The inept and corrupt federal government

Trump is the most inept President in history

Not just because he followed a great President like Obama
Trump is the most inept President in history

Not just because he followed a great President like Obama
The hatriots inability to articulate what makes Trump "inept" or what made Obama "great" says it all. So far - Trump has had one of the most resoundingly successful first months in office in modern history. And the complete and total ineptitude of Barack Obama has been well documented (record number of people on food stamps, record number of people out of the job market, record amount of deficits and national debt, etc.). It goes on and on and on.

If Obama had been "great" - Hitlery Clinton would be sitting in the Oval Office this morning. Over 1,000 seats were lost by the Dumbocrats because of the catastrophic failure of the Community Organizer.
Absolutely, positively repugnant. This idiot "representative" should be removed from office and charged with a crime. The people of his district are paying him to do a job and that job is not honoring his favorite thugs and reciting their lyrics on the floor. He is defrauding the tax payers.

Maybe if this immature prick spent as much time on the U.S. Constitution and the budget as he does on "Notorious B.I.G.", the federal government wouldn't be such a disaster.

Congressman recites dead rapper's lyrics on House floor
Speechless. Absolutely speechless. Here is the federal government at its finest. Unconstitutional. Dangerous. Reckless. And destroying families. The epitome of ineptitude here....

Family can't believe who planted cyanide device behind home
All parties involved in this - from the leadership that ok'd it, to the people who purchased the devices, to the people who planted it should be prosecuted and imprisoned for as long as the law allows. And then they should have permanent felony records.

This is beyond outrageous. Who randomly plants a deadly chemical WMD deserves to at least rot in prison - and probably should be executed. If not for an act of God Himself, this boy would be dead today.

And before all of the pro-government parasites come crawling out of the woodwork committed to defending the government at any and all costs - all of you know you would lose your tiny minds and resort to violence if any corporation planted a WMD that could randomly detonate against a small child or if any individual did it on their private property.

It is beyond idiotic to proclaim that WMD's are required to control Coyote's. If nature can't control them - then a controlled hunt were people specifically target the creature is the answer. You don't set random traps which can detonate on any person, any child, or any animal that wonders by. This is astoundingly irresponsible and criminal.
How convenient - right after Barack Obama had no more elections to win.
The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID, is an appendage of the State Department. It has given $4.8 million to the Open Society Foundation-Macedonia, part of liberal billionaire George Soros’ vast network of global nonprofits, between Feb. 27, 2012, and Aug. 31, 2016
US Tax Dollars Funding ‘Soros Infantry’ in Macedonia
Absolutely astounding ineptitude. The government wasn't even able to get a skating rink up and running in a park after 6 freaking years. President Trump took it over and had it done in 6 months and 3/4 of a million dollars under budget.

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Unimaginable ineptitude:
Two federal agencies spent $13.5 million to maintain 2,441 vehicles they may not need, a congressional watchdog reported Tuesday.

“Given the billions of dollars spent annually to operate and maintain federally owned vehicles … it is critical for agencies to have sound fleet management practices,” the Government Accountability Office report said.

Customs and Border Protection didn’t know if 81% of its 2,300 official vehicles were used in 2015. The Natural Resources Conservation Service, a Department of Agriculture agency, didn’t know if nearly 600 of its 6,223 vehicles were used the same year.
Agencies Spent Millions on Vehicles They May Not Use
Oppressive government at its finest here. In the name of safety - a man does some in depth work on his own. At no cost to the government. He presents his findings to the government and what do they do? They fine him for doing engineering work without being registered.

So much for the left-wing false narrative about public safety. The truth is - they were pissed that someone did work without paying their "registration" fees first and they were pissed at the missed opportunity to spend tons of tax payer dollars to union members for these results.

Man challenges red-light cameras, fined by engineering body
This is the astoundingly corrupt government that left-wing nitwit pledge their ever-loving allegiance to...
Finally, this attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem. This is an emerging pattern in 2017. We have seen vulnerabilities stored by the CIA show up on WikiLeaks, and now this vulnerability stolen from the NSA has affected customers around the world. Repeatedly, exploits in the hands of governments have leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage. An equivalent scenario with conventional weapons would be the U.S. military having some of its Tomahawk missiles stolen.
And this is the astoundingly inept government that left-wing nitwit pledge their ever-loving allegiance to...
Starting first in the United Kingdom and Spain, the malicious “WannaCrypt” software quickly spread globally, blocking customers from their data unless they paid a ransom using Bitcoin. The WannaCrypt exploits used in the attack were drawn from the exploits stolen from the National Security Agency, or NSA, in the United States.
So not only does the federal government refuse to alert major software vendors of vulnerabilities they are aware of (because they want to be able to exploit those vulnerabilities), but then they aren't even competent enough to secure their own cyber weapons.

The need for urgent collective action to keep people safe online: Lessons from last week’s cyberattack - Microsoft on the Issues

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