The "Intelligence Community" is treasonous to the core


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...

So this is one of those "can't trust the CIA because the Jews" threads.

Always interesting to hear from the Trump voters.

I'll take the word of my friends Putin and Assange over the word of the CIA, okayyyyy?

I know a lot about hacking. I know things other people don't know. You should write your secrets down and send them by courier.
Fuck this newfangled instant communication bullshit. You should write your secret messages on paper, preferably with a quill, and send them by Pony Express to your spies in the Middle East.
He added: “And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

When asked what he knew that others did not, Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

Mr. Trump, who does not use email, also advised people to avoid computers when dealing with delicate material. “It’s very important, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way, because I’ll tell you what, no computer is safe,” Mr. Trump said.
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The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
Yes, Trump should trust his friends Putin and Assange over the traitorous motherfuckers in our intelligence community.
Hardly a 'Trump Voter' - more like an 'out there' voter. I personally thought he was going to talk about how the CIA spied on the country - especially Congress, helped Hillary and Barry's international arms dealer move guns to Al Qaeda and ISIS, and illegally violated a Congressional Subpoena when they were summoned to appear before Congress to show them any and all evidence they have on Russian hacking, instead choosing to be a 'No-Show'. Didn't know we were going to go the 'Anti-Semitic Conspiracy' route again.

While I don't share his views, I still respect his right to have them.
when Trump's twitter days are over, the Old man wearing a shitty ball cap, and chinese tie will be whining like a little bitch about national security ..

oh wait, he already is.

I didn't hack Podesta's emails, Donald. Bleev me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to order the deaths of a few thousand more innocents in Syria. Talk to you later.
I find it John Kerry just stated we are more secure than we were in 2008; however, the news for the last 6 months has been dominated by news of Hillary's exposed server / data, the DNC's 'hacked' and leaked e-mail / data, how the Russians 'hacked the election', how vulnerable the US is to Chinese, Russian, etc hacking, etc....

The level of fear, insecurity, lack of security, and being hacked/violated has not been this high since BEFORE 2008.

So which is it - are we completely vulnerable and have just been hacked / infiltrated by foreign entities or are we more secure now than we were in 2008? It can't be both.
The "Intelligence Community" is treasonous to the core...Since Trump told me so...before that they were cool
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
Yes, Trump should trust his friends Putin and Assange over the traitorous motherfuckers in our intelligence community.
define "our"
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
Yes, Trump should trust his friends Putin and Assange over the traitorous motherfuckers in our intelligence community.
define "our"
When someone says "our government", does it stump your brain who they are talking about?

How about "our country"?

How about "our military"?

How deep does your stupid go?
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 - Public Law 108–458—Dec. 17, 2004

Everyone hates Trump the world over. The more we learn about him, the more he is hated. Only the most ignorant of scam victims believe and trust him. But as time goes on and they are scammed by Trump, he will even lose those supporters.
I do not think the 'Intel Community' is treasonous.

I think certain parts are 'shady'.

The CIA has operated pretty much independently and outside the law a good bit of the time...and definitely 'in the dark'. It is embarrassing to them when things they can't control happens - like the story of the charges being dropped against Hillary's and Barry's arms dealer, only to have the gun runner expose that the CIA was helping the dealer out of Benghazi provide weapons to both Al Qaeda and ISIS....or when it came to light how they had spied on Congress illegally. (Diane Feinstein almost had a real cow when she found that out.)

The FBI had a stellar reputation...until Barry and Lynch drug it down into and through the sewer, with the FBI director not helping. The stories in the background all exposed how the FBI agents themselves were PISSED how they were being used, manipulated, and prohibited from doing their thorough jobs at times.

While they may not be 'treasonous', it looks extremely bad when the heads of these agencies illegally violate Congressional Subpoenas, refusing to show up before Congress and show what evidence of investigations they may or may not have. It definitely looks like they are hiding something, or at least stalling for time.

But 'treasonous'? No
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 - Public Law 108–458—Dec. 17, 2004

Everyone hates Trump the world over. The more we learn about him, the more he is hated. Only the most ignorant of scam victims believe and trust him. But as time goes on and they are scammed by Trump, he will even lose those supporters.
No he won't. The rubes will follow Trump down whatever rabbit hole he leads them.
Everyone hates Trump the world over. The more we learn about him, the more he is hated.
'Everyone' is a false generalization.... And the truth is the closer he gets to his inauguration and Hillary does not get to hers the more the snowflakes hate him. :p
The CIA has been property of the Mossad since Clinton put Tenet in charge. The CIA was very much involved with 911. And we still haven't seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon.

The "Intelligence Community" only has credibility with traitors.... and those who hate Trump...
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 - Public Law 108–458—Dec. 17, 2004

Everyone hates Trump the world over. The more we learn about him, the more he is hated. Only the most ignorant of scam victims believe and trust him. But as time goes on and they are scammed by Trump, he will even lose those supporters.

I know right!!!!! I also hear everyone the world over detests Fanta. True story!!!
The pseudocons were all in favor of the Patriot Act when Bush and the GOP Congress passed it.

And when the news broke in 2006 that the US government was spying on all of us, they were okay with that, too. They ordered more flag pins and Support Our Troops magnets to celebrate. They told each other, "He's keeping us safe!"

They insist to this day that waterboarding is not torture. They live in moral relativism. That used to be a liberal thing, but not any more. The pseudocons have adopted quite a few far left beliefs and made them their own. Now, as long as we don't behead anyone, anything else we do is A-okay.

It wasn't until the baton was passed to Obama that the pseudocons suddenly had a problem with the police state they created. Oh how they howled and howled and howled!

But now the baton is in Vladimir Trump's hands, and everything is back to being okay again.

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