The insanity of Trumpism and the insurrection explained

Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

Trump-ism is the harbinger of a new American National White People's Party...

Yep! Trump ran on racism in 2016, and they elected him for that reason.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.
You interpretation of his actions is total horseshit, of course. No one was ever convicted of anything based on a witnesses selk proclaimed ability to read minds. Claims about the defendants mental state are called "suposition by the witness" and are not admissible in a court of law.
An interpretation of Trump's non-actions to stop the terrorist attack is indisputable. No manner of delusion and fantasy from you is going to change that. Like Goldman said, a real trial and thirty seconds it would be over for Trump with a guilty verdict. Goldman: Trump does not have to be 'but for cause' of violence in order to be guilty

It is completely disputable. YOu are a liar.
You aren't making a case. You are saying nothing as always. You are continuously making a fool of yourself on this forum. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that.

Looking at a non-action and assigning intent, is complete speculation.

You people are the ones who have lost your minds.

I think I am starting to see why.
OMG! You seriously said that? Yes you did. Dude, there is no hope for you. Do you know who the commander-in-chief was at the time?

There is only one possibility at the time of Trump's phone calls with Tuberville and McCarthy that would dismiss intent. The fact that Trump was in a total vegetative state. But he wasn't, so that's not a possibility either. You are insulting your own intelligence. On its face, your excuse of speculation is beyond idiotic. Try again. That really is a stupid explanation.

Nonsense. THat is your confirmation bias speaking.

Trump is commander in chief. There are people who's job it is to secure the Capitol and they don't, or shouldn't need Trump to tell them how to do his job.

Especially in the middle of a crisis. A call from a much higher Authority, demanding answers or actions, while events are still unfolding

I've never seen that be helpful.

You are struck on stupid.
You are brain dead hopeless. Find yourself another hobby.

I'm not the one pretending to "know" what a person not doing something means.
You don't have to. We already know you aren't pretending, because you really don't know. You aren't smart enough to figure that out. In the meantime, those who understand what doing nothing means, are way ahead of you. Justice will be served in the way normal, honest, intelligent people understand how, and why it has to happen. We are burn out from the Right-wing corrupt party of Trump, where no accountability is ever recommended by their base or their majority in the senate. But now it will be;

What number am I thinking of?

You aren't thinking. Get lost. You have nothing resembling anything intelligent.
THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.
You guys keep posting the transcripts because the videos make it obvious they had to drug him into a stupor and put him in front of a teleprompter to get him to say it.
The transcripts don't change anything. His actions do, or the lack of. The fact that he didn't act to stop it proves incitement.
You interpretation of his actions is total horseshit, of course. No one was ever convicted of anything based on a witnesses selk proclaimed ability to read minds. Claims about the defendants mental state are called "suposition by the witness" and are not admissible in a court of law.
An interpretation of Trump's non-actions to stop the terrorist attack is indisputable. No manner of delusion and fantasy from you is going to change that. Like Goldman said, a real trial and thirty seconds it would be over for Trump with a guilty verdict. Goldman: Trump does not have to be 'but for cause' of violence in order to be guilty

It is completely disputable. YOu are a liar.
You aren't making a case. You are saying nothing as always. You are continuously making a fool of yourself on this forum. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that.

Looking at a non-action and assigning intent, is complete speculation.

You people are the ones who have lost your minds.

I think I am starting to see why.
OMG! You seriously said that? Yes you did. Dude, there is no hope for you. Do you know who the commander-in-chief was at the time?

There is only one possibility at the time of Trump's phone calls with Tuberville and McCarthy that would dismiss intent. The fact that Trump was in a total vegetative state. But he wasn't, so that's not a possibility either. You are insulting your own intelligence. On its face, your excuse of speculation is beyond idiotic. Try again. That really is a stupid explanation.

Nonsense. THat is your confirmation bias speaking.

Trump is commander in chief. There are people who's job it is to secure the Capitol and they don't, or shouldn't need Trump to tell them how to do his job.

Especially in the middle of a crisis. A call from a much higher Authority, demanding answers or actions, while events are still unfolding

I've never seen that be helpful.

You are struck on stupid.
You are brain dead hopeless. Find yourself another hobby.

I'm not the one pretending to "know" what a person not doing something means.
You don't have to. We already know you aren't pretending, because you really don't know. You aren't smart enough to figure that out. In the meantime, those who understand what doing nothing means, are way ahead of you. Justice will be served in the way normal, honest, intelligent people understand how, and why it has to happen. We are burn out from the Right-wing corrupt party of Trump, where no accountability is ever recommended by their base or their majority in the senate. But now it will be;

What number am I thinking of?

You aren't thinking. Get lost. You have nothing resembling anything intelligent.

You are claiming to be able to read teh minds of people sitting there, doing nothing. That pretty much describes me right now. I am giving you a chance to prove your ability.

If you can pull it off, your claim about Trump will gain incredible credibility.

So, what number am I thinking of?
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

"I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky"
We already know that DJT communicated this to all followers of Trumpism the morning of the riot

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

NFBW wrote: To @Oldestyle @Correll @struth @lantern2814 @theHawk ThisIsMe etc . . . Would you supporters of Trumpism start losing your support for the magaKING if the Committee finds solid and direct evidence of close coordination on the goals laid out in the Eastman memo to overturn the election on Jan6 between DJT and the following indicted Oath Keepers who conspired to carry out the Eastman PLAN on Jan6 to Stop the Steal ????? 21NOV03-POST#407

“”” 32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants, THOMAS CALDWELL, DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, SANDRA PARKER, BENNIE PARKER, GRAYDON YOUNG, LAURA STEELE, KELLY MEGGS, CONNIE MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, ROBERTO MINUTA, JOSHUA JAMES, , JOSEPH HACKETT, JASON DOLAN, and WILLIAM ISAACS, did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2

More Trump? Didn't lefties get the message in Va. when McAuliffe ran on Trump hatred and government control over your kids?
We already know that DJT communicated this to all followers of Trumpism the morning of the riot

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17

NFBW wrote: To @Oldestyle @Correll @struth @lantern2814 @theHawk ThisIsMe etc . . . Would you supporters of Trumpism start losing your support for the magaKING if the Committee finds solid and direct evidence of close coordination on the goals laid out in the Eastman memo to overturn the election on Jan6 between DJT and the following indicted Oath Keepers who conspired to carry out the Eastman PLAN on Jan6 to Stop the Steal ????? 21NOV03-POST#407

“”” 32. From at least as early as November 3, 2020, through January 6, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the defendants, THOMAS CALDWELL, DONOVAN CROWL, JESSICA WATKINS, SANDRA PARKER, BENNIE PARKER, GRAYDON YOUNG, LAURA STEELE, KELLY MEGGS, CONNIE MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, ROBERTO MINUTA, JOSHUA JAMES, , JOSEPH HACKETT, JASON DOLAN, and WILLIAM ISAACS, did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and others known and unknown, to commit an offense against the United States, namely, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, that is, the Certification of the Electoral College vote, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(c)(2

Never seen you before. Hi.

But I can see you are in the top 5% of dumb asses here Charlie
Are you a real Christian. Was Dylan ROOT a real Christian who murdered just a bunch of fake Christians
Never seen you before. Hi.

But I can see you are in the top 5% of dumb asses here Charlie
Want to know how stupid he is? He’s a long time Bush hater (that’s what his name refers to), yet he fully supports the guy Bush and all of his staff voted for.

Yea, that’s how dumb he is.

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