Democrats destroyed the credibility of the American legal system to support their own hallucinations of Trump becoming a dictator.

If each dollar came from a different person, it is still less people than voted for him the first time. Not really that impressive.
It wasn’t us. I voted for Trump in 2016. Trump lost me, because of what Trump was doing. Not what the Democrats were doing. What he was doing, which was fucking up by the numbers and refusing to learn.

But let’s discuss the institutions that have been violated. Trump did that, not us.

Let’s start with number one. The Documents case. The first one actually filed in court. What happened?

Trump got a phone call from the FBI asking for the return of Classified Documents. Trump could have said sure, come on over and pick them up. He could have said the documents here were declassified before I left office. Instead he lied and said there were none. The Democrats didn’t hold a gun to his head forcing him to make that statement.

Next the FBI checked their sources and decided that the documents were really there. They sent a letter again asking for the documents to be returned. Trump replied to the letter and said there were no documents.

Democrats didn’t sneak in and type the letter and send it back. Trump did it.

The FBI again consulted with witnesses and sources and decided the documents were really there. They went to court and got a Subpoena. So far, the FBI is handling this quietly without any public leaks. Nobody is saying anything. No whispers to the press, no snarky things on Twitter or Facebook. Just silence from those institutions you so respected before they went after Trump.

The Subpoena means that Trump has to answer the court. His lawyers conduct a search and don‘t find the documents. Not because there are none, but we now know because Trump ordered someone to hide them. Refusing to comply with a Subpoena is a serious thing. Because the next step is another escalation.

The FBI consulted with the witnesses and got signed statements that the documents were there. They went to a Judge. Got the search warrant. Again trying to keep it quiet. Trying to show the former President some respect. They needed, were charged by law, to recover the documents however. Now, the Search was conducted as quietly as possible to minimize the embarrassment. Who rushes out to run their mouth? The Left? The Democrats? The Deep State? Nope. It was Trump who screams that he is being subjected to outrageous behavior. A search warrant while he was in New York. Later he’ll claim they had orders to assassinate him. I’ve heard of some good shots, but not one that could fire from Miami and hit New York.

So who did this? Who abused the institutions? Wasn’t it really Trump?

Let’s go with the fake electors. Again, we see it is Trump doing it to himself. Not the Democrats. They would honestly prefer to let the man go out to pasture. But nope, Trump won’t do that.

Trump’s claim is that it is within his duties as President to harass innocent people, claiming they conspired to create tens of thousands of fake votes, with no evidence, and to create fake electors with forged documents, while pressuring political leadership in the states to set aside the confirmed vote totals.

That is more blatant than Nixon’s claim that if a President does it that makes it legal. A claim utterly rejected by everyone in the 1970’s. A settled issue. Until now. Why? The Democrats? The deep state? They pretended to be Trump and issued the instructions and were on an hour long phone call With the Secretary of State for the State of Georgia? They called the Speaker of the Georgia House demanding a special session to declare Trump the actual winner of the election?

Trump did this and so much more. Not the Democrats. He did it. To himself.

Your hatred makes it plausible that it is all a set up. Your insanity makes it seem rational. If they’re cheating, anything is allowed to do the right thing.

But there is a key to that. You have to be able to explain their cheating. How they are doing it. That’s the way it works in sports, the stock market, and every other facet of life. You have to be able to explain the cheating or rules violation. The place in Politics where this is decided is Court.

Trump’s cases in court were all thrown out. Why? No explanation of cheating was offered. Just the demand that the Court place everything on hold while an investigation is launched. An investigation that nobody saw any evidence for.

For two years the FBI, GBI, and Secretary of State’s office investigated those two women who supposedly brought in tens of thousands of fake ballots. For two years, and nobody got a whiff of any such a thing.

Trump gets investigated for two days and that is outrageous.

But it’s the Democrats who are awful.

The New York Case, again Trump did it to himself. I said it was the weakest case. I still believe that. But sadly the defense was even weaker. Trump kept making bullshit claims. He wasn’t allowed to testify. He was. But he made the decision not to. What he wouldn’t be allowed to do is avoid the cross examination. No defendant has ever been allowed to just say anything and walk off.

I read the news every day on the trial. I read the news on the witnesses and the questions that were asked. The defense was awful. I said above, and for months, that it was the weakest case of them all. But the defense turned out to be weaker.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence sits down with their lawyer when the thing is in the Grand Jury and discusses the situation. If it looks like they are technically guilty, they’ll arrange a plea bargain for a slap on the wrist. As the months went by and Trump became familiar with the testimony that would be offered and the evidence, that plea bargain was a better idea all the time.

I’m betting those Democrats you hate would have accepted a single guilty plea for a misdemeanor and a fine. Nope. Trump wants the political capital from idiotic supporters like yourself. Ones who refuse to consider anything but their own skewed view on any issue or subject.

Trump did this to himself. Trump did all of it to himself. It wasn’t the Democrats. Nobody in History has ever handed out forged documents like that. Nobody in history has ever gotten away with anything that Trump has done.

But it isn’t Trump’s fault. Not according to you.

Want to split? Really? Ok. The Left coast goes Liberal. Where do you import your shit from? Now it all has to go through the canals to get to the Atlantic. Do you really think Texas and the rest can handle what is imported through the West Coast for you all?

It wouldn’t be a month before you idiots were marching, let me rephrase. It wouldn’t be a month before you were demanding that other march off to war to secure the ports for you. You guys won’t risk your own precious skin.
Arguing the country needs to split up is a ridiculous argument. No state is purely liberal nor conservative, Everyone has family members who are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. People saying they want the nation to split up is no different from a grade school kid taking his ball home. At any rate, the only ones who benefit from a split will be our adversaries, Russia and China.
You prefer a war?

Cause that's what you'll get.
Go tell the DNC
We're just trying to catch up with Democrats, right?

I keep hearing that. But the proof seems a little thin. When we do find someone who voted often, they usually turn out to be Trump Fanboys.

For two years the FBI, GBI, and Secretary of State in Georgia investigated the two women you all swore were delivering tens of thousands of illegitimate votes. For two years the three organizations looked for proof of a crime. They found none.

I suppose it is possible the two women are part of a massive Evil Organization like the groups in the James Bond movies. But it doesn’t seem likely.

The movie 2,000 mules has been pulled because when faced with a lawsuit to put up the proof or shut up, they went with shut up.

But let’s think shall we? Let’s say there was any proof at all of voter fraud in Georgia. Governor Kemp would be a shoe in for the Presidency if he exposed it. Secretary of State Rafesberger would walk away with a Senate Seat for life.

But somehow these Republicans are totally part of this Deep State that included every FBI agent, every GBI Agent, and everyone in the SOS office.

But it is actually much worse than that isn’t it? If these two Black Women were so smart as to come up with a way to create tens of thousands of fraudulent votes in Georgia with Voter ID laws and all that, that was undetectable by the superior White folks, then that is really impressive isn’t it? I mean. We all know how dumb the Blacks are. Right?

So where are we? We hear lots of theories. Unfortunately we can’t find any proof for them. The actual evidence is that the RW types are more likely to vote often.

I mean the only other way it can work is if the Blacks are so far superior to the Whites that we are essentially kindergartners compared to them. Is that your assertion?
Squeals the dipshit who loves him the prosecutions violation of the COTUS.

You're so fucking stupid you think the army will fight for you.

Ok. I’m open to consider that argument. What part of the Constitution was violated by the prosecution of Trump?

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