The inept and corrupt federal government


Just like every progressive program in history, conservatives warned against it and accurately predicted exactly what would happen. Social Security (like all unconstitutional progressive programs) was always unsustainable. But that reality was exacerbated by a corrupt federal government which raided the Social Security fund like it was their own personal piggy bank.

Projections Differ, but Social Security Is in Deep Trouble
If Social Security is not sustainable; and it didn't lead to America going communistic as Republicans predicted, and Bush and the Republicans could not privatize it, America might just be stuck with it.
Hard to be stuck with something that is unsustainable. It's going to go away when there is no money left in the coffer - whether the American people want it or not.

Just like every progressive program in history, conservatives warned against it and accurately predicted exactly what would happen. Social Security (like all unconstitutional progressive programs) was always unsustainable. But that reality was exacerbated by a corrupt federal government which raided the Social Security fund like it was their own personal piggy bank.

Projections Differ, but Social Security Is in Deep Trouble
If Social Security is not sustainable; and it didn't lead to America going communistic as Republicans predicted, and Bush and the Republicans could not privatize it, America might just be stuck with it.
Hard to be stuck with something that is unsustainable. It's going to go away when there is no money left in the coffer - whether the American people want it or not.
So will the Republican party bite the bullet and tell the American people that they have to kill Social Security?

Just like every progressive program in history, conservatives warned against it and accurately predicted exactly what would happen. Social Security (like all unconstitutional progressive programs) was always unsustainable. But that reality was exacerbated by a corrupt federal government which raided the Social Security fund like it was their own personal piggy bank.

Projections Differ, but Social Security Is in Deep Trouble
If Social Security is not sustainable; and it didn't lead to America going communistic as Republicans predicted, and Bush and the Republicans could not privatize it, America might just be stuck with it.
Hard to be stuck with something that is unsustainable. It's going to go away when there is no money left in the coffer - whether the American people want it or not.
So will the Republican party bite the bullet and tell the American people that they have to kill Social Security?
Doubtful. That would take real leadership - something we rarely see in Washington D.C.
Just like every progressive program in history, conservatives warned against it and accurately predicted exactly what would happen. Social Security (like all unconstitutional progressive programs) was always unsustainable. But that reality was exacerbated by a corrupt federal government which raided the Social Security fund like it was their own personal piggy bank.

Make the Rich pay their fair share. Problem solved.
If Social Security is not sustainable; and it didn't lead to America going communistic as Republicans predicted, and Bush and the Republicans could not privatize it, America might just be stuck with it.

well, yes, when Republicans raided the trust fund to pay for Bush's War on an Emotional State, it did create a problem.

But, no, the solution is simple enough.

1) Means test it so we arent sending big checks to Billionaires that they don't need.
2) Make the rich pay their fair share to pay back the money taken out of the trust fund and keep it solvent.
3) Incrementally raise the retirement age to reflect when people are really no longer able to work.

You see, the real problem with Social Security is that it's a victim of its own success. When it was enacted people only lived to be 63 on average. Now the average lifespan is 78. Those fucking old people, not dying on us when they've outlived their usefulness to the rich people that Poodle worships.
Thomas Jefferson was in Paris as the framers wrote the Constitution, and Paris was becoming the beacon of the enlightenment period.
Is there a point here? Thomas Jefferson personally penned the Declaration of Independence and he was one of the most respected legal and political minds of that era (if not thee most respected). His protege James Madison did help pen the Constitution and Jefferson's vision and structure for government were well represented and implemented.
So is Jefferson considered a liberal?
So you admit that you're a progressive because you are fiercely racists and progressives are the ideology of racism?

He doesn't understand that progressivism and liberalism are miles apart. Actually, classic liberals are closer to conservatives... keeping government out of the affairs of the individual, individual freedoms, etc.
Still looking for your, or others, definition of progressivism. College bookstores have booklets on political ideologies and they might help you. Perhaps you are referring to America's Progressive Period, 1900 t0 1915? Wilson said they were going to restore government to the Constitution.
No matter how many times you lie won't make it true. You just keep destroying you're already useless credibility. It's stuff like this why you're the laughing joke of USMB and widely considered to be one of the biggest assholes anyone has ever encountered.

So why do I have three times as many ratings as you do again?

Because you have a lot more posts than he does. Idiot!

If you want to break it down he has 11.6% of his posts get rated compared to your 8.6%. You don't seem like you know numbers well. You joined the board six days after he did and have 57,317 more posts. So for you to track near P@triots numbers and you should have a rating of 9164 and you are only at 6796. Now for you to track at my rate you would need to have a rating of 11850.

