The inept and corrupt federal government

We have convinced the American people that we want to pay to support our poorest, provide healthcare, Social Security, interstate highway system
No you haven't. If you had - the U.S. Constitution would have been properly amended to reflect those items has the responsibility of the federal government and it hasn't been. What you've done is the same thing progressives always do - you violated the law to achieve the power and control they were looking for. Certainly nothing to be proud of.

So once again you just proved what I previously stated - in every post you either egregiously lie or create a straw man.

Any appeals as to the constitutionality of those functions have been rejected

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I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
And yet you inexplicably advocate for that in everything you say and do...

Show me an example...just one
You vote for Dumbocrats, you speak out for Dumbocrats, you speak out against constitutional government, and you lie about candidates who stand for constitutional government in an attempt to ruin their reputation and prevent them from being elected.

There...just gave you four.
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
And yet you inexplicably advocate for that in everything you say and do...

Show me an example...just one
You vote for Dumbocrats, you speak out for Dumbocrats, you speak out against constitutional government, and you lie about candidates who stand for constitutional government in an attempt to ruin their reputation and prevent them from being elected.

There...just gave you four.

What on earth does that have to do with the level of government to which functions are allocated?

Do you know how to read?
Any appeals as to the constitutionality of those functions have been rejected
So was John Gotti's guilt the first 7 times he went on trial. Does that mean he was "innocent" or was he just illegally rigging the outcome in his favor? :eusa_doh:

That's the way the legal system works...Gotti went to jail

Show ANY case where those functions of Government have been deemed unconstitutional in the last 80 years
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
And yet you inexplicably advocate for that in everything you say and do...

Show me an example...just one
You vote for Dumbocrats, you speak out for Dumbocrats, you speak out against constitutional government, and you lie about candidates who stand for constitutional government in an attempt to ruin their reputation and prevent them from being elected.

There...just gave you four.

What on earth does that have to do with the level of government to which functions are allocated?

Do you know how to read?
I do. I also know how to respond with facts. Which is why you're getting so irritated. If you don't understand what Dumbocrat vs. Republican "has to do with the level of government to which functions are allocated" then you really shouldn't be discussing politics snowflake.

Everything you do is aimed at allocating all functions to the federal level.
Any appeals as to the constitutionality of those functions have been rejected
So was John Gotti's guilt the first 7 times he went on trial. Does that mean he was "innocent" or was he just illegally rigging the outcome in his favor? :eusa_doh:

That's the way the legal system works...Gotti went to jail

Show ANY case where those functions of Government have been deemed unconstitutional in the last 80 years
Which again is the equivalent of the Gotti family saying "show us ANY case where John's actions have been deemed to be illegal". And they did say that.

Yet even someone like you had enough sense to know that Gotti was guilty as hell. Just like even you habe enough sense to know that Obamacare and hundreds of other of federal legislation and actions are 100% unconstitutional. You just don't have the integrity to admit it.
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet
And yet you inexplicably advocate for that in everything you say and do...

Show me an example...just one
You vote for Dumbocrats, you speak out for Dumbocrats, you speak out against constitutional government, and you lie about candidates who stand for constitutional government in an attempt to ruin their reputation and prevent them from being elected.

There...just gave you four.

What on earth does that have to do with the level of government to which functions are allocated?

Do you know how to read?
I do. I also know how to respond with facts. Which is why you're getting so irritated. If you don't understand what Dumbocrat vs. Republican "has to do with the level of government to which functions are allocated" then you really shouldn't be discussing politics snowflake.

Everything you do is aimed at allocating all functions to the federal level. still got some splain'n to do

Neither Democrats or Republicans have control over what level of government is responsible for different functions

You are just babbling now...give some examples
Any appeals as to the constitutionality of those functions have been rejected
So was John Gotti's guilt the first 7 times he went on trial. Does that mean he was "innocent" or was he just illegally rigging the outcome in his favor? :eusa_doh:

That's the way the legal system works...Gotti went to jail

Show ANY case where those functions of Government have been deemed unconstitutional in the last 80 years
Which again is the equivalent of the Gotti family saying "show us ANY case where John's actions have been deemed to be illegal". And they did say that.

Yet even someone like you had enough sense to know that Gotti was guilty as hell. Just like even you habe enough sense to know that Obamacare and hundreds of other of federal legislation and actions are 100% unconstitutional. You just don't have the integrity to admit it.
Gotti died in prison

Show where any of those functions are unconstitutional
Gotti died in prison
Why is it that when you're proven wrong you turn into a disingenuous dick? Let's see if we can get a moment of honesty out of you here. Did John Gotti "die in prison" because of the results of is first indictment and subsequent trial? Yes or No?
Neither Democrats or Republicans have control over what level of government is responsible for different functions
Really? Then how did healthcare suddenly and magically become the responsibility of the federal government? :uhh:

It isn't

Obamacare is executed by the states. There are no Federal Health Exchanges
There is a federal mandate. The exchanges were conceived as a result of federal legislation. There is federal funding for those state exchanges.

I find it hard to believe that you're not aware of that. Which means you're blatantly attempting to be disingenuous here.

By the Medicare the result of "state exchanges"? Is Medicaid the result of "state exchanges"? Any other desperate attempts you'd like to make here to deflect reality?
Patriot, He's an apologetic liberal. He will never acknowledge the shortcomings of big centralized government. He wipes his ass with the constitution.
OK...let's discuss

Tell me the shortcomings of a big centralized government vs a small decentralized government

I bet you lose

One word- efficiency. Large government is cumbersome and inefficient, wasteful and tends to overreach. Smaller government is more adaptable, nimble and more responsive.
Just the opposite

One central government is more efficient than 50 separate state governments trying to do the same thing

You believe in economy of scale in all cases. It doesn't work that way. 50 separate states ( which the founders invisioned) can manage as they need and require. Putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak, leaves no room for error.

Tell me why the VA hospital in Denver hasn't been built yet and is hundreds of millions over budget. Unfamiliar with it? Read this and then get back to me on your big Government fairytales.

Report Shows Why The Denver VA Hospital Is A Total Failure, And This Similar Hospital Is A Total Success
I didn't say it applies in all cases
Some functions are best performed by my town or county
Some are better done at the state level
Some are best done at the federal level

I don't want the federal government plowing the snow in front of my house
I don't want my town chipping in for a fighter jet

Ok, I don't need the Federal government dictating how and what the local school teaches, if a woman can have a particular surgery (abortion), how much money the local store pays their new employee.
No...that's not how R&D "works". How R&D actually works is that private organizations in the private sector spend private money to develop products. The federal government is not authorized to spend my money on energy R&D.

So in your mind, we should only have private companies trying to make a profit do R&D?


Because they wouldn't have an ulterior motive to suppress certain technologies.
The United States federal government circa 1776 vs. the United States federal government circa 2016.

Game over chief.

Okay, the US Federal Government in 1776 couldn't raise an effective army, or issue an effective currency, which is why it had to write a constitution in 1787 to do these things. (The Articles of Confederation were a complete failure.)

Of course, in 1776, only white men who owned property were allowed to vote, people bled themselves when they got sick, they shit in chamber pots and most people died by the time they were fifty.
Government, by its nature, will become more inept and more corrupt as it grows. It is an inevitability.
Give an example
Give an example? Gladly! Both inept and corrupt...


Government Waste

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