The insanity of Trumpism and the insurrection explained

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I speak about when I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea political propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost.

And my personal opinion in case of Donald Trump is it that he is fully responsible for much destructive chaos - also for the destructive chaos in the Capitol of the USA, where a mob hunted representatives of the US-American democracy. And I see parallels with this mob and the people who had attacked the Reichstag in Berlin. I think in the background of both movements are Nazi-like criminals. So don't be a Nazi or useful idiot of Nazis on your own.

Mistake in the lyrics of this video: "das Brennen erwacht" is wrong - correct is "das brennend erwacht"
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Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I spekaaot whn I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea poltical propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost,

You obviously don't know what the word "NAZI" means. You disgrace your Jewish ancestors by defending obvious NAZIs. Antifa and BLM have been rioting in the streets for 10 months just like NAZI brown shirts.. Their sole purpose in doing so was to defeat a Republican. If that isn't terrorism, then I've never seen it.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I spekaaot whn I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea poltical propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost,

You obviously don't know what the word "NAZI" means. You disgrace your Jewish ancestors by defending obvious NAZIs. Antifa and BLM have been rioting in the streets for 10 months just like NAZI brown shirts.. Their sole purpose in doing so was to defeat a Republican. If that isn't terrorism, then I've never seen it.

I warn you: Do not try to overstrech the patience of god.

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I spekaaot whn I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea poltical propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost,

You obviously don't know what the word "NAZI" means. You disgrace your Jewish ancestors by defending obvious NAZIs. Antifa and BLM have been rioting in the streets for 10 months just like NAZI brown shirts.. Their sole purpose in doing so was to defeat a Republican. If that isn't terrorism, then I've never seen it.

I warn you: Do not try to overstrech the patience of god.

As if you knew anything about God.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I spekaaot whn I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea poltical propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost,

You obviously don't know what the word "NAZI" means. You disgrace your Jewish ancestors by defending obvious NAZIs. Antifa and BLM have been rioting in the streets for 10 months just like NAZI brown shirts.. Their sole purpose in doing so was to defeat a Republican. If that isn't terrorism, then I've never seen it.

I warn you: Do not try to overstrech the patience of god.

As if you knew anything about God.

vade retro satana

Trumps GOOD people
Trump good people


Smerconish said it best, only an arsonist let's a fire keep burning. And the one's who acquitted, they're in the same camp.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I speak about when I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea political propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost.

And my personal opinion in case of Donald Trump is it that he is fully responsible for much destructive chaos - also for the destructive chaos in the Capitol of the USA, where a mob hunted representatives of the US-American democracy. And I see parallels with this mob and the people who had attacked the Reichstag in Berlin. I think in the background of both movements are Nazi-like criminals. So don't be a Nazi or useful idiot of Nazis on your own.

Mistake in the lyrics of this video: "das Brennen erwacht" is wrong - correct is "das brennend erwacht"

Awesome post! :clap: They constantly refer to people on this forum as Nazi's, Communists, Socialists, and the like, without really knowing what the words mean.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.

We were discussing how Trump denounced nazis and ws and said that some of the people who oppose confederate statues are "very fine people".

I understand the way that liberals cut down posts can be confusing. They do it to hide the topic so they can confuse the issue.

Because they know they are wrong about just about everything.
He didn't denounce them on January 6th. He invited them to the insurrection.

Link to where he specifically invited nazis and ws, or admit that instead of a mouth, you have an anus in the middle your face that you spew shit from.

Also, my point stands. Trump repeatedly denounced nazis, and you libs have been lying about that since then.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.
You interpretation of his actions is total horseshit, of course. No one was ever convicted of anything based on a witnesses selk proclaimed ability to read minds. Claims about the defendants mental state are called "suposition by the witness" and are not admissible in a court of law.
An interpretation of Trump's non-actions to stop the terrorist attack is indisputable. No manner of delusion and fantasy from you is going to change that. Like Goldman said, a real trial and thirty seconds it would be over for Trump with a guilty verdict. Goldman: Trump does not have to be 'but for cause' of violence in order to be guilty

It is completely disputable. YOu are a liar.
You aren't making a case. You are saying nothing as always. You are continuously making a fool of yourself on this forum. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.
You interpretation of his actions is total horseshit, of course. No one was ever convicted of anything based on a witnesses selk proclaimed ability to read minds. Claims about the defendants mental state are called "suposition by the witness" and are not admissible in a court of law.
An interpretation of Trump's non-actions to stop the terrorist attack is indisputable. No manner of delusion and fantasy from you is going to change that. Like Goldman said, a real trial and thirty seconds it would be over for Trump with a guilty verdict. Goldman: Trump does not have to be 'but for cause' of violence in order to be guilty

It is completely disputable. YOu are a liar.
You aren't making a case. You are saying nothing as always. You are continuously making a fool of yourself on this forum. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.

