The insanity of Trumpism and the insurrection explained

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

It's not clear bri, are you making the case for Republican insanity?

It's clear to anyone who isn't retarded.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, and he refused nothing. It's pointless to point our facts to minions of the Democrat Reich because all they ever do is lie and spin. Nothng they claim is anywhere close to being true.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, you retarded Nazi asshole.

To make something clear: You are Nazi-like in your way "to argue".

To make something clear, you're a retarded Nazi asshole.

It's not clear bri, are you making the case for the insanity of Trumpism? If so, you're killing it!

You're a Trump hating idiot, so why do you imagine anyone would swallow your horseshit?
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, and he refused nothing. It's pointless to point our facts to minions of the Democrat Reich because all they ever do is lie and spin. Nothng they claim is anywhere close to being true.

Trump is entirely innocent. He shits gold bars and is a god among men. And bri continues to cling to his scrotum.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.
You interpretation of his actions is total horseshit, of course. No one was ever convicted of anything based on a witnesses selk proclaimed ability to read minds. Claims about the defendants mental state are called "suposition by the witness" and are not admissible in a court of law.
An interpretation of Trump's non-actions to stop the terrorist attack is indisputable. No manner of delusion and fantasy from you is going to change that. Like Goldman said, a real trial and thirty seconds it would be over for Trump with a guilty verdict. Goldman: Trump does not have to be 'but for cause' of violence in order to be guilty
It's easily disputable, and furthermore its not admissable evidence. Your "logic" is complete horseshit. The reason the Dims are impeaching him because no judge or grand jury would ever indict him and the dim Nazis know it.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument about these illusions from these religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

I never thought I'd see this. A group pathology, also called a "shared psychopathy", with so many Americans involved. My assumption was that this kind of behavior was a thing of the past.

Trumpism tapped into something that was much deeper than I realized. These people have been radicalized over the past several years by their media, and Trump knew how to tap in to it. He spoke to them at their level, on their issues, in their words, in their phrases. It was like a bottle of water for a person dying of thirst.

The questions going forward will be how many of them will have the fog lift, how long that will take, and what damage this will do to a party that's about to split apart. We need two strong parties (at least), and this isn't good.

All we've seen is the Dim attempt to paint all Republicans as traitors. No one is surprised that Dims resort to such NAZI propaganda tactics. They are indistinguishable from NAZIs.

Not all bri just ah's like you who see no problems with trump STARTING the riots and REFUSING to stop them and you want to talk about portland etc etc ? I'm surprised you and a guy named will weren't there

Trump started nothing, and he refused nothing. It's pointless to point our facts to minions of the Democrat Reich because all they ever do is lie and spin. Nothng they claim is anywhere close to being true.

Trump is entirely innocent. He shits gold bars and is a god among men. And bri continues to cling to his scrotum.

You don't have to believe Trump is a NAZI to not believe what you just posted.

You're a fucking moron.
Are you proud too Bri?
Republicans must be SOOO proud

Do you think truth becomes right or wrong whether you agree or disagree with me?

I think it was pathetic the way that you cut a phrase in HALF, ...

I made clear what's wrong. Pastor Martin Luther Trump is not existing.

Christians and Christian Nationalists are two very different groups with very different ideas.

By conflating the two,

I conflated nothing. You confuse extremist pseudo-nationalists with Christians and patriots.

at the start of your idea, everything built on that, was bullshit.

The 40-50,000 militant extremists of a ... let me call it "nationalism of the chaos", who attack the own country and the own people ... you try to attribute with the name "Christians" and to convert the situation now into a war against Christians? Are you mad or mad? Or are you an extremist on your own?

1. Nope. I am the one calling you out of conflating Christians with Christian Nationalists. I recognize that they are two very different groups.

2. I said nothing about any group of 50.000 people. I have no idea what you are talking about now.
Attention all you whatever Trump knuckle draggers who slink around on this forum with no intelligent debating skills, courtesy of zero arguing points. The fact that Trump didn't call for the attack on the Capitol to stop immediately, while watching it on TV, jacking off on the violence, that alone says everything that needs saying about what he wanted. He wanted an insurrection, he didn't stop it, five people were killed, and he got his insurrection, because it was punishment for the country for getting his ass kicked in the election, and the people he relied on didn't cheat to change the outcome. Whoever got hurt or killed, was of no concern of his. He even made some calls to folks to have them stop the election counting at the Capitol while people were being injured and killed. That is more than enough concrete evidence that Trump incited this attack on our country.
Huh, its becoming more clear now! First, trump had butt buddies, now he's jacking off to it on TV. Man, this guy has a wildly varying sexual appetite!

Again, I've seen the video thats being posted of him supposedly watching the riot on TV. There's nothing about that video that suggests there was anything about the riot on those TVs. Again, if that is what they were doing, do you really think Don Jr would video it and put it on YouTube? Or thats trumps people around him would let him even video such an event at all, let alone there be senators at that event, and them allowing themselves to be on video at that event?

