The Inherent Evil of Conservative Ideology

BlackAsCoal...we are discussing war in general....not just the US.

So the question is not who is allowed to have or not to have...the question is how is one to react if they feel that a WMD is going to be used against its people?

Prior to WMD's, the worst case scenario for any nation was last minute noticing of military movement of an adversary. You saw them approaching a border and you secured the border and war was not declared until the enemy attempted to cross the border.

Yes, a simple description, but certainly gets the point across.

Now? You may lose 1 million citizens in a blink of an eye. A ICBM is shot up and you have 2 hour to warn your citizens.

So I see it as war as a necessary evil....fopr if we refrain from war, we may be attacked and beaten.

Hey, we could have ended the Vietnam war with the drop of a nuke. Same in Iraq.

Thankfully, we have learned from the horrors of our use of the bomb and I do not think we will ever use them again.

Can we say the same for Iran? The same for N. Korea? Would we have been able to say the same for Hussein?

Let me ask you this.....if our intel showed that North Korea had installed an ICBM platform on Cuba with a nuke warheads...would you be adverse to military action if Cuba ignored diplomatic attmepts to difuse the situation?

Would you wait unti AFTER they shot it off?

You do realize that if we are reactive, we have already lost hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.


There are limits to military power. Shouldn't we have already learned that lesson?

Our military is running around the world getting their asses kicked .. so we should use nukes .. but deny others from getting them?

How do you justify that?

You cannot preemptively mass-muder people because of what you thought they might do.

That's straight evil.

Isn't that the lesson of Iraq?

We haven't learned anything from our horrors and we're considering using nukes again .. this time calling them "tatical"

Are you aware that WE overthrew the democratically-elected government in Iran for oil, for business?

Who told us we were the good guys?

That comes from Hollywood, not history
Notice that it didn't have the intelligence to even attempt to refute what I said.

Let me guess what side of the fence that thing resides on.

Typical side my friend. My side of the fence.

Dont forget that.

Dont generalize. He diusgusts me and most of mine as well.

Absolutely .. which is why I make the distinctions .. but your side has always been a home for hate and assholes just like that.

If one is looking for hate of everything that doesn't smell like them .. the conservative side of the aisle is a place they can call home.

That DOES NOT suggest that every conservative is like that .. but that's where home is.

As you know, no disrespect is intended .. and because I don't want to destroy this thread with an asshole .. I've dropped it

Yes, a true statement, and let it be said if your a member of the KKK than you find home in the Democrat party, from the Senator who never retired, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Not only a member but a leader in the KKK, of course I stated those who hate find home within the Democrat party so we must provide company, how about Democrat president Woodrow Wilson, praising the KKK film "Birth of a Nation" during the White House screening of the movie.

Yes, home is where the heart is and I see two great examples of Democrat leadership. side my friend. My side of the fence.

Dont forget that.

Dont generalize. He diusgusts me and most of mine as well.

Absolutely .. which is why I make the distinctions .. but your side has always been a home for hate and assholes just like that.

If one is looking for hate of everything that doesn't smell like them .. the conservative side of the aisle is a place they can call home.

That DOES NOT suggest that every conservative is like that .. but that's where home is.

As you know, no disrespect is intended .. and because I don't want to destroy this thread with an asshole .. I've dropped it

OK....but our side is not their home sweet home. We make it clear to them that their hate is not wanted and not part of our ideology (for lack of a better word).
And your side has hateful people as well. Activists that use harmful measures such as the Weather Underground and such.
But I do not blame you or any progressive for those that use your ideology as an excuse for thier vile actions.
Just as I do not blame Muslims for the fact that radicals use THEIR faith as an excuse for thier actions.
There...I said my back to the thread.

NO brother, you don't. Not you personally, but there is no outrage from the right about its racist elements within. That's what should have happened but it hasn't and it won't.

Evere since Nixon embarked on the "southern strategy" your ranks are filled with hatemongers. They hate every fucking thing. Not all conservatves but everyone knows your ranks are filled with them.

That's why there are FEW minorities among you. All that crap about democrats and "plantation mentality" is just bullshit. No one wants to rub elbows with racists.

That is a reality that conservatives like yourself must deal with.
BlackAsCoal...we are discussing war in general....not just the US.

So the question is not who is allowed to have or not to have...the question is how is one to react if they feel that a WMD is going to be used against its people?

Prior to WMD's, the worst case scenario for any nation was last minute noticing of military movement of an adversary. You saw them approaching a border and you secured the border and war was not declared until the enemy attempted to cross the border.

Yes, a simple description, but certainly gets the point across.

Now? You may lose 1 million citizens in a blink of an eye. A ICBM is shot up and you have 2 hour to warn your citizens.

So I see it as war as a necessary evil....fopr if we refrain from war, we may be attacked and beaten.

Hey, we could have ended the Vietnam war with the drop of a nuke. Same in Iraq.

