The inept and corrupt federal government

$1 Trillion Trove of Rare Minerals Revealed Under Afghanistan
By Charles Q. Choi, Live Science Contributor | September 4, 2014 07:35am ET



Rare Earths, clockwise from top center: praseodymium, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium and gadolinium.
Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture / Peggy Greb

Despite being one of the poorest nations in the world, Afghanistan may be sitting on one of the richest troves of minerals in the world, valued at nearly $1 trillion, according to U.S. scientists.

Afghanistan, a country nearly the size of Texas, is loaded with minerals deposited by the violent collision of the Indian subcontinent with Asia. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began inspecting what mineral resources Afghanistan had after U.S.-led forces drove the Taliban from power in the country in 2004. As it turns out, the Afghanistan Geological Survey staff had kept Soviet geological maps and reports up to 50 years old or more that hinted at a geological gold mine.

In 2006, U.S. researchers flew airborne missions to conduct magnetic, gravity and hyperspectral surveys over Afghanistan. The magnetic surveys probed for iron-bearing minerals up to 6 miles (10 kilometers) below the surface, while the gravity surveys tried to identify sediment-filled basins potentially rich in oil and gas. The hyperspectral survey looked at the spectrum of light reflected off rocks to identify the light signatures unique to each mineral. More than 70 percent of the country was mapped in just two months. [Facts About Rare Earth Minerals (Infographic)]

The surveys verified all the major Soviet finds. Afghanistan may hold 60 million tons of copper, 2.2 billion tons of iron ore, 1.4 million tons of rare earth elements such as lanthanum, cerium and neodymium, and lodes of aluminum, gold, silver, zinc, mercury and lithium. For instance, the Khanneshin carbonatite deposit in Afghanistan's Helmand province is valued at $89 billion, full as it is with rare earth elements.

"Afghanistan is a country that is very, very rich in mineral resources," Jack Medlin, a geologist and program manager of the U.S. Geological Survey's Afghanistan project, told Live Science. "We've identified the potential for at least 24 world-class mineral deposits." The scientists' work was detailed in the Aug. 15 issue of the journal Science.

Afghanistan treasure maps

In 2010, the USGS data attracted the attention of the U.S. Department of Defense's Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO), which is entrusted with rebuilding Afghanistan. The task force valued Afghanistan's mineral resources at $908 billion, while the Afghan government's estimate is $3 trillion. [Gold Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Gold Mining?]

Over the past four years, USGS and TFBSO have embarked on dozens of excursions in the war zone to collect and analyze mineral samples to confirm the aerial findings.

"Performing an assessment of mineral resources in Afghanistan is not like going out in the United States and doing normal field work," Medlin said. "What becomes very, very obvious in Afghanistan is the huge amount of pre-planning that has to take place in order to visit any site in that country, such as who is going to provide security and how much security is needed. You also have to plan how you are actually going to get to some place, as for most of the sites in Afghanistan, you cannot drive there — our work involved helicopters, and for our safety, we couldn't be on the ground very long to get samples."

The researchers' work has helped develop what are essentially treasure maps that let mining companies know what minerals are there, how much is there, and where they are, all to attract bids on the rights to the deposits. The Afghan government has already signed a 30-year, $3 billion contract with the China Metallurgical Group, a state-owned mining enterprise based in Beijing, to exploit the Mes Aynak copper deposit, and awarded mining rights for the country's biggest iron deposit to a group of Indian state-run and private companies. [Is China Mining a Rare Earth Monopoly? Op-Ed]

"These resources provide the potential for Afghanistan to develop its economy, to create jobs and build infrastructure, as it goes into the future," Medlin said.

The mineral riches could lift Afghanistan out of poverty and fight crime and terrorism, said Said Mirzad, co-coordinator of the U.S. Geological Survey's Afghanistan program.

"Terrorists in Afghanistan exploited the misery of the local population," Mirzad said. "If you give the population jobs, if they could bring bread to the table, if they had something to defend, then the terrorists, who are very few in number, won't have sway."