We were discussing how Trump denounced nazis and ws and said that some of the people who oppose confederate statues are "very fine people".

I understand the way that liberals cut down posts can be confusing. They do it to hide the topic so they can confuse the issue.

Because they know they are wrong about just about everything.
He didn't denounce them on January 6th. He invited them to the insurrection.

Link to where he specifically invited nazis and ws, or admit that instead of a mouth, you have an anus in the middle your face that you spew shit from.

Also, my point stands. Trump repeatedly denounced nazis, and you libs have been lying about that since then.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

I expected nothing else from you than to say so to me. But there's a little difference between you and me. I have also Jewish ancestors - and some of my family members had died in the holocaust. So I know what I speak about when I use the word "Nazi". And the members or voters for the democratic party of the USA are not Nazis. But your "throw with dirt"- campaign and the idea political propaganda is not able to be stupid enough is typical for Nazis, Commies and other extremist. You should start to accept that Donald Trump lost.

And my personal opinion in case of Donald Trump is it that he is fully responsible for much destructive chaos - also for the destructive chaos in the Capitol of the USA, where a mob hunted representatives of the US-American democracy. And I see parallels with this mob and the people who had attacked the Reichstag in Berlin. I think in the background of both movements are Nazi-like criminals. So don't be a Nazi or useful idiot of Nazis on your own.

Mistake in the lyrics of this video: "das Brennen erwacht" is wrong - correct is "das brennend erwacht"

Awesome post! :clap: They constantly refer to people on this forum as Nazi's, Communists, Socialists, and the like, without really knowing what the words mean.

We know eactly what they mean. The difference is we don't lie about it like the minions of the Democrat Reich.

I marvel at the Dim Nazi pretension that they know better than conservatives what words mean. They change the meaning of every word to suit their sleazy agenda.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

That's all YOU'VE seen, Trumpster. You snowflakes are the victimiest victims in the historical history of victimhood histories.

Man up for a change.

The term "snowflake" applies to minions of the Democrat Reich, not Republicans. Love the way you Democrat Nazis denigrate anyone who points out the injustices committed by your scum party. You've been trading on victimhood for 60 years. You would all have a fit if any Republican addressed your favorite victim group in that manner.

Bottom line: You're scum.

That was the Socialist Natzi's best tactic weponizing words.

I would agree and both Democrats and Republicans are good at that.

An example would be anti hunger movements.
No one is out there promoting pro hunger. :)

We don't have hunger in this country. We have the fattest poor in the world.
These are people who thought that Obama wasn't American, and that Trump is the epitomy of America

Even though both had one foriegn born parent.

That's literally how he gained their attention too, by questioning Obama's citizenship. Because they are really THAT gullible.
These are people who thought that Obama wasn't American, and that Trump is the epitomy of America

Even though both had one foriegn born parent.

That's literally how he gained their attention too, by questioning Obama's citizenship. Because they are really THAT gullible.
Trump was born in the United States, so there's no question that he's an American. On the other hand, there's still plenty of doubt that Obama was born in the US.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

That's all YOU'VE seen, Trumpster. You snowflakes are the victimiest victims in the historical history of victimhood histories.

Man up for a change.

The term "snowflake" applies to minions of the Democrat Reich, not Republicans. Love the way you Democrat Nazis denigrate anyone who points out the injustices committed by your scum party. You've been trading on victimhood for 60 years. You would all have a fit if any Republican addressed your favorite victim group in that manner.

Bottom line: You're scum.

That was the Socialist Natzi's best tactic weponizing words.

I would agree and both Democrats and Republicans are good at that.

An example would be anti hunger movements.
No one is out there promoting pro hunger. :)

We don't have hunger in this country. We have the fattest poor in the world.

I didn't mention any country.
Trumps GOOD people
Trump good people



They didn't kill that cop you liar and the cop was a Trump supporter and he died 24 hours after the event, and showed no sign of physical harm that whole beat with a fire extinguisher was exposed as a complete lie by the left, shocker. There you have been bitch slapped.
These are people who thought that Obama wasn't American, and that Trump is the epitomy of America

Even though both had one foriegn born parent.

That's literally how he gained their attention too, by questioning Obama's citizenship. Because they are really THAT gullible.
Trump was born in the United States, so there's no question that he's an American. On the other hand, there's still plenty of doubt that Obama was born in the US.
No doubt and no proof. Try again.

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