Thankfully, we have learned from the horrors of our use of the bomb and I do not think we will ever use them again.

Can we say the same for Iran? The same for N. Korea? Would we have been able to say the same for Hussein?

Let me ask you this.....if our intel showed that North Korea had installed an ICBM platform on Cuba with a nuke warheads...would you be adverse to military action if Cuba ignored diplomatic attmepts to difuse the situation?

Would you wait unti AFTER they shot it off?

You do realize that if we are reactive, we have already lost hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.


There are limits to military power. Shouldn't we have already learned that lesson?

Our military is running around the world getting their asses kicked .. so we should use nukes .. but deny others from getting them?

How do you justify that?

You cannot preemptively mass-muder people because of what you thought they might do.

That's straight evil.

Isn't that the lesson of Iraq?

We haven't learned anything from our horrors and we're considering using nukes again .. this time calling them "tatical"

Are you aware that WE overthrew the democratically-elected government in Iran for oil, for business?

Who told us we were the good guys?

That comes from Hollywood, not history

You take a strong stance and one that I would love to continue to debate, but I need to log off...not running form the debate...need to be on the road in 10 minutes.
Looking forward to continuing the debate this weekend if youy are around. side my friend. My side of the fence.

Dont forget that.

Dont generalize. He diusgusts me and most of mine as well.

Absolutely .. which is why I make the distinctions .. but your side has always been a home for hate and assholes just like that.

If one is looking for hate of everything that doesn't smell like them .. the conservative side of the aisle is a place they can call home.

That DOES NOT suggest that every conservative is like that .. but that's where home is.

As you know, no disrespect is intended .. and because I don't want to destroy this thread with an asshole .. I've dropped it

Yes, a true statement, and let it be said if your a member of the KKK than you find home in the Democrat party, from the Senator who never retired, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Not only a member but a leader in the KKK, of course I stated those who hate find home within the Democrat party so we must provide company, how about Democrat president Woodrow Wilson, praising the KKK film "Birth of a Nation" during the White House screening of the movie.

Yes, home is where the heart is and I see two great examples of Democrat leadership.

BOTH CONSERVATIVES .. along with a shitload of other subhuman racists within the Democratic Party .. which I've already addressed a 1000 times.

What does that have to do with the conversation about where home is.

Even you aren't dumb enough to believe the Democratic Party is a home for those who hate minorities, gays, or anyother element in this society.

Actually you could be that dumb and dishonest .. but that's where you'd have to go.

The Republican Party used to be an anti-slavery party and almost all African-Americans were republicans.

This ain't (eb) about political party.
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BlackAsCoal...we are discussing war in general....not just the US.

So the question is not who is allowed to have or not to have...the question is how is one to react if they feel that a WMD is going to be used against its people?

Prior to WMD's, the worst case scenario for any nation was last minute noticing of military movement of an adversary. You saw them approaching a border and you secured the border and war was not declared until the enemy attempted to cross the border.

Yes, a simple description, but certainly gets the point across.

Now? You may lose 1 million citizens in a blink of an eye. A ICBM is shot up and you have 2 hour to warn your citizens.

So I see it as war as a necessary evil....fopr if we refrain from war, we may be attacked and beaten.

Hey, we could have ended the Vietnam war with the drop of a nuke. Same in Iraq.

Thankfully, we have learned from the horrors of our use of the bomb and I do not think we will ever use them again.

Can we say the same for Iran? The same for N. Korea? Would we have been able to say the same for Hussein?

Let me ask you this.....if our intel showed that North Korea had installed an ICBM platform on Cuba with a nuke warheads...would you be adverse to military action if Cuba ignored diplomatic attmepts to difuse the situation?

Would you wait unti AFTER they shot it off?

You do realize that if we are reactive, we have already lost hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.


There are limits to military power. Shouldn't we have already learned that lesson?

Our military is running around the world getting their asses kicked .. so we should use nukes .. but deny others from getting them?

How do you justify that?

You cannot preemptively mass-muder people because of what you thought they might do.

That's straight evil.

Isn't that the lesson of Iraq?

We haven't learned anything from our horrors and we're considering using nukes again .. this time calling them "tatical"

Are you aware that WE overthrew the democratically-elected government in Iran for oil, for business?

Who told us we were the good guys?

That comes from Hollywood, not history

You take a strong stance and one that I would love to continue to debate, but I need to log off...not running form the debate...need to be on the road in 10 minutes.
Looking forward to continuing the debate this weekend if youy are around.

I work as I post ,, but I'm getting humgry and the dog needs to go out.

Catch you later.
I could go on .. but my point has been made
Yes - Your regugitaion of the same, tired, bigoted, partisan talking points thatwe've been hearing for 30+ years proves, without doubt, your Useful Idiot status. Expect a pat on a back from your masters.
I could go on .. but my point has been made
Yes - Your regugitaion of the same, tired, bigoted, partisan talking points thatwe've been hearing for 30+ years proves, without doubt, your Useful Idiot status. Expect a pat on a back from your masters.


