The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

Do you even care if Trump broke the Law?

Post the evidence against Biden and if he broke the Law he should go to jail just like anyone else would.

Of course not. Conservatives delight in corruption. Trump being able to flagrantly violate the law and get away with it is one of the things they love most about him. He plays into their power fantasies.

The purpose of conservatism is enforced inequality.

Which is why they take Trump being held accountable so personally. It fucks with their sense of identity.

The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An

Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes

The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

The purpose of an indictment is to provide notice to the defendant of the nature and circumstances of the charges. The content of an indictment is 100% the result of decisions made by the prosecutor. The document is drafted by the prosecutor and presented to the grand jury. The grand jury does not itself make changes to the language or allegations in the indictment.
The legal requirement with regard to the content of an indictment is that there be sufficient specificity that the defendant is advised of the time, place, and details of the charges so as to allow a defendant to claim “double jeopardy” in circumstances where the subject of the prosecution has been previously adjudicated against him.
Beyond that, federal courts at all levels have held that the charging language in an indictment combined with the detailed information and evidence provided to he defendant and his counsel in discovery, satisfies the “notice” required by due process.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis for the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What is absolutely certain is that the content of any indictment is not a reflection of any “right” of the public to see a litany of detailed ALLEGATIONS that form the basis of the charges, especially where those allegations are not presented in the context of the ACTUAL EVIDENCE that may — or may not — support the claims alleged.
What the Department of Justice has done more and more often in the past 20 years — particularly since the dawn of internet era — is to use what are called “speaking indictments” to manufacture a public narrative concerning the alleged crimes of the defendant. The more high profile the case, the more effort DOJ puts into crafting an extensive narrative for public consumption. With the allegations set forth in a public record, Department of Justice officials can discuss them in the press without violating DOJ policy.
Because the allegations will be published far and wide long before they are subject to the crucible of the adversarial system of justice, the narrative takes hold in the public consciousness as “fact” and often becomes impervious to contrary evidence.
Before turning to the Trump indictment, let me provide you a real world example that I was just involved in over the past few months.

The FSB and Stasi story keeps continues to change.
WaPo interviewed the same witnesses as Jack Smith and originally reported the Mar-a-Lago storage room was secured by lock and key. The indictment omits this fact. No where does it say the storage room had a lock, leaving court to believe it was unsecured.
Never was it documented boxes were taken from anywhere but the storage room or Trumps office. Now a ballroom and bathroom, deep faked or staged photos? Yet all the boxes were more secure than where Bidens stolen documents at the University office. the China Town Office and strewn a garage with a crack heads access.
Meanwhile, the Stasi/FBI has covered up and buried the fact that Joey Xi Bai Dung took a $5 million dollar bribe while Vice President.

More astroturfing from the leftards.

Do those stupid brain dead leftfucks really think no one can see what they're doing?

Leftards have turned evil.
I can't believe I have to explain this.

Our laws stipulate what type of crime has been committed (infraction, misdemeanor, felony) for each offense prohibited along with the prescribed punishment for each violation.

The punishment for drug possession under certain amounts which tend to indicate they are for recreational use and not for trafficking is, upon conviction, x number of months in jail (for misdemeanors), x number of years in prison (for felonies), no jail or prison time for traffic infractions, instead there is payment of a fine.

Of course there are exceptions and special circumstances for everything stated above, but what is important for you to remember, the penalty for "taking drugs", "getting high", "resisting arrest" IS NOT DEATH.

It doesn't matter how many times George Floyd or anyone else has violated the drug laws or resisted arrest, the prescribed penalty for those violations do not include forfeiting one's life.

And he's not a hero because he got killed by a cop, he's considered a hero to many because his death was captured on video tape and to most normal people was heart breaking. His death opened the eyes of the whole world to the plight of Black Americans that we've been complaining about for centuries.

His death also resulted in the first conviction of a police officer for the killing of a Black man although our country has been in existence for 245 years. The first time IN 245 YEARS.
Dumbshit, George Floyd threatened a pregnant woman with a knife.

The fucker should have been dead long before the cop got him.
You're a schoolteacher right? Then surely you know that words are important in the meanings that they convey.

I'm taking exception to your use of the word "perverted justice" because while I understand why you probably used that term, it's not correct. Something is either just or not, it's just or unjust.

There is no such thing as murdering someone and referring to that act of murder as any form of justice because it's not justice, not even "perverted justice" the act is a CRIME. But your attempt to compare a man who had his life unlawfully extinguished by a police officer in full view of a crowd, many of whom were begging Chauvin to get off of Floyd because he couldn't breathe, to the self-inflicted progression of wounds inflicted upon himself by Donald Trump is breath taking.

People being racially profiled are victims, people who are shot and killed by the police when not posing an actual threat to them or anyone else are victims, and so on and so forth. Drivers, including those who are not Black who get pulled over and have all their cash confiscated due to phony civil asset forfeitures schemes in certain places in the country are victims. And yes, the laws are being applied unequally to them when they are being profiled and targeted however TRUMP IS NOT A VICTIM in this. HE DID THIS TO HIMSELF.

