The Irony of Whites Talking About Fatherless Black Families...

Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You declined to answer my question.

but we have answered it for you

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
You have not answered anything because you don't want any suggestions. You hear what you want to hear.
Let me repeat:

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
I don't believe that. A province of China? Nah. We need to induce manufacturing to move here. Tax breaks, health care for all at a low cost with government participation. You don't like this, but the cost of doing business here is what has chased manufacturing away.

And outrageous regulations.
No, the regulations were hardly outrageous. They were put in place to protect you from pollution. They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations. They did not move because of these regulations and regulations should not be squashed for money. Your health is in play.
No, the regulations were hardly outrageous. They were put in place to protect you from pollution. They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations. They did not move because of these regulations and regulations should not be squashed for money. Your health is in play.


As you well know, there are thousands of regulations that are simply outrageous and serve no legitimate purpose.

For example, I've lived in Florida most of my life. Agriculture is a major part of our economy. Tomatoes are a large part of those crops. There are stiff regulations, here in Florida that dictate the physical characteristics of the tomatoes shipped out of state. Notice I said nothing about the flavor. If they look pretty, if they ship well, that's all that's important. We raise other tomatoes in Florida that TASTE great, like heirloom tomatoes but they're ugly.

So we can export million of these tomatoes:

But farmers cannot ship out of Florida these "Ugly Ripe" tomatoes which taste far better.


Even you know that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of such regulations.
The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

blacks create their own problems

Black welfare moms for instance lead to fatherless hoodlums who create fatherless children of their own when they arent in jail

The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I say that having lived nearhly 60 years as a black man. You have not lived one second black, you are a racist and yet you think you can argue. So when you turn black and live a few ywars come talk to me.
And as a White who has lived over sixty years I can say you are full of crap. For every racist white I've met, I've met ten racist blacks or Latinos. All you want to do is to blame your failures on other people.

I knew this elderly black man. He admitted he was racist. I told him I found that counter productive and doesn't help anything.

He then told me the story about how it was his daughter that integrated the local schools. She was in elementary school and he would go everyday to eat lunch with her because no one else would. He would hear the names the other kids would call her (you can imagine). He said that was something he would never get over. I told him I understood.

He was made to hate white people because of of what white people had done to him. Calling hikm a racist when he was angry by the way whites treated him and his daughter is disingenuous. And it is this disingenuous stuff is what allows whites today to try claimjing blackgs are just as racist. I know that's not what your point is pknopp and so don't be offended. I am targeting my words for AZrailwhale whose comments are prime example of the disingenuousness I am talkking about. There is a difference in being taught that people are dumb, lazy, violent and criminal then consistently being mistreated and having to face the attitudes of whites who believe those teachings. AZrailwhale doesn't seem to see the difference because he's a racist and thinks he gets to be one and that blacks or Latinos are just going to take it.


My failings are such that I helped build 3 organizations and retired from such work in my 50's. Now I work on personal projects on my time. Hopefully you have failed as badly as I have. So you can stop repeating that dumb ass line and face the truth. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
In the neighborhood I grew up in racists of any stripe didn't survive to grow up. It was totally integrated. If there was a majority, it was the various Asians if you lumped all of them together which they weren't willing to do. There were examples of every race and nationality that I can think of there. I judge people by their actions and expressed character, not their color. You, on the other hand, judge people by their color, not their actions or expressed character. You and the people who believe as you do are the direct cause of the failure of the Black Americans who populate the inner cities and blame all their failures on other people.
If there is no competition, prices would rise dramatically.
Paying Americans a high wage instead of using chinese slave labor would cause prices to rise

and thats a good thing
Raising wages causes inflation and jobs to go bye bye.
The only time any wage should be raised, uhhh is if someone earns it. Period......

Merit and character is the only way to go forward now.

Yes that should be what we have now as a measuring stick, otherwise to have a minimum wage or start pay based upon the formulas that were worked out over the years by intelligent people.

I agree that no company should be forced by government to then have to pay it's employee's some kind of across the board living wage without merit... It's (unexceptable).

