The inept and corrupt federal government

Unimaginable corruption. The kind of repulsive, horrific corruption that could only come from government. And the kind that could only be supported by hateful, racist progressives (such as JoeB131 here who denies everything and anything the government does). I can't wait to see stupid (i.e. JoeB) panic, attempt to deny this, and then attempt to justify it. :eusa_dance:

Racism and Research: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

It would be helpful if you had something remotely recent
I noticed you failed to define "recent". 1972 was during the lifetime of almost everyone on this board. Are there any other excuses you'd like to make for something far more horrific and repulsive than anything we've ever seen in the private sector?

It occurred 45-75 years ago

Hard to draw conclusions about TODAYS Government
No it's not. It's quite easy to "draw conclusions about today's government" based on information like this. Partisan hack, much?
Unimaginable corruption. The kind of repulsive, horrific corruption that could only come from government. And the kind that could only be supported by hateful, racist progressives (such as JoeB131 here who denies everything and anything the government does). I can't wait to see stupid (i.e. JoeB) panic, attempt to deny this, and then attempt to justify it. :eusa_dance:

The Tuskeggee study was started before they had a cure for Syphilis... you'd know this if you read a book.
No it's not. It's quite easy to "draw conclusions about today's government" based on information like this. Partisan hack, much?

Not really, Poodle.

You see, back in the day when the study started, they still treated syhphilis sticking mercury in dude's dicks. The study was started before pennecillin was found to be a cure for EARLY stages of the disease, and by the time it was discovered, most of these men were in the advanced stage of the disease.

While there was some racism involved, it's not what you are portraying it as... an evil government plot.

It was just that the science at the time was bad.
Unimaginable corruption. The kind of repulsive, horrific corruption that could only come from government. And the kind that could only be supported by hateful, racist progressives (such as JoeB131 here who denies everything and anything the government does). I can't wait to see stupid (i.e. JoeB) panic, attempt to deny this, and then attempt to justify it. :eusa_dance:

The Tuskeggee study was started before they had a cure for Syphilis... you'd know this if you read a book.
You attempted to deny it just like I predicted. The government was so corrupt and so racist that they intentionally injected black males with syphilis, lied to them about the study, and then withheld the cure.

Thank you for making yourself look as stupid as I already knew you were. If anyone wondered why you have zero credibility, we can just point them to this idiotic post.
No it's not. It's quite easy to "draw conclusions about today's government" based on information like this. Partisan hack, much?

Not really, Poodle.

You see, back in the day when the study started, they still treated syhphilis sticking mercury in dude's dicks. The study was started before pennecillin was found to be a cure for EARLY stages of the disease, and by the time it was discovered, most of these men were in the advanced stage of the disease.

While there was some racism involved, it's not what you are portraying it as... an evil government plot.

It was just that the science at the time was bad.
Hey jack-ass....they didn't even tell the participants the truth about the study or why they were there. And they were denied the cure when it was available. And they were injected with the disease to begin with. Thank you for illustrating your own racism.
You attempted to deny it just like I predicted. The government was so corrupt and so racist that they intentionally injected black males with syphilis, lied to them about the study, and then withheld the cure.

Thank you for making yourself look as stupid as I already knew you were. If anyone wondered why you have zero credibility, we can just point them to this idiotic post.

Except it did nothing of the sort. The subjects of the study were not "intentionally injected". They caught it the old fashion way. (You know, doing something you probably haven't accomplished yet... nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

So if you are going to get those basic facts wrong, I'm not sure what the point is.
Hey jack-ass....they didn't even tell the participants the truth about the study or why they were there. And they were denied the cure when it was available. And they were injected with the disease to begin with. Thank you for illustrating your own racism.

1) They weren't injected to begin with. Most of the men caught it doing that thing you haven't done yet, because chicks aren't into Ayn Rand.
2) The study began in 1932. Penecillin was not used to treat Syphilis until 1947.

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Now there were problems, like not informing the patients of options, although most of the men in the study were at a point where penecillian wouldn't have done any good because they were too far along.

the worst thing that can be said of the TSS is that it sucks to be black in America.

Well, you know what. It still sucks to be black in America.
2) The study began in 1932. Penecillin was not used to treat Syphilis until 1947.
You poor ignorant nitwit....the study continued until 1972. That was an astounding 25 years they were intentionally denied a cure. A quarter of a century.

Keep defending it, stupid. Show everyone how ignorant, partisan, and racist you are.
Except it did nothing of the sort. The subjects of the study were not "intentionally injected".
Hey stupid? The participants had no idea why they were there. They were lied to. How do you get people with syphilis to voluntarily show up when they don't even know that syphilis is being studied? Idiot.
And to think this nitwit wants to cry about "corruption" in corporate America simply because he can't hold a job. Typical progressive. Blames the company for his own poor performance and his own highly illegal actions. Progressives don't accept personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault in their twisted minds.
(You know, doing something you probably haven't accomplished yet... nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
Ewww...this disgusting progressive trans is now hitting on me :puke:

Hey, you're not my type, and I know like most homophobes, you are closeted.

Hey stupid? The participants had no idea why they were there. They were lied to. How do you get people with syphilis to voluntarily show up when they don't even know that syphilis is being studied? Idiot.

But that's not the same thing. You said that they were injected. The implication that they were healthy, uninfected men who were given a disease.

Not that they had a disease and weren't told about it. (which they were, BTW). Do you really think these guys were so stupid they didn't know they had syphilis?

ou poor ignorant nitwit....the study continued until 1972. That was an astounding 25 years they were intentionally denied a cure. A quarter of a century.

Except most of them had gotten treatment. It was just the treatment didn't do any good at that point.

IN fact, 90% of the men in the study were subjected to some attempt at treatment, either during WWII or after.

Again, all of this you could have figured out even reading the simplest Wiki article on the matter.
And to think this nitwit wants to cry about "corruption" in corporate America simply because he can't hold a job. Typical progressive. Blames the company for his own poor performance and his own highly illegal actions. Progressives don't accept personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault in their twisted minds.

I can hold a job just fine. Probably better than you can, given half your posts show up here when most decent people are working.

Which means.

1) You don't have gainful employment living in someone's basement.
2) You are goofing around on USMB when someone is paying you to do something constructive.
And to think this nitwit wants to cry about "corruption" in corporate America simply because he can't hold a job. Typical progressive. Blames the company for his own poor performance and his own highly illegal actions. Progressives don't accept personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault in their twisted minds.

I can hold a job just fine. Probably better than you can, given half your posts show up here when most decent people are working.

Which means.

1) You don't have gainful employment living in someone's basement.
2) You are goofing around on USMB when someone is paying you to do something constructive.
No you can't. Your employment troubles and legal troubles are well documented on this board.

And as always, you are dead wrong on your assumptions. You're so simple minded that it's comical.

Government Waste
Big unlimited government, as we have it today, is synonymous with corruption, wastefulness, and outright criminality.

Yet...amazingly millions of Americans want more government.

It is the definition of insanity...doing the same thing expecting a different result. This is why politicians love the dumb and uninformed.
More fluff pieces that misrepresent the purpose and scope of the studies. How dare the government fund art? What you presented as an exhibit of smells is in fact, a display of medieval art that involves ALL senses

They offer opinions on what the role of government should be and anything outside that opinion is deemed....waste
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