Challenges to mining

However, developing a mining industry in Afghanistan faces major challenges. "One of the biggest challenges is security," Medlin said. "Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure. We're talking about access to energy, which is required to develop mines. We're talking access to roads, railroads and so forth. We're also talking about access to water, which is needed in most mining operations. It's all a big challenge, but it's doable. It won't happen overnight, but it's doable."
Um....China owns
The government is like a nose...Its not the size that matters but whats IN it is what counts.
Actually, we are expected to form the right sized government. The Constitution says nothing about small, limited government
Want to bet? It explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Just 18 things. Small, limited government. You're lack of knowledge about your own government is astounding.
Government needs to be big enough to respond to the needs of the people. The government is supposed to do the heavy lifting that individuals alone can't do. By the way..."the government" is the people.

We the People of the United States...
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that you don't even know why your own government exists (or that you lie about it) is tragic. People died for our liberty that you treat like a joke.
Government needs to be big enough to respond to the needs of the people. The government is supposed to do the heavy lifting that individuals alone can't do. By the way..."the government" is the people.

We the People of the United States...
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that you don't even know why your own government exists (or that you lie about it) is tragic. People died for our liberty that you treat like a joke.

"Nothing" can be further from the truth? Nothing? is that "literally" "nothing"? :lol:

The only thing I treat as a "joke" right now "patriot" is you. :lol:
I agree Why would anyone want small, limited government? No schools, no safe water, privately owned roads, no parks ......everything in the country goes to the highest bidder
You guys are so stupid it not only scares me - it actually gives me a headache. You are proof that progressives achieved exactly what they set out to achieve with the public education system.

We have four levels of government in the United States (federal, state, county, city). The federal government was designed to be the smallest and weakest of the four whether you like it or not.
  • Schools are handled by the state and local level - the federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers only and education is not one of them.
  • Roads are handled by the state and local level - the federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers only and roads is not one of them.
  • Water is handled by the state and local level - the federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers only and water is not one of them (incidentally - it is 2017...if you can't figure out by now how to get your own clean water then you're a fuck'n child who needs a guardian Click Here).
  • Roads are handled by the state and local level - the federal government is explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers only and roads are not one of them
The fact that you progressives needs this explained to you is tragic. The fact that you ignore government corruption out of greed and laziness is repulsive.
Last edited:
Government needs to be big enough to respond to the needs of the people. The government is supposed to do the heavy lifting that individuals alone can't do. By the way..."the government" is the people.

We the People of the United States...
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that you don't even know why your own government exists (or that you lie about it) is tragic. People died for our liberty that you treat like a joke.

"Nothing" can be further from the truth? Nothing? is that "literally" "nothing"? :lol:

The only thing I treat as a "joke" right now "patriot" is you. :lol:
Children usually lash out when humiliated over their own ignorance. Nothing to see here.
Last edited:
Government needs to be big enough to respond to the needs of the people. The government is supposed to do the heavy lifting that individuals alone can't do. By the way..."the government" is the people.

We the People of the United States...
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that you don't even know why your own government exists (or that you lie about it) is tragic. People died for our liberty that you treat like a joke.

"Nothing" can be further from the truth? Nothing? is that "literally" "nothing"? :lol:

The only thing I treat as a "joke" right now "patriot" is you. :lol:
Children usually lash out when humiliated over there own ignorance. Nothing to see here.

Oh, is that what you were doing, lashing out over your ignorance? Thanks for the explaination.

Here's an explaination to benefit you:

Government needs to be big enough to respond to the needs of the people. The government is supposed to do the heavy lifting that individuals alone can't do. By the way..."the government" is the people.

We the People of the United States...
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that you don't even know why your own government exists (or that you lie about it) is tragic. People died for our liberty that you treat like a joke.

"Nothing" can be further from the truth? Nothing? is that "literally" "nothing"? :lol:

The only thing I treat as a "joke" right now "patriot" is you. :lol:
Children usually lash out when humiliated over there own ignorance. Nothing to see here.

Oh, is that what you were doing, lashing out over your ignorance? Thanks for the explaination.