Your pea brain still can't figure out how to challenge it.

All you have is crocodile tears,


Do come again dummy :0)
Absolutely .. which is why I make the distinctions .. but your side has always been a home for hate and assholes just like that.

If one is looking for hate of everything that doesn't smell like them .. the conservative side of the aisle is a place they can call home.

That DOES NOT suggest that every conservative is like that .. but that's where home is.

As you know, no disrespect is intended .. and because I don't want to destroy this thread with an asshole .. I've dropped it

Yes, a true statement, and let it be said if your a member of the KKK than you find home in the Democrat party, from the Senator who never retired, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Not only a member but a leader in the KKK, of course I stated those who hate find home within the Democrat party so we must provide company, how about Democrat president Woodrow Wilson, praising the KKK film "Birth of a Nation" during the White House screening of the movie.

Yes, home is where the heart is and I see two great examples of Democrat leadership.

BOTH CONSERVATIVES .. along with a shitload of other subhuman racists within the Democratic Party .. which I've already addressed a 1000 times.

What does that have to do with the conversation about where home is.

Even you aren't dumb enough to believe the Democratic Party is a home for those who hate minorities, gays, or anyother element in this society.

Actually you could be that dumb and dishonest .. but that's where you'd have to go.

The Republican Party used to be an anti-slavery party and almost all African-Americans were republicans.

This ain't (eb) about political party.

You do not leave much to discuss. Your comments are all over the place and when challenged your reply is rhetoric.

You stated hate finds a home with conservatives, the Democrat party sought President Wilson, the Democrat party wanted this man to be at home in the Democrat party, describe President Wilson any way you like but the facts are simple and recorded in history. Woodrow Wilson was approached by the Democrats.

This is not about political party, funny, very funny, no this is about you stating lies and not allowing the conversation to be anything but, a lie.

Oh, and to answer your question why we get the bomb and no one else can have it. Because we are the good guys.

You have a simple and easy life for one reason, because the USA exists, you have a big fat life because of everything I provide for you. From your education to your computer, thank the USA. You get to speak your mind through what conservatives gives you.

Capitalism and the USA does more for you than you will ever do for yourself.
Yes, a true statement, and let it be said if your a member of the KKK than you find home in the Democrat party, from the Senator who never retired, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Not only a member but a leader in the KKK, of course I stated those who hate find home within the Democrat party so we must provide company, how about Democrat president Woodrow Wilson, praising the KKK film "Birth of a Nation" during the White House screening of the movie.

Yes, home is where the heart is and I see two great examples of Democrat leadership.

BOTH CONSERVATIVES .. along with a shitload of other subhuman racists within the Democratic Party .. which I've already addressed a 1000 times.

What does that have to do with the conversation about where home is.

Even you aren't dumb enough to believe the Democratic Party is a home for those who hate minorities, gays, or anyother element in this society.

Actually you could be that dumb and dishonest .. but that's where you'd have to go.

The Republican Party used to be an anti-slavery party and almost all African-Americans were republicans.

This ain't (eb) about political party.

You do not leave much to discuss. Your comments are all over the place and when challenged your reply is rhetoric.

You stated hate finds a home with conservatives, the Democrat party sought President Wilson, the Democrat party wanted this man to be at home in the Democrat party, describe President Wilson any way you like but the facts are simple and recorded in history. Woodrow Wilson was approached by the Democrats.

This is not about political party, funny, very funny, no this is about you stating lies and not allowing the conversation to be anything but, a lie.

Oh, and to answer your question why we get the bomb and no one else can have it. Because we are the good guys.

You have a simple and easy life for one reason, because the USA exists, you have a big fat life because of everything I provide for you. From your education to your computer, thank the USA. You get to speak your mind through what conservatives gives you.

Capitalism and the USA does more for you than you will ever do for yourself.

Your post is real silly .. expected.

I have a good life because I made it that way .. but people have good lives all over the world.

2010 Quality of Life Index: 194 Countries Ranked and Rated to Reveal the Best Places to Live
2010 Quality of Life Index: 194 Countries Ranked and Rated to Reveal the Best Places to Live – International Living

"the good guys" ????? -- who mass-murder innocent people for profit -- the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons and threatens to use them again -- that overthrows democratically elected governments for profit


Sure, if you say so.
The Inherent Evil of Conservative Ideology

Personal responsibility...yeah REAL EVIL there I tell ya!
OP? I read through your initial is RACIST...and irresponsible.

Try again.
OP? I read through your initial is RACIST...and irresponsible.

Try again.

Yet another right-winger talking about what is racist.


Try challenging the post with more than claims of what is racist from your racist side of the fence.

... or not. :lol:

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