The inept and corrupt federal government

That is how R&D works. You take a chance on a new technology that may or may not be a major advance. If it doesn't work, you figure out why and learn from your mistakes
Just look at aviation and space travel
No...that's not how R&D "works". How R&D actually works is that private organizations in the private sector spend private money to develop products. The federal government is not authorized to spend my money on energy R&D.

Having worked almost 40 years in the defense industry, that is not how it works.
Private industry hates to take risk in unexplored technologies. That is usually the realm of academia and the Government. The Government awards defense contractors contracts to do R&D and develop a working prototype. That prototype is then tested and if it meets expectations, a production contract is awarded.
Risk is on the Government
Federal Govt can't spend money on energy? Who developed nuclear power?

Wow, a whole lot of absolutes in this thread. "R&D works this way, no it works like this. It's all private, no it's all government. "

The reality is it is some of both. Government sure didn't lead the way on the development of PCs or cell phones/smart phones. However they are in some ways funding electric car development thru tax credits and subsidies, and when it comes to civil defense and space exploration government certainly leads.
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
Government invented the Internet. First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits. Government developed. GPS
Do you have a point to you incoherent ramblings? Private industry developed the automobile. Private industry developed flight. Private industry developed the iPhone and iPad. Private industry created Microsoft Windows.

And by the way - government did not "invent" the internet. They created a redundant communications system for nuclear war for continuity of government. It was a university in California (forget which one) which took that redundant system and used it to connect computers. Having cabling for communications is a FAR cry from "creating the internet". Computers didn't even exist at the time that ARPANET was created.
Having worked almost 40 years in the defense industry, that is not how it works.
Having spent years lying on USMB as you have, nobody is buying anything you say anymore.
Private industry hates to take risk in unexplored technologies.
Wow...your second lie in only your second sentence. You might set a new personal record here RW. Private industry lives for risk. It's how they innovate and become the first to market. Every single entrepreneur has taken risk.
That is usually the realm of academia and the Government. mean the two entities where results are irrelevant?
The Government awards defense contractors contracts to do R&D and develop a working prototype. That prototype is then tested and if it meets expectations, a production contract is awarded.
Yeah genius...defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government. Energy is not.
Federal Govt can't spend money on energy? Who developed nuclear power?
Yeah...and you'd know that if you actually read the U.S. Constitution.

Excuse me, Mr. Rightwinger sir- you just got served!

That's it?

Doesn't take much to impress you

He shredded you pal. Sorry, it's hard to accept, but it happened.

That is how R&D works. You take a chance on a new technology that may or may not be a major advance. If it doesn't work, you figure out why and learn from your mistakes
Just look at aviation and space travel
No...that's not how R&D "works". How R&D actually works is that private organizations in the private sector spend private money to develop products. The federal government is not authorized to spend my money on energy R&D.

Having worked almost 40 years in the defense industry, that is not how it works.
Private industry hates to take risk in unexplored technologies. That is usually the realm of academia and the Government. The Government awards defense contractors contracts to do R&D and develop a working prototype. That prototype is then tested and if it meets expectations, a production contract is awarded.
Risk is on the Government
Federal Govt can't spend money on energy? Who developed nuclear power?

Wow, a whole lot of absolutes in this thread. "R&D works this way, no it works like this. It's all private, no it's all government. "

The reality is it is some of both. Government sure didn't lead the way on the development of PCs or cell phones/smart phones. However they are in some ways funding electric car development thru tax credits and subsidies, and when it comes to civil defense and space exploration government certainly leads.
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
Government, by its nature, will become more inept and more corrupt as it grows. It is an inevitability.
Give an example
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
That is how R&D works. You take a chance on a new technology that may or may not be a major advance. If it doesn't work, you figure out why and learn from your mistakes
Just look at aviation and space travel
No...that's not how R&D "works". How R&D actually works is that private organizations in the private sector spend private money to develop products. The federal government is not authorized to spend my money on energy R&D.

Having worked almost 40 years in the defense industry, that is not how it works.
Private industry hates to take risk in unexplored technologies. That is usually the realm of academia and the Government. The Government awards defense contractors contracts to do R&D and develop a working prototype. That prototype is then tested and if it meets expectations, a production contract is awarded.
Risk is on the Government
Federal Govt can't spend money on energy? Who developed nuclear power?