Everything points to that whole narrative not being true.
Don Jr. is retarded. He doesn't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot. The evidence is clear.

And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

And by the way, you don't have the truth on your side, so your juvenile posts show us who and what you are as well. Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for that. So my post was about the allegation of a watch party for the riot. That was the premise of my post, which is based on sound analysis. Would you care to respond to that with something other than Don Jr is dumb?

There is a valid argument there. All those people in that tent and not one of them thought "hey, it might not be a good idea to video this and release it to might give a bad impression "?
And when Tuberville called Trump to tell him Pence was in trouble, Trump doubled down on doing nothing except for a tweet telling everybody that Pence had not done what was asked of him, so fuck Mike Pence. He's own his own. There is no valid argument. If there was, you would have already thrown it out there. You didn't.

As for releasing it to Youtube, I don't think the dancing bimbo Guilfoyle could have given a shit. She and Jr. are for each other. Two nitwits who haven't got sense enough to come out of the rain.

This makes..three times you've interjected something into our conversation that I didn't ask about. I never mentioned anything about tuberville or pence. I'm asking about the supposed riot watch party. You've not given any kind of refutation other than "don Jr is dumb" and "Kim and don are hot for each other"

I want you to explain how in the video you've linked several times, there is no indication that they were watching the riot, and that nobody there would have videoed such and event and put it on the web for all to see.

Also, this makes..twice that you have made derogatory references. First you say trump has butt buddies, a derogatory reference to gay people, now you call Kimberly a bimbo, a derogatory reference to women. You can't seem to avoid making all kinds of hate speech this week can you?
Don Jrs. play by play leading up to the storming of the Capitol that he recorded. He recorded daddy watching the riot on TV screens. WE saw him watching it. Daddy did nothing about the riot, while watching it. Daddy did nothing when Tuberville called that Mike Pence was in trouble. Trump ignored the pleas for help.

Whatever it is you are asking, or think you are asking, is irrelevant to Trump's incitement. The fact that Trump did nothing after the fact, is all any criminal prosecutor would need, if this were a criminal trial. What else would anyone need?

And you want to talk to me about hate speech? Seriously? Tell that to the families of the dead, and the 144 injured police officers. They know all about hate speech.
Show me any riot on those tv screens. All they show are people standing around, there is no rioting happening on them.

I'm not discounting the people who were injured or those that died, im talking about YOUR insistence of using terminology that would otherwise get a conservative rail roaded and called out, but you seem to fling it about willy nilly. I'm pointing out that you are guilty of the very thing the left accuses the right of. Also, I admit, I am picking at you a bit, its not right, and I apologize for that :)

Still though, if you are going to call out the right for hate speech, maybe avoid doing it yourself? I mean, it is free speech and all, so yeah, its just bad optics.
Really? This is what is bothering you? Not seeing it from the TV screen off Jr.s recording? Whether they were watching the insurrection at the exact moments the TV screens showed up from his recording, is relevant to what? We don't need Jr.s recording to see the play by play insurrection. You seem to be rambling on about nothing, because what you have issue with has no importance whatsoever. Lol! Very odd requests to say the least. Maybe it's past your bed time.

When the Right wing Qanon terrorism stops for good, maybe we will have a talk about hate speech. In the meantime, you can forget about me pulling punches over domestic terrorists, especially when I wasn't the first one clenching my fists. It just ain't going to happen.
No, thats not whats bothering me. What I'm trying to point out is, we don't see any rioting on the screens. How do you know thats what they were watching? If there was no rioting on the screens, then how do you know what they were watching, or what they were waiting for? Because that NZ article said so?

So, your response to using hate speech is "well, they did it, so I'm going to do it too"? That's fine, again, we have free speech and its your right to use it.
OMG! Those who were watching, which was probably half the country, saw it in real time that day. Do you think Trump was watching reruns of Happy Days? LOl! Give me a break. You are beginning to enter into the world of total nonsense. Try and keep it together.

Don Jr. himself told us what they were watching, when he explained that the crowd was headed to the Capitol building. You are losing this argument all over again.

The telegraph says this was filmed before the speech, and that makes sense because the images on the TV screens are not of riots at the capitol, they are of a crowd standing in front of a stage, the stage that trump was about to go out and give a speech on.

Those videos were not of trump watching the riots.
Attention all you whatever Trump knuckle draggers who slink around on this forum with no intelligent debating skills, courtesy of zero arguing points. The fact that Trump didn't call for the attack on the Capitol to stop immediately, while watching it on TV, jacking off on the violence, that alone says everything that needs saying about what he wanted. He wanted an insurrection, he didn't stop it, five people were killed, and he got his insurrection, because it was punishment for the country for getting his ass kicked in the election, and the people he relied on didn't cheat to change the outcome. Whoever got hurt or killed, was of no concern of his. He even made some calls to folks to have them stop the election counting at the Capitol while people were being injured and killed. That is more than enough concrete evidence that Trump incited this attack on our country.
Huh, its becoming more clear now! First, trump had butt buddies, now he's jacking off to it on TV. Man, this guy has a wildly varying sexual appetite!

