The Irony of Whites Talking About Fatherless Black Families...

Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Your washer and dryer are probably made somewhere else, hotshot. Do you know
where Bosch refrigeratorrs are
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ??
Its not a fair point

the ordinary conservative, republican, trump voter knew instinctively that moving jobs to china was a bad idea

I‘m not convinced that the elected class in washington, or in the media, or at our universities had any idea what the consequences of that would be

and many still have not realized the error of their ways because they still embrace globalism and the rise of china

joe biden for instance
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters. Back in the day when all this began, nobody knew "instinctively" that companies' moving was a bad idea.
What was known was that the high costs made their stay here untenable.
Cheaper goods were starting to flow into our country and our manufacturing
could no longer compete by lowering costs to meet the competition. It was a moving explosion waiting to happen.
We are a part of a global economy and isolation will drive up your cost of living dramatically. Trump has no skin in the game and, in fact, manufactures his clothing line in China because it is too expensive to do it here. We need to make trade deals with other countries that will benefit both and do it without saber-rattling.
To late for your pie in the sky bullcrap now bud. That ship has sailed. You'll do what your told, and you'll like it. Oh and don't try to find anything worth a crap for your money anymore, because you won't find that anymore.

You'll replace that washer and dryer every two to three years and like it. Oh and for the blacks who are still trying to get ahead, well that washer and dryer with everything else cheap that gobbles up all their money, will cause them to remain in poverty for years to come...The race baiting Democrat's will blame the white's for the black folks woes in life, otherwise as they sit back on their kick backs pile, and create the tax loop holes that they provide for their globalist loving buddies to do what they do.
Your washer and dryer are probably already made somewhere else. Do you know
where Bosch (German) appliances are made? They are manufactured in North Carolina because we are a part of a global economy.
"Race-baiting Democrats"? You mean racist Trump supporters, yes. Read some of the blogs on this site.
Germany may be our enemy in the future but in soite of some differences we are not enemies now

they have a standard of living comparable to ours and are a good example of what the global economy that you worship should look like

china on the other hand is our enemy and they do not have the same values or standard of living
Germany is no Trump fan now, and China is not our enemy---yet. Trump did a good job of creating that scenario to rile up his uninformed supporters with constant saber-rattling. Y'all just adore that hard talk, yes? I guess you call it "negotiation".
The union employees are a major cause of the problem
Maybe so

or at least they were in the 1970’s and ‘80’s

unions have their place, but left unchecked they can be just as bad as the employeers
Unions are weaker today because there are fewer in number and have fewer members in those unions that survived.
The union employees are a major cause of the problem
Maybe so

or at least they were in the 1970’s and ‘80’s

unions have their place, but left unchecked they can be just as bad as the employeers
Unions are weaker today because there are fewer in number and have fewer members in those unions that survived.
Unions are good if under self control.
The union employees are a major cause of the problem
Maybe so

or at least they were in the 1970’s and ‘80’s

unions have their place, but left unchecked they can be just as bad as the employeers
Unions are weaker today because there are fewer in number and have fewer members in those unions that survived.
Unions are good if under self control.
I think that they are more self-controlled than when manufacturing began its exodus. Maybe they have learned a lesson.
Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You do know why corporations started offering health insurance as a benefit to their employees, right? Think finding ways around government trying to control prices and wages.
Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You declined to answer my question.

but we have answered it for you

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
You have not answered anything because you don't want any suggestions. You hear what you want to hear.
Let me repeat:

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
And how do you propose to create these "decent" manufacturing jobs when the American consumer can't/won't pay higher prices for American made goods? It's one thing to say, "WE NEED GOOD JOBS!!", quite another to figure out how to do it in a global economy.
Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You do know why corporations started offering health insurance as a benefit to their employees, right? Think finding ways around government trying to control prices and wages.
Oh, I do know and it had nothing to do with government control of prices and wages. The fact is that corporations offered health insurance to attract potential
employees because it was inexpensive at the time.
The descendants of the same people who would break up black families by selling them are today the loudest talking people trying to diss the black community about single parent families.