Wow, a whole lot of absolutes in this thread. "R&D works this way, no it works like this. It's all private, no it's all government. "

The reality is it is some of both. Government sure didn't lead the way on the development of PCs or cell phones/smart phones. However they are in some ways funding electric car development thru tax credits and subsidies, and when it comes to civil defense and space exploration government certainly leads.
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
Government, by its nature, will become more inept and more corrupt as it grows. It is an inevitability.
Give an example
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
OK...let's discuss

Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government

I bet you lose
Good God! Is that the government you want? One of the poorest in the modern world, dirt farmers, marginal treasury, no roads, no services
If that's not the government you want then convince the American people your vision of a communist, centralized-controlled government is the right vision and get them to legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution. What is so hard about that?

By the way chief - roads can and are created by states, counties, and cities. Don't need federal government for roads. Also, we converted from a farming-based society to an industrial-based society without any intervention from government.

Do you realize that when challenged, you either egregiously lie or create a straw man? You can't defend your beliefs at all. Which means you've put no real thought into what you believe and why you believe it. Sad. I suspect that at the end of the day, you're just looking for the most handouts but you lack the integrity to admit that.
OK...let's discuss. Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government. I bet you lose may have challenged BTM but I'll take that "challenge"!

Big Centralized Government
  • Unconstitutional/Illegal
  • Puts power and control into the hands of people far away from my community and completely out of touch with my situation
  • Takes money away from my community, greatly hurting my community
  • Creates an ignorant "one-size-fits-all" structure for a very large, very diverse nation
  • Consolidates power and control into the hands of a few - ensuring corruption and abuse of power
Small Decentralized Government
  • Constitutional/legal
  • Puts power and control into the hands of people in my community - completely familiar with my situation
  • Keeps money in my community, greatly improving my community
  • Creates a very diverse structure - customizable for each region to meet the unique needs of the diverse people of each region
  • Spreads out power and control among many ensuring less corruption and abuse of power
Thanks for playing RW! It was fun....!
No...that's not how R&D "works". How R&D actually works is that private organizations in the private sector spend private money to develop products. The federal government is not authorized to spend my money on energy R&D.

Having worked almost 40 years in the defense industry, that is not how it works.
Private industry hates to take risk in unexplored technologies. That is usually the realm of academia and the Government. The Government awards defense contractors contracts to do R&D and develop a working prototype. That prototype is then tested and if it meets expectations, a production contract is awarded.
Risk is on the Government
Federal Govt can't spend money on energy? Who developed nuclear power?

Wow, a whole lot of absolutes in this thread. "R&D works this way, no it works like this. It's all private, no it's all government. "

The reality is it is some of both. Government sure didn't lead the way on the development of PCs or cell phones/smart phones. However they are in some ways funding electric car development thru tax credits and subsidies, and when it comes to civil defense and space exploration government certainly leads.
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
Government, by its nature, will become more inept and more corrupt as it grows. It is an inevitability.
Give an example
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
OK...let's discuss

Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government

I bet you lose

One word- efficiency. Large government is cumbersome and inefficient, wasteful and tends to overreach. Smaller government is more adaptable, nimble and more responsive.
Good God! Is that the government you want? One of the poorest in the modern world, dirt farmers, marginal treasury, no roads, no services
If that's not the government you want then convince the American people your vision of a communist, centralized-controlled government is the right vision and get them to legally and properly amend the U.S. Constitution. What is so hard about that?

By the way chief - roads can and are created by states, counties, and cities. Don't need federal government for roads. Also, we converted from a farming-based society to an industrial-based society without any intervention from government.

Do you realize that when challenged, you either egregiously lie or create a straw man? You can't defend your beliefs at all. Which means you've put no real thought into what you believe and why you believe it. Sad. I suspect that at the end of the day, you're just looking for the most handouts but you lack the integrity to admit that.
We have convinced the American people that we want to pay to support our poorest, provide healthcare, Social Security, interstate highway system
Having worked almost 40 years in the defense industry, that is not how it works.
Private industry hates to take risk in unexplored technologies. That is usually the realm of academia and the Government. The Government awards defense contractors contracts to do R&D and develop a working prototype. That prototype is then tested and if it meets expectations, a production contract is awarded.
Risk is on the Government
Federal Govt can't spend money on energy? Who developed nuclear power?