Wrong, lambchop. American workers will not win their jobs back, as history has indicated. You will simply pay more.
OK pajama boy, whatever you say

shar sort of a nation do you see America being when everything is imported from china and there are no meaningful jobs for people in this country
The question is---What to do short of saber-rattling, which accomplished nothing except to antagonize?
We increase tariffs, so do they, and we pay more. What we could do is to give corporations tax incentives to move here and Health care for all, as they have in Europe, which would be a huge financial relief for business. My view is that our workers, as they grow into adults, need to educate their brains, rather than their braun, to find better-paying jobs. That begins in their youth.
I think that the intellectual property problem is most important to resolve.
You declined to answer my question.

but we have answered it for you

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
You have not answered anything because you don't want any suggestions. You hear what you want to hear.
Let me repeat:

without decent manufacturing jobs America becomes a province of china

its as simple as that
I don't believe that. A province of China? Nah. We need to induce manufacturing to move here. Tax breaks, health care for all at a low cost with government participation. You don't like this, but the cost of doing business here is what has chased manufacturing away.

And outrageous regulations.
No, the regulations were hardly outrageous. They were put in place to protect you from pollution. They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations. They did not move because of these regulations and regulations should not be squashed for money. Your health is in play.
The bottom line is that regulations are used to detour businesses (certain ones), from doing business in America all due to the heavy pollution factor involved, so hey just get these businesses to move abroad in order to heavily pollute other countries that are desperate for the money and power (China) for example, while turning this nation into a national anti-pollutant green energy, utopic paradise, yet at the expense of other nation's in the world's demise.

It all comes with a price though, and I think once China is powerful enough, that it will turn on America, and it will be just another victim seeking VENGENCE on America after using it's communist government to do the things that it has helped China to do to it's own people for us. Everything comes with a price, and China has got to be smiling about what just took place in this country.
I don't believe that. A province of China? Nah.
And sadly you wont believe it till its too late
Tax breaks, health care for all at a low cost with government participation. You don't like this, but the cost of doing business here is what has chased manufacturing away.
instead of tax breaks biben and the Green New Deal wackos are going to raise taxes on corporations

you wont like it but your opinion no longer matters to them
They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations.
However, liberal democrat greenies also wanted cheap products to buy

so they exported the jobs -and the pollution - to china
However, trump supporter type ilk also wanted cheap products and allowed manufacturing to move, and they still are moving.
I don't believe that. A province of China? Nah.
And sadly you wont believe it till its too late
Tax breaks, health care for all at a low cost with government participation. You don't like this, but the cost of doing business here is what has chased manufacturing away.
instead of tax breaks biben and the Green New Deal wackos are going to raise taxes on corporations

you wont like it but your opinion no longer matters to them
Of course, the ridiculous tax reductions have to be adjusted. That does not mean no tax breaks. Health care is a huge issue.
However, trump supporter type ilk also wanted cheap products and allowed manufacturing to move, and they still are moving.
the republican establishment is filled with globalists

but not many inside washington GOP swamp rats supported trump

in fact they are the bulk of the never trumpsters
Health care is a huge issue.
If so then why havent ALL the businesses large and small in America closed down?

everyone faces the same healthcare issue but only companies faced with cheap chinese imports jumped ship
Health care is a huge issue.
If so then why havent ALL the businesses large and small in America closed down?

everyone faces the same healthcare issue but only companies faced with cheap chinese imports jumped ship
They haven't closed or moved because they are able to be competitive. Employee
expense is 75%-80% of a company's overhead. If they are able to meet their overhead, they stay open. If not, they close or move. Unions, with featherbedding,
the threat of strikes, no accountability for poor workmanship, and exorbitant benefits
bear some responsibility.
Unions, with featherbedding,
Yes, I could tell you stories of union workers I‘ve known who were refugees from closed shop states, then forced to leave their home to find work

the unions were partially responsible for that

but better a lazy union worker in America preserving our manufacturing base than 5 chinese workers in china contributing to the growth of the dragon that seeks to devour us
What's ironic about it? Black people have a high crime rate for some reason. If it'snot due to a poor upbringing and lack of positive role models then it must be something else....something that cannot be fixed.
They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations.
However, liberal democrat greenies also wanted cheap products to buy

so they exported the jobs -and the pollution - to china
However, trump supporter type ilk also wanted cheap products and allowed manufacturing to move, and they still are moving.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ?? You guessed it, the Trump administration and it's supporters. It's sad the Chinese people aren't more powerful against it's sell out government to the west, and to the world, otherwise where for money and power to it's communist , and to it's leadership, it has polluted, and caused terrible diseases in the poor Chinese provinces, and on top of that released a killer virus on the world that has killed hundreds of thousands or maybe millions by now.

