The Insignificance of Reality in the Politics of the Left

What's funny is all these Dem sheep think they are part of the Dem elite. The Dem elite laugh at them behind their backs, what a bunch of rubes. Elite Dems getting rich selling out the very Dem sheep who elect them :laughing0301:
You mean right wingers don't you. Need a refund from Your guy?
What's funny is all these Dem sheep think they are part of the Dem elite. The Dem elite laugh at them behind their backs, what a bunch of rubes. Elite Dems getting rich selling out the very Dem sheep who elect them :laughing0301:
You mean right wingers don't you. Need a refund from Your guy?
naw, he meant what he wrote. it's merely how you listen.
In the computer age, facts can be manufactured. As people come to see this day after day, they become immune to claims of "fact-hood," believing instead that it is just some partisan's "version" of the facts that is being presented.

Take "Global Warming"/"Climate Change." Both sides have mountains of facts to support their positions on the issues, and often those facts can be extracted from publications of the other side.

Here are three more that might surprise you, drawn directly from recent published research or the latest assessments of climate science published by the U.S. government and the U.N.:
  • Humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century.
  • Greenland’s ice sheet isn’t shrinking any more rapidly today than it was 80 years ago.
  • The net economic impact of human-induced climate change will be minimal through at least the end of this century.
And yet, every day brings headlines of catastrophic projections from our own government sources - said to have been suppressed during the 45 Administration.

This is why "facts" don't change people's minds. Along with the fact that most people are too stupid to assess the difference between actual data and something they observed in their uncle's dog ten years ago ("anecdotal evidence").
I would really believe the lefts fear of this if a million of them decided at the same time to reduce carbon by decarbonating themselves for a greener Earth. Then I will believe them after the second million follow
How are we Nazis, be specific or eat your words you liar. The OP is closer to both parties and not just the one.

Again, you drooling troll?

You follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, baboon boi, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.
Right wingers have no morals only hypocrisy.
How would you know that, democrats don't even know what "morality" is.
You are not even qualified to discuss that subject.
RW'ers are typically church goers, with traditional family values, with families made up of a father, mother, and children.
Democrats want to destroy traditional families.
Too bad for you, bakers and photographers in public accommodation are laity not authority.

And, here is the moral greatest of the great on the Right Wing:
How are we Nazis, be specific or eat your words you liar. The OP is closer to both parties and not just the one.

Again, you drooling troll?

You follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, baboon boi, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.
Right wingers have no morals only hypocrisy.
In what way? It's easy to say things like that about the other side, get cheers from your "side". But what exactly do you mean?
Right wingers don't really care about morals or the law or they would have better arguments and better solutions.
Your posts have no content. You just spout leftist tripe. Read this article and pick out a few topics on "morality" to debate. Democrats are by judged by the policies they support to be immoral.
Planned Parenthood was caught on video advising a 15 year old girl to allow her boyfriend to beat, whip and gag her.

To deceive parents, Planned Parenthood claims their sex ed includes abstinence. However, PP’s definition of abstinence includes anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and mutual masturbation.

Students are also taught gender-bending and rimming which is extremely risky due to horrific parasitic infections. What twisted view of morality causes Democrats to desire to fill children heads with adult sexual practices as early as pre-k?

Democrat culture-warrior and Trump-hater, Perez Hilton tweeted, “To my fellow homos and all who like rimming…be extra careful whose ***hole (my edit) you eat.”

Tom DeLay exposed a Democrat secret memo in which Obama’s DOJ’s plans to legalize 12 perversions which includes bestiality, polygamy and make having sex with little boys legal. The secret memo mapped out how Democrats would attack churches who refuse to summit to having their constitutional religious liberty taken away.
The Insignificance of Reality in the Politics of the Left

This coming from the people who supported the guy who lied, saying he had the biggest inauguration, but didn't.
That he accomplished the most in the first 100 days, but didn't.
That said there was no insurrection, but there was.

And this from the guy who had to pay back $150 million in fraud.
Tom DeLay exposed a Democrat secret memo in which Obama’s DOJ’s plans to legalize 12 perversions which includes bestiality, polygamy and make having sex with little boys legal. The secret memo mapped out how Democrats would attack churches who refuse to summit to having their constitutional religious liberty taken away.

What year do you think this is?
What's funny is all these Dem sheep think they are part of the Dem elite. The Dem elite laugh at them behind their backs, what a bunch of rubes. Elite Dems getting rich selling out the very Dem sheep who elect them :laughing0301:
You mean right wingers don't you. Need a refund from Your guy?
naw, he meant what he wrote. it's merely how you listen.
Liberalism: where denial and delusion are inserted between fact and conclusion.

Liberalism requires a willingness to accept, and support, lies.

1.To be brutally frank, I am a hoarder of facts. Of information, knowledge, of trivia of all kinds. And then, I become promiscuous in the management of same, combining, joining putting parts together as one would a puzzle, resulting in all sorts of combinations and permutations simply for the enjoyment of finding parts that hadn’t been put together, but suddenly lead to conclusions.

I bet I am not the only one who thinks this way. And, I bet it is far, far more common in conservatives, individualists, than in Liberals, collectivists.
In fact, it is the reason conservatives eat Liberal’s lunch in debates.

2. But even so, it does not lead to the sort of re-education of Leftists that one would wish.

“Recently, a few political scientists have begun to discover a human tendency deeply discouraging to anyone with faith in the power of information. It’s this: Facts don’t necessarily have the power to change our minds. In fact, quite the opposite. In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger.” How facts backfire

3. It is the study of history, both modern and ancient, that provides facts. But as above, even when the facts, the basis of reality, are available, and ready to serve as public policy….they don’t.

“Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny And Societal Failure”
Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny And Societal Failure - CD Media

Socialist entities such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia both promised the birth of ‘the new man,’ a socialist sapiens, if we were to destroy capitalism, and replace worship of God with worship of state, government, the collective representation of man. “Today both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union are synonymous with tyranny and failure. Both nations murdered millions. Both nations no longer exist.”

Yet millions of Americans vote for the latest representation of those two mistakes: Democrat policies mirror the two that sprang from Karl Marx’s fevered mind.

4. In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.
Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.”

Did you hear that, Democrats?

Cue the chorus: “It can’t happen here!”

See what I mean?

I predict your post will trigger multiple local imbeciles.
This coming from the people who supported the guy who lied, saying he had the biggest inauguration, but didn't.
That he accomplished the most in the first 100 days, but didn't.
That said there was no insurrection, but there was.

And this from the guy who had to pay back $150 million in fraud.
that's it? really? How big the inauguration was? really? hahahaahahaha, yee but a little man.
What's funny is all these Dem sheep think they are part of the Dem elite. The Dem elite laugh at them behind their backs, what a bunch of rubes. Elite Dems getting rich selling out the very Dem sheep who elect them :laughing0301:
You mean right wingers don't you. Need a refund from Your guy?
naw, he meant what he wrote. it's merely how you listen.
or not. funny shit though.
The Insignificance of Reality in the Politics of the Left

This coming from the people who supported the guy who lied, saying he had the biggest inauguration, but didn't.
That he accomplished the most in the first 100 days, but didn't.
That said there was no insurrection, but there was.

And this from the guy who had to pay back $150 million in fraud.
You do not bring up much at all of the humongous amount of lies not of pushing an agenda, but the failures of them. You gloss over the successful part why hiding the parts that fail by not making statements on them and more. It seems we spend a few times more then we have to to see results anticipated or perhaps they should be a few times more successful. To the point people leave areas because of cost of living and safety suffocation even after spending all that money.

The Insignificance of Reality in the Politics of the Left​

A page and a half to accuse us of what you're already doing.

Who writes the crap for you?

Everything I post is my creation, my construction and is always supported with links, sourcing and documentation.

I hope you get to read the rest of the thread I have prepared......

...get the antacids ready.
How are we Nazis, be specific or eat your words you liar. The OP is closer to both parties and not just the one.

Again, you drooling troll?

You follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, baboon boi, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.
Right wingers have no morals only hypocrisy.
How would you know that, democrats don't even know what "morality" is.
You are not even qualified to discuss that subject.
RW'ers are typically church goers, with traditional family values, with families made up of a father, mother, and children.
Democrats want to destroy traditional families.
Too bad for you, bakers and photographers in public accommodation are laity not authority.

And, here is the moral greatest of the great on the Right Wing:
How are we Nazis, be specific or eat your words you liar. The OP is closer to both parties and not just the one.

Again, you drooling troll?

You follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, baboon boi, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.
Right wingers have no morals only hypocrisy.
In what way? It's easy to say things like that about the other side, get cheers from your "side". But what exactly do you mean?
Right wingers don't really care about morals or the law or they would have better arguments and better solutions.
Your posts have no content. You just spout leftist tripe. Read this article and pick out a few topics on "morality" to debate. Democrats are by judged by the policies they support to be immoral.
Planned Parenthood was caught on video advising a 15 year old girl to allow her boyfriend to beat, whip and gag her.

To deceive parents, Planned Parenthood claims their sex ed includes abstinence. However, PP’s definition of abstinence includes anal sex, oral sex, masturbation and mutual masturbation.

Students are also taught gender-bending and rimming which is extremely risky due to horrific parasitic infections. What twisted view of morality causes Democrats to desire to fill children heads with adult sexual practices as early as pre-k?

Democrat culture-warrior and Trump-hater, Perez Hilton tweeted, “To my fellow homos and all who like rimming…be extra careful whose ***hole (my edit) you eat.”

Tom DeLay exposed a Democrat secret memo in which Obama’s DOJ’s plans to legalize 12 perversions which includes bestiality, polygamy and make having sex with little boys legal. The secret memo mapped out how Democrats would attack churches who refuse to summit to having their constitutional religious liberty taken away.
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about morals. Y'all whine about taxes too much instead of simply practice the morality y'all hypocritically claim. Ten simple Commandments from God not the Expense of Government on Earth!

The Insignificance of Reality in the Politics of the Left​

A page and a half to accuse us of what you're already doing.

Who writes the crap for you?

Everything I post is my creation, my construction and is always supported with links, sourcing and documentation.

I hope you get to read the rest of the thread I have prepared......

...get the antacids ready.
You are simply not Happy enough. That is all.
The words you use are not American so I am guessing you are not American. being a Nazi means you subscribe to Nazism and yet you have a severe lack of Nazism in our govt. Your inability to discuss the issue shows a lack of character in the fact that you have to be a fanatic and fly off the handle and hurl pejoratives only proves you have no idea of anything you speak of...
The entire OP is a cut-n-paste half assed attempt to make a story form partial stories with those scary words thrown in for I guess bed wetting Republicans such as the OP and yourself.

Let's look at the Nazi Reich you faithfully serve.

Totalitarian? Check!
Collectivist? Check!
Repressive? Check!

Yep, you're a Nazi - no two ways about it.


The Insignificance of Reality in the Politics of the Left​

A page and a half to accuse us of what you're already doing.

Who writes the crap for you?
And they claim the Dems are communist yet can't show what makes them communist...Last week they were Nazi's......This stupid bitch can't make up her mind which name to call people she doesn't know.
It's not "her" mind. It's just posting what it's told to.

A perfect example of the old saying "we can only judge others by ourselves."

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