Wow, a whole lot of absolutes in this thread. "R&D works this way, no it works like this. It's all private, no it's all government. "

The reality is it is some of both. Government sure didn't lead the way on the development of PCs or cell phones/smart phones. However they are in some ways funding electric car development thru tax credits and subsidies, and when it comes to civil defense and space exploration government certainly leads.
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
Government, by its nature, will become more inept and more corrupt as it grows. It is an inevitability.
Give an example
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
OK...let's discuss

Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government

I bet you lose

One word- efficiency. Large government is cumbersome and inefficient, wasteful and tends to overreach. Smaller government is more adaptable, nimble and more responsive.
Just the opposite

One central government is more efficient than 50 separate state governments trying to do the same thing
Wow, a whole lot of absolutes in this thread. "R&D works this way, no it works like this. It's all private, no it's all government. "

The reality is it is some of both. Government sure didn't lead the way on the development of PCs or cell phones/smart phones. However they are in some ways funding electric car development thru tax credits and subsidies, and when it comes to civil defense and space exploration government certainly leads.
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
Give an example
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
OK...let's discuss

Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government

I bet you lose

One word- efficiency. Large government is cumbersome and inefficient, wasteful and tends to overreach. Smaller government is more adaptable, nimble and more responsive.
Just the opposite

One central government is more efficient than 50 separate state governments trying to do the same thing

You believe in economy of scale in all cases. It doesn't work that way. 50 separate states ( which the founders invisioned) can manage as they need and require. Putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak, leaves no room for error.

Tell me why the VA hospital in Denver hasn't been built yet and is hundreds of millions over budget. Unfamiliar with it? Read this and then get back to me on your big Government fairytales.

Report Shows Why The Denver VA Hospital Is A Total Failure, And This Similar Hospital Is A Total Success
Government invented the Internet.
First computers were developed by the government
Space program led to integrated circuits
Government developed GPS
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
OK...let's discuss

Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government

I bet you lose

One word- efficiency. Large government is cumbersome and inefficient, wasteful and tends to overreach. Smaller government is more adaptable, nimble and more responsive.
Just the opposite

One central government is more efficient than 50 separate state governments trying to do the same thing

You believe in economy of scale in all cases. It doesn't work that way. 50 separate states ( which the founders invisioned) can manage as they need and require. Putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak, leaves no room for error.

Tell me why the VA hospital in Denver hasn't been built yet and is hundreds of millions over budget. Unfamiliar with it? Read this and then get back to me on your big Government fairytales.

Report Shows Why The Denver VA Hospital Is A Total Failure, And This Similar Hospital Is A Total Success
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
The federal government has reached levels of ineptitude and corruption the likes of which have never been seen before by man. They are nearly $20 trillion in debt, have far exceeded the 18 enumerated powers they were authorized to oversee, and are now oppressing the very people they are supposed to answer to and represent.

You're a lunatic.
We have convinced the American people that we want to pay to support our poorest, provide healthcare, Social Security, interstate highway system
No you haven't. If you had - the U.S. Constitution would have been properly amended to reflect those items has the responsibility of the federal government and it hasn't been. What you've done is the same thing progressives always do - you violated the law to achieve the power and control they were looking for. Certainly nothing to be proud of.

So once again you just proved what I previously stated - in every post you either egregiously lie or create a straw man.
The federal government has reached levels of ineptitude and corruption the likes of which have never been seen before by man. They are nearly $20 trillion in debt, have far exceeded the 18 enumerated powers they were authorized to oversee, and are now oppressing the very people they are supposed to answer to and represent.

You're a lunatic.
Only in the warped mind of a progressive could speaking facts make one a "lunatic".
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
And yet you inexplicably advocate for that in everything you say and do...
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
And yet you inexplicably advocate for that in everything you say and do...

Show me an example...just one

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