When people start talking about race, there are just some simple realities that cannot be denied. If you are white and don't like how you are portrayed, start thinking about how unpleasant it really is for us who are not white to be portrayed as weak inferior people who got conquered by a supposedly superior race and culture. It is not a pleasant subject. For this to end we all must face the unpleasantness.

The doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem comes from European civil law. It means; “That which is brought forth follows the belly.” This principle determined the legal status of children born by slave women in the America as well as other English or European colonies In colonial law, the partus doctrine justified enslavement, the indigenous people of the Americas and of the Africans imported to various European colonies personal property of those who imported them.

During the time American was a colony, this doctrine established de facto and de jure slavery for all children born to female slaves. Partus sequitur ventrem exempted the father from his obligations to children he fathered by slaves thereby creating the ability for slaveowners to have their way with enslaved women. Under this doctrine the biological father had no paternal responsibility to any child born to a slave woman. Because of this the slaver was provided the right to profit from exploiting the labor of children born to slaves. It gave the slaver the ability to sell children by taking them away from their biological parents. Partus sequitur ventrem was the doctrine that created the first family separation policy in what is now America.

Despite the claims of Africans selling each other, the doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem does not appear to be a part of the system of African slavery.

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape

This was the legal doctrine that made any child of an American female slave a slave as well. It meant any white fathers had no financial responsibility for their progeny. They were free to rape their slaves at will as there were no laws against that either. With no concern for any children that might come from the forced union. In fact, there was a market for mulatto and octaroon children who would be purchased to work as domestics. Some owners (Thomas Jefferson) used their half-white slaves as their concubines, finding them more attractive the closer they were to white. Sally Hemings was Jefferson’s wife’s half-sister, the product of her father raping a slave. Then again the master might sell their offspring to keep the peace with their wives who might be annoyed at little slave children running around who favor their husbands.

Not talked about in proper society were the children of free white women and black slaves. White women who weren’t sure what color the child might be could get a legal abortion those days. “Cottonwood” was a remedy known to slaves who sometimes refused to have children after being raped or as often as the masters would like. Some women would be forced to have over a dozen children if they survived as death during childbirth was relatively common. The rare slave would be offered their freedom if they produced enough children. Sometimes the dark child of a white woman was abandoned or given away. Usually just sold off although technically they were legally free.

View attachment 437108

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape | by William Spivey | Dialogue & Discourse | Medium

Partus sequitur ventrem legal definition of Partus sequitur ventrem (
The tragedy of Blacks doing nothing about it.
How did they "steal" the election? Where is the fraud, except in trump's mind?
The mail in ballots
How are they fraud when an application for a ballot had to be filled out and when they were analyzed ad nausea?

Cute try or are you really that ignorant?

I don't know of anyone who is opposed to ABSENTEE BALLOTS. As you know, with an absentee ballot, one has to request the ballot which is then noted on the voter rolls. That individual's ballot is then checked against their registration when the ballot is returned. The signature is also matched against that on the voter registration.

As you know, or should know, this issue is with ballots being mailed to everyone registered. This policy is rife with opportunities for fraud.

Not another state takes the extraordinary steps taken in Oregon which has had 20 years to perfect and secure their system. They are meticulous about checking their voter rolls. They have employees who check obituaries, death certificates filed and any other means to delete people from the rolls. Most states haven't purged their rolls in many years. Every effort to purge most rolls results in Democrats screaming that their vote is being suppressed.
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters.
You are talking to an ordinary reoublican and trump supporter

what you mean is that the corrupt career politicians in washington who call themselves republicans are really not

they are phonies

fakes who say one thing during election campaigns are do something else in office
What I mean is exactly how I put it. Trump supporters are not Republicans, and neither are you with your blather. Republicans have different ideals than trump supporters and do not support an insurrection the likes of which we witnessed on Wednesday when 6 people died and Trump was cheering and encouraging them.

Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You declined to answer my question.

but we have answered it for you

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
You have not answered anything because you don't want any suggestions. You hear what you want to hear.
Let me repeat:

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
And how do you propose to create these "decent" manufacturing jobs when the American consumer can't/won't pay higher prices for American made goods? It's one thing to say, "WE NEED GOOD JOBS!!", quite another to figure out how to do it in a global economy.
I agree. Some corporations have moved here and into southern states, where unions are under control, wages and benefits are reasonable, and pricing can be more competitive. Also, I think that companies are developing better relationships with employees rather than the "we against them" mentality that existed. Management discussion of policy with groups of employees, child care for working parents, and profit-sharing are examples. The working atmosphere has improved and employees have an interest in their company's success.
The ordinary conservative Republican is not a Trump supporter because true Republicans have different ideals than Trump supporters.
You are talking to an ordinary reoublican and trump supporter

what you mean is that the corrupt career politicians in washington who call themselves republicans are really not

they are phonies

fakes who say one thing during election campaigns are do something else in office
What I mean is exactly how I put it. Trump supporters are not Republicans, and neither are you with your blather. Republicans have different ideals than trump supporters and do not support an insurrection the likes of which we witnessed on Wednesday when 6 people died and Trump was cheering and encouraging them.

James Comey is responsible for Trump's election because he could have withheld the info until after the election. When that stuff was exposed, people turned against Clinton. We all know how important personal loyalty to Trump is no matter what,
even though government officials are supposed to be loyal to the American people, and not Trump.
When Trump asked Comey for his personal loyalty, Comey replied that he was loyal to the American people, the insecure grifter couldn't handle it, and he fired Comey.
Trey Goudy is an idiot.
Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You do know why corporations started offering health insurance as a benefit to their employees, right? Think finding ways around government trying to control prices and wages.
Oh, I do know and it had nothing to do with government control of prices and wages. The fact is that corporations offered health insurance to attract potential
employees because it was inexpensive at the time.
It was a way to increase the attractiveness of a job when they couldn't give higher pay. The bottom line remains, though, when government tries to "fix" something it usually ends up making things worse.
How did they "steal" the election? Where is the fraud, except in trump's mind?
The mail in ballots
How are they fraud when an application for a ballot had to be filled out and when they were analyzed ad nausea?

Cute try or are you really that ignorant?

I don't know of anyone who is opposed to ABSENTEE BALLOTS. As you know, with an absentee ballot, one has to request the ballot which is then noted on the voter rolls. That individual's ballot is then checked against their registration when the ballot is returned. The signature is also matched against that on the voter registration.

As you know, or should know, this issue is with ballots being mailed to everyone registered. This policy is rife with opportunities for fraud.

Not another state takes the extraordinary steps taken in Oregon which has had 20 years to perfect and secure their system. They are meticulous about checking their voter rolls. They have employees who check obituaries, death certificates filed and any other means to delete people from the rolls. Most states haven't purged their rolls in many years. Every effort to purge most rolls results in Democrats screaming that their vote is being suppressed.
For the most part, applications for mail-in ballots are mailed to those on the voter rolls. You are mistaken. They just don't send ballots. I had to request an application
for a mail-in ballot. Purging can be done at any time and should be done, but the fraud, if any, was minuscule. Trump was trying to overturn an election that he LOST
and ballot reviews confirmed Biden's win over and over again.
I think that they are more self-controlled than when manufacturing began its exodus. Maybe they have learned a lesson.
I was watching a PBS program on artificial intelligence and one segment featured job loss in Saginaw MI

it showed a long line of robots building cars

but what caught my eye was the name on every machine - Hyundai

why dont we even make the damn machines instead of buying them from Korea?
Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You do know why corporations started offering health insurance as a benefit to their employees, right? Think finding ways around government trying to control prices and wages.
Oh, I do know and it had nothing to do with government control of prices and wages. The fact is that corporations offered health insurance to attract potential
employees because it was inexpensive at the time.
It was a way to increase the attractiveness of a job when they couldn't give higher pay. The bottom line remains, though, when government tries to "fix" something it usually ends up making things worse.
The bottom line here has nothing to do with the government. Business is a unique
profession, is complicated and confusing to those who have never had their own business or are efficient in other fields. Sometimes it is confusing for those who cheerfully become business owners because they think that it is all about driving a fancy car.
And how do you propose to create these "decent" manufacturing jobs when the American consumer can't/won't pay higher prices for American made goods?
Its not easy

consumers begin by wanting the lowest price for everything

then THEIR job moves to china and they desperately NEED the lowest price possible

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