So American's foolishly turn on Trump all due to leftist propaganda, and due it's infiltration into the deepest layers of our government. Now isn't that special.
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Health care is a huge issue.
If so then why havent ALL the businesses large and small in America closed down?

everyone faces the same healthcare issue but only companies faced with cheap chinese imports jumped ship
They haven't closed or moved because they are able to be competitive. Employee
expense is 75%-80% of a company's overhead. If they are able to meet their overhead, they stay open. If not, they close or move. Unions, with featherbedding,
the threat of strikes, no accountability for poor workmanship, and exorbitant benefits
bear some responsibility.
All this bullcrap might have been front and center back in the day, but it's a whole other monster these days. How about catching up, because your tired arguments are ready for the dust bin of time.
Health care is a huge issue.
If so then why havent ALL the businesses large and small in America closed down?

everyone faces the same healthcare issue but only companies faced with cheap chinese imports jumped ship
They haven't closed or moved because they are able to be competitive. Employee
expense is 75%-80% of a company's overhead. If they are able to meet their overhead, they stay open. If not, they close or move. Unions, with featherbedding,
the threat of strikes, no accountability for poor workmanship, and exorbitant benefits
bear some responsibility.
All this bullcrap might have been front and center back in the day, but it's a whole other monster these days. How about catching up, because your tired arguments are ready for the dust bin of time.
If manufacturing companies were plentiful in our country, and there was little or no competition, "back in the day" would rear its ugly head today.
Health care is a huge issue.
If so then why havent ALL the businesses large and small in America closed down?

everyone faces the same healthcare issue but only companies faced with cheap chinese imports jumped ship
They haven't closed or moved because they are able to be competitive. Employee
expense is 75%-80% of a company's overhead. If they are able to meet their overhead, they stay open. If not, they close or move. Unions, with featherbedding,
the threat of strikes, no accountability for poor workmanship, and exorbitant benefits
bear some responsibility.
All this bullcrap might have been front and center back in the day, but it's a whole other monster these days. How about catching up, because your tired arguments are ready for the dust bin of time.
If manufacturing companies were plentiful in our country, and there was little or no competition, "back in the day" would rear its ugly head today.
Just take your Wuhan shot boy, and obey your new master's. That's all you need to know going forward.
They were working and industry was adjusting to these environmental regulations.
However, liberal democrat greenies also wanted cheap products to buy

so they exported the jobs -and the pollution - to china
However, trump supporter type ilk also wanted cheap products and allowed manufacturing to move, and they still are moving.
Ok, fair point, but who recognized the detrimental affect on our country first, and wants to reverse the immoral bullcrap ?? You guessed it, the Trump administration and it's supporters. It's sad the Chinese people aren't more powerful against it's sell out government to the west, and to the world, otherwise where for money and power to it's communist , and to it's leadership, it has polluted, and caused terrible diseases in the poor Chinese provinces, and on top of that released a killer virus on the world that has killed hundreds of thousands or maybe millions by now.

So American's foolishly turn on Trump all due to leftist propaganda, and due it's infiltration into the deepest layers of our government. Now isn't that special.
Americans turned on trump because of his lack of moral fiber, divisiveness, constant fabrication, threatening, and bullying manner. His lack of knowledge about subjects that he insisted he knew more about than the experts didn't help his credibility.
Health care is a huge issue.
If so then why havent ALL the businesses large and small in America closed down?

everyone faces the same healthcare issue but only companies faced with cheap chinese imports jumped ship
They haven't closed or moved because they are able to be competitive. Employee
expense is 75%-80% of a company's overhead. If they are able to meet their overhead, they stay open. If not, they close or move. Unions, with featherbedding,
the threat of strikes, no accountability for poor workmanship, and exorbitant benefits
bear some responsibility.
All this bullcrap might have been front and center back in the day, but it's a whole other monster these days. How about catching up, because your tired arguments are ready for the dust bin of time.
If manufacturing companies were plentiful in our country, and there was little or no competition, "back in the day" would rear its ugly head today.
Just take your Wuhan shot boy, and obey your new master's. That's all you need to know going forward.
You mean like you obeyed your old master?
Unions, with featherbedding,
Yes, I could tell you stories of union workers I‘ve known who were refugees from closed shop states, then forced to leave their home to find work

the unions were partially responsible for that

but better a lazy union worker in America preserving our manufacturing base than 5 chinese workers in china contributing to the growth of the dragon that seeks to devour us
Really? That, high salaries and benefits are some of the reasons reason why manufacturing left.

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