The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An

Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes

The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

The purpose of an indictment is to provide notice to the defendant of the nature and circumstances of the charges. The content of an indictment is 100% the result of decisions made by the prosecutor. The document is drafted by the prosecutor and presented to the grand jury. The grand jury does not itself make changes to the language or allegations in the indictment.
The legal requirement with regard to the content of an indictment is that there be sufficient specificity that the defendant is advised of the time, place, and details of the charges so as to allow a defendant to claim “double jeopardy” in circumstances where the subject of the prosecution has been previously adjudicated against him.
Beyond that, federal courts at all levels have held that the charging language in an indictment combined with the detailed information and evidence provided to he defendant and his counsel in discovery, satisfies the “notice” required by due process.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis for the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis of the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What the Department of Justice has done more and more often in the past 20 years — particularly since the dawn of internet era — is to use what are called “speaking indictments” to manufacture a public narrative concerning the alleged crimes of the defendant. The more high profile the case, the more effort DOJ puts into crafting an extensive narrative for public consumption. With the allegations set forth in a public record, Department of Justice officials can discuss them in the press without violating DOJ policy.
Because the allegations will be published far and wide long before they are subject to the crucible of the adversarial system of justice, the narrative takes hold in the public consciousness as “fact” and often becomes impervious to contrary evidence.
Before turning to the Trump indictment, let me provide you a real world example that I was just involved in over the past few months.

The FSB and Stasi story keeps continues to change.
WaPo interviewed the same witnesses as Jack Smith and originally reported the Mar-a-Lago storage room was secured by lock and key. The indictment omits this fact. No where does it say the storage room had a lock, leaving court to believe it was unsecured.
Never was it documented boxes were taken from anywhere but the storage room or Trumps office. Now a ballroom and bathroom, deep faked or staged photos? Yet all the boxes were more secure than where Bidens stolen documents at the University office. the China Town Office and strewn a garage with a crack heads access.
Meanwhile, the Stasi/FBI has covered up and buried the fact that Joey Xi Bai Dung took a $5 million dollar bribe while Vice President.

The motive is what Trump preached years ago...

“This was not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying. This is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct, followed by a cover-up that included false statements and lies to Congress, the media and the American people.” ~ Donald Trump

How about we hold Trump up to his own standards?

So when Black people get pulled over doing five miles over the speed limit, they too DID THIS TO THEMSELVES.

I've already explained in detail that when Black people are racially profiled and pulled over that they are victims and the perpetrators are violators of the U.S. Constitution. The case that most readily comes to mind involves New Jersey state troopers racially profiling & targeting Black & Hispanic drivers, while white drivers passed on through. This case has been adjudicated and has a final disposition if I recall correctly.

Trump taking classified documents from the White House in addition to being bone-headed, shows an appalling lack of knowledge of the rules surrounding ensuring that everything that documents the work that our government does on behalf of "the people of the United States" is preserved. The fact that they're highly classified documents goes beyond the pale especially if Trump believes he can simply deem them "unclassified" and that doing so would allow him to keep them in his possession. It's embarrassing that someone so ignorant of the workings of our government was actually president of the U.S at one point.

So yes Trump did this to himself by flouting the laws that the was expected and required to comply with.

You never did answer my question asking if the reason you don't consider Trump having violated the law is because you don't believe the laws he violated are criminal laws, but instead are only civil violations. What say you?
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Because it's not a valid starting point. Justice does not JUST have to do with innocence and guilt. If it did we would not need jury trials, judges and appeals. We could just say, hey, you were doing ten over the speed limit, here is your penalty. Apply that for every crime up and down the code.

WE HAVE jury trials and judges because the claim is far beyond "did you do this or not". Maybe someone drove ten miles over because they were driving another in labor, or choking.

I should not have to explain ANY of this. But you all know it, children know it. You must gloss over it because everyone can see what's going on here.
You're not explaining anything to me particularly because most of your interpretations of our laws and procedures are incorrect.

Such as you continuing to compare misdemeanor crimes to federal crimes involving lying to the federal government about documents in your possession which should not be AND refusing to return U.S. CLASSIFIED documents that are rightfully the property of the U.S. government, when given ample opportunities to do so.

You do know that when the federal government couldn't get Al Capone on racketeering charges, but they still got him on IRS tax evasion criminal charges, right? You think it's "perverted justice" that they charged him with a crime that perhaps isn't often used this way to capture mobsters but that he was guilty of?
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And people wonder why the education system is messed up.

There is no comparing this to the legalized injustice blacks have endured. Trump was president of this country, he knew the law pertainng to these documents. He was asked by the government to turn over what he had. He was given every opportunity to give up the proper documents and he chose not to.

Only an IDIOT would actually try making the equivalence Sue has tried to make.
Dumbshit, George Floyd threatened a pregnant woman with a knife.

The fucker should have been dead long before the cop got him.
Floyd never threatened a pregnant woman with a knife.

Look it up.
When you have a nation where half the citizens fail to abide by "the punishment fits the crime"'s over.
Can you clarify please? The citizens are not the ones who determine punishment, to fit the crime or otherwise. That would be the government.
I don’t want him to be the ONLY one, when Democrats have done so much worse and given a pass.

If Hillary has been punished for saving classified info on a private server, and then smashed the server to hide its contents….and IF the FBI hadn’t lied about the existence of the document giving evidence of Biden’s $5 foreign bribe and instead turned it right over….and IF Biden had been charged with possession of classified documents that dated back to his Senate days, then yes.

But you can’t get high and mighty about holding Trump accountable when the FBI has bent over backwards to protect and excuse Joe’s and Hillary’s crimes.
I complained often and loudly about Hillary, saying she knew better or should have known better considering her years working in government and as a member of the cabinet (Secretary of State).

You're so prejudiced and biased that you continue to make false statements and accusation about topics you have no knowledge of.
I don’t want him to be the ONLY one, when Democrats have done so much worse and given a pass.

If Hillary has been punished for saving classified info on a private server, and then smashed the server to hide its contents….and IF the FBI hadn’t lied about the existence of the document giving evidence of Biden’s $5 foreign bribe and instead turned it right over….and IF Biden had been charged with possession of classified documents that dated back to his Senate days, then yes.

But you can’t get high and mighty about holding Trump accountable when the FBI has bent over backwards to protect and excuse Joe’s and Hillary’s crimes.
The GOP ousts Liz Cheney but protect garbage like Santos and Trump.
Why are you the only one who knows about Joe and Hillary`s "crimes"?
I have answered this question many times.

Sue your answer to Coyote's question regarding "who was jailed for parading" is rather dishonest:

Mazzocco is the 12th person sentenced in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection. He ***pleaded guilty*** to one count of parading, demonstrating, OR picketing in the Capitol, a misdemeanor crime that carries a maximum sentence of six months in prison. The government had asked for a sentence of three months home confinement followed by a period of probation. Assistant US Attorney Kimberly Nielsen had argued that probation alone wasn’t enough, but also that Mazzocco should get credit for pleading guilty early — he was one of the first 10 people to come forward to accept responsibility and take a plea deal, she said.
You can't just stop reading when you get to the first comma. The offense is "parading" OR "demonstrating" OR "picketing" in the Capital so it's very specific. And he pleaded guilty to the charges, they didn't convict him of the offense.
Hyper-partisan sniping by RINOs of Trumpery - a cult that has ravaged the Grand Old Party (Founded 1854) since 2016 - cannot elude a sober assessment of the object of their veneration's plight

Trump faces a formidable task defending against charges that he illegally kept top-secret documents upon leaving the White House in 2021, according to legal experts, who say neither the law nor the facts appear to be on his side...
The 37 counts against him include violations of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice and making false statements to investigators.
National security law experts were struck by the breadth of evidence in the indictment which includes documents, photos, text messages, audio and witness statements. They said this made a strong case for prosecutors’ allegation that Trump illegally took the documents and then tried to cover it up…
Trump's greatest peril could lie in the conspiracy to obstruct justice charges, which carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Legal experts said the evidence appears to show that Trump was aware he had documents in his possession that were subject to a subpoena but refused to turn them over and encouraged his lawyers to mislead the FBI.
"That's about as clear a case of obstruction as you could imagine," said Clark Neily, a legal expert at the conservative Cato Institute….
Obstruction of justice is a particularly difficult charge to defend against, attorney Mark MacDougall said. “It offends people. Hiding things from a lawful legal process. Most people understand why that’s a crime," he said.
Legal experts said Trump's alleged years-long effort to conceal documents was likely a major factor in Special Counsel Jack Smith's decision to indict him.
I anticipate that Trump's defense team will assess their prospects, and try to postpone the inevitable for as long as they can, while Trump rages and bilks his worshipers.
Who the fuck are you kidding? You and the rest of your ilk have always been enemies of the nation.
So Trump is not a victim of his own stupidity and arrogance?
Being stupid and arrogant, even if true, is no reason to be charged with a crime you didn’t commit.

And if you vindictive leftists weren’t so busy jumping up and down with glee over the idea that the current administration is trying to imprison their key political opponent, you’d know that refusing to turn over classified documents is a CIVIL offense. That’s why the DOJ came up with the idea to charge him with the Espionage Act.
Being stupid and arrogant, even if true, is no reason to be charged with a crime you didn’t commit.
Trump admitted it.
Then he didn't.
Now he claims the documents were planted.
WTF is up with Trump ALWAYS changing his story?
And his gullible cult BELIEVES him.
And if you vindictive leftists weren’t so busy jumping up and down with glee over the idea that the current administration is trying to imprison their key political opponent,
When your political opponent just happens to be a criminal, who committed crimes.
They go to jail or prison.
you’d know that refusing to turn over classified documents is a CIVIL offense.
Who told you THAT?

That’s why the DOJ came up with the idea to charge him with the Espionage Act.
That was Trump.

Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized location.”

Previously, someone found guilty of this crime could face up to one year in prison.

Now, a person convicted of violating this law can face up to five years in prison ― making it a felony-level offense to mishandle classified documents under 18 U.S.C. 1924.
Again, Trump hasn't been brutally murdered for any of the 37 crimes he's been charged with.
The ONLY reason that is true is because you dems werent able to get your knee on his neck, but youre trying to hard as fuck right now and you have been for years. You DESPERATELY want a Chauvin situation but you havent managed to pull it off.

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