Here's an explaination to benefit you:

More lashing out. Use your words sweetie. Use your words.

(Notice how I nailed "your" :lmao: )
Actually, we are expected to form the right sized government. The Constitution says nothing about small, limited government
Want to bet? It explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Just 18 things. Small, limited government. You're lack of knowledge about your own government is astounding.
Actually it didn't

I have 200 years of evidence to the contrary

Show anywhere in the Constitution that requires small, limited government
Show any court case enforcing small, limited government

Louisiana Purchase was made in 1803, a few years after our founding
Far from the actions of a small limited government. It was our biggest expansion in history
Actually, we are expected to form the right sized government. The Constitution says nothing about small, limited government
Want to bet? It explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Just 18 things. Small, limited government. You're lack of knowledge about your own government is astounding.
Actually it didn't Show anywhere in the Constitution that requires small, limited government
I just did. Good God. I'll do it again. See if you can follow me now. The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers.
Why would anyone want small, limited government?
Because educated, rational people value liberty over "stuff" like you greedy, uneducated, irrational progressives do.
Actually our LIBERTY enables us to vote for the government we want
No it doesn't. It does, however, permit you to vote to amend the U.S. Constitution for the government you want. The problem is you can't get the votes because the American people largely reject your bat-shit crazy ideology.

“In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” – Thomas Jefferson

Boom! Game over, baby. No matter how much you wish you and your fellow anti-American marxist progressives get to decide the type of communist nation we have, you don't. We are a nation of laws and you are bound by the chains of the U.S. Constitution whether you like it or not, snowflake.
Show any court case enforcing small, limited government
I would literally crash the USMB servers if I did that. Your messiah Barack Obama alone set the record for losing court cases because he overstepped his authority. The Supreme Court (even stacked with progressive political activists instead of actual justices) recognized the restrictions of the federal government.
Actually, we are expected to form the right sized government. The Constitution says nothing about small, limited government
Want to bet? It explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Just 18 things. Small, limited government. You're lack of knowledge about your own government is astounding.
Actually it didn't Show anywhere in the Constitution that requires small, limited government
I just did. Good God. I'll do it again. See if you can follow me now. The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers.
But it doesn't and other than the opinion of a messageboard anarchist NOBODY supports your view
Actually, we are expected to form the right sized government. The Constitution says nothing about small, limited government
Want to bet? It explicitly restricted the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. Just 18 things. Small, limited government. You're lack of knowledge about your own government is astounding.
Actually it didn't Show anywhere in the Constitution that requires small, limited government
I just did. Good God. I'll do it again. See if you can follow me now. The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers.
But it doesn't and other than the opinion of a messageboard anarchist NOBODY supports your view
No - really - it does. And you know it too which is why you're throwing a fit and calling me a "nobody". You're trying to convince even yourself. :lol:
You did?

Then where is your court case supporting your twisted view of the Constitution?
Why are you pointing at courts? We're talking about the U.S. Constitution. Oh wait....that's right....the U.S. Constitution proves you're an idiot. You don't understand it, have never read it, and thus you need to change the subject whenever it comes up.

The US Constitution designated a Judicial Branch that gets to decide all things Constitutional

Nowhere in the Constitution does it assign that responsibility to Message Board Posters

Yes, they get to decide those things that relate to the constitution.

Things like abortion were never written up in the constitution.

Don't tell me we have to go through this again.
If you ever read the document, you would realize there is much open to interpretation......THAT is why we have courts

It is fucking amazing how clueless the loserterians really are on the issue of the constitution. They seem to think that the constitution was only made to govern in the freaking 18th century...Nutz.

There is nothing open to interpretation on the abortion.

It says nothing....absolutely nothing.

I've read the document. I've also become quite acquainted with the environment in which it was developed.

And BTW: Roe was a state law. Since when did the SCOTUS get in the middle of state affairs ?

If it had been a federal law, one of the first things that should have been this within the scope of the federal government.

The OP stands and you clowns are the main reason we need it so badly.

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