Looks like your numbers aren't that good.
Boom, baby! And Hitlery takes a right hook to the jaw. Only a complete tool, blind partisan hack, and pathological liar like JoeB131 could even attempt to make the case that the federal government doesn't have severe corruption or that it is exponentially worse than corporate America.

Wow... so if you waited five minutes, Poodle, you'd have found out that this was really nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton, just that they found copies of e-mails on Anthony Weiner's computer that Mrs. Clinton didn't send and probably didn't receive, either.
Yes, we both know you are still upset about whatever butthurt I inflicted on you years ago... that I've largely forgotten about... because you aren't that important. So keep following me around like a little puppy...
Boom, baby! And Hitlery takes a right hook to the jaw. Only a complete tool, blind partisan hack, and pathological liar like JoeB131 could even attempt to make the case that the federal government doesn't have severe corruption or that it is exponentially worse than corporate America.

Wow... so if you waited five minutes, Poodle, you'd have found out that this was really nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton, just that they found copies of e-mails on Anthony Weiner's computer that Mrs. Clinton didn't send and probably didn't receive, either.
Everything that's wrong with this federal government is due to the career politician, They basically become millionaires when elected from kickbacks and such. They only work a few hours a week, they are the picture of hypocrisy....
The fact remains there is no doubt the wieners are the apprentices of the Clintons... no Doubt relationship that is incestuous to the extent no telling where one starts and the other ends...
The Clintons are above the law… Fact
Boom, baby! And Hitlery takes a right hook to the jaw. Only a complete tool, blind partisan hack, and pathological liar like JoeB131 could even attempt to make the case that the federal government doesn't have severe corruption or that it is exponentially worse than corporate America.

Wow... so if you waited five minutes, Poodle, you'd have found out that this was really nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton, just that they found copies of e-mails on Anthony Weiner's computer that Mrs. Clinton didn't send and probably didn't receive, either.
Everything that's wrong with this federal government is due to the career politician, They basically become millionaires when elected from kickbacks and such. They only work a few hours a week, they are the picture of hypocrisy....
The fact remains there is no doubt the wieners are the apprentices of the Clintons... no Doubt relationship that is incestuous to the extent no telling where one starts and the other ends...
The Clintons are above the law… Fact

Agreed, it has helped lead to political corruption. Both sides of the aisle do the same, yet if they play the partisan game to distract from the corruption.

Some of the highlights found in the report include:
  • $5.4 million for a no-bid contract for crystal stemware.
  • $630,000 to increase Facebook likes for the State Department.
  • $79,000 to get copies of President Obama’s book.
It's really hard to wrap your head around the idiotic Dumbocrat view of government. Crystal stemware?!? Are you fucking kidding me? Crystal stemware?!? It is beyond an outrage that these ignorant, entitled, inept idiots believe that they should have the finest off of the tax payers back.

If I were president, all of that stuff would be sold today to recoup as much of the tax payers money as possible and would be replaced by the cheapest, yet most durable, plastic cups imaginable. Something like this right here:


We do not need to impress anybody. And most people would have no idea what they were holding anyway (nor would they care). This is inexcusable and we'll have to hear idiot progressive minions trying to argue that it's "necessary". And $630,000 to increase Facebook likes? More egregious corruption, waste, and ineptitude than even the worst corporations.

Clinton's State Department Waste and Mismanagement
It's really hard to wrap your head around the idiotic Dumbocrat view of government. Crystal stemware?!? Are you fucking kidding me? Crystal stemware?!? It is beyond an outrage that these ignorant, entitled, inept idiots believe that they should have the finest off of the tax payers back.

So you think the State Department should use Red Solo Cups during formal events?

Gee, I know this was before your time, Short Pants, but I'm betting you probably weren't as outraged about this.


That image has been shaped by a string of well-publicized events, ranging from Mrs. Reagan's arrival in Washington last January with a $25,000 inaugural wardrobe to her recent purchase of more than $200,000 worth of china for the White House.

In Washington and elsewhere, the First Lady's activities have sparked discussion and controversy. Democratic strategists on Capitol Hill are already planning to use Mrs. Reagan's ''Queen Nancy'' image to woo blue-collar voters in next year's elections.

Newspapers headline writers have had a field day proclaiming her ''New China Policy.'' Johnny Carson jokes about her ''favorite junk food - caviar.''

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