Again, I've seen the video thats being posted of him supposedly watching the riot on TV. There's nothing about that video that suggests there was anything about the riot on those TVs. Again, if that is what they were doing, do you really think Don Jr would video it and put it on YouTube? Or thats trumps people around him would let him even video such an event at all, let alone there be senators at that event, and them allowing themselves to be on video at that event?

Everything points to that whole narrative not being true.
Don Jr. is retarded. He doesn't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot. The evidence is clear.

And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

And by the way, you don't have the truth on your side, so your juvenile posts show us who and what you are as well. Thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for that. So my post was about the allegation of a watch party for the riot. That was the premise of my post, which is based on sound analysis. Would you care to respond to that with something other than Don Jr is dumb?

There is a valid argument there. All those people in that tent and not one of them thought "hey, it might not be a good idea to video this and release it to might give a bad impression "?
And when Tuberville called Trump to tell him Pence was in trouble, Trump doubled down on doing nothing except for a tweet telling everybody that Pence had not done what was asked of him, so fuck Mike Pence. He's own his own. There is no valid argument. If there was, you would have already thrown it out there. You didn't.

As for releasing it to Youtube, I don't think the dancing bimbo Guilfoyle could have given a shit. She and Jr. are for each other. Two nitwits who haven't got sense enough to come out of the rain.

This makes..three times you've interjected something into our conversation that I didn't ask about. I never mentioned anything about tuberville or pence. I'm asking about the supposed riot watch party. You've not given any kind of refutation other than "don Jr is dumb" and "Kim and don are hot for each other"

I want you to explain how in the video you've linked several times, there is no indication that they were watching the riot, and that nobody there would have videoed such and event and put it on the web for all to see.

Also, this makes..twice that you have made derogatory references. First you say trump has butt buddies, a derogatory reference to gay people, now you call Kimberly a bimbo, a derogatory reference to women. You can't seem to avoid making all kinds of hate speech this week can you?
Don Jrs. play by play leading up to the storming of the Capitol that he recorded. He recorded daddy watching the riot on TV screens. WE saw him watching it. Daddy did nothing about the riot, while watching it. Daddy did nothing when Tuberville called that Mike Pence was in trouble. Trump ignored the pleas for help.

Whatever it is you are asking, or think you are asking, is irrelevant to Trump's incitement. The fact that Trump did nothing after the fact, is all any criminal prosecutor would need, if this were a criminal trial. What else would anyone need?

And you want to talk to me about hate speech? Seriously? Tell that to the families of the dead, and the 144 injured police officers. They know all about hate speech.
Show me any riot on those tv screens. All they show are people standing around, there is no rioting happening on them.

I'm not discounting the people who were injured or those that died, im talking about YOUR insistence of using terminology that would otherwise get a conservative rail roaded and called out, but you seem to fling it about willy nilly. I'm pointing out that you are guilty of the very thing the left accuses the right of. Also, I admit, I am picking at you a bit, its not right, and I apologize for that :)

Still though, if you are going to call out the right for hate speech, maybe avoid doing it yourself? I mean, it is free speech and all, so yeah, its just bad optics.
Really? This is what is bothering you? Not seeing it from the TV screen off Jr.s recording? Whether they were watching the insurrection at the exact moments the TV screens showed up from his recording, is relevant to what? We don't need Jr.s recording to see the play by play insurrection. You seem to be rambling on about nothing, because what you have issue with has no importance whatsoever. Lol! Very odd requests to say the least. Maybe it's past your bed time.

When the Right wing Qanon terrorism stops for good, maybe we will have a talk about hate speech. In the meantime, you can forget about me pulling punches over domestic terrorists, especially when I wasn't the first one clenching my fists. It just ain't going to happen.
No, thats not whats bothering me. What I'm trying to point out is, we don't see any rioting on the screens. How do you know thats what they were watching? If there was no rioting on the screens, then how do you know what they were watching, or what they were waiting for? Because that NZ article said so?

So, your response to using hate speech is "well, they did it, so I'm going to do it too"? That's fine, again, we have free speech and its your right to use it.
OMG! Those who were watching, which was probably half the country, saw it in real time that day. Do you think Trump was watching reruns of Happy Days? LOl! Give me a break. You are beginning to enter into the world of total nonsense. Try and keep it together.

Don Jr. himself told us what they were watching, when he explained that the crowd was headed to the Capitol building. You are losing this argument all over again.
Please point out at what point in the video where don Jr says they are watching the crowd heading to the capitol.
Insanity - Democrats stealing an election and the RINOs letting the assholes get away with it.

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