The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

she was fined because she tried to cover up the fact she was paying Fusion GPS for Russian disinformation.....she claimed the money paid to them was for "legal fees" - it was a failed coverup, and illegal to do so

You're lying again. Hillary was not fined "to cover up the fact she was paying Fusion GPS for Russian disinformation."

She was fined for not reporting payments to Fusion GPS as "research consulting." Again, Even had Fusion not hired Steele, she would have been fined.


You really suck at this.
Again, for the hard-of-reading comprehension.

I said she did nothing wrong in hiring Fusion. Again, she was fined for not properly reporting campaign costs. That's what she did wrong.

3rd time, since you're not answering -- you said hiring Steele to spread Russian disinformation was criminal. What crime is it? Who was charged for such a crime?


You really suck at this.
and i told you she wouldn’t of paid a fine if there wasn’t something wrong
Dude, she and the DNC were fined $113K for what they did with Fusion GPS

Federal law prohibits contributions, donations, expenditures(including independent expenditures) and disbursements solicited, directed, received or made directly or indirectly by or from foreign nationals in connection with any federal, state or local election. This prohibition includes advances of personal funds, contributions or donations made to political party committees and organizations, state or local party committees for the purchase or construction of an office building funds under 11 CFR 300.35, and contributions or disbursements to make electioneering communications.

Clinton and the DNC were in bed with foreign nationals to contribute directly to the campaign and undermine the 2016 election


You idiot, that's a crime against foreign nationals. Hillary is not a foreign national, so that doesn't even apply to her.

That could apply to Steele since he's a foreign national but he's never been charged with that either.

And what Hillary was fined for was just on how she reported it. Not for hiring Fusion GPS.

I don't believe you can get any dumber.


You really suck at this.
You're lying again. Hillary was not fined "to cover up the fact she was paying Fusion GPS for Russian disinformation."

She was fined for not reporting payments to Fusion GPS as "research consulting." Again, Even had Fusion not hired Steele, she would have been fined.


You really suck at this.
then why did she lie and say it was legal fees?
Great, post your proof that it was Hillary who wrote "legal services"...
um she admitted it…hence the fine. She was clearly working to cover it up with her co conspirators in the dnc

You idiot, that's a crime against foreign nationals. Hillary is not a foreign national, so that doesn't even apply to her.

That could apply to Steele since he's a foreign national but he's never been charged with that either.

And what Hillary was fined for was just on how she reported it. Not for hiring Fusion GPS.

I don't believe you can get any dumber.


You really suck at this.
the crime is for hiring them…like clinton did


An example of chain of custody is like documenting ballots in election so that the exact count can be tracked and not tampered with.

That is not what Hillary did. What she did was hire a company. Then that company hired someone else. Again, that's called sub-contracting, not chain of custody.

If you really want to confuse the stupid little tool, use the full proper name for what the Clinton campaign did : they acquired opposition research using "a third party arm's length transaction".

And since they're too stupid/lazy to google, "a third party arm's length transaction" means that neither the seller (Steele) nor the buyer (the Clinton Campaign) know who the other party is. The Clinton Campaign's lawyers hired Fusion GPS and Fusion hired Steele. Fusion didn't know who the lawyer was acting for, and Steele didn't know who hired Fusion.
um she admitted it…hence the fine. She was clearly working to cover it up with her co conspirators in the dnc

No she didn't admit to anything other than an accounting error. Since everyone in the known world knows her law firm paid Fusion GPS for opposition research by Christopher Steele before the election, what exactly do you think she was she trying to "cover up"?

There was no "conspiracy" to hide anything. But it is easy to see a data entry clerk entering a cheque payable to the campaign's law firm and recording it as "legal fees".
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If you really want to confuse the stupid little tool, use the full proper name for what the Clinton campaign did : they acquired opposition research using "a third party arm's length transaction".

And since they're too stupid/lazy to google, "a third party arm's length transaction" means that neither the seller (Steele) nor the buyer (the Clinton Campaign) know who the other party is. The Clinton Campaign's lawyers hired Fusion GPS and Fusion hired Steele. Fusion didn't know who the lawyer was acting for, and Steele didn't know who hired Fusion.
hahah if clinton didn’t know why did she admit guilt when she agreed to the fine??
No she didn't anything other than an accounting error. There was no "conspiracy" to hide anything. But it is easy to see a data entry accountant entering a cheque payable to the campaign's law firm and recording it as "legal fees".
haha this wasn’t an accounting error…they claimed payments to GPS was legal fees when it wasn’t, in an attempted cover up


An example of chain of custody is like documenting ballots in election so that the exact count can be tracked and not tampered with.

That is not what Hillary did. What she did was hire a company. Then that company hired someone else. Again, that's called sub-contracting, not chain of custody.
yep, Hitlery paid fusion gps who passed the money to steele. Just like I said.
i provided you the link…yes nobody was charged


No you didn't. You provided a link that shows it's a crime for foreign nationals to contribute to a campaign. But that could apply to Steele, who's a foreign national; but it doesn't apply to Hillary since she's not.

So what crime did Hillary commit by Fusion hiring Steele? Statute number...

No you didn't. You provided a link that shows it's a crime for foreign nationals to contribute to a campaign. But that could apply to Steele, who's a foreign national; but it doesn't apply to Hillary since she's not.

So what crime did Hillary commit by Fusion hiring Steele? Statute number...
it’s illegal for rbe campaign to accept it…geez man can’t you read?

clinton hide the fact she was employees foreign nationals

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