born out of the Liberalism of Abolition, started oozing toward the interests of the wealthy, the railroads and increasingly powerful corporations, while the Democrats, in a corresponding move, took on the Populist Party/movement after experimenting with "fusion" parties, which brought on board the interests of labor unions, including the immigrant labor force, and with it the Catholics and Jews and other minorities --- all those who were not the wealthy, the powerful, the corporations. That doesn't mean the Democratic Party and Republican Party had a meeting and negotiated it and threw a 'switch' at midnight. It doesn't mean they communicated at all. It simply means that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So in, say, 1885, black voters who could vote were solidly Republican; fifty years later they were solidly Democratic. That shift happened because both the party that they saw as representing their interests in the present, and the party they saw as representing their interests in the past, were two different parties.

So no, parties don't "switch" --- Voters switch. Parties evolve.

/——-/ Of all the twisted Bullshyt excuses to defend racist democrats- Yours by far is the funniest leap of logic.

Nice to know I can make an argument that's "funny" yet at the same time irrefutable.

This is simple history anyway. I'm a history guy. I like to know where things come from. Now you know too, at least about this. Might wanna re-read though, since nothing in that post had anything to do with "racism".
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The real truth is both parties are repulsive at best. I will never understand loyalty to party.
/——-/ Of all the twisted Bullshyt excuses to defend racist democrats- Yours by far is the funniest leap of logic.

Thats why I don't even respond to him. His lying and dishonesty are pathological

You don't respond because you CAN'T. And you can't because I take your bullshit points and take their clocks to the cleaners. By then you've got nothing left.

You're the low-hanging fruit even on this site, and that's going low. Pregger Ewe and Zo Blow my ass.
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