That's what I'm trying to get you to understand, which is why your comparisons do not hold any water.
You LIE.

The fucking leftard media has been lying about Trump SINCE DAY ONE.

The idea that any of this was self inflicted is another bullshit leftard fantasy.

It's time to bring the bullshit leftard fantasy world to an end.
Unequal application of the law is perverted justice. Everyone understands this. Young children understand this. You pointing out which laws are state or federal laws (!?) is not going to dodge the issue.
The stupid fucking leftards think they can ignore this issue, but I'm going to help shove it up their bleeding assholes with a red hot poker.
Me? I've got a 37 count indictment to read again and an arraignment for Trump tomorrow to look forward to.

What do you have? Impotent imagination and sniveling excuses for why you lost.

You need to get a life.

And a brain.
So you think the GOP should just plain dissolve and there be nothing but far Left whackjov Commies like you. Fuck that.
Do you think Eisenhower or any of the other respectable Repubs would have anything to do with these people today? Trump got no votes from any of the Bushes. The gun nuts and racists now own the GOP.

The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An

Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes

The hyper-partisan, paranoid whining makes no sense.

Neither Special Counsel Smith, nor Attorney General Garland who appointed him, is or has ever been registered as a Democrat. (Special Counsel Mueller, and Acting Attorney General Rosenstein who appointed him, were both registered Republicans.) Federal Judge Aileen M. Cannon, overseeing the case, is a Trump appointee.

Trump has been charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information; 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice; 1 count of withholding a document or record; 1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record; 1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation; 1 count of scheme to conceal; and 1 count of false statements and representations.

Prosecutors will present their evidence, and Trump's defense attorneys will be accorded ample opportunity to refute, discredit, or mitigate any or all charges.

A verdict will ensue.

Ultra-partisan hype, bluster, bombast, fustian, diversion, and deflection may proliferate elsewhere, but are irrelevant to the legal process under the rules of American jurisprudence.

Republican William Barr, appointed by Trump as his Attorney General:

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  • Brilliant
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One thing is sure. You too will have to live in the rotten hellhole you want for the rest of us.

Humanity did not deserve America.
Trump made us a rotting hellhole complete will mase graves of dead people and dead people stacked in freezers.

Trump is not the victim here and there is no abuse of prosecutorial power for political purposes.

You are just about stupid enough to fall for thre I am running for office so they can't indict me con. That's why trump declared so early. Because he knew this was coming and that his base is stupid enough to fall for his whining about being politically persecuted.
In Liberalspeak, "respectable"= Neocon limpwristed RINO. Neither Bush is a true Conservative nor was Ike.
Hyper-partisan sniping by RINOs of Trumpery - a cult that has ravaged the Grand Old Party (Founded 1854) since 2016 - cannot elude a sober assessment of the object of their veneration's plight

Trump faces a formidable task defending against charges that he illegally kept top-secret documents upon leaving the White House in 2021, according to legal experts, who say neither the law nor the facts appear to be on his side...
The 37 counts against him include violations of the Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct justice and making false statements to investigators.
National security law experts were struck by the breadth of evidence in the indictment which includes documents, photos, text messages, audio and witness statements. They said this made a strong case for prosecutors’ allegation that Trump illegally took the documents and then tried to cover it up…
Trump's greatest peril could lie in the conspiracy to obstruct justice charges, which carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Legal experts said the evidence appears to show that Trump was aware he had documents in his possession that were subject to a subpoena but refused to turn them over and encouraged his lawyers to mislead the FBI.
"That's about as clear a case of obstruction as you could imagine," said Clark Neily, a legal expert at the conservative Cato Institute….
Obstruction of justice is a particularly difficult charge to defend against, attorney Mark MacDougall said. “It offends people. Hiding things from a lawful legal process. Most people understand why that’s a crime," he said.
Legal experts said Trump's alleged years-long effort to conceal documents was likely a major factor in Special Counsel Jack Smith's decision to indict him.
I anticipate that Trump's defense team will assess their prospects, and try to postpone the inevitable for as long as they can, while Trump rages and bilks his worshipers.
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No, your request is rejected. You want to invoke the injustice done to Black people and I acknowledge that and have cited it pretty accurately in how Blacks are pulled over and charged with traffic crimes unjustly. But you DO NOT want that applied to Trump, somehow it couldn't happen to him because he is white and rich.



That's first.

Use your imagination to figure out how there might not, indeed, be a "lot of dirt" on him if Mueller and the Steele Dossier and everything else was unable to get serious convictions, but here they come again with document crimes. Did he "commit crimes"? Sure. Again. So did all the Blacks pulled over for "traffic violations".

You're smart enough to know this which is why, I suspect, you don't want it brought up. But it cuts ALL ways.

Don't even try comparing this to what blacks have endured. You have just repeated a bunch of far right lies about things that have happened to trump. All trump had to do was turn over the boxes. He thought he was above the law.

Now his